윤영준 윤영준 2024-05-23
--- inference_endpoint.py
+++ inference_endpoint.py
@@ -52,11 +52,12 @@
         self.time_sent = None
         self.cctv_latitude = None
         self.cctv_longitude = None
-        self.cctv_info = None
+        self.cctv_name = None
         self.mask = None
         self.mask_blob = None
         self.image = None
         self.image_type = None
+        self.seg_image = None
         self.area_percent = 0
     @ns.response(200, 'Success')
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
             ns.abort(400, 'No image part in the request')
         self.image = request.files['file']
         self.image_type = request.headers.get('Content-Type')
-        self.cctv_info = base64.b64decode(request.headers.get('x-cctv-name', '')).decode('UTF-8')
+        self.cctv_name = base64.b64decode(request.headers.get('x-cctv-name', '')).decode('UTF-8')
         self.time_sent = request.headers.get('x-time-sent', '')
         self.cctv_latitude = request.headers.get('x-cctv-latitude', 'Not provided')
         self.cctv_longitude = request.headers.get('x-cctv-longitude', 'Not provided')
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
         image = self.image.read()
         image = np.frombuffer(image, np.uint8)
         image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
-        # filename = f"{timestamp}_{self.cctv_info}.png"
+        # filename = f"{timestamp}_{self.cctv_name}.png"
         t1 = time.time()
         detections, self.mask = inference_engine.run_inference(cv2.resize(image, model_input_shape))
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
         print(t2 - t1)
         if len(self.mask) != 0:
-            seg_image = overlay_mask(image, self.mask[0], color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=0.3)
+            self.seg_image = overlay_mask(image, self.mask[0], color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=0.3)
             self.area_percent = 0
         else :
             self.area_percent = np.sum(self.mask) / image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
         header = {
             'Content-Type': f'{self.image_type}',
             'x-time-sent': time_sent,
-            'x-cctv-name': base64.b64encode(str(self.cctv_info).encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii'),
+            'x-cctv-name': base64.b64encode(str(self.cctv_name).encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii'),
             'x-cctv-latitude': str(self.cctv_latitude),
             'x-cctv-longitude': str(self.cctv_longitude),
             'x-area-percentage' : str(self.area_percent),
@@ -114,13 +115,18 @@
             multipart_data = MultipartEncoder(
                     'image': (
-                        f'frame_{self.cctv_info}.{self.image_type}',
+                        f'frame_{self.cctv_name}.{self.image_type}',
                     'mask' : (
-                        f'frame_mask_{self.cctv_info}.{self.image_type}',
+                        f'frame_mask_{self.cctv_name}.{self.image_type}',
+                        f'image/{self.image_type}'
+                    ),
+                    'seg_mask' : (
+                        f'frame_seg_{self.cctv_name}.{self.image_type}',
+                        self.seg_image,
@@ -130,7 +136,7 @@
         except Exception as e:
-            print("Can not connect to the analyzer server. Check the endpoint address or connection.\n"
+            print("Can not connect to the postprocessing server. Check the endpoint address or connection.\n"
                   f"Can not connect to : {self.endpoint}")
--- postprocess_draft.py
+++ postprocess_draft.py
@@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
-class StreamSources:
+import numpy as np
+from flask import Flask, request
+from flask_restx import Api, Resource, fields
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from yoloseg.inference_ import Inference, overlay_mask
+import cv2
+import time
+import base64
+import requests
+import typing
+from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
+# from config_files import API_ENDPOINT_MAIN
+app = Flask(__name__)
+api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='CCTV Image Upload API',
+          description='A postprocessing and adaptive rate mainserver pusher')
+# Namespace definition
+ns = api.namespace('cctv', description='CCTV operations')
+class StreamSources():
     def __init__(self, buffer_size, normal_send_interval, failure_mode_thres, failure_mode_check_past_n, normal_mode_thres, normal_mode_check_past_n):
-        assert  failure_mode_thres <= failure_mode_check_past_n, f"failure_mode checker condition is invaild!, failure_mode needs {failure_mode_thres} fails in {failure_mode_check_past_n}, which is not possible!" 
-        assert  failure_mode_thres <= failure_mode_check_past_n, f"normal_mode checker condition is invaild!, normal_mode needs {failure_mode_thres} fails in {normal_mode_check_past_n}, which is not possible!"
+        assert failure_mode_thres <= failure_mode_check_past_n, f"failure_mode checker condition is invaild!, failure_mode needs {failure_mode_thres} fails in {failure_mode_check_past_n}, which is not possible!"
+        assert normal_mode_thres <= normal_mode_check_past_n, f"normal_mode checker condition is invaild!, normal_mode needs {normal_mode_thres} fails in {normal_mode_check_past_n}, which is not possible!"
         assert buffer_size < failure_mode_check_past_n, f"'buffer_size' is smaller then failure_mode_thres! This is not possible! This will cause program to never enter failure mode!! \nPrinting relevent args and shutting down!\n buffer_size : {buffer_size}\n failure_mode_thres : {failure_mode_thres}"
         assert buffer_size < normal_mode_thres, f"'buffer_size' is smaller then normal_mode_thres! This is will cause the program to never revert back to normal mode!! \nPrinting relevent args and shutting down!\n buffer_size : {buffer_size}\n normal_mode_thres : {normal_mode_thres}"
@@ -15,34 +37,39 @@
             self.switching_fail_consecutive_mode = False
         if normal_mode_thres == normal_mode_check_past_n:
             self.switching_normal_consecutive_mode = True
-        else
+        else:
             self.switching_normal_consecutive_mode = False
         self.failure_mode_thres = failure_mode_thres
         self.failure_mode_check_past_n = failure_mode_check_past_n
         self.normal_mode_thres = normal_mode_thres
-    def __setitem__(self, key):
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
         if key not in self.sources:
             self.sources[key] = {
                 "status_counts": [],
                 "ok_counts": 0,
-                "force_send_mode": False
+                "force_send_mode": False,
+                "most_recent_image" : None,
+                "most_recent_mask" : None,
+                "most_recent_seg_iamge" : None,
+                "cctv_name" : value,
         else : 
-            raise "Error! Attempting to access that has no key!" 
+            raise KeyError(f"Error! Source {key} already initialized.")
         # Update logic here if needed
     def __getitem__(self, key):
         return self.sources[key]
     def add_status(self, source, status):
-        assert status == "OK" or status == "FAIL" , f"Invalid status was given!, status must be one of 'OK' or 'FAIL', but given '{status}'!"
+        assert status in ["OK", "FAIL"], f"Invalid status was given!, status must be one of 'OK' or 'FAIL', but given '{status}'!"
         if source not in self.sources:
-            self[source] = {}  # Initializes source if not existing
+            raise f"No key found for source. Did you forgot to add it? \n source : {source}"
-        if len(self.sources[source]["status_counts"]) > self.buffer_size):
+        if len(self.sources[source]["status_counts"]) > self.buffer_size:
         # Your existing logic for updating counts and checking statuses
@@ -50,14 +77,15 @@
             self.sources[source]["ok_counts"] += 1
             if self.sources[source]["force_send_mode"] and self.sources[source]["ok_counts"] >= self.normal_mode_thres:
                 self.sources[source]["force_send_mode"] = False
-                self.send_message(source, "OK SEND")
+                self.send_message(source, "NORMAL SEND")
             self.sources[source]["ok_counts"] = 0  # Reset on FAIL
     def check_failures(self, source):
         if self.switching_fail_consecutive_mode:
-            if len(self.sources[source]["status_counts"]) >= failure_mode_thres and all(status == 'FAIL' for status in self.sources[source]["status_counts"][-failure_mode_thres:]):
+            if (len(self.sources[source]["status_counts"]) >= self.failure_mode_thres
+                    and all(status == 'FAIL' for status in self.sources[source]["status_counts"][-self.failure_mode_thres:])):
                 print(f"Source {source} has 5 consecutive FAILs!")
                 self.sources[source]["force_send_mode"] = True
                 self.send_message(source, "FORCE SEND")
@@ -69,3 +97,57 @@
         # Reset the count after sending message
         self.sources[source]["ok_counts"] = 0
[email protected]('/postprocess', )
+class PostProcesser(Resource):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kargs)
+        self.time_sent = None
+        self.cctv_latitude = None
+        self.cctv_longitude = None
+        self.cctv_name = None
+        self.cctv_info = None
+        self.mask = None
+        self.mask_blob = None
+        self.image = None
+        self.image_type = None
+        self.seg_image = None
+        self.area_percent = 0
+        self.memory = StreamSources(
+            buffer_size=15,
+            normal_send_interval=10,
+            failure_mode_thres=8,
+            failure_mode_check_past_n=12,
+            normal_mode_thres=8,
+            normal_mode_check_past_n=12,
+        )
+        pass
+    @ns.response(200, 'Success')
+    @ns.response(400, 'Validation Error')
+    def post(self):
+        self.image_type = request.headers.get('Content-Type')
+        self.cctv_name = base64.b64decode(request.headers.get('x-cctv-name', '')).decode('UTF-8')
+        self.time_sent = request.headers.get('x-time-sent', '')
+        self.cctv_latitude = request.headers.get('x-cctv-latitude', 'Not provided')
+        self.cctv_longitude = request.headers.get('x-cctv-longitude', 'Not provided')
+        self.area_percent = request.headers.get('x-area-percentage')
+        self.cctv_info = {
+            'cctv_name' : self.cctv_name,
+            'cctv_latitude' : self.cctv_latitude,
+            'cctv_longitude' : self.cctv_longitude,
+        }
+        self.memory[self.cctv_info['cctv_name']] = self.cctv_info
+        pass_fail = self.pass_fail()
+        self.memory.add_status(self.cctv_name, pass_fail)
+        pass
+    def pass_fail(self):
+        thres = 0.1
+        #TODO temporal pass_fail threshold
+        if self.area_percent > thres:
+            ret = 'Fail'
+        else:
+            ret = 'OK'
+        return ret
(파일 끝에 줄바꿈 문자 없음)
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