File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
<div class="content">
<div :class="{ 'top-banner banner': true, [bannerId]: true }" v-if="this.$route.path.startsWith('/aidt')">
<div class="flex-column align-center justify-center content">
<h1 class="banner-title text-ct white">{{ $getMenuInfo().menuNm }}</h1>
<p class="box-title text-ct white">{{ $getMenuInfo().menuCn }}</p>
<PageNavigationBar :navi="naviData" />
<div :class="{'pt100 pb100 user-page':true,'flex-column justify-center' :myInfoUpdate&&innerStep === 0}" style="min-height: calc(100vh - 595px);">
<div class="w1280">
<!----------------------------------------------- 내정보 조회 화면 ------------------------------------------------>
<div class="selectlist-zone" v-if="myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm && !myInfoUpdate">
<div class="mb25">
<h2 class="page-sub-title">나의 정보</h2>
<!-- 일반회원 마이페이지 -->
<div v-if="myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_USER' || myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_CO_USER' || myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_CO_MANAGER'">
<div class="border pd30 mb30">
<div class="mb15">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center mb10">
<p class="content-title2">{{ myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm }} <span v-if="myInfo.mbr_jbgd_nm">({{
myInfo.mbr_jbgd_nm }})</span></p>
<p class="pl5 pr5">·</p>
<p class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.lgn_id }}</p>
<div class="conpany-info mb25">
<div class=" flex justify-start align-center pt15 pb10">
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">회원유형</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.authrt_nm }}</span>
<!-- 일반회원일 경우 권한 안보임 -->
<div class="gd-4" v-if="myInfo.ent_nm">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">기업명</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.ent_nm }}</span>
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">구독서비스</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-if="myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn == 'Y'">구독 중</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-else>구독안함</span>
<div class="flex justify-start align-center pt10 pb15">
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">전화번호</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ hyphenMinus(myInfo.mbr_encpt_telno) }}</span>
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">이메일</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad }}</span>
<div class="download-zone" v-if="myInfo.file_nm">
<div class="company-profile mb25">
<div class="mb10">
<h3 class="content-title2">재직증명서 첨부파일</h3>
<div class="download-item border flex justify-between align-center pd10">
<p class="ellipsis gd-10">{{ myInfo.file_nm }}.{{myInfo.extn_nm }}</p>
<div class="flex align-center justify-end gd-2">
<button class="icon-btn" aria-label="pdfPreviewButton" id="pdfPreviewButton" title="미리보기" @click="$openPdfViewrWindwow(myInfo.file_id, pageAuth)"> <svg-icon type="mdi" :path="pdfPath" role="img" aria-labelledby="pdfPreviewButton"></svg-icon></button>
<!-- <button class="icon-btn" title="다운로드" @click="downloadFile(myInfo)"><svg-icon type="mdi" :path="downloadPath"></svg-icon></button> -->
<!-- <div class="download-item border flex justify-between align-center pd10">
<p class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.file_nm }}</p>
<div @click="downloadFile(myInfo)">
<span class="mr10 detail-text">다운로드</span>
<button class="icon-btn"><img
src="../../../../resources/img/download.png" alt=""></button>
</div> -->
<div class="btn-zone flex justify-end">
<div class="gd-1 pl0 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-btn ml0" title="수정" @click="userUpdatePage()">수정하기</button>
<!-- 신청존 -->
<div v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'request' || myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'reject' " >
<div class="mb25">
<h3 class="page-sub-title">신청정보</h3>
<div class="table-zone">
<table class="list-table application-info-table">
<col width="20%">
<col width="20%">
<col width="15%">
<col width="15%">
<col width="10%">
<col width="20%">
<td v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'request'" class="text-ct">{{ myInfo.ent_nm }}</td>
<td v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'reject'" class="text-ct">{{ myInfo.last_ent }}</td>
<td class="text-ct">{{ myInfo.rprs_yn === 'Y' ? '기업관리자' : '기업회원' }} 신청</td>
<p v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'request'" class="text-ct">{{ $formatUnixToDate(myInfo.request_dt) }}</p>
<p v-else class="text-ct">-</p>
<p v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'reject'" class="text-ct">{{ $formatUnixToDate(myInfo.reject_dt) }}</p>
<p v-else class="text-ct">-</p>
<p v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'request'" class="text-ct">처리중</p>
<p v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'reject'" class="text-ct">반려</p>
<td >
<p v-if="myInfo.aprv_aply_stts_cd == 'reject'" class="text-ct">{{ myInfo.rjct_cn }}</p>
<p v-else class="text-ct">-</p>
<!-- 영역별 담당자 및 관리자 -->
<div class="border pd30 mb30" v-else>
<div class="mb15">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center mb10">
<!-- 이름 -->
<p class="content-title2">{{ myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm }} <span
v-if="myInfo.mbr_jbgd">({{ myInfo.mbr_jbgd_nm }})</span></p>
<p class="pl5 pr5">·</p>
<!-- 아이디 -->
<p class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.lgn_id }}</p>
<div class="conpany-info mb25">
<div class=" flex justify-start align-center pt15 pb10">
<!-- <div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">회원유형</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.authrt_nm }}</span>
</div> -->
<div class="gd-4" v-if="myInfo.ent_nm">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">소속기관</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.ogdp_inst_nm }}</span>
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">권한</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-if="myInfo.authrt_id == 'ROLE_ADMIN'">KERIS관리자</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-else-if="myInfo.authrt_id == 'ROLE_MANAGER'">영역별담당자</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-else-if="myInfo.authrt_id == 'ROLE_EDU_MANAGER'">교육부담당자</span>
<!-- <span class="detail-text" v-if="myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn == 'Y'">구독</span>
<span class="detail-text" v-else>비구독</span> -->
<div class="gd-4">
<span class="detail-bold mr15">이메일</span>
<span class="detail-text">{{ myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad }}</span>
<div class="btn-zone flex justify-end">
<div class="gd-1 pr0" v-if="isAdmin()">
<button class="large-btn darkg-border-btn" title="관리자 포털" @click="fnSiteMove()">관리자 포털</button>
<div class="gd-1 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-btn" title="수정" @click="userUpdatePage()">수정하기</button>
<!----------------------------------------------- 내정보 수정 화면 ------------------------------------------------>
<div v-if="myInfoUpdate">
<div v-if="innerStep === 0" class="content">
<div class="flex-column justify-center align-center content">
<div class="login-wrap pd30 border">
<div class="page-title mb30">
<p class="text-ct">비밀번호 확인</p>
<div class="pw-zone mb10">
<input type="password" name="" id="pw" placeholder="PASSWORD를 입력하세요." v-model="mbrEncptPswd"
@keyup.enter="checkPwd()" autocomplete="off" class="full-input" />
<button class="large-btn blue-btn ml0" title="확인" @click="checkPwd()">
<div v-else>
<!-- 관리자 외 -->
v-if="myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_USER' || myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_CO_USER' || myInfo.authrt_id === 'ROLE_CO_MANAGER'">
<div class="border pd30 mb30">
<div class="flex justify-between align-center border-b mb30">
<div class="content-border-title">
<div class="form-table-style">
<table class="form-table mb10">
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<div class="mb16">
<label for="id" class="fw-bold">아이디</label>
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-6 pl0">
<input type="text" class="full-input" id="id" :value="myInfo.lgn_id" disabled />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-8 pl0">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center mb16">
<label for="pw" class="fw-bold">비밀번호</label>
<div class="gd-2"><button class="large-btn blue-border-btn" title="비밀번호 변경" id="pw"
@click="newPwShow">비밀번호 변경</button>
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-5 pl0 mb10">
<label for="name" class="fw-bold mb16">이름</label>
<input type="text" class="full-input" id="name" v-model="myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm" disabled />
<!-- 없으면 표기 X -->
<div class="gd-5 pl0 pr0 mb10" v-if="myInfo.authrt_id !== 'ROLE_USER'">
<label for="rank" class="fw-bold mb16">직위(직급)</label>
<input type="text" class="full-input" id="rank" v-model="myInfo.mbr_jbgd_nm" />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<label for="number" class="fw-bold mb16">전화번호</label>
<div class="flex justify-start no-gutters">
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<input type="text" class="full-input ml0" id="number" v-model="tel.tel1"
disabled />
<div class="pd10">-</div>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<input type="text" class="full-input ml0" v-model="tel.tel2"
disabled />
<div class="pd10">-</div>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<input type="text" class="full-input ml0" v-model="tel.tel3"
disabled />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<label for="email_id" class="fw-bold mb16">이메일</label>
<div class="flex justify-start">
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="email.id" id="email_id" autocomplete="off" ref="emailId"/>
<div class="pd10">@</div>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0" v-show="email.select == 'self'" >
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="email.address" v-show="email.select == 'self'" ref="emailAddress"/>
<div class="gd-2">
<select name="" id="" class="full-select ml0"
v-model="email.select" ref="emailSelect">
<option value="">선택해주세요</option>
<option value="self">직접입력</option>
<option value="naver.com">naver.com</option>
<option value="google.com">google.com</option>
<option value="hanmail.net">hanmail.net</option>
<option value="nate.com">nate.com</option>
<option value="kakao.com">kakao.com</option>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-border-btn" title="중복확인" v-if="!isPreviousEmail"
<tr v-if="myInfo.ent_id">
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<div class="mb16">
<label for="" class="fw-bold">재직증명서</label>
<p class="detail-text red-text">※ 재직증명서 내 주민등록번호를 반드시 마스킹하여 업로드 해야
<!-- <Attachment @emitFiles="emitFiles" :type="'certification'" :text="'재직증명서를 첨부해주세요.'"/> -->
<Attachment @emitFiles="emitFiles" :type="'certification'" @file-deleted="handleFileDeleted"
:text="'재직증명서를 첨부해주세요.'" :options="{ allowedExtensions: ['pdf'] }" />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<p class="form-title mb16">구독 서비스</p>
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<input type="checkbox" name="" id="subscribe" v-model="isSubscribed">
<label for="subscribe" class="ml5">통합지원센터 소식 구독</label>
<div class="btn-zone flex justify-between align-center no-gutters">
<div class="gd-1">
<button class="large-btn darkg-border-btn ml0" title="취소" @click="isCancel">취소</button>
<div class="gd-6 flex justify-end align-center">
<div class="gd-2 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-btn ml0" title="수정" @click="axiosUpdateMbr()">수정</button>
<div class="gd-2 pr0">
<button class="large-btn red-btn ml0" title="회원탈퇴" @click="fnWithdraw()">회원탈퇴</button>
<!-- 관리자 -->
<div v-else>
<div class="border pd30 mb30">
<div class="flex justify-between align-center border-b mb30">
<div class="content-border-title">
<div class="form-table-style">
<table class="form-table mb10">
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<div class="mb16">
<p class="form-title ">아이디</p>
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-6 pl0">
<input type="text" class="full-input" :value="myInfo.lgn_id" disabled />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-8 pl0">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center mb16">
<p class="form-title ">비밀번호</p>
<div class="gd-2"><button class="large-btn blue-border-btn" title="비밀번호 변경"
@click="newPwShow">비밀번호 변경</button>
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="flex justify-start align-center">
<div class="gd-4 pl0">
<p class="form-title mb16">이름</p>
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm" autocomplete="off"/>
<div class="gd-4 pl0">
<p class="form-title mb16">소속기관</p>
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="myInfo.ogdp_inst_nm" autocomplete="off"/>
<div class="gd-4 pl0 pr0">
<p class="form-title mb16">권한</p>
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="myInfo.authrt_nm" disabled />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12 pl0 pr0">
<p class="form-title mb16">이메일</p>
<div class="flex justify-start">
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="email.id" id="email_id" autocomplete="off" ref="emailId"/>
<div class="pd10">@</div>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0" v-show="email.select == 'self'" >
<input type="text" class="full-input" v-model="email.address" v-show="email.select == 'self'" ref="emailAddress"/>
<div class="gd-2">
<select name="" id="" class="full-select ml0"
v-model="email.select" ref="emailSelect">
<option value="">선택해주세요</option>
<option value="self">직접입력</option>
<option value="naver.com">naver.com</option>
<option value="google.com">google.com</option>
<option value="hanmail.net">hanmail.net</option>
<option value="nate.com">nate.com</option>
<option value="kakao.com">kakao.com</option>
<div class="gd-2 pl0 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-border-btn" v-if="!isPreviousEmail" title="중복확인"
<div class="flex justify-between align-center">
<div class="gd-1 pd0">
<button class="large-btn darkg-border-btn ml0" title="취소" @click="isCancel">취소</button>
<div class="gd-1 pd0">
<button class="large-btn blue-btn ml0" title="수정" @click="axiosUpdateAdm()">수정</button>
<div v-show="isCancelModal" class="modal-wrapper" role="dialog"
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<div class="modal-title">
<div class="flex justify-between align-center">
<h2 class="page-sub-title">알림</h2>
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<svg-icon type="mdi" :path="closePath" role="img" aria-labelledby="close"></svg-icon>
<div class="modal-content-monthly">
<p class="detail-text">회원 정보 수정을 취소하시겠습니까?</p>
<div class="flex justify-between align-center">
<div class="gd-6"><button class="gray-btn large-btn" title="취소" @click="closeCancelModal">취소</button>
<!-- 유저상세페이지로 이동 -->
<div class="gd-6"><button class="blue-btn large-btn" title="확인" @click="userSelectPage">확인</button></div>
<!-- 비밀번호 변경 모달 -->
<div v-show="newPwZone" class="modal-wrapper" role="dialog"
<div class="modal-container medium-modal" style="height: auto; min-height: auto;">
<div class="modal-title">
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<h2>비밀번호 변경</h2>
<button class="icon-btn black" aria-label="close2" id="close2" @click="closeCancelModal" title="닫기" >
<svg-icon type="mdi" :path="closePath" role="img" aria-labelledby="close2"></svg-icon>
<div class="modal-content-monthly">
<table class="form-table border-none">
<td class="pb10">
<div class="gd-12">
<label for="newPw" class="form-title mb10">변경할 비밀번호</label>
<input type="password" class="full-input" placeholder="영문, 숫자, 특수문자 조합된 6~20자리" id="newPw"
v-model="pswd.newPswd" autocomplete="off" minlength="6"
maxlength="20" />
<td class="text-lf">
<div class="gd-12">
<label for="newPw_check" class="form-title mb10">변경할 비밀번호 확인</label>
<p class="green" v-if="(pswd.newPswd === pswd.newPswdChk) && pswd.newPswdChk">비밀번호 일치합니다.</p>
<p class="red" v-if="(pswd.newPswd !== pswd.newPswdChk) && pswd.newPswdChk">비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.</p>
<input type="password" class="full-input" placeholder="비밀번호를 한번 더 입력하세요."
id="newPw_check" v-model="pswd.newPswdChk" autocomplete="off" minlength="6"
maxlength="20" />
<div class="modal-end flex justify-end align-center">
<div class="gd-2 pr0">
<button class="large-btn gray-btn" title="취소" @click="closeCancelModal">취소</button>
<div class="gd-2 pr0">
<button class="large-btn blue-btn" title="변경" @click="axiosUpdatePswd()">변경</button>
import PageNavigationBar from '../../../component/pagenavigationbar/PageNavigationBar.vue';
import _ from "lodash";
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import COMMON_UTIL from '../../../../resources/js/commonUtil';
import { useStore } from "vuex";
import { mdiWindowClose, mdiFileSearchOutline,mdiFileDownloadOutline } from '@mdi/js';
import Attachment from '../../../component/file/Attachment.vue';
import axios from 'axios';
// api
import { detailProc , pwdCheck , updatePswdProc, emlDupProc } from '../../../../resources/api/userPage';
import { withdrawProc, updateAdmProc } from '../../../../resources/api/mbrInfo'
export default {
data() {
return {
pdfPath:mdiFileSearchOutline ,
path: this.$store.state.path,
pageAuth: this.$store.state.pageAuth,
role: this.$store.state.roles,
mbrId: this.$store.state.mbrId,
myInfo: {},
route: useRoute(),
store: useStore(),
newPwZone: false,
isCancelModal: false,
innerStep: 0,
mbrEncptPswd: null,
//비밀번호 정보 객체
pswd: {
newPswd: null,
newPswdChk: null,
email: {
id: null,
select: "",
address: null,
tel : {
tel1: null,
tel2: null,
tel3: null,
previousEmail: null,
isPreviousEmail: true,
rcptn_agre_yn: false,
file: new FormData(),
naviData: {},
methods: {
// 모달
newPwShow: function () {
this.newPwZone = true;
isCancel: function () {
this.isCancelModal = true
this.myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn = this.rcptn_agre_yn
closeCancelModal: function () {
this.isCancelModal = false
this.newPwZone = false;
userSelectPage: function(){
this.myInfoUpdate = false
this.innerStep = 0
this.mbrEncptPswd = null
//내정보 조회
async init() {
const vm = this;
try {
const res = await detailProc();
if(res.status == 200) {
this.myInfo = res.data.data;
this.rcptn_agre_yn = this.myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn;
vm.myInfoUpdate = false;
} catch(error) {
this.$router.push({ path: '/'})
// 첨부파일 다운로드 로직
async downloadFile(myInfo) {
if(this.pageAuth.fileDwnldAuthrtYn != 'Y') {
alert('다운로드 권한이 없습니다.');
const file = {
'fileId' : myInfo.file_id,
'fileNm' : myInfo.file_nm,
'extnNm' : myInfo.extn_nm,
await this.$downloadFile(file, this.pageAuth);
// 전화번호 - 처리
hyphenMinus: function(telno) {
return COMMON_UTIL.HyphenMinus(telno);
// 전화번호 분리
splitPhoneNumber(data) {
const phoneNumber = data;
if (phoneNumber.length === 11) {
this.tel.tel1 = phoneNumber.slice(0, 3);
this.tel.tel2 = phoneNumber.slice(3, 7);
this.tel.tel3 = phoneNumber.slice(7, 11);
// 회원정보 수정페이지로 이동
userUpdatePage: function () {
this.myInfoUpdate = true;
this.previousEmail = this.myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad
stepGo: function (num) {
this.innerStep = num
// 현재 비밀번호 검증
async checkPwd() {
const vm = this;
if(this.$isEmpty(this.mbrEncptPswd)) return
const data = { 'mbrEncptPswd' : this.mbrEncptPswd }
try {
const res = await pwdCheck(data);
if(res.status == 200) {
} catch(error) {
// 비밀번호 변경 유효성검사
pwUpdateValid() {
if (this.$isEmpty(this.pswd.newPswd)) {
alert("변경할 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.")
return false
} else if (this.$isEmpty(this.pswd.newPswdChk)) {
alert("비밀번호 확인을 입력해주세요.")
return false
} else if (this.pswd.newPswd !== this.pswd.newPswdChk) {
alert("비밀번호가 불일치합니다.");
return false
} else if (!this.$pwCheck(this.pswd.newPswd)) {
alert('비밀번호는 영문, 숫자, 특수문자를 포함한 6~20자이어야 합니다.')
return false
return true
// 비밀번호 변경
async axiosUpdatePswd() {
if(!this.pwUpdateValid()) return
let data = {
mbrId : this.mbrId ,
newMbrEncptPswd : this.pswd.newPswd
try {
const res = await updatePswdProc(data);
// axios 결과
alert(this.$getCmmnMessage("msg004", "비밀번호 수정이 "));
this.newPwZone = false;
//비밀번호input 비우기
this.pswd.newPswd = null;
this.pswd.newPswdChk = null;
} catch (error) {
const errorData = error.response.data;
if (errorData.message != null && errorData.message != "") {
} else {
// alert("에러가 발생했습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해주세요.");
// 이메일 분리
emailSplit(data) {
const email = data.split("@");
this.email.id = email[0];
switch (email[1]) {
case "naver.com":
case "google.com":
case "hanmail.net":
case "nate.com":
case "kakao.com":
this.email.select = email[1];
this.email.select = "self";
this.email.address = email[1];
// 이메일 비교(중복검사 창 활성화 용)
compareEmail() {
this.isPreviousEmail = (this.emailSum() === this.previousEmail)
// 이메일 합체
emailSum() {
if (this.email.select != "self") {
return this.email.id + "@" + this.email.select;
} else {
return this.email.id + "@" + this.email.address;
//이메일 중복 검사
fnEmlDuplication() {
let email = this.emailSum();
if (!this.mailValidation(email)) {
} else {
//이메일 유효성 검사
mailValidation: function (email) {
this.email.id = this.email.id ? this.email.id.trim() : null
if (this.$isEmpty(this.email.id)) {
alert('이메일 ID를 입력해주세요.');
return false;
// 이메일 선택 여부
if (this.$isEmpty(this.email.select)) {
alert("도메인을 선택하세요.");
return false;
// 이메일 직접입력 입력 여부
if (this.email.select == "self") {
this.email.address = this.email.address ? this.email.address.trim() : null
if (this.$isEmpty(this.email.address)) {
alert("도메인을 입력해주세요.");
return false;
} else {
//2.정규식 검사
if (!this.$email(email)) {
alert('이메일 형식을 확인해 주세요.');
return false;
return true;
//이메일 중복 검사
async axiosEmlDuplication(email) {
// 데이터 세팅
const data = {'mbrEncptEmad' : email};
// 실행
try {
const res = await emlDupProc(data);
// axios 결과
if(res.status === 200) {
this.isPreviousEmail = true;
} catch (error) {
const errorData = error.response.data;
if (errorData.message != null && errorData.message != "") {
} else {
// alert("에러가 발생했습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해주세요.");
//파일목록 받아오기
emitFiles: function (files) {
this.file.append(files.type, files.filelist[0])
//사용자 수정
axiosUpdateMbr: function() {
if(!this.isPreviousEmail) {
alert("이메일 중복확인은 필수입니다.")
const vm = this;
vm.myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad = vm.emailSum()
const request = new FormData();
if(this.file !== null) {
for(const key of this.file.keys()){
request.append(key, this.file.get(key))
url: '/mbr/updateProc.json',
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8',
Authorization: this.$store.state.authorization,
data: request
}).then(function (res) {
if(res.status === 200) {
//수정 성공
}).catch(function (error) {
const errorData = error.response.data;
if (errorData.message != null && errorData.message != "") {
//관리자 수정
async axiosUpdateAdm() {
const vm = this;
vm.myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad = vm.emailSum()
let data = {
"mbrId" : vm.myInfo.mbr_id,
"mbrEncptFlnm" : vm.myInfo.mbr_encpt_flnm,
"ogdpInstNm" : vm.myInfo.ogdp_inst_nm,
"authrtId" : vm.myInfo.authrt_id,
"mbrEncptEmad" : vm.myInfo.mbr_encpt_emad
try {
const res = await updateAdmProc(data);
if (res.status == 200) { //수정 성공
} catch (error) {
const errorData = error.response.data;
if (errorData.message != null && errorData.message != "") {
} else {
// alert("에러가 발생했습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해주세요.");
// 삭제
fnWithdraw() {
if (confirm(this.$getCmmnMessage("cnf002"))) {
} else {
// axios: 회원탈퇴
async axiosWithdraw() {
// 데이터 세팅
let data = {"mbrId" : this.myInfo.mbr_id}
// 실행
try {
const response = await withdrawProc(data);
// axios 결과
alert(this.$getCmmnMessage('msg005', '회원탈퇴가 '));
// 메인으로 이동
// this.$router.push({ path: '/'})
window.location.href = '/'
} catch (error) {
const errorData = error.response.data;
if (errorData.message != null && errorData.message != "") {
} else {
// alert("에러가 발생했습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해주세요.");
//PDF 파일 이외에 첨부금지
handleFileDeleted(deletedFileKey) {
let newFormData = new FormData;
for (let [key, value] of this.file.entries()) {
if (key !== deletedFileKey) {
newFormData.append(key, value);
// 새로운 FormData 객체로 업데이트
this.file = newFormData;
// KERIS관리자 여부 확인
isAdmin() {
return this.role.some(role => role.authority === 'ROLE_ADMIN');
fnSiteMove() {
path: "/kdm/main.page",
watch: {
'email.id': 'compareEmail',
'email.select': 'compareEmail',
'email.address': 'compareEmail',
computed: {
isSubscribed: {
get() {
return this.myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn === 'Y';
set(value) {
this.myInfo.rcptn_agre_yn = value ? 'Y' : 'N';
components: {
'PageNavigationBar': PageNavigationBar,
'Attachment': Attachment,
mounted() {
// 초기화
this.naviData = { 'main': '마이페이지', 'sub': '나의 정보관리' };