
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
// astexplorer: https://astexplorer.net/
// babel-core doc: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-core
import {
transformFromAstAsync as babel_transformFromAstAsync,
types as t,
} from '@babel/core';
import {
parse as babel_parse,
} from '@babel/parser';
import {
} from '@babel/code-frame';
// @ts-ignore (Could not find a declaration file for module '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs')
import babelPluginTransformModulesCommonjs from '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs'
import * as SparkMD5 from 'spark-md5'
import {
} from './types'
import { createSFCModule } from './createSFCModule'
* @internal
const genSourcemap : boolean = !!process.env.GEN_SOURCEMAP;
const version : string = process.env.VERSION;
// tools
* @internal
export function formatError(message : string, path : string, source : string) : string {
return path + '\n' + message;
* @internal
export function formatErrorLineColumn(message : string, path : string, source : string, line? : number, column? : number) : string {
if (!line) {
return formatError(message, path, source)
const location = {
start: { line, column },
return formatError(codeFrameColumns(source, location, { message }), path, source)
* @internal
export function formatErrorStartEnd(message : string, path : string, source : string, start : number, end? : number) : string {
if (!start) {
return formatError(message, path, source)
const location: SourceLocation = {
start: { line: 1, column: start }
if (end) {
location.end = {line: 1, column: end}
return formatError(codeFrameColumns(source, location, { message }), path, source)
* @internal
export function hash(...valueList : any[]) : string {
return valueList.reduce((hashInstance, val) => hashInstance.append(String(val)), new SparkMD5()).end().slice(0, 8);
* Simple cache helper
* preventCache usage: non-fatal error
* @internal
export async function withCache( cacheInstance : Cache, key : any[], valueFactory : ValueFactory ) : Promise<any> {
let cachePrevented = false;
const api = {
preventCache: () => cachePrevented = true,
if ( !cacheInstance )
return await valueFactory(api);
const hashedKey = hash(...key);
const valueStr = await cacheInstance.get(hashedKey);
if ( valueStr )
return JSON.parse(valueStr);
const value = await valueFactory(api);
if ( !cachePrevented )
await cacheInstance.set(hashedKey, JSON.stringify(value));
return value;
* @internal
export class Loading {
promise : Promise<ModuleExport>;
constructor(promise : Promise<ModuleExport>) {
this.promise = promise;
* @internal
export function interopRequireDefault(obj : any) : any {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
// node types: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-types
// handbook: https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md
* import is a reserved keyword, then rename
* @internal
export function renameDynamicImport(fileAst : t.File) : void {
traverse(fileAst, {
CallExpression(path : NodePath<t.CallExpression>) {
if ( t.isImport(path.node.callee) )
path.replaceWith(t.callExpression(t.identifier('import__'), path.node.arguments))
* @internal
export function parseDeps(fileAst : t.File) : string[] {
const requireList : string[] = [];
traverse(fileAst, {
ImportDeclaration(path : NodePath<t.ImportDeclaration>) {
CallExpression(path : NodePath<t.CallExpression>) {
if (
// @ts-ignore (Property 'name' does not exist on type 'ArrayExpression')
path.node.callee.name === 'require'
&& path.node.arguments.length === 1
&& t.isStringLiteral(path.node.arguments[0])
) {
return requireList;
// @ts-ignore
const targetBrowserBabelPlugins = { ...(typeof ___targetBrowserBabelPlugins !== 'undefined' ? ___targetBrowserBabelPlugins : {}) };
* @internal
export async function transformJSCode(source : string, moduleSourceType : boolean, filename : AbstractPath, additionalBabelParserPlugins : Options['additionalBabelParserPlugins'], additionalBabelPlugins : Options['additionalBabelPlugins'], log : Options['log']) : Promise<[string[], string]> {
let ast: t.File;
try {
ast = babel_parse(source, {
// doc: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-parser#options
sourceType: moduleSourceType ? 'module' : 'script',
sourceFilename: filename.toString(),
plugins: [
// 'optionalChaining',
// 'nullishCoalescingOperator',
...additionalBabelParserPlugins !== undefined ? additionalBabelParserPlugins : [],
} catch(ex) {
log?.('error', 'parse script', formatErrorLineColumn(ex.message, filename.toString(), source, ex.loc.line, ex.loc.column + 1) );
throw ex;
const depsList = parseDeps(ast);
const transformedScript = await babel_transformFromAstAsync(ast, source, {
sourceMaps: genSourcemap, // doc: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#sourcemaps
plugins: [ // https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#plugins
...moduleSourceType ? [ babelPluginTransformModulesCommonjs ] : [], // https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#options
// @ts-ignore
...additionalBabelPlugins !== undefined ? Object.values(additionalBabelPlugins) : [],
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
highlightCode: false,
compact: true, // doc: All optional newlines and whitespace will be omitted when generating code in compact mode.
comments: false,
return [ depsList, transformedScript.code ];
// module tools
export async function loadModuleInternal(pathCx : PathContext, options : Options) : Promise<ModuleExport> {
const { moduleCache, loadModule, handleModule } = options;
const { id, path, getContent } = options.getResource(pathCx, options);
if ( id in moduleCache ) {
if ( moduleCache[id] instanceof Loading )
return await (moduleCache[id] as Loading).promise;
return moduleCache[id];
moduleCache[id] = new Loading((async () => {
if ( loadModule ) {
const module = await loadModule(id, options);
if ( module !== undefined )
return moduleCache[id] = module;
const { getContentData, type } = await getContent();
// note: null module is accepted
let module : ModuleExport | undefined | null = undefined;
if ( handleModule !== undefined )
module = await handleModule(type, getContentData, path, options);
if ( module === undefined )
module = await defaultHandleModule(type, getContentData, path, options);
if ( module === undefined )
throw new TypeError(`Unable to handle ${ type } files (${ path })`);
return moduleCache[id] = module;
return await (moduleCache[id] as LoadingType<ModuleExport>).promise;
* Create a cjs module
* @internal
export function createCJSModule(refPath : AbstractPath, source : string, options : Options) : Module {
const { moduleCache, pathResolve, getResource } = options;
const require = function(relPath : string) {
const { id } = getResource({ refPath, relPath }, options);
if ( id in moduleCache )
return moduleCache[id];
throw new Error(`require(${ JSON.stringify(id) }) failed. module not found in moduleCache`);
const importFunction = async function(relPath : string) {
return await loadModuleInternal({ refPath, relPath }, options);
const module = {
exports: {}
// see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/a46b21f556a83e43965897088778ddc7d46019ae/lib/internal/modules/cjs/loader.js#L195-L198
// see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/a46b21f556a83e43965897088778ddc7d46019ae/lib/internal/modules/cjs/loader.js#L1102
Function('exports', 'require', 'module', '__filename', '__dirname', 'import__', source).call(module.exports, module.exports, require, module, refPath, pathResolve({ refPath, relPath: '.' }), importFunction);
return module;
* @internal
export async function createJSModule(source : string, moduleSourceType : boolean, filename : AbstractPath, options : Options) : Promise<ModuleExport> {
const { compiledCache, additionalBabelParserPlugins, additionalBabelPlugins, log } = options;
const [ depsList, transformedSource ] = await withCache(compiledCache, [ version, source, filename ], async () => {
return await transformJSCode(source, moduleSourceType, filename, additionalBabelParserPlugins, additionalBabelPlugins, log);
await loadDeps(filename, depsList, options);
return createCJSModule(filename, transformedSource, options).exports;
* Just load and cache given dependencies.
* @internal
export async function loadDeps(refPath : AbstractPath, deps : AbstractPath[], options : Options) : Promise<void> {
await Promise.all(deps.map(relPath => loadModuleInternal({ refPath, relPath }, options)))
* Default implementation of handleModule
async function defaultHandleModule(type : string, getContentData : File['getContentData'], path : AbstractPath, options : Options) : Promise<ModuleExport | null> {
switch (type) {
case '.vue': return createSFCModule((await getContentData(false)) as string, path, options);
case '.js': return createJSModule((await getContentData(false)) as string, false, path, options);
case '.mjs': return createJSModule((await getContentData(false)) as string, true, path, options);
return undefined;