yjryu / UI_Layout star
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yjryu 2024-01-10 b1cdf23 240110 류윤주 commit UNIX
# dash-ast

walk an AST, quickly


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[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dash-ast
[travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/goto-bus-stop/dash-ast.svg?style=flat-square
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[standard-url]: http://npm.im/standard

## Install

npm install dash-ast

## Usage

var dashAst = require('dash-ast')
var isIdentifier = require('estree-is-identifier')

var deps = []
dashAst(ast, function (node, parent) {
  if (node.type === 'CallExpression' && isIdentifier(node.callee, 'require')) {

## API

### `dashAst(ast, callback)`

Call `callback(node, parent)` on each node in `ast`. This does a preorder traversal, i.e. `callback` receives child nodes _after_ the parent node.

### `dashAst(ast, { enter, leave })`

Call `enter(node, parent)` on each node in `ast` before traversing its children, and call `leave(enter, parent)` on each node _after_ traversing its children. If a node does not have children, `enter()` and `leave()` are called immediately after each other.

## License
