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import * as React from "react";
import type { Location, Path, To } from "history";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "history";
import type { ParamParseKey, Params, PathMatch, PathPattern, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./router";
* Returns the full href for the given "to" value. This is useful for building
* custom links that are also accessible and preserve right-click behavior.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#usehref
export declare function useHref(to: To): string;
* Returns true if this component is a descendant of a <Router>.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useinroutercontext
export declare function useInRouterContext(): boolean;
* Returns the current location object, which represents the current URL in web
* browsers.
* Note: If you're using this it may mean you're doing some of your own
* "routing" in your app, and we'd like to know what your use case is. We may
* be able to provide something higher-level to better suit your needs.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#uselocation
export declare function useLocation(): Location;
* Returns the current navigation action which describes how the router came to
* the current location, either by a pop, push, or replace on the history stack.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#usenavigationtype
export declare function useNavigationType(): NavigationType;
* Returns true if the URL for the given "to" value matches the current URL.
* This is useful for components that need to know "active" state, e.g.
* <NavLink>.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#usematch
export declare function useMatch<ParamKey extends ParamParseKey<Path>, Path extends string>(pattern: PathPattern<Path> | Path): PathMatch<ParamKey> | null;
* The interface for the navigate() function returned from useNavigate().
export interface NavigateFunction {
(to: To, options?: NavigateOptions): void;
(delta: number): void;
export interface NavigateOptions {
replace?: boolean;
state?: any;
* Returns an imperative method for changing the location. Used by <Link>s, but
* may also be used by other elements to change the location.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#usenavigate
export declare function useNavigate(): NavigateFunction;
* Returns the context (if provided) for the child route at this level of the route
* hierarchy.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useoutletcontext
export declare function useOutletContext<Context = unknown>(): Context;
* Returns the element for the child route at this level of the route
* hierarchy. Used internally by <Outlet> to render child routes.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useoutlet
export declare function useOutlet(context?: unknown): React.ReactElement | null;
* Returns an object of key/value pairs of the dynamic params from the current
* URL that were matched by the route path.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useparams
export declare function useParams<ParamsOrKey extends string | Record<string, string | undefined> = string>(): Readonly<[
] extends [string] ? Params<ParamsOrKey> : Partial<ParamsOrKey>>;
* Resolves the pathname of the given `to` value against the current location.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useresolvedpath
export declare function useResolvedPath(to: To): Path;
* Returns the element of the route that matched the current location, prepared
* with the correct context to render the remainder of the route tree. Route
* elements in the tree must render an <Outlet> to render their child route's
* element.
* @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useroutes
export declare function useRoutes(routes: RouteObject[], locationArg?: Partial<Location> | string): React.ReactElement | null;
export declare function _renderMatches(matches: RouteMatch[] | null, parentMatches?: RouteMatch[]): React.ReactElement | null;