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jlchoi1932 2023-02-09 5875017 230209 최정임 노드 모듈 UNIX


A PNG decoder in JS for the canvas element or Node.js.

Browser Usage#

Simply include png.js and zlib.js on your HTML page, create a canvas element, and call PNG.load to load an image.

<script src="zlib.js"></script>
<script src="png.js"></script>
    var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
    PNG.load('some.png', canvas);

The source code for the browser version resides in png.js and also supports loading and displaying animated PNGs.

Node.js Usage#

Install the module using npm

sudo npm install png-js

Require the module and decode a PNG

var PNG = require('png-js');
PNG.decode('some.png', function(pixels) {
    // pixels is a 1d array (in rgba order) of decoded pixel data

You can also call PNG.load if you want to load the PNG (but not decode the pixels) synchronously. If you already
have the PNG data in a buffer, simply use new PNG(buffer). In both of these cases, you need to call png.decode
yourself which passes your callback the decoded pixels as a buffer. If you already have a buffer you want the pixels
copied to, call copyToImageData with your buffer and the decoded pixels as returned from decodePixels.