@ Commit message Author Date Author
5f24d8f rewriting of event handling class, StreamSources Browse code 2024-05-24
5f551bd Critical Bug fix : Dimension Error on putting detected mask over source image ( the dimension of mask has changed into (1,x,y) into (x,y,1) Browse code 2024-05-24
0aa9d36 note to myself : http headers does not use '_', and will be converted into '-', and by convention, should use captical letter at the first letter of each words. Browse code 2024-05-24
ad162f2 working on connecting inference and postprocess Browse code 2024-05-24
3844492 inference result sending fix Browse code 2024-05-23
dd791b5 inference result sending fix Browse code 2024-05-23
a05bd03 postprocess_draft0.1 Browse code 2024-05-23
d9ad2ad working with postprocessing module Browse code 2024-05-22
c865488 Bug fix and refactoring for inferenece_.py Browse code 2024-05-22
6657e94 fixing a critical bug Browse code 2024-05-21
e379e60 fixed a critical bug Browse code 2024-05-21
31b3383 postprocess 작성중 Browse code 2024-05-21
6e76cad 추론 서버 코드 작성 Browse code 2024-05-21
894e2c8 추론 서버 코드 작성 Browse code 2024-05-21
9ac7555 hls 스트리밍 및 추론 병합을 위한 테스트 및 코드 작성, config 파일들의 디렉토리 및 명명 리펙토링, ITS api 코드 가독성을 위한 변수 이름 및 잘못 하드코딩되어 있는 (도로 타입 변수 지정 불가) 부분 수정. Browse code 2024-05-20