yjryu / UI_Layout star
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yjryu 2024-01-10 b1cdf23 240110 류윤주 commit UNIX


Compiles a regular expression like syntax to fast deterministic finite automata.
Useful for pattern matching against non-string sequences.


This example matches Hangul syllables. The symbols defined in the machine are Unicode character categories which could be mapped from code points.

Machine definition:

# define symbols
X   = 0; # Other character
L   = 1; # Leading consonant
V   = 2; # Medial vowel
T   = 3; # Trailing consonant
LV  = 4; # Composed <LV> syllable
LVT = 5; # Composed <LVT> syllable
M   = 6; # Tone mark

# define variables
decomposed = L V T?;
partial = LV T?;
composed = LVT;

# define main state machine pattern
main = (decomposed | partial | composed) M?;

Visualized, the machine looks like this (double circles are accepting states):


Compiling and using the machine:

import compile from 'dfa/compile';
import fs from 'fs';

let stateMachine = compile(fs.readFileSync('hangul.machine', 'utf8'));

// find matches
for (let [startIndex, endIndex] of stateMachine.match([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 6]) {
  console.log('match:', startIndex, endIndex);


match: 1 3
match: 5 6


A state machine file contains a list of assignment statements. Comments are also allowed
and are started with the # character. Each statement is an assignment of a variable name
to a value or expression. Assigning a variable to a number produces a symbol, which is
added to the state machine's alphabet. Assigning a variable to an expression allows
for substitutions into later expressions. The special main variable should always be
assigned to at the end of the file, and is the final expression that will be compiled.

A subset of common regular expression syntax is supported. A list of operators and their
precedence is below. Operators with the same precedence are evaluated left to right.

1a | bAlternationMatches either a or b
2a bConcatenationMatches a followed by b
3a*RepetitionMatches zero or more occurrences of a
3a+RepetitionMatches one ore more occurrences of a
3a?OptionalMatches zero or one occurrence of a
3a{n}RepetitionMatches exactly n occurrences of a
3a{n,}RepetitionMatches n or more occurrences of a
3a{,n}RepetitionMatches up to n occurrences of a
3a{n,m}RepetitionMatches n to m occurrences of a
4t:<expr>TagTags the following expression with tag t
5(<expr>)GroupingGroups an expression
