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yjryu 2024-01-10 0b542f0 240110 류윤주 commit UNIX
# get-assigned-identifiers

get a list of identifiers that are initialised by a JavaScript AST node.


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[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/get-assigned-identifiers
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## Install

npm install get-assigned-identifiers

## Usage

var getAssignedIdentifiers = require('get-assigned-identifiers')

var ast = parse(`
  var { a, b: [ c,, ...x ], d } = whatever()
var node = ast.body[0].declarations[0].id
// → [{ name: 'a' }, { name: 'c' }, { name: 'x' }, { name: 'd' }]

## API

### `getAssignedIdentifiers(node)`

Return an array of AST Nodes referencing identifiers that are initialised by the `node`, taking into account destructuring.

If `node` is not an identifier or destructuring node, this returns an empty array.

## License
