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yjryu 2024-01-10 b1cdf23 240110 류윤주 commit UNIX

amCharts 5 Changelog#

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

Please note, that this project, while following numbering syntax, it DOES NOT
adhere to Semantic Versioning rules.

[5.7.6] - 2024-01-05#


  • One of the underlying series was not being removed when disposing MACross indicator.
  • Some of the newer indicators were not being restored.
  • autoSave: true set on DataSaveControl was not working.

[5.7.5] - 2024-01-04#


  • New Annotator setting: markerStyleSettings. Allows setting default settings for UI styles of MarkerArea. More info.
  • "Moving Average Cross" (MACross) and "Price Volume Trend" (PVT) indicators added to StockChart.
  • ZoomControl now has a new property: homeButton. It holds an instance of a button which zooms out the map to its initial position. It is hidden by default, so if needed, needs to unhide it by setting zoomControl.homeButton.set("visible", true).


  • Settings dialog for a "Volume Profile" indicator will automatically update count field value to a more suitable one when switching count type.


  • Clearing data on a ClusteredPointSeries would not remove its bullets representing clusters.

[5.7.4] - 2024-01-02#


  • New Annotator setting: markerSettings. Allows setting default settings for MarkerArea. More info.


  • Heat rules are now set on the default state of a target, too.


  • Changing data granularity on StockChart was not updating baseInterval on indicator's DateAxis resulting in indicator showing a wrong chart.
  • If exclude/include was set on a MapSeries without GeoJSON set, setting it later later would result in a map not appearing.

[5.7.3] - 2023-12-26#


  • Scrollbar background was being drawn shifted since 5.7.2.

[5.7.2] - 2023-12-22#


  • New setting on Label: maxChars. If set to a number, will truncate text to X characters with ellipsis, obeying breakWords and ellipsis settings.
  • "Bull Bear Power" indicator added to StockChart.
  • "Acceleration Bands" indicator added to StockChart.
  • Standalone registerClass(name, classRef) added to Stock Chart package (global: am5stock.registerClass()). Allows registering own indicator class so that it gets properly serialized and restored.


  • Improved min/max calculation of the ValueAxis when all the values of a series are the same.


  • "Volume Profile" was showing up in the IndicatorControl's dropdown, even if volumeSeries was not set on the StockChart.
  • Left-side ValueAxis on a StockChart (opposite: false) it was impossible to right-align axis labels to plot area. Scrollbar's width was also not adjusted to the width of the plot area.
  • Some drawing tools in StockChart where not working when chart was in comparison mode.
  • Drawings created when StockChart was in comparinson mode were not carried over correctly when switching to regular value mode.
  • Some drawing tools ceized working when main StockChart series was updated.
  • Searchable dropdown controls in StockChart were not clearing up the list of found items when the search field was cleared.

[5.7.1] - 2023-12-18#


  • DataSaveControl was always clearing manually-saved drawings/indicators unless auto-save was enabled.
  • Drawing tools eraser and clear would not always clear drawings loeaded by a DataSaveControl.
  • VolumeProfileIndicator was not working if added via API.
  • VolumeProfileIndicator was drawn detached from the Y-axis in some cases.
  • Fixed VWAP indicator with data that contained zero-volume items.

[5.7.0] - 2023-12-17#


  • New Serializer setting: fullSettings. Will ignore depth settings for keys listed in fullSettings.
  • New StockAxis toolbar control: DataSaveControl. Allows to automatically or manually save all drawings and indicators to browser's local storage, as well as restore them across sessions. More info.
  • Added additional item in SettingsControl: Auto-save drawings and indicators.
  • New setting in SettingsControl: autoSave. Enables user to toggle auto-saving of indicators/drawings via Settings dropdown.
  • New setting in DropdownList and DropdownListControl: exclude. Can be set to an array of item IDs that should not appear in the list. Can be used to disable default list items.
  • New property in StockChart: spriteResizer. Holdes an instance of SpriteResizer which is used among drawing tools.
  • zoomable setting added to Axis. If set to false, calling axis.zoom() won't do anything, meaning that the axis won't be zoomed with scrollbars, wheel, cursor etc.


  • StockChart will only sync zoom between X axes that are of the same type as the main axis.
  • All drawing tools that allow selecting and resizing them (Label, Callout, Icons) will now use shared instance of SpriteResizer.
  • IndictorControl is now searchable by default (searchable: true).


  • PeriodSelector's buttons were not being reset when chart was zoomed manually.
  • Dropdowns in StockChart's control were not being positioned correctly in all cases on a page with RTL direction enabled.
  • Drawings loaded from serialized data were not being deleted with eraser or clear tools.
  • Elinated multiple calls to preparing data of StockChart indicators.
  • On StockChart, indicator's panel X-axis was out of sync with the main panel's X-axis if the latter's scale was longer to some other series on the main panel.
  • Italic toggle was being ignored in StockChart label drawing tools.
  • GaplessDateAxis was not always including the first date when using axis.zoomToDates(startDate, endDate) method.
  • When swiching to percent scale `StovkChart's main panel was showing wrong Y-axis numbers until first zoom.

[5.6.2] - 2023-11-30#


  • Middle handles added to Parallel channel drawings so that the drawing could be resized vertically.


  • Clicking on a last or any other bullet when drawing a polyline on a StockChart will terminate current polyline. The next click will start a new polyline.
  • extraMax and extraMin settings now work on GaplessDateAxis. This allows adding extra space in front (or back) of your data. We recommend setting maxDeviation to 0 if you use extraMax.


  • In some rare cases (with a specific data count and groupData set to true) the chart was continously switching from monthly to weekly group interval causing the chart to flicker.
  • Tick position was not always correct with minorGridEnabled set to true.
  • On a DateAxis when gridInterval was set to week, it still showed minor grid lines even when baseInterval was also week.

[5.6.1] - 2023-11-27#


  • New default rule added to ResponsiveTheme that will hide minor axis labels below XXL (1000px) breakpoint.
  • IndicatorControl will not list Indicators that rely on volume if chart's volumeSeries is not set.


  • Fixed stacking of bullets with varying centerY.
  • role setting for Root element was being ignored.
  • Setting name for a Series would not right away update labels of its related legend item.

[5.6.0] - 2023-11-26#


  • addBullet(dataItem, bullet) method added to Series. Allows adding a Bullet directly to a particular data item instead of adding bullet function to the series. More info.
  • stacked (available values: "up", "down", "auto") setting added to Bullet. Allows enabling of automatically stacking bullets on an XYSeries. More info.
  • field (available values: "open", "high", "low", "value") setting added to Bullet. Works with XYSeries only. Allows setting a particular data field where the bullet should displayed at. Note: locationX``locationY settings will be ignored if field is set. More info.
  • New Root element setting: focusPadding (default: 2). Allows specifying distance between focused element and the focus outline.
  • Minor grid/labels added on AxisRenderer with new settings minorGridEnabled and minorLabelsEnabled (default: false). More info.
  • New setting minorDateFormats added to DateAxis. Allows setting different formats for minor grid labels. More info.


  • When DateAxis is in weekly grid mode, it will now use multiLocation for labels instead of location.
  • Placement of grid/labels is improved on DateAxis and GaplessDateAxis.


  • Truncating was not working properly on circular labels.
  • Fixed potential conflict of responsive rules in ResponsiveTheme.
  • Issues fixed with data items appearing in wrong place on a chart with data grouping enabled and timezone set.
  • DrawingControl.unserializeDrawings() method was broken since 5.5.7.

[5.5.7] - 2023-11-17#


  • Two new settings on a ClusteredPointSeries: scatterDistance and scatterRadius. Allow exploding clusters of very close points when further zoom-in is no longer possible. More info.


  • PieSeries was not issuing proper colors for its slices with some JSON config setups.
  • In StockChart when percent mode was being switched off and related series toggled via legend, it would revert to percent mode.
  • When updating data on a PieSeries its ticks could be displayed going all the way to the center briefly.
  • Changing data on a main series in a StockChart was not updating related indicators properly.
  • Legend marker for a LineSeries with bullets could display incorrectly if the whole chart was created before adding it to the Root container.

[5.5.6] - 2023-11-10#


  • Each <canvas> element in chart will now have its class set to reflect its layer/order, so it can be targeted with CSS. E.g. am5-layer-0.
  • ClusteredPointSeries added. Allows automatically clustering closely-located bullets into groups. More info.
  • zoomToDataItems() method added to MapPointSeries. Can be used to zoom to a number of series data items so all of them are visible.


  • DataProcessor was not parsing timestamp-based string dates ('"x"') properly.
  • strokeGradient set on an AxisRenderer was not being applied (since 5.5.5).

[5.5.5] - 2023-11-06#


  • SMA line added to Relative Strength Index indicator in StockChart.
  • A possibility to draw a Parallel Channel added to StockChart.


  • Removed dependency on the regression npm package.


  • Change of minGridDistance setting on AxisRenderer was not being applied until next redraw.
  • Snapping of StockChart drawings sometimes worked incorrectly.
  • Average line was drawn incorectly on a StockChart (since 5.5.2).

[5.5.4] - 2023-11-01#


  • All StockChart indicators with OverBought/Oversold ranges were zooming to the selected series range (they should not).

[5.5.3] - 2023-11-01#


  • New indicator "Stochastic Momentum Index" added.
  • All StockChart indicators with OverBought/Oversold ranges (Commodity Channel Index, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Momentum Index, Stochastic Oscilator and Williams R) have now middle line between oversold/overbought. Also a draggable grip added to oversold/overbought ranges which allows user to change values by dragging these grips.
  • New StockChart toolbar control: DropdownControl. Can use to add any content to be displayed in a dropdown when clicked. More info.


  • Changed defaults on a StockPanel: wheelY: "zoomX", panX: true, panY: true. Previously, those were hardcoded in ChartIndicator, which prevented a possibility to change them via a theme.
  • Changed defaults on an AxisRendererY: pan:"zoom". This adds zoom possibility for all Y axes of a StockChart (previously indicator Y axes where not zoomable).
  • IndicatorControl now extends DropdownListControl for consistency.
  • IndicatorControl has now scrollable: true set by default.
  • Tweaked number formats for indicator legend items.
  • Default ordering of indicators in IndicatorControl changed.


  • Returning empty string from labelHTML adapter on a Tooltip in some cases could result to an error.
  • Timezone formatting with "z" codes in DateFormatter was not always correct.
  • XYChart could flicker on Safari browser in some rare responsive CSS setups.

[5.5.2] - 2023-10-27#


  • customValue added to ISeriesDataItem and customValueField to Series. Allows storing additional numeric information which could be used for heat rules and other purposes.
  • A middle line between oversold and overbought added to StockChart's RSI indicator.
  • While drawing polygon in a StockChart, a line is drawn from the previous point to mouse pointer.
  • New setting scrollable (default: false) added to StockChart's DropdownList and DropdownListControl (as well as other controls that extend those, e.g. ComparisonControl). If set to true, will automatically limit dropdown height to fit into chart, and will show scrollbar if the contents do not fit.
  • Measure tool added to StockChart (as a drawing item).
  • toolSettings setting added to DrawingControl. Allows passing in default settings for each drawing tool. More info.


  • Printing via ExportingMenu print functionality using "CSS" print method will now temporarily remove all margins and padding on body so that images that do not fit into single page do not produce a blank page.
  • StockChart's Fibonacci drawing tool now draws from initial click point to the mouse pointer instead of to the right of the plot area.
  • StockChart's Fibonacci drawing tool's click point is now at 1 value (was at 0).
  • Most of drawing tools of StockChart now support snapping to data items.
  • Snapping to data items in StockChart drawing tools is now turned off by default.


  • If an axis range was created for a ColumnSeries after series was inited, columns for the range were not being created.
  • GaplessDateAxis valueToPosition method was returning wrong position if value was less than min value of the axis.
  • Unserializing indicators and drawings that create separate panel in a StockChart would not restore drawings in indicator's panel.

[5.5.1] - 2023-10-19#


  • Not all visual settings from columns were being copied to their legend markers.
  • Data items with identical timestamps in data could sometimes be ignored when plotting series.
  • drawingsInteractive(false) was not having an effect on some drawing tools (Vertical/Horizontal/Ray Line).
  • CategoryAxis' elements (e.g. labels and grid) were ignoring forceHidden setting.
  • Some line elements (e.g. grid) were being drawn somewhat blurry since 5.4.9.

[5.5.0] - 2023-10-17#


  • zoomTo (values: "start" and "end" (default)) added to PeriodSelector. If set to "start", period buttons will selectg from the start of the data, not from the end. "YTD" will still select to the end. More info.
  • PeriodSelector now supports "custom" periods. More info.
  • New filter settings added to Sprite: blur, brightness, contrast, saturate, sepia, invert, hue. More info. These filters are not supported by Safari browsers.
  • New GrainPattern added. Allows adding grainniness effect to any element. More info.
  • New private setting trustBounds added to Sprite. If set to true, the Sprite will check if a mouse pointer is within bounds of a Sprite before dispatching its pointer events. This helps to solve ghost tooltips problem which sometimes appears while moving the pointer over interactive objects. It is set to true by default on Rectangle and Circle.


  • Previously elements only supported one fill at a time - either fill or fillGradient or fillPattern. Now fill or fillGradient will be drawn even if fillPattern is set. This allows combining
    patterns with gradient fills.
  • Gradients no longer inherit parent object's fill.
  • It is now possible to draw annotations on a StockChart outside X-axis' min/max using axis overzoom.
  • If a forceHidden for the tooltip is set to true the tooltip size won't be taken into account when arranging tooltips on an XYChart.


  • An error was being thrown when chart with focused element was being disposed.
  • If a series had data items without value and axis was zoomed so that only these data items were in range, the series used its full min and max values resulting value axis to be fully zoomed out.
  • Using hide()/show() methods on an axis data item would no hide its visual elements.
  • Drawing annotations on a StockChart with timezone set was a bit wonky.

[5.4.11] - 2023-10-10#


  • SliceGrouper would use first color in series for a "group" slice if series was using a color set with custom list of colors.
  • Fixed a problem where no series was displayed after data with all 0 values was set (since 5.4.10).
  • forceInactive was not working on Container.
  • drawingsInteractive(value: bool) method in StockChart was not working properly.

[5.4.10] - 2023-10-06#


  • StockChart settings stockPositiveColor and stockNegativeColor was being ignored in some cases since 5.4.9.

[5.4.9] - 2023-10-06#


  • drawingsInteractive(value: bool) method added to StockChart. false will make current annotations (drawings) to be fully static (non-editable).


  • Zoom out button on XYChart was not focusable.
  • Pulled out slices of a PieSeries could overlap with other slices if some slices were hidden.
  • Pinch-zooming was not working properly in XYChart.
  • Candlesticks on a StockChart were being colored based on previous period close value instead of current period open value.

[5.4.8] - 2023-09-22#


  • Momentum indicator added to StockChart.


  • "z" date formatting codes were not respecting the Root.timezone setting.
  • If a new data was loaded and groupData of DateAxis was changed from true to false, the chart was not displaying the newly-loaded data properly.
  • Accessibility: togglable elements like legend items were not being toggled by ENTER and SPACE keys with some screen reaaders (JAWS, Narrator) active.
  • RST indicator of StockChart was always using "close" value even if a different value was selected in the settings.
  • In some case chart could freeze when selecting with an XYCursor and releasing outside plot area.
  • If a new animation of the same setting was created right after previous animation finished (on Animation's "stopped" event) the animation would not play.

[5.4.7] - 2023-09-18#


  • panelResizer property added to StockPanel. Holds an instance of an element used as a grip for resizing a panel.
  • originalEvent added to all XYCursor events.
  • selectcancelled event added to XYCursor.


  • HTML axis label on a circular chart were causing unnecessary CPU usage in some setups.

[5.4.6] - 2023-09-04#


  • When using the JSON parser, it's now possible to use a "@series" ref inside of a bullet to access the series of the bullet.
  • When using the JSON parser, it's now possible to use "#foo.get('bar')" syntax to look up settings on the referenced object.


  • In some cases DateAxis could error out when using time zones.
  • Canvas container had aria-hidden was set to incorrect value.
  • Bullets now work correctly with the JSON parser.

[5.4.5] - 2023-08-26#


  • New method addChildData() added to Hierarchy. More info.


  • Vertical wheel-scrolling is no longer prevented if wheelY: "none" is set, regardless of the wheelX setting.

[5.4.4] - 2023-08-18#


  • New setting on Sankey: linkSort. Set it to a custom function for sorting links, or to null to use link order from data.


  • Data items with null values will be ignored altogether when grouping data.
  • [Reverted] Accessibility: focus element of the non-visible focusable items (e.g. buttons) will now have aria-hidden attribute set, so they are not read out by screen readers.


  • In some setups month/year selectors were wrapping to two lines in a DateRangeSelector.
  • Fixing issue with chart not showing up sometimes.
  • XYChartScrollbar thumb area was not draggable since 5.4.3.

[5.4.3] - 2023-08-15#


  • Accessibility: focus element of the non-visible focusable items (e.g. buttons) will now have aria-hidden attribute set, so they are not read out by screen readers.


  • Fixing chart being resized incorrectly inside of nested flexbox. (Issue 1044)
  • SettingsModal was not being disposed together with a Root with a StockChart in it.

[5.4.2] - 2023-08-07#


  • New method on all axis renderers: toGlobalPosition(position). Converts relative axis position taking into account its current zoom count.
  • New setting on FlowNodes: disabledField. Allows pre-collapsing of nodes using data.


  • Fixing the JSON parser to work with geoJSON.
  • Fixing the JSON parser to work with stops.
  • Fixing the behavior of calculateSize when using transform: scale.

[5.4.1] - 2023-07-18#


  • All Flow (Sankey, Chord and Arc) nodes can be toggled (on by default). More info.
  • New Flow settings added: hiddenSize and minHiddenValue. More info.
  • Deviation added to editable BolingerBand settings (StockChart).


  • Chord's default value of "sort" changed from "descending" to "none". This change was necessary for the new feature of toggling nodes.


  • Label with wrapping/truncation, containing only symbols like question mark could make the whole chart break in a dead loop.
  • exclude/include settings on MapSeries was being ignored when new data was set for the series.
  • LineSeries was not being included in the caluclation of min/max of the vertical ValueAxis if it did not have any data points in current zoom scope of the horizontal DateAxis.

[5.4.0] - 2023-07-04#


  • New hierarchy-based series: Voronoi Treemap. More info.
  • New flow-based series: Arc Diagram. More info.


  • Label wrapping mechanism will now treat a zero-width space character as a word break.

[5.3.17] - 2023-06-28#


  • getTooltipText() method on Axis has a second parameter adjustPosition (default: true). Affects only DateAxis. If set to false will not adjust position before formatting date by base interval.
  • Root element now has three additional settings: focusable, ariaLabel, and role (all are empty by default). More info.


  • Accessibility: The role of the <div> element that holds focusable elements is changed to graphics-document (was application) to better reflect interactive element. More info.
  • Accessibility: <div> element that holds <canas> elements has now aria-hidden="true" set.
  • If using type with the JSON plugin, it will now always replace the existing Entity instead of merging.


  • ariaLabel on horizontal scrollbar grips were being populated to a slightly wider range than actual range of the related DateAxis.
  • ExportingMenu methods open() and toggle() were not working when attached to click events on external elements.
  • Stock charts DateRangeSelector was allowing pickers to go outside selectable date range.
  • The JSON plugin can now change properties on a ListTemplate (like grid). More info.
  • Tooltip was not always hidden when sprite.hideTooltip() was called.
  • If a mouse pointer was over a Sprite and tooltipPosition was changed from "fixed" to "pointer", it was not following mouse unless you unhovered and then hovered over sprite again.

[5.3.16] - 2023-06-13#


  • Legend label's were losing their disabled state if labels were updated by moving cursor.
  • XYCursor will no longre freeze when selecting and pointer moves out of plot area.
  • Treemap's focus navigation using arrow keys and focusableGroup was not working properly.
  • Annotator plugin was sometimes retaining drawings after drawing was cancelled.

[5.3.15] - 2023-06-01#


  • Dynamic updates to geoJSON on a PolygonSeries were not working since 5.3.13.
  • Updating data on a PolygonSeries was resetting map position.
  • Memory leak when modifying Legend data fixed.

[5.3.14] - 2023-05-30#


  • Interactive HTML tooltips with internal element structure were generating unohver events unnecessarily since 5.3.13.

[5.3.13] - 2023-05-30#


  • New setting forceLTR (default: false) on NumberFormatter. If set to true, will force all formatted numbers to be LTR, regardless of the direction settings on chart/page.
  • legend: true added to dataContext of a legend bullet DataItem (bullets are created for LineSeries), just so it is possible to distinguish between bullets created for series and legend.


  • Hierarchy was not not keeping its node toggle state after resize.
  • In some cases DateRangeSelector was generating an error when zooming SotckChart.
  • Always-on / on-click Tooltip was not being disposed properly when Root element was disposed.
  • Memory leak was happening when disposing a Container with verticalScrollbar enabled.
  • PieSeries was erroring if its stroke setting was set.

[5.3.12] - 2023-05-05#


  • New locale: Faroese (fo_FO). Thanks Martin Puge.


  • The min and max settings are now optional for IHeatRule (Issue 883).
  • Removed xlsx package (with vulnerability) from dependencies in favor of a bundled hard copy (version 0.19.3) due to their decision not to publish to NPM. (Issue 897).


  • Events now work properly with open shadow DOM (but not closed shadow DOM).
  • Fixed export of data freezing in some cases where there are visual elements on the chart that are constantly being updated.
  • Using parentheses in the in-line number formatting function was not working as needed.
  • Tapping on a touch display outside chart was applying default state to elements that weren't being "touch-hovered".
  • getDataItemById() method was not working properly on Hierarchy series.

[5.3.11] - 2023-04-07#


  • Possibly a breaking change! All HTML content in tooltips now has interactivity disabled. If you have buttons/links or other interactive elements, you need to explicitly set tooltip.label.set("interactive", true).


  • HTML tooltips were flickering when moving pointer over them.
  • Hierarchy drill-downs were broken in some cases (since 5.3.10).
  • TAB-focusing of elements on the page might get stuck in a chart if tabbing started outside the document.

[5.3.10] - 2023-04-06#


  • homeRotationX and homeRotationY settings added to MapChart. Allows setting home x and y rotations. The chart will rotate to provided values when goHome() method is called.


  • Accessibility: Legend item's ARIA labels will not contain "Press ENTER to toggle" message if the clickTarget = "none" is set.
  • Further improvements in rendering/sizing of the HTML-based tooltips.

[5.3.9] - 2023-03-31#


  • New PeriodSelector setting: hideLongPeriods. Indicates whether to hide buttons for periods that are longer than the actual data on chart.
  • New DrawingControl methods: clearDrawings() and setEraser(true | false).
  • Methods hide() and show() will now properly hide and show any indicator.
  • MapChart methods zoomToGeoPoint() and zoomToGeoBounds() now accepts rotationX and rotationY parameters. If provided, the map not only zoom to the provided point/bounds but will rotate so that this point/bounds would be in the center. Mostly usefull with geoOrthographic projection.
  • MapChart's convert() method now accepts rotationX and rotationY optional parameters. If provided, the calculations will be done as if map is rotated by provided values.
  • MapPolygonSeries / MapPointSeries method zoomToDataItem() now accepts an optional boolean rotate parameter. If it's true, the map will rotate so that this point/polygon would be in the center. Mostly useful with geoOrthographic projection.


  • Hiding a StockPanel via its hide() method will now animate it to size 0 before hiding completely.


  • The scale of the StockChart could become incorrect if there were compared series and the scale was switched back and forth between logarithmic and regular.
  • HTML-based tooltips were sized incorrectly in some cases.
  • Setting pointerOrientation on a Tooltip was not updating an already visible tooltip.

[5.3.8] - 2023-03-24#


  • Auto-hidden (as per oversizedBehavior: "hide" setting) Label elements will now trigger boundschanged events.
  • Defaults of marginTop and marginBottom set to 1 on all ZoomControl buttons.


  • HTML-based tooltips were not being properly sized on first show unless Animated theme was enabled
  • HTML-based tooltips were sometimes ignoring keepTargetHover: true.
  • Tooltip positions were off when exporting a chart with tooltipContainerBounds set.
  • DrawingControl can now be used completely standalone. More info.
  • Internal tweaks that were occasionally interfering with some drag-and-drop libs.
  • Horizontal columns were not being properly highlighted when gaining focus.
  • Old bullets of data item were not being cleared if series.data.setIndex was used to update old data (since 5.3.7).
  • zoomToValues() (and zoomToDates() by extension) method on GaplessDateAxis was not working correctly with a date range outside of actual data range.

[5.3.7] - 2023-03-09#


  • New calculateSize setting on Root. This is needed if you are using a transform: scale(...) CSS style. More info.
  • New settings on DateRangeSelector: minDate and maxDate. Allows restricting date selection to specific date ranges. More info.
  • New events on StockChart: drawingsupdated and indicatorsupdated. Events kick in when drawings or indicators are added, updated, or removed. More info.


  • DateRangeSelector will now limit dates to actual range of data. To disable set minDate and maxDate to null. More info.


  • XYSeries were creating Bullet objects even if distance between them was less than minBulletDistance which was not efficient and could slow the browser down.
  • Fixed issue with mutating ES6 modules (Issue 833).
  • Fixed more issues with ghostLabel obstructing interactivity for other labels.
  • Bullet function was not being called when a single data item of the series was updated.

[5.3.6] - 2023-02-27#


  • New cors setting for Picture (defaults to "anonymous").
  • beginPath method added to CanvasGraphics.


  • Theme states no longer override user states.
  • In some specific cases with stacked axes series position could be shifted up.
  • In some specific cases a hairline of a column of a ColumnSeries could remain visible on the plot area even if the whole column was out of visible axis bounds.
  • A ghostLabel was causing some interfering issues with interactive labels of an axis.

[5.3.5] - 2023-02-24#


  • Reverting "Fixing bug where click event was not dispatched on tooltips outside of the chart boundaries" introduced in 5.3.4 as it was causing other issues.


  • Down state was changed to a default state if a draggable object was unhovered while dragging.

[5.3.4] - 2023-02-20#


  • cellWidth read-only private setting added to Axis. Holds a distance in pixels between two grid lines. It might not be accurate as grid on DateAxis might not be at equal intervals.
  • getCellWidthPosition() added to all axis types. Returns relative distance between two grid lines of the axis.


  • HTML-based tooltip might produce a funky animation if it was displayed very close to the edge of the chart.
  • StockChart's X-axes from all panels not always were syncing properly between data updates.
  • Fixing bug where click event was not dispatched on tooltips outside of the chart boundaries.
  • Changing a color for a LineSeries in with a StockChart control was not changing its tooltip color.
  • GaplessDateAxis was not taking into account missing dates when using zoomToDates() or zoomToValues() methods.
  • When data grouping was on and data was changed, ValueAxis was zooming to incorrect position.
  • Radial labels sometimes could get reversed when updating their settings.

[5.3.3] - 2023-02-08#


  • New method on Language: addTranslationsAny(). Allows adding custom translations to locale. More info.


  • In StockChart if "Reset" button was pressed when there were drawings present on the chart, it could freeze.
  • Calling dispose() on a StockToolbar was not properly removing all DOM elements.
  • getCellWidthPosition() method on a CategoryAxis was returning a wrong result.

[5.3.2] - 2023-02-03#


  • Panning/zooming with a right mouse button was disabled.


  • StockChart's panels date axes could go out of sync if data range was different. Now all X-axes will sync their min and max to the axis of the main panel (one that contains stockSeries).
  • StockChart could crash if the height of div was really small.
  • Private settings selectionMinFinal and selectionMaxFinal were not being set on a DateAxis.

[5.3.1] - 2023-01-31#


  • mainDataItems getter was added to XYSeries. Returns ungrouped data items array.


  • crisp is now set to true by default in Tick elements.


  • If all values in a grouped period were null, series showed 0 instead of omiting data point when group value was set to "sum".
  • Tooltip of a series with maxTooltipDistance: -1 could be hidden when it should have been shown.
  • Setting custom stockSeries on an indicator was not working (Chart was force-setting its own stockSeries on indicators).
  • Fixing type error with @types/d3-hierarchy.

[5.3.0] - 2023-01-27#


  • New plugin: json, which allows serializing and parsing serialized (JSON) configs into charts. More info.
  • New methods added to StockChart's' IndicatorControl and DrawingControl used for serializing user-added indicators and annotations. More info.
  • crisp (default: false) setting added to Sprite. If set to true, will adjust strokeWidth to match screen zoom (retina) as well as its positions will be rounded up, so the lines look crisper. It's primarily meant for straight lines, but can work on other objects, too. Use with care, as coordinate rounding might produce overlapping or gaps between shapes that should be adjacent.
  • New Root property: accessible (default: true).
  • New Root property: updateTick (default: true). Set it to false to temporarily disable all rendering on Root. Reset back to true to resume rendering. Useful when need to do a bunch of async operations that might result in errors if rendering started before all of them finish.


  • crisp is now set to true by default on elements that use straight lines, like grid, ticks, resize button icon, etc.
  • Removed grid opacity setting from default StockChart theme. Now it will be the same as regular XYChart.
  • The generated code now uses es2015 target instead of es5.


  • Labels on a GaplessDateAxis might get hidden at some zoom levels.
  • Eraser button on StockChart was not being unselected when other drawing tool was selected.
  • "YYYY" (year of week) in date format was not working properly in all cases.
  • Fixed two memory leak sources related to disposing of charts.

[5.2.50] - 2023-01-20#


  • Maintenance release.

[5.2.49] - 2023-01-20#


  • Bulgarian (bg_BG) locale added.


  • Treemap went into Stack owerflow error if initialized in a hidden div.

[5.2.48] - 2023-01-17#


  • Slovak (sk_SK) locale added.


  • Grid was not being placed in correct place on a DateAxis with grid or grid interval in 30 minutes.
  • Cursor tooltip was not being snapped to an XYSeries with snapTooltip: true when it was left of the first available data item.
  • PeriodSelector was not properly zooming the X axis with a non-standard value in firstDayOfWeek locale.

[5.2.47] - 2023-01-04#


  • MapChart with a legend could produce error (since 5.2.44).
  • ColumnSeries with null values could display 1px height loose column on top of the plot container.

[5.2.46] - 2023-01-02#


  • Setting stockPositiveColor and stockNegativeColor initially on a StockChart was not affecting colors of candlesticks.
  • When Tooltip had keepTargetHover: true set, the portions of the tooltip outside the chart area were not being registered for hovers when the Root element had tooltipContainerBounds set.
  • DateAxis with data grouping enabled could go into infinite loop of switching between period in some specific data setups.

[5.2.45] - 2022-12-20#


  • ZigZag indicator was always using 5% deviation even if user set a different value.
  • If data of a legend was updated, labels of a legend were not updated properly in all cases.
  • A tooltip for a ColumnSeries/CandlestickSeries was not being hidden if a cursor was used and mouse was moved away from the chart.

[5.2.44] - 2022-12-20#


  • If a ForceDirected node with topDepth set to 1 was clicked to hide children and then clicked again to reveal them, the clicked node was hidden. (since 5.2.42)
  • ValueAxis with min and max set could result in an empty chart. (since 5.2.43)

[5.2.43] - 2022-12-19#


  • An event groupintervalchanged added to DateAxis. Kicks in when data grouping is on, and current group interval changes, e.g. via zooming the chart.


  • Setting min and max on a DateAxis which was not base axis of a series could result in a stack overflow error in some specific cases.
  • PeriodSelector was not always highlighting the period button when period was selected via selectPeriod() method.
  • PeriodSelector was not selecting proper start position on some platforms when data grouping was on and selectPeriod() was called immediately after initialization of the chart.

[5.2.42] - 2022-12-16#


  • reverseGeodata setting added to MapPolygonSeries. If set to true, will reverse direction of polygon corners in GeoJSON.
  • linechanged event added to MapLine.


  • If a chart had multiple vertically stacked Y axes and snapToSeries was set, moving mouse to series in the bottom could cause chart cursor to disappear.
  • A legend label for a ZigZag indicator was showning "NaN" instead of its depth value.
  • Hierarchy series' topDepth setting was not working properly if set to >1.
  • If a Sprite was hidden, it hid it's tooltip even if the tooltip at the moment was used by other element. This caused some wrong behavior with Axis tooltips, as all axis elements share the same tooltip.
  • If a MapLine was changed and some MapPoint was assigned to this line, MapPoint was not always updating its position.
  • Map with geoAlbersUsa projection was not working if GraticuleSeries was added to it.
  • MapLine was showing tooltips in a wrong position (in case lines were not straight).
  • PeriodSelector was not properly zooming whe data grouping was enabled.

[5.2.41] - 2022-12-08#


  • Canvas left/top position was not set correctly (since 5.2.39).
  • Root's setting tooltipContainerBounds was not positioning itself outside of the chart if there was space in the chart itself (since 5.2.39).

[5.2.40] - 2022-12-08#


  • Root's setting tooltipContainerBounds was being ignored on an XYChart (since 5.2.39).
  • HTML content was clipped to chart's dimensions even if tooltipContainerBounds was used.

[5.2.39] - 2022-12-07#


  • fillOpacity setting added to Label.


  • The whole under-the-hood implementation of the Root's setting tooltipContainerBounds. The change should be transparent, but please inform us if the functionality broke in some way.


  • GraticuleSeries was not being redrawn if its clipExtent was being set after series was already rendered.
  • idField was not being respected in some cases in a MapSeries.
  • MapPointSeries was not setting map bounds properly if it did not contain any geometries (just points with lat/long).
  • keepTargetHover on a Tooltip was not working when tooltipContainerBounds was used in Root.
  • Some DOM elements were not being removed when element/Root was disposed.

[5.2.38] - 2022-11-29#


  • clipExtent added to GraticuleSeries. If set to true, graticules will be drawn only within bounds of the polygons.


  • ZoomControl position was wrong sice 5.2.36.

[5.2.37] - 2022-11-29#


  • neutral is now optional in IHeatRule.

[5.2.36] - 2022-11-29#


  • affectsBounds setting added to MapSeries. Previously only MapPolygonSeries affected chart bounds. Now you can tell MapPointSeries or MapLineSeries to affect map bounds. Or turn off bound checking for some MapPolygonSeries, e.g. for background/water.
  • neutral setting added to IHeatRule. If you set some value (color for example), it will be used for items that do not have any value.


  • If the last slice of a percent (pie) series slice was hidden, valueSum was calculated incorrectly (was using last items value instead of 0).
  • geoPoint() method of MapChart was not working properly.
  • keepTargetHover: true was not working on all Hierarchy charts.
  • ZoomControl used to override its positional settings like centerX, x, etc.
  • Fix for occasional "Value is not of type 'long'" error.

[5.2.35] - 2022-11-24#


  • exclude and include were not working properly is set on a MapLineSeries or MapPointSeries (since last release only).

[5.2.34] - 2022-11-24#


  • backgroundOpacity setting added to Exporting.
  • fixed property added to MapPointSeriesDataItem. Allows sticking a point to screen coordinates, rather than to lat/long on the map.


  • Various containers in amCharts 5 div (HTML content, tooltips, alerts) will now have class names applied ("am5-html-container", "am5-reader-container", "am5-focus-container", "am5-tooltip-container") so that they can be targeted via CSS, e.g. .am5-html-container { z-index: -1 }.
  • amCharts will no longer fail if StyleRule is created with unparsable selector.


  • Labels on Sunburst full circle slices were not being properly truncated/sized.
  • startLocation and endLocation was being ignored by GaplessDateAxis.
  • Dynamically-added heat rules (after series was already created) were not working.

[5.2.33] - 2022-11-18#


  • New pattern type PathPattern. Allows using SVG paths as patterns. More info.


  • Circular labels (RadialLabel with textType: "circular") now have a limited support for oversizedBehavior. "hide" and "truncate" are now supported. The latter will not respect breakWords setting, though.


  • Hovering, clicking, and unhovering a PieSeries slice would not reset its size properly.
  • Label background was not being sized properly when fontWeight: bold was set.
  • Dynamically setting include or exclude on a MapPolygonSeries was not updating it until data was re-validated.
  • Circular labels on a Sunburst diagram were not being positioned properly.

[5.2.32] - 2022-11-15#


  • New global property am5.registry.version added. Contains the version of the library.
  • lineType added to IMapLineSeriesDataItem. Allows setting "straight" or "curved" line type for each map line individually.


  • Label was ignoring individually-set formatters when formatting number/date/duration values in its text.
  • Invoking PeriodSelector method selectPeriod will now properly highlight related button in selector.
  • setting wheelY and WheelX to "none" after the map chart was initialized did not remove wheel behavior.
  • Fixed flag bug with A and a commands in SVG paths.

[5.2.31] - 2022-10-18#


  • The logic behind "pro" tag in CandlestickSeries has been updated to more commonly accepted standards. More info.
  • "Pro Candlesticks" was renamed to "Hollow Candlesticks" in series type switcher in StockChart.


  • Stacked axis bullets were being positioned not right on the axis but somewhat higher, depending on the number of bullets.
  • More ARIA errors fixed in ExportingMenu.
  • Using arrows to move focused draggable elements was acting unpredictably if mouse was being used, too.
  • Further improvements in cursor tooltip arrangement logic.

[5.2.30] - 2022-10-14#


  • "click" option added to showTooltipOn setting. If set, tooltip will appear when clicking/tapping the element, rather than on hover.
  • ExportMenu has two new private settings: menuElement and listElement. Holds actual DOM elements of the menu items.


  • Disposing Exporting object, will now dispose related ExportingMenu, if set.
  • Legend's item containers will now have role="checkbox" set by default.
  • Setting focusable: true on XYCursor's lineX and/or lineY will enable moving them with keyboard's arrow keys.
  • Better arrangement of tooltips on an XYChart with multiple tooltips on the same data point and an XYCursor (less chances tooltips going off-screen).


  • In some situations chart was not resizing correctly.
  • If sequencedAnimation was set to true on a LineSeries, it was drawing line to 0 while animating series.
  • ExportMenu was using a non-existent "aria" attribute.
  • When snapToSeries was set on an XYChart, zooming to a selection with the cursor produced wrong zoom.
  • XYChart with DurationAxis could freeze the browser in certain configurations and chart sizes.
  • LineSeries used to draw a line to null values while series was animating (if sequencedAnimation was set to true).
  • Eliminating warnings about getImageData() on the new Chrome.

[5.2.29] - 2022-10-07#


  • Additional option for Label's oversizedBehavior setting: "wrap-no-break". If set, the labels will wrap to maxWidth, but will not brak words even if they do not fit.


  • If timezone was set in a chart with a DateAxis with baseInterval set to "day", axis could show wrong date and axis tooltip could snap to a wrong date on a DLS switch.

[5.2.28] - 2022-10-06#


  • stacked setting added to AxisBullet. If set to true and multiple data items (axis ranges) were added to the same date/category, bullets will be stacked on top of each other.


  • If a timezone was set and baseInterval was a "month", tooltip could show incorrect date value on a month when DLS happened.
  • If a new slice was added to PercentChart after the initial data was set, the new slice was using first color from colorset instead of the next one.
  • Some sprites were not dispatching boundschanged event when their settings affecting the bounds were being changed.

[5.2.27] - 2022-10-04#


  • "average" value of grouped data items was not being calculated properly.
  • WordCloud was ignoring the fill value from label templateField.

[5.2.26] - 2022-09-27#


  • Version bump.

[5.2.25] - 2022-09-27#


  • Using tooltipContainerBounds could break layout for the whole document.

[5.2.24] - 2022-09-27#


  • lineType ("curved", "straight") added to MapLineSeries. "curved" (default) connects points using shortest distance, which will result in curved lines based on map projection. "straight" connects points using visually straight lines, and will not cross the -180/180 longitude.
  • tooltipContainerBounds added to Root settings. Allows defining margins around chart area for tooltips to go outside the chart itself.


  • If tooltipLocation: 0 on a DateAxis, it will snap to the closest position now. Previously it snapped to the date over which mouse pointer was, this was not user-friendly in some setups. The same logic now applies to the CategoryAxis as well.


  • WVAP indicator was showing ZigZag instead.
  • Zoom-out button sometimes used to appear while initial animation was playing. Note: if sequencedAnimation == true, it will appear anyway.
  • Fixed styles issue with date picker in StockChart.
  • The last bullet of a series could become hidden if baseInterval was set to "month" on a related DateAxis.

[5.2.23] - 2022-09-20#


  • On a chart with cursor and tooltipText set directly on series' columns, the tooltip was not being shown (since 5.2.19).
  • On a chart with X axis endLocation: 0, Y axis was not autozooming properly.

[5.2.22] - 2022-09-15#


  • ZigZag indicator added to StockChart.


  • "%" number formatting modifier will now consider locale when choosing whether percent sign goes before or after the number. At this moment only tr_TR (Turkish) locale is placing percent sign before number.
  • StockChart indicators, that were using black (0x000000) color as a default series color now use alternativeBackground color of a theme (they'll now be white if "Dark" theme is used).


  • Stock toolbar dropdown items will now display proper title attribute.
  • HTML tooltips were flashing an unpositioned content briefly.
  • The "Z" date formatting option was not taking into account Root element's timezone setting.
  • If a timezone was set on a chart and data grouping was on, the grouping was not paying attention to the timezone.
  • If a timezone which was not using DST was set on a chart, and user was in a timezone which used DST, the axis labels were shifted by 1 hour in some setups.
  • GaplessDateAxis was not working properly with a timezone set.
  • DateAxis fills that should have been visible were hidden in some cases.
  • StockChart was incorrectly switching to percent mode when last of the compared series was removed.
  • "p" number formatting modifier added. Works the same way as "%" except it treats numbers as absolute values and does not multiply them by 100.

[5.2.21] - 2022-09-08#


  • Trix, Median Price, and Typical Price indicators added to StockChart.
  • valuePercent was added to Hierarchy data items. Indicates percent value based on the value of its direct parent.


  • Using relative height of the chart container within a fixed-width wrapper could cause flickering or scrollbars.
  • Period values in a StockChart indicators were shown with decimal values.
  • Fixed a typo in StockChart list controls.
  • valuePercentTotal was not working in Hierarchy data items.

[5.2.20] - 2022-09-05#


  • All indicator series will now have "indicator" theme tag set. Detect indicator series via series.hasTag("indicator").
  • autoZoom added to ValueAxis (default: true). If set to false, the axis won't be auto-zoomed to a selection (this works only if the other axis is a DateAxis or a CategoryAxis). This setting will be ignored if both X and Y axes are a ValueAxis.
  • StandardDeviation indicator added.


  • Series edit modal on a StockChart would show incorrect controls if the main chart series was a LineSeries.


  • Initial sizing of HTML tooltips fixed (again).
  • Exporting a chart in a <div> with height: auto was not working properly.
  • If a point in a LineSeries was way out of bounds (million times further than the bounds of plot area), the line could disappear.
  • In some cases, if chart was using loadable fonts, it could go into non-stop flickering mode.
  • StockChart with drawing mode disabled could start drawing new objects if clicked on points of an old drawing.
  • PointedRectangle, mostly used by a Tooltip was drawn incorrectly if its stem size was bigger than height.
  • Removing a QuadrantLineSeries drawing from a StockChart resulted an error.
  • It was impossible to delete Fibonacci or FibonacciTimezone drawings one by one after switching to another drawing tool.

[5.2.19] - 2022-08-26#


  • geoPoint() method added to MapChart. Returns a geoPoint of the current the center of the map viewport.
  • pancancelled event added to XYChart. It will kick in if pointer is pressed down and released without moving. panended event will still kick in.
  • originalEvent added to panstarted, panended, and pancancelled events.


  • Tooltips were not working properly on an XYChart if they were placed in a separate root element.
  • If an XYChart with a CategoryAxis had series with missing values, zooming to the part of a series with no data caused value axis not to zoom according to the selection.
  • HTML-based tooltips were leaving a visible (albeit transparent) DOM element after tooltip was hidden.
  • Clear and erase buttons were not clearing/erasing all the drawings of StockChart properly.

[5.2.18] - 2022-08-24#


  • disabled key support added to DropdownList item interface.


  • Removed leftover debug code in IndicatorControl.
  • selected event in IndicatorControl was not firing.
  • Adding an adapter on Y-axis' labels could cause flickers on the chart.
  • maxWidth/maxHeight of a Container was ignored when arranging objects by Horizontal or Vertical layout.
  • maxWidth/maxHeight of a Container was ignored when drawing background.

[5.2.17] - 2022-08-17#


  • IndicatorControl setting indicators now accepts objects. More info.
  • getArea() method added to MapChart. Returns area of a MapPolygon in square pixels.

[5.2.16] - 2022-08-16#


  • A clicked PeriodSelector button will now stay highlighted until other button is clicked, or chart is zoomed in any other way.
  • SpriteResizer class moved to main package. It's now accessible via am5.SpriteResize.


  • Better initial sizing of HTML-content tooltips.
  • MapChart pan bounds were incorrect after size of a chart's div changed significantly.
  • If a panel with a volume series of StockChart or volume series itself was removed, adding indicators after this was resulting in an error.
  • On a chart with a CategoryAxis and series with non-consistent data, some data items might become invisible in some cases.
  • Removing a point from MapPointSeries was not affecting the MapLineSeries with lines that had this point in their pointsToConnect setting.
  • A Label rotated at -90 angle was not being properly hidden as per oversizedBehavior: "hide".
  • Opening a settings modal from StockLegend would cause chart to be panned/zoomed when modal was claused.

[5.2.15] - 2022-08-06#


  • Added PicturePattern that allows using external images as patterns. More info.


  • Fixing issue where chart scrollbar would break when zooming.
  • Fixing chart being too large and overflowing when zooming in (Issue 471).
  • pan:"zoom" was not working on left-side Y Axis.
  • Removing a panel from a StockChart was not removing indicator from charts indicators list.
  • Zooming chart with custom timezone was resulting in errors in some cases.

[5.2.14] - 2022-07-23#


  • New setting keepTargetHover added to Tooltip (default: false). If set to true, hovering the tooltip will be treated like hovering its target element itself.


  • Removing verticalScrollbar from a Container was causing some issues.
  • Labels with HTML content and horizontal padding were not being sized/centered properly.
  • Date formatting code "EEEE" was producing weekday's short version ("Tue") instead of full one ("Tuesday").
  • Scrollbar was not working after it was zoomed and clicked on a background to change position, if no animated theme was used.
  • Paused animations will no longer obstruct chart export.

[5.2.13] - 2022-07-19#


  • Only HTML content will be shown on a Label with both text and html set.
  • HTML content will now respect padding* settings.
  • "click" event now works on an element that uses HTML content.
  • snapToSeries of ChartCursor was not working if target series had only one data item.
  • Labels of a PieSeries were being arranged incorrectly when pie was a semi-circle and alignLabels was set to true.
  • ForcedDirected and Tree charts were not working properly with BreadcrumbBar navigation.

[5.2.12] - 2022-07-18#


  • HTML content in tooltips was not being resized properly.

[5.2.11] - 2022-07-18#


  • A new setting deactivateRoot (default: true) added to Modal. Indicates if any interactivity on the underlying chart should be disabled when modal is open.
  • A new setting html added to Container. Set it to a string with HTML to be used as container's content. Will work on any element inheriting from Container, e.g. Label. More info.
  • A new setting labelHTML added to Tooltip. If set, will ne used as HTML content for the tooltip. More info.
  • A new setting tooltipHTML added to Sprite. If set, will ne used as HTML content for the tooltip when element is hovered. More info.
  • wheelZoomPositionX and wheelZoomPositionY added to XYChart. This value is not set by default, but you can use it to fix wheel zooming, to the end (if you set it to 1) or to the start (0) or middle (0.5). In StockChart, it is set to 1 by default, as this is common practice in financial charts.
  • "Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)" indicator added to StockChart.


  • Setting id setting when creating an object will not register it in am5.registry.entitiesById immediatelly, without waiting for the next frame.


  • RadialGradient's x and y settings were being ignored.
  • Labels as bullets with oversizedBehavior set were not being displayed properly in some cases.
  • DateAxis with startLocation = 0.5 and endLocation = 0.5 and single value only was showing a really big date range.
  • Resizing PieChart to a very small size with a legend positioned on the left or right could cause some anomaly in layout.
  • Updating CategoryAxis data with less items than there was originally was causing old columns/bullets to be shown.
  • Setting verticalScrollbar on Container to undefined to remove a previously set scrollbar was not working.
  • On some rare cases, when all values of the series were the same or the difference was very small, ValueAxis could go into stackowerflow and hang the browser.

[5.2.10] - 2022-06-28#


  • lineJoin setting added to Graphics (default: "miter"). Possible values: "miter", "round", and "bevel". More info.


  • GaplessDateAxis with one data item was not showing date label at all.
  • Setting colors on a ColorSet will now properly reset all iterators, so that new color generation is consistent.
  • If data.setAll() was called on a MapSeries with geoJSON set previously, objects from geoJSON would disappear.
  • PieSeries was not keeping active slice pulled out when it was hidden and then shown up again.
  • PDF export was not taking page orientation into account when auto-fitting an image.

[5.2.9] - 2022-06-21#


  • New properties on Root: tapToActivate (default: false) - if enabled, requires to tap on chart pefore gesture-based functionality (zoom/pan) works, and tapToActivateTimeout (default: 3000) - milliseconds of inactivity before chart becomes "inactive" for touch gestures. More info.


  • If there are no pan/zoom functionality set on charts, they should not prevent scrolling of the page by touch anymore.
  • Bullets will no longer knock off user-set maxWidth on their sprite element.


  • DateRangeSelector was not updating its label correctly when dates were picked.
  • LineSeries with templateField and a lot of data items could cause chart to crash.

[5.2.8] - 2022-06-15#


  • Private (read-only) setting tooltipPosition added to Axis.
  • "line-through" label decoration added. Works both via Label's textDecoration setting, and in-line, e.g. This is [line-through]a crossed out text[/].
  • autoScale (default: false) setting added to MapPointSeries. If set to true, bullets will resize together with a map while zooming.
  • PieSeries and FunnelSeries now properly support bullets.


  • Changing randius or innerRadius on a PieChart was not working.
  • Changing legendValueText or legendLabel text on PercentSeries was not working.
  • exportfinished event was not kicking in.
  • Exporting plugin will now try to finish any ongoing rendering before genrating export image.
  • Using mouse wheel on a non-chart element that is positioned over the chart works properly now.
  • If some non-chart element was rendered over Scrollbar, doublicking on a thumb area would still zoom it out.
  • Adding click event to an XYChart was causing it to pan a little when clicked.

[5.2.7] - 2022-06-07#


  • minDistance to LineSeries (default: 0). If set, it will skip line points closer than X pixels, resulting in a smoother, less cluttery line.
  • isVisibleDeep() method to Sprite. Check not only if Sprite itself is visible, but also its all ascendants.


  • TAB press should now skip over focusable elements of hidden series.


  • Toggling PieSeries alignLabels after the chart was initialized was not working.
  • Fixing bug where the wheel event would sometimes not trigger.
  • When setting stockSeries with a new series on StockChart it was not inheriting stockPositiveColor/stockNegativeColor values.
  • Tweaked default StockToolbar CSS to act better on pages with larger font sizes.
  • DOM elements for focusable series items (columns, bullets, etc.) were being left behind when data for series was updated.
  • Exporting chart to image was not inheriting document styles properly.
  • If stock series increase/decrease colors were changed and then a series type was changed, new series used to reset colors and not use the ones user set.
  • Dynamically changing page-wide font-related CSS (e.g. via media queries) could cause visual anomalies on the chart, especially on axes.

[5.2.6] - 2022-05-25#


  • nodePadding added to Pack.
  • maxTooltipDistanceBy with possible values "x", "y", and "xy" added. Indicates how distance from mouse pointer to the tooltip point should be measured when comparing with maxTooltipDistance.


  • Exporting chart image was creating leftover canvas elements in the body of the document.
  • Further improvements in DateAxis performance with grouping and timezone enabled.

[5.2.5] - 2022-05-19#


  • When timezone was set, grouping days into weeks could produce some unexpected results.
  • GaplessDateAxis first date of a month sometimes could go before the grid of a month.
  • Improved performance with data grouping enabled on DateAxis, especially when timezone was set. Please note that using timezones will still affect the performance significantly.

[5.2.4] - 2022-05-17#


  • handleWheel() method added to XYChart. Use it to mirror the same behavior as if the wheel was used on plot area.
  • useDefaultCSS (default: true) setting added to DateRangeSelector.
  • inversed added to Tree series. If set to true, will flip the direction of the tree.


  • StockToolbar default CSS was using unnecessarily high z-index for its buttons.
  • StockToolbar datepicker's style was off in some cases.
  • GaplessDateAxis could display the same month name label two times in a row in some cases.

[5.2.3] - 2022-05-12#


  • Upgraded versions of pdfmake and xlsx dependencies.
  • Reseting x and y of the ForceDirectedSeries data item will make the node be not ifxed anymore.
  • Tweaked styles of StockToolbar controls to work better with theme colors.


  • Enclosing multi-word parameters in in-line styles were not working.
  • DateAxis was producing an error if series had no initial data and timezone was set on a root element.
  • Vertically-stacked Y-axes was incorrectly plotting related series with Y-axis set as base axis.

[5.2.2] - 2022-05-03#


  • Style issue with stroke style selection button in StockChart drawing mode.

[5.2.1] - 2022-05-03#


  • centerMapOnZoomOut setting added to MapChart (default: true). Means the map will center itself (or go to homeGeoPoint if set) when fully zoomed out.
  • getGroupInterval(duration) method added to DateAxis. Returns a time interval axis would group data to for a specified duration.
  • getIntervalMax(interval) and getIntervalMin(interval) methods added to DateAxis. These methods return min and max of a specified time interval.


  • Axis fills on a StockChart are now not visible by default.
  • All Chart elements now have interactiveChildren: true set by default, so that adding events on a chart does not automatically make all elements in it interactive.
  • Zooming out MapChart using mouse wheel will now auto-center the map by default. Set centerMapOnZoomOut: false to bring back old behavior.


  • Changing inside and opposite of AxisRendererX or AxisRendererY after the axis was already initialized was not working properly.
  • StockChart's' period selection buttons were not zooming to exact dates when data grouping of an X-axis was turned on.
  • StockChart's' series type switcher was not switching series properly when data grouping was enabled.
  • StockChart's' series type switcher was not switching series properly when comparing mode was on.
  • If a StockChart was in percent scale mode, adding an indicator which was not on a separate panel was resulting in the indicator using wrong scale.
  • Fixed week number calculation (again).
  • Fixed CSS of StockToolbar for FireFox.
  • Pinch-zoom of MapChart was ignoring minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel settings.

[5.2.0] - 2022-04-29#



  • Week numbers for "leap weeks" were not being formated properly.
  • Removing an axis range with a bullet was not removing the bullet itself.
  • If one of the series had less data than another and their date axis had data grouping enabled, data of a series with less values could be not grouped.
  • ColumnSeries was not coloring its legend marker initially if useLastColorForLegendMarker was true.
  • Hovering on ExportingMenu was permanently disabling chart interactivity.

[5.1.14] - 2022-04-22#


  • ValueAxis with a logarithmic scale was not showing some of the labels in some specific cases.
  • Moved zoomOutButton of XYChart to topPlotContainer to solve unwanted zoom when cursor's snapToSeries was set.
  • Initially-hidden series legend markers were not being dimmed out unless Animated theme was in use.
  • When whole series was out of selected scope, its last or first value (depending on seleciton) was still included when calculating min and max, causing chart not to adjust min/max values to a visible series scope.
  • Annotator was not disabling chart interactivite when activated in Firefox.

[5.1.13] - 2022-04-15#


  • useLastColorForLegendMarker setting added to BaseColumnSeries (applicable to all column-based series like ColumnSeries, CandlestickSeries)
  • geodataNames setting added to MapSeries. Allows setting translations to map features, e.g. countries. More info.
  • Read-only private setting gridInterval added to DateAxis.


  • If geoJSON contained multipolygons with just one polygon, hovering over polygon was resulting in a JS error.
  • DateAxis displayed wrong time when time was switching to DST, when a timezone was set on a Root element.

[5.1.12] - 2022-04-07#


  • Rounding a Date during daylight saving hour could produce incorrect result in some specific cases.

[5.1.11] - 2022-04-06#


  • groupDataWithOriginals and groupDataCallback settings added to XYSeries. More info.
  • strictMinMaxSelection setting added to ValueAxis. When set to true, the axis won't round min and max of a selection to the nearest round values, but will use actual min and max (extraMin and extraMax will still be added if set). This is a good feature when your series displays not actual but derivative values, like valueYChangeSelection as it helps to avoid frequent jumping of series to adjusted min and max of the axis.


  • Internal layout of XYChart containers was changed. plotContainers now goes to yAxesAndPlotContainer, and plotContainer and topPlotContainer goe into plotContainers.


  • If XYChart was used without animated theme, and scrollbar's background was clicked to zoom to some specific spot, it resulted in scrollbar not being updated anymore when zoomed with wheel or zoom-out button.
  • Fixed and issue where nodes of ForceDirected series were flickering to 0,0 point when div of a chart was resized.
  • Fixed potential XSS injection issue with the accessibility of tooltips.
  • container setting in ExportingMenu was being ignored.
  • In some specific cases not all series were included in min/max calculation of a ValueAxis resulting not all series to be visible.
  • When whole series was out of selected scope, its last or first value (depending on seleciton) was still included when calculating min and max.
  • Layouts were allocating space for margins of hidden items.

[5.1.10] - 2022-03-30#


  • New in-line text formatting property verticalAlign added. Currently supports only "super" and "sub" values. E.g. Copyright[fontSize: 8px; verticalAlign: super;]TM[\].


  • Logarithmic scale on ValueAxis was revamped with a different approach. No changes from the configration, but might influence appearance/scale.
  • When calculating derivative values for series, low, high, and open used previous low, high, and open values. Now they all use value instead.
  • Updated to D3 v7.


  • In some cases, using a text placehodler, an empty string was shown insteaf of a zero.
  • Some grid container masking issues fixed.
  • Sometimes valueAxis was zoomed-in a bit on the first render of an XYChart.
  • Axis ranges with dRadius > 0 were not visible on RadarChart.
  • Dynamic change of value*Show fields of an XYSeries was not working.
  • Removing data from a legend could lead to JS errors in some particular cases.
  • Ghost label was creating a gap in an XYChartScrollbar between scrollbar bottom an scrollbar series.

[5.1.9] - 2022-03-17#


  • Fixed the issue with resizing a chart inside of a flexbox. (Issue 311)
  • Fixed jumpy axis when panning an XYChart with mouse wheel.
  • Panning XYChart with mouse wheel had incorrect direction if axis was inversed.
  • If axis range had a gradient fill, gradient used to spread only through visible area, making it look icorrect.
  • After pinch zooming and XYChart or zooming the chart with no animated theme used, CPU usage used to increase.
  • DateAxis with baseIntervals timeUnit set to "month" could show incorrect month in the axis tooltip.
  • If a Graphics had a gradient fill/stroke and initially was invisible, setting it to visible did not make the gradient to appear.
  • While zooming LineSeries, a part of the line to the left of the first visible data point could disappear.

[5.1.8] - 2022-03-10#


  • Settings pinchZoomX and pinchZoomY (defaults: false) added to XYChart. If set to true will allow pinch-zooming of a chart on touch devices. NOTE: these settings are not supported on RadarChart.
  • topPlotContainer added to XYChart. It's a Container that can be used to place element over plot area.


  • The types for adapters has been changed to be more intuitive and useful. (Issue 312)
  • Tapping an element on a touch device will now generate pointerover event in addition to click. When tapped somewhere else, pointerout event will be triggered.


  • Fixing ES6 module detection by BundlePhobia again (Issue 294).
  • Pinch-zooming of a MapChart was not working well in some cases.
  • maxHeight setting in Sprite was not working.
  • Change of minWidth was not being applied at once, only if some other changes triggered chart to be redrawn.
  • Changing or not setting data on an existing FlowChart was resulting in a JS error.
  • maxPanOut setting in MapChart was not working.

[5.1.7] - 2022-02-28#


  • Grouping to periods where timeUnit was "day" and count > 1 was not working properly.
  • When tooltips of multiple series were pointing at the same point, series order was not being respected (FF only).
  • If a scrollbar was added before axes, scrolling series could result series to be out of sync with bullets.
  • Tweaked nb_NO locale to better correspond to Norwegian Bokm? date formats.

[5.1.6] - 2022-02-23#


  • Totals were not calculated until some interaction with XYChart chart if data was grouped initially.
  • When tooltips of multiple series were pointing at the same point, series order was not being respected.
  • Reverting "Fixing ES6 module detection by BundlePhobia" from 5.1.5 which was causing issues.

[5.1.5] - 2022-02-22#


  • minSize setting added to Flow (Chord and Sankey) series. It's a relative value to the sum of all values in the series. If set, this relative value will be used for small-value nodes when calculating their size. For example, if it's set to 0.01, small nodes will be sized like their value is 1% of the total sum of all values in series.


  • Direction of vertical panning with mouse wheel in an XYChart was inverted to make it consistent with OS native scrolling direction.


  • Fixing ES6 module detection by BundlePhobia (Issue 294).
  • Parsing of dates using "i" format was not working properly when no milliseconds were supplied.
  • Using minZoomCount and maxZoomCount on a GaplessDateAxis was not working properly.
  • Sometimes vertical XYChart scrollbar was not reacting to chart's pan via mouse drag or wheel.
  • Using mouse wheel on a chart that was setup to pan was also zooming in/out in addition to pan.
  • In some cases grid on GaplessDateAxis was not being placed properly. Grid and Label placement improved.
  • ForceDirectedTree could freeze when used with Animated theme in some cases.
  • Changing of baseInterval on DateAxis was not properly working in some cases.
  • In some cases, when no animated theme was used, a state on a Sprite was not applied.
  • Setting data on MapSeries after geoJSON was updated was not working properly which resulted heat rules not to be applied.
  • It was difficult to make a selection close to the start/end of plot area on RadarChart.
  • When XYChart was fully zoomed in, using mouse wheel would start panning the chart instead of zoom.

[5.1.4] - 2022-02-11#


  • affectsMinMax added to value axis range.
  • segments property added to Line class. Allows passing multiple segments instead of continous line.
  • tooltipIntervalOffset setting added to DateAxis. If not set, axis' tooltip will use value of the -tooltipLocation (cell start timestamp by default), so that tooltip would should rounded value, like 06:00 instead of 06:30 when interval is hourly. More info.
  • tooltipDateFormats setting added to DateAxis. Allows specifying axis' tooltip date formats for time each time unit, different from dateFormats. NOTE: tooltipDateFormat will override the format if set. More info.
  • syncWith setting added to XYCursor. Set it to an array of other XYCursor objects to automatically position them as the cursor moves. More info.


  • Default tooltip date formats have changed slightly for DateAxis. Previously, it was using formats from dateFormats. Now it uses defaults/user values from newly-introduced tooltipDateFormats setting.


  • In some cases DurationAxis with "second" as its base duration was going to stack overflow.
  • Background on a ValueAxis was not showing.
  • Improved performance for charts with lots of stacked series with null.
  • Fixing mouse position when using transform: scale or zoom (Issue 258).
  • Some touch interactions were not working in iOS 12.

[5.1.3] - 2022-02-03#


  • Added second parameter to Root constructor which contains settings object. For now, there's only one setting: useSafeResolution (default: true). More info.


  • Dynamic data updates on MapPolygonSeries were not working in some cases.

[5.1.2] - 2022-02-01#


  • "x!" and "y!" options added to XYCursor's snapToSeriesBy setting. Setting it to "y!" will make cursor will choose the nearest data point to snap to by measuring only
    vertical distance and looking at the data items which are at the current X axis position (date or category). The same applies for "x!".
  • tooltipDataItem setting added to XYSeries. It's a read-only reference to a data item which series tooltip currently uses.


  • LineSeries legend markers' stroke was not using series' color if series.appear() was called after series was initialized.
  • LineSeries legend marker wasn't working properly if legend was using different Root element.
  • Better disposing of <canvas> elements to work around iOS Safari GC bug.

[5.1.1] - 2022-01-31#


  • New method remove(key) on Template's adapaters.
  • Each chart-type package now exports its default theme as DefaultTheme. E.g. am5xy.DefaultTheme, am5flow.DefaultTheme, etc.
  • TypeScript: Settings interfaces for all objects are now being exposed via bundled re-export files like index.ts, xy.ts, etc.
  • New class am5.Modal.
  • New Container setting: reverseChildren. If set to true, will start rendering from the last child, effectively flipping the order in how children of the cotainer are laid out. Useful for right-to-left setups.


  • Charts on iOS devices will now automatically use lesser resolution to work around canvas memory restriction introduced in iOS 15 Safari.
  • Charts will now use less built-in layers, and thus less <canvas> elements by default, reducing memory consumption.
  • All low/high-related settings and fields moved from CandlestickSeries to XYSeries. Sometimes it could be useful to have low/high on other series even if they are not shown visually.


  • XYCursor was not being hidden when its positionX or positionY was changed to undefined and alwaysShow was set to false.
  • Auto-wrapped right-aligned labels were being rendered in wrong position.
  • Auto-wrapped labels were not being trimmed for whitespace on each line.
  • dropFromPrevious and riseFromPrevious states on ColumnSeries were not working properly on a column after a gap in data in case previous data item was outside of selection.
  • Emoji characters were not being displayed on circular labels.

[5.1.0] - 2022-01-20#


  • New Root setting: timezone. E.g. "America/Vancouver", "Australia/Sydney", "UTC".
  • New export CSV option: addBOM (default: true). Indicates whether to add BOM characters at start of CSV output so that data viewer (e.g. Excel) knows we're exporting UTF-8 data.
  • New methods for Adapters: remove(key), disable(key), and enable(key).
  • GaplessDateAxis added. It's a version of DateAxis that removes data-less intervals from its scale. CategoryAxis is being deprecated in favor of GaplessDateAxis. More info.
  • Timezone support added. More info.
  • New Component method: markDirtyValues(). Will re-evaluate elements of the component that are data-reliant, such as axis labels.


  • Clearing axis ranges from Axis and Series was not working properly.
  • Slice with negative arc was ignoring cornerRadius property.
  • groupDataDisabled on XYSeries was not working if set to true.
  • Axis header was not updating its position if axes were stacked and size of an axis was updated.
  • Disposing of charts with a lot of elements was quite slow.
  • Series stacks with all-zero values could cause all stacks to disappear on zoom.

[5.0.21] - 2022-01-11#


  • New Sprite setting: forceInactive. If set to true, it will override interactive setting as well as ignore any interaction events set on the element.
  • cursorhidden event added to XYCursor. Dispatched when user rolls-out of the chart plot area and cursor is hidden.
  • New Component method: markDirtyValues(). Forces a repaint of the element which relies on data.


  • Value (4th parameter of the Heat rule's customFunction) will now receive actual value of the target data item, not interpolated calculated setting value.


  • Fixing bug when not passing the duration to the animate method (Issue 181).
  • Horizontal and vertical layouts with width/height set in percents plus minWidth/minHeight/maxWidth/maxHeight set were arranging items incorrectly.
  • Very small slices with cornrerRadius > 0 were being drawn as a full circle.
  • SliceGrouper with was not zooming out properly if there was no legend in chart.
  • changing groupData from false to true on DateAxis was not working when doing so after the chart was built.

[5.0.20] - 2021-12-30#


  • SliceGrouper with clickBehavior = "zoom" was not zooming out properly.
  • GridLayout could leave empty gaps if some of the items in it were hidden.
  • dragging sprites within rotated containers was not working properly.
  • Null value was breaking stacking of columns in some cases.
  • Fixing tooltips being broken inside of shadow DOM. (Issue 166)

[5.0.19] - 2021-12-27#


  • groupDataDisabled setting added to XYSeries. If set to false will exclude series from data grouping mechanism, even if it is enabled on related DateSeries.
  • New plugin SliceGrouper. Can be used to automatically group small slices on percent charts like Pie, Funnel, etc. More info.


  • If data was added to percent series after initial data was already processed, the bew slices would get colors from the start of the color set.
  • Multiple square bracket and apostrophe escaping was not working properly.
  • A JS error could occur when changing XYSeries data with less data items then there were before.
  • PieSeries were not arranging its labels properly in some cases.
  • XYCursor taps were not working properly after chart zoom on touch devices.

[5.0.18] - 2021-12-19#


  • When auto-wrapping labels, text will no longer break on dots to prevent fractional numbers from wrapping.
  • Scrollable Container's scrollbar will auto-hide if contents fit in it without scrolling.


  • Disabling click-toggling of legend, was disabling hover events, too.
  • ResponsiveTheme's custom rules were not working properly.
  • Exporting was not applying proper background color to exported images.
  • CategoryDateAxis grid and labels placing algorithm improved.
  • Sometimes bullets of XYChart were not being properly clipped by the bounds of the plot area.
  • Memory leak related to: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1279394 was fixed.

[5.0.17] - 2021-12-15#


  • WordCloud was not coloring words even if colors ColorSet was set or data with colors was used.
  • WordCloud was not showing anything if all words had the same weight.
  • Adding type and main fields to package.json.
  • Fixed scrollbar issue with non-animated theme where clicking on a background of a scrollbar would not move to target position.

[5.0.16] - 2021-12-10#


  • tooltipPositionX and tooltipPositionY added to XYSeries (possible values: "value", "open", "low", and "high"). Indicates which data item value tooltip should be anchored to.
  • New settings added to Exporting for formatting durations: durationFields, durationFormat, and durationUnit.
  • showTooltipOn (default: "hover") added to Sprite. Another option is "always" which will show tooltip without any interaction with the element. More info.


  • Hierarchy will now set bottom-level node's cursorOverStyle: "default" via theme, instead of hardocding it, so that it can be overridden via node templates.


  • Stacked XYSeries with missing values and valueYShow set to "valueYTotalPercent" or valueXShow set to "valueXTotalPercent" were not showing columns/lines.
  • Changing legend position from bottom/top to right/left was not arranging elements properly.
  • If Slice of a PieSeries had a templateField set, legend marker was not using all the settings of that slice properly.
  • Bullets were causing performance issues when data grouping was turned on.
  • Label underline was not inheriting label's color properly.
  • Label underline was not beign placed properly on center/right-aligned labels.

[5.0.15] - 2021-12-07#


  • Experimental support for underlined text added. Can be enabled via Label setting fontDecoration: "underline", or via in-line style block ([underline]).
  • Three new accessibility settings added: ariaControls, ariaValueMin, and ariaValueMax.


  • Focus elements used for accessibility are now enclosed in a container with role="application" which helps avoid "scan mode" in some screen readers.
  • Tapping outside chart will now hide XYCursor.


  • Sometimes XYCursor would stay on pointer moved out of chart area quickly.
  • Fixed memory leak.
  • Arabic text (and possibly other RTL languages) was not being displayed right on circular labels, even with direction = "rtl" set.
  • Arabic text (direction = "rtl") was being misplaced in tooltips.
  • New line was resetting current in-line text style.

[5.0.14] - 2021-12-01#


  • When setting markerState on Annotator it will now automatically render annotations without the need to open annotation mode.


  • Updating data dynamically on series in all-ValueAxis setups.
  • Rmoving axis range was not working properly.
  • Closing annotation mode would not make chart regain its interactivity.

[5.0.13] - 2021-11-25#


  • clickTarget (possible vales: "itemContainer" (default), "marker", and "none") added to Legend. Use clickTarget: "none" to disable toggling of legend items.


  • Setting wheelX/wheelY on XYChart or MapChart no longer marks their plot areas as wheelable.


  • In some cases using oversizedBehavior = "wrap" on labels in super small spaces the chart would hang.
  • Updating data on a ForcedDirectedTree may cause JS errors.
  • Hovering legend item of a hidden slice no longer tries to show the tooltip for it.
  • Drill-down maps were displaying country in a wrong position after drill-down.

[5.0.12] - 2021-11-24#


  • latitudeField and longitudeField added to MapPointSeries for an easier way to add data.


  • Tooltip arrangement algorithm with many XY series was improved.


  • Axis fill rule of DateAxis sometimes skipped an interval or was drawn two fills in a row. Also, with months as interval between grids, the end of the fill was not at exact position where it should have been.
  • When setting new data for a series, if new data has less items than series had before, a JS error could occur.

[5.0.11] - 2021-11-23#


  • New fps property on Root which defines the maximum FPS that it will run at. Set it 30 or lower if performance is an issue.
  • "range" theme tag is now added to all axis range elements (axisFill, grid, tick and label) so you could target specific theme rules.
  • "range" and "series" theme tag is now added to all series axis range elements (axisFill, grid, tick and label) so you could target specific theme rules.


  • A axisFill of an axis range will not be shown unless its visible: true setting is set.


  • Adapter for text of a Label was not kicking in when data item of its Tooltip (or other parent of a Label) was changed.
  • Legend marker/label was not returning to a default state when clicked on a disabled item in some cases when Animated theme was not used.
  • Axis range fill tooltip was being shown in a wrong position.

[5.0.10] - 2021-11-22#


  • LineSeries' strokes in an axis range were using wrong template, which could result incorrect colors or other settings (since 5.0.9).
  • When data was updated on a live chart and the chart was not fully zoomed-out, some unnecessary Y axis animation used to happen after data update.

[5.0.9] - 2021-11-22#


  • maxTooltipDistance in XYCursor now accepts -1 value, which means that only single tooltip will be shown, even if multiple data items share the same value.


  • GraticuleSeries was broken.

[5.0.8] - 2021-11-21#


  • Trying to create a Root in a container that already contains a chart will result in a hard error now.
  • All XYSeries now use both main template and axis range template (the latter has a priority) when decorating columns/lines/etc for the sections covered by axis range.


  • Axis fills were not working properly.
  • Since 5.0.6: Map was zoomed to incorrect position in some specific cases when goHome() method was called.

[5.0.7] - 2021-11-19#


  • New setting pan (default: "none") added to AxisRendererX and AxisRendererY. If set to "zoom" will enable zoom of axis scale by dragging in axis label area.


  • Heat rules will not longer apply setting value if target data item does not have any numeric value.
  • Hovering legend item will now simulate hover on related item on some charts (e.g. PieSeries, Hierarchy, Venn).


  • HeatLegend was acting out when its showValue() method was called with non-numeric parameter.
  • If series was pre-hidden before chart init, its status was not being correctly reflected in related legend item.
  • Locales in script version were not working properly.

[5.0.6] - 2021-11-18#


  • Accessibility: new setting on Sprite: focusableGroup. If set, TAB key will iterate through first elements of each focusable group, allowing user to select within group using arrow keys. More info.
  • New Root setting: autoResize (default: true). If set to false, the chart will not automtically resize itself when width/height of its container change. Use resize() method to resize manually.
  • New Root method: resize(). Resizes chart to fit container dimensions, if automatic resizing is disabled (root.autoResize = false).
  • Global am5.p0 shortcut function added which returns Percent(0).
  • All element will now have a read-only property root which holds their Root object.
  • New Sprite events: rightclick and middleclick. Please note that adding rightclick event will not disable possible contextual menu on right-mouse click.
  • New XYCursor setting: snapToSeriesBy (default: "xy"). Defines in which direction to look when searching for the nearest data item to snap to. Possible values: "xy" (default), "x", and "y".


  • If set wheel event will now fire even if wheelable = false. This allows capturing wheel events on elements without interfering with scroll of the document.


  • oversizedBehavior on Label (still) was not handling maxWidth and maxHeight values properly (since 5.0.2).
  • Dynamically updating geoJSON on a MapPolygonSeries was not working properly in some cases.

[5.0.5] - 2021-11-15#


  • New root element method: moveDOM() (accepts element id or reference as a parameter). Can be used to move whole chart to some other container within DOM.


  • ExportingMenu was interfering with functionality of form elements on the same page (e.g. select).
  • Fixed issues with text kerning with styling blocks mid-word.
  • Animating values of width/height settings using percent values was not working properly.

[5.0.4] - 2021-11-12#


  • panstarted, panended, and wheelended events added to XYChart.


  • Fixed RadarChart issues when it was being created in hidden container.
  • XYCursor and snapToSeries problems fixed: was not working with ColumnSeries, and was not working properly with stacked axes.
  • Adding/changing data on a DateAxis with groupData = true was not working properly.
  • If non-rounded dates were used in data, XYCursor's tooltips were flickering while moving cursor over plot area.

[5.0.3] - 2021-11-09#


  • Incorrect sizing of a label in a central Sunburst node.

[5.0.2] - 2021-11-09#


  • radius() and baseRadius() methods added to RadialLabel. Return radius/baseRadius value in pixels, calculated based on all the other settings.
  • Global function am5.ready() added. Accepts a function as a parameter, which is executed when DOM is ready.


  • baseRadius of RadialLabel can now accept Percent values. Previously this property was set internally, now user can set it to a number or percent value.


  • Stacking line series with missing data on some series was incorrect.
  • oversizedBehavior on Label was not handling maxWidth and maxHeight values properly.

[5.0.1] - 2021-11-05#


  • XYChart with panning enabled an no Animated theme was flickering while panning.
  • JS error could occur sometimes if data was updated while cursor was moving over the chart.

[5.0.0] - 2021-11-02#


  • First public release.

[5.0.0-beta.44] - 2021-11-02 (release candidate)#


  • Triangle class added.
  • labelText setting added to Tooltip. If set the text will automatically be applied to tooltip's label.

[5.0.0-beta.43] - 2021-11-02#


  • Image resolution could get choppy when resized (since previous version).

[5.0.0-beta.42] - 2021-11-01#


  • If a Bullet has dynamic: true set, its sprite size will be marked as dirty each time the bullet updates its position.
  • Axis name added to AxisLabel when created so it could be targeted by axis type in theme rules.


  • Upgraded to marker.js 2.16.2.
  • Annotator new setting: markerState. You can use it to pre-set annotations, or grab annotation data at any time.
  • Default text of an AxisLabel for CategoryAxis set to "{category}".


  • Picture was not working properly in containers in a non-default layer.
  • locationX or locationY was being ignored on RadarLineSeries in some specific cases.
  • Tooltip as not coloring its text properly with "Dark" theme enabled.

[5.0.0-beta.41] - 2021-10-31#


  • dRadius and dInnerRadius settings added to Slice (default: 0). Allows tweaking radius/innerRadius values in charts where these settings are set by the chart (PieSeries, circular/radial axis fills, etc.).
  • adjustBulletPosition added to BaseColumnSeries (default: true). If set to false, bullets will be positioned relatively to whole width/height of the column, rather then the portion that is currently visible.


  • RadarChart with RadarLineSeries could result a JS error when zoomed.

[5.0.0-beta.40] - 2021-10-30#


  • Label setting oversizedBehavior was not working properly when heigh/with was 0.
  • XYSeries was not calculating maxWidth/maxHeight properly on data items with negative values.
  • Data grouping was not being applied when data was being updated after chart init.

[5.0.0-beta.39] - 2021-10-29#


  • All MapChart-related zoom methods will now return Animation object.

[5.0.0-beta.38] - 2021-10-28#


  • "depthX" (depth0, depth1, etc.) tags added to Hierarchy Nodes. This allows targeting node items via theme rules by the level.


  • A function that returns a Bullet can choose to return nothing, effectively ommitting bullet for the data item.
  • Picture elements will no inherit interactivity from its parents. If image needs to be interactive it needs to be set so directly via interactive setting.
  • Picture will now use source file's dimensions if neither width and height is set, and will also maintain aspect ratio if just one from width or height is set.


  • Better color generation and step management in ColorSet.

[5.0.0-beta.37] - 2021-10-26#


  • Dataviz, Kelly, Moonrise, Frozen, Material and Spirited themes added.
  • seriesTooltipTarget setting added to XYSeries (possible values: "series" (default) and "bullet"). If set to "bullet", first bullet of a data item will be used for as a tooltip target, making it inherit bullet's color rather than series.


  • Scrollbar grip buttons will now have exportable: false set by default, so that they are not exported to chart snapshots.
  • WordCloud words are now sorted by value if data was set using series.data.


  • First label of the WordCloud could overlap with other words afer the data update.
  • ColorSet was ignoring values set in a theme.
  • Bullets with Rectangle or RoundedRectangle as a sprite were not being shown on an XYSeries.
  • MapChart was overriding width/height variables to 100%.

[5.0.0-beta.36] - 2021-10-25#



  • XYSeries will now automatically set the first bullet of a data item as the series' tooltipTarget. This will make the series tooltip background to change color to
    the bullet's fill.


  • Code optimizations to reduce size of core package by 10%.
  • If data was being set for a CategoryAxis not instantly but after some time, the chart was not rendered properly.
  • svgPath with A or a commands was not being rendered properly.

[5.0.0-beta.35] - 2021-10-15#


  • New axis type: DurationAxis. More info.
  • New formatter type: DurationFormatter. More info.
  • New Root element property: durationFormatter. Holds a global instance of DurationFormatter which is used by DurationAxis.
  • Annotator tool added to Exporting plugin. More info.


  • Circular labels with inside = true where not properly handling line-breaks.

[5.0.0-beta.34] - 2021-10-13#


  • It is now possible to pass a custom draw methods for classes like Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Candlestick, etc. This allows implementing completely custom look for those elements.


  • Bullets on a ColumnSeries are now positioned vertically relative to visible part of the column, not the whole column.

[5.0.0-beta.33] - 2021-10-12#


  • In-line data placeholder formatting functions were not being applied when referring directly to keys in data.
  • If settings on a DataProcessor were set after it was created, they were being ignored when parsing data.
  • In some cases tooltips were losing their background/outline unless Animated theme was enabled.
  • In some cases tooltips for a hidden series were still showing.

[5.0.0-beta.32] - 2021-10-08#


  • Exporting plugin now imports minified version of xlsx library for XSLX data exports.
  • Axis tooltips have now animationDuration: 200 set automatically by Animated theme, so there's no need to set it in code anymore.


  • Charts with CategoryAxis + DateAxis were zooming incorrectly in some cases.

[5.0.0-beta.31] - 2021-10-07#


  • Axis will automatically add relative themeTags (e.g. "axis", "y", etc.) to a Tooltip when it is added. Setting themeTags manually is not required anymore.


  • An adapter for a setting was not being invoked if source value was undefined.
  • Tooltips on vertically or horizontally stacked axes were being shown in wrong positions.
  • Tooltip background displayed some artifact in some rare cases.

[5.0.0-beta.30] - 2021-10-05#


  • shadow* settings are now available on Label as well.
  • arrangeTooltips (default: true) setting added to XYChart. If set to false will disable tooltip overlap check algo.


  • Fixed type errors when importing maps (especially in Angular).
  • Fixed templateField to override template.

[5.0.0-beta.29] - 2021-10-01#


  • Wherever date or number format can be set (DateFormatter, NumberFormatter, DateAxis, ValueAxis, Exporting) it can now be set as Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions (for date format) or Intl.NumberFormatOptions (for number format) object in additional to string-based format. More info.
  • New list type ListAutoDispose added.


  • XYCursor will now ignore mouse movement if chart is obstructed by other element, unless zoomin/panning.
  • series, xAxes, and yAxes on an XYChart are now ListAutoDispose, which means that removing items from those lists will automatically dispose them. Set autoDispose = false on those lists if you are planning on removing and reusing items.


  • Sunburst nodes were shown on drill-down when they were not supposed to in some cases.
  • Hierarchy node elements were ignoring templateField.
  • It was impossible to move XYChart scrollbars to some other container.
  • Fixed memory leaking when scrolling LineSeries, and when disposing series or other items.
  • XYCursor was not firing selectended event if behavior was set to "selectX", "selectY", or "selectXY".
  • XYCursor was hiding selection when when behavior was set to "selectX", "selectY", or "selectXY".
  • SerialChart.series.clear() was not working properly.

[5.0.0-beta.28] - 2021-09-28#


  • Two new settings in Pattern: strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset.
  • Graphics and Picture can now have shadows with additional settings: shadowColor, shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, and shadowOpacity. More info.
  • New setting in ListTemplate: autoDispose (default: true). If set to true will dispose items removed from the list.


  • width and height settings in Pattern are now optional.


  • Fixed the priority of template and templateField.
  • It's now possible for the user to override the template of the ListTemplate.
  • Fixed a memory leak where series' entities were not properly disposed.
  • DataProcessor was not parsing dates as Date objects unless dateFormat was also set (which is completely not needed).
  • setRaw and setPrivateRaw no longer trigger events if the value didn't change.

[5.0.0-beta.27] - 2021-09-27#


  • Root element now has publicly-accessible property: dom. Holds a reference to chart container (div).


  • Gradient/pattern fills were not working on some elements (since 5.0.0-beta.18).

[5.0.0-beta.26] - 2021-09-24#


  • MapLineSeries with line geometry inside GeoJSON was not working properly.

[5.0.0-beta.25] - 2021-09-24#


  • New Entity setting: userData. Use it to store any kind of proprietary data with any object in amCharts 5 that extends Entity.


  • Series axis range will now have visible: false set for all axis elements (grid, fill, label, tick) by deafult. If you need to enable them, set visible: true on a respective range element. More info.


  • Improperly closed in-line text style blocks could cause label palcement issues.
  • Using \n\n in text was not resulting in empty line.
  • Horizontal Sankey bullets were not using their locationX as it should.

[5.0.0-beta.24] - 2021-09-23#


  • autoRotate and autoRotateAngle settings added to Bullet. Works on Flow and MapPointSeries (when MapPoint is attached to a MapLine).


  • Sankey bullets will now check locationY if series is vertical, and locationX of its a horizontal series. It was using positionY for all orientations previously.


  • In some cases labels with oversizedBehavior: "fit" were not being resized when available space was changed.
  • autoRotate

[5.0.0-beta.23] - 2021-09-23#


  • Scrollbar was doing some unneeded animations when grip was released while axis was still animating.
  • Double-clicking on scrollbar thumb did not always result full zoomout.
  • Clicking on Scrollbar background did not always result in animating to the clicked position.
  • stroke & fill set on ColumnSeries' columns.template was being overriden by series stroke and fill.
  • Not all settings of columns.template were copied to ColumnSeries' legend marker.

[5.0.0-beta.22] - 2021-09-22#


  • PercentSeries, FlowNodes, and Hierarchy now have fillField setting. It can be used to specify slice/node fill color via data. If not set, colors will be assigned automatically from series' colors (ColorSet).


  • The way values of nodes in Hierarchy is counted updated to be consistent. There are two options now: a) set values on lowest nodes (no children) so that each node's value is a sum of all its descendants; b) set values for each node. Using any other approach might produce unpredictangle results.
  • colors of the PercentSeries, FlowNodes, and Hierarchy will be reset every time new data is set.


  • Charts now will update their resolution when zooming. That fixes blurriness when page is zoomed in.
  • In some cases, axis' or series' tooltip was showing correct value but was not positioned in the right position.
  • If a templateField was set on FlowNodes' rectangles, the fill of the rectangle set in the field was ignored.

[5.0.0-beta.21] - 2021-09-21#


  • Compared XYSeries with valueYShow: "valueYChangeSelectionPercent" were redrawn no taking current zoom into account when mouse cursor left plot area when panning chart.

[5.0.0-beta.20] - 2021-09-21#


  • toFront() and toBack() methods added to Sprite.
  • "above" setting added to AxisDataItem. Allows putting AxisRange grid and fill elements above the series.
  • New setting ignoreFormatting for Label added. If set to true, it will ignore square-bracketed style blocks and will display text as it is.


  • Elements in chart will not generate hover events if they are obstructed by some other DOM element anymore.
  • XYSeries with a vertical axis range was fully visible, even the part covered by an axis range.
  • Axis bullets were not being hidden when axis data item was hidden.
  • Labels in BreadcrumbBar were sometimes misaligned in Safari browser.
  • Legend item of an initially-hidden series/slices/columns was being shown as enabled.

[5.0.0-beta.19] - 2021-09-18#


  • Removing an axis from xAxes or yAxes was not working properly in some cases.
  • If a templateField was set on some child of a bullet's sprite, it was being ignored.

[5.0.0-beta.18] - 2021-09-17#


  • areLinked() method added to LinkedHierarchy.
  • unlinkDataItems() method added to LinkedHierarchy.
  • Global function am5.disposeAllRootElements() added. Disposes all charts.
  • am5.registry.rootElements added which holds an array with instances of all active Root elements.
  • seriesGraphics property added to PictorialStackedSeries. It's a Graphics which shows svgPath shape under all slices. Useful when startLocation/endLocation is used to make slices not occupy whole shape area.


  • maxPanOut of MapChart is temporarily disabled until we figure out proper behavior for it.


  • Linking nodes with linkDataItems of LinkedHierarchy was not working if called after the data was set.
  • Micro theme was not removing padding from charts.
  • Adding in @types/geojson as a dependency.
  • Map could jump to unpredictable position after the chart's container size changed and user zoomed or panned the map.
  • In some cases Label with oversizedBehavior = "fit" could be incorrectly positioned.
  • Removing series and axes from a serial chart was not working properly.

[5.0.0-beta.17] - 2021-09-15#


  • Default for Treemap setting layoutAlgorithm changed to "squarify".
  • Providing value in Hierarchy node's data will override sum of its children (except for Pack).


  • ForceDirected nodes were linked to invisible top node even though topDepth was set to 1 meaning top node should not be visible. This was causing issues with the layout of such nodes.

[5.0.0-beta.16] - 2021-09-14#


  • Fills for axis ranges could go out of plot area bounds.
  • Tooltip of Y axis could be displayed out of bounds in some cases.

[5.0.0-beta.15] - 2021-09-14#


  • dynamic setting added to Bullet, for the bullets that need their sprite element redrawn when related series changes in any way.
  • ClockHand now supports negative radius value (distance from the target axis outer radius in pixels).
  • syncWithAxis added to ValueAxis. If enabled, will sync grid between the axes.


  • If legend items container toggle key is set to "none", clicking on the legend item will not do anything now.
  • In MapLineSeries, if a data item had pointsToConnect set, map line now first looks at the point's longitude/latitude setting and then at the geometry.


  • Play button was not chaning to default state instantly.
  • Change of curveFactory of LineSeries was not forcing redraw of the series.
  • StepLineSeries was not drawn properly when both X and Y axes were ValueAxis.
  • StepLineSeries was not showing tooltip when it was set as a snapToSeries on chart Cursor.
  • Theme rules now have the correct priority no matter where they are defined.

[5.0.0-beta.14] - 2021-09-10#


  • Scrollbar grips' theme tags modified so that a correct color would be used.
  • XYCursor with multiple entried in snapToSeries was causing multiple tooltips to show at all times.

[5.0.0-beta.13] - 2021-09-09#


  • Star now supports inner radius set in percent.


  • Tooltips for radar series were not show with RadarCursor.
  • In some cases, Scrollbars were not being updated when zoomed-in with cursor.
  • Clicking on scrollbar's background resulted in scrollbar animation, but the scrollbar did not update its axis.
  • Dynamically changing geoJSON on a MapSeries was not working

[5.0.0-beta.12] - 2021-09-08#


  • AxisRendererCircular now supports negative radius values.


  • When a template state is changed, it now automatically updates related Entity's state as well.


  • LineSeries was not working properly with templateField set on strokes or fills.
  • LineSeries could stop drawing line while zooming if there were gaps in the data.

[5.0.0-beta.11] - 2021-09-08#


  • fill and stroke settings moved from XYSeries to Series, so that all series like MapSeries could be shown in Legend.
  • Text of a tooltip text will now adaptively change color based on current background color.


  • "click" event is no longer fired on right-click.
  • Changing data dynamically on map-related series was not working properly.
  • Switching projection on a zoomed-in/translated map was resulting in new map to be in a wrong position.

[5.0.0-beta.10] - 2021-09-07#


  • A quick flash of chart position fixed (introduced in 5.0.0-beta.9).
  • MapChart.goHome() method fixed.

[5.0.0-beta.9] - 2021-09-06#


  • id setting to all entities. If set, will also appear in am5.registry.entitiesById.
  • show() and hide() methods of DataItem now accept duration param.


  • Stacking of horizontal bars was not working properly.
  • Children of a Container were not being disposed properly together with the container itself.
  • Tooltip for a series close to the top/bottom of a plot area sometimes was not being displayed.
  • PieSeries was overriding label textType setting.
  • XYChart and MapChart were taking over mouse wheel action even when wheelY and wheelX were set to "none".
  • XYCursor was not showing series tooltips if Y axis was not a ValueAxis.
  • XYCursor was showing previous data point tooltip if currently hovered position did not have data item or value was null.
  • Percent chart could go to SO if there were no values in data.
  • Changing layer value dynamically was not working properly.

[5.0.0-beta.8] - 2021-09-02#


  • deltaPosition added to data item of a CategoryAxis. Can be used for sorting series columns without modifying data order.
  • resetExtremes() method added to XYSeries. Resets series extremes to undefined. Can be used when values of a series are changed from outside.

[5.0.0-beta.7] - 2021-08-31#


  • New themeTagsSelf setting for Entity which is the same as themeTags except it doesn't apply to the children.
  • clipBack setting added to MapLineSeries.


  • Tooltips and Cursor are now exportable: false by default (meaning they won't be included in exported images).


  • Sometimes plot container of an XYChart was not registering pointerout event.
  • Accessibility: Not-measured items (e.g. columns) were not being properly outlined when focused.
  • Zoom out button only zoomed out axes but not scrollbars.
  • If a zoom out button was over columns or other interactive element, it was not working.
  • goHome() method of MapChart was not working properly.
  • Fixed fill style for Scrollbar grips.

[5.0.0-beta.6] - 2021-08-29#


  • Hiding chart container or setting its width/height to zero was resulting in error.
  • State setting values set in theme rules/templates were not being applied.
  • Improved arrangement of multiple tooltips on a XYChart.
  • Improved alignment of Legend labels improved.
  • Huge numbers in layer setting were resulting in severe degration of performance.

[5.0.0-beta.5] - 2021-08-27#


  • Fixed RadarCursor issues.

[5.0.0-beta.4] - 2021-08-27#


  • Initial bugfixes.

[5.0.0-beta.3] - 2021-08-25#


  • Initial bugfixes.

[5.0.0-beta.2] - 2021-08-16#


  • Initial bugfixes.

[5.0.0-beta.1] - 2021-08-13#


  • Initial preview release