// Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache // License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") // // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'use strict'; const QueryStream = require('./queryStream.js'); const nodbUtil = require('./util.js'); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // close() // Close the result set and make it unusable for further operations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function close() { nodbUtil.checkArgCount(arguments, 0, 0); if (this._convertedToStream) { throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-042')); } this._processingStarted = true; await this._close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRow() // Returns a single row to the caller from the result set, if one is // available. Rows are buffered in a JavaScript array in order to avoid trips // through the thread pool that would be required if implemented in C. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function getRow() { nodbUtil.checkArgCount(arguments, 0, 0); if (this._convertedToStream && !this._allowGetRowCall) { throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-042')); } this._allowGetRowCall = false; this._processingStarted = true; if (this._rowCache.length == 0) { this._rowCache = await this._getRows(this._fetchArraySize, false, false); } return this._rowCache.shift(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRows() // Check to see if any rows are in the JS buffer (which could result from // interspersed calls to getRow() and getRows()). If no rows are in the buffer // buffer, the call is just proxied to the C layer. Otherwise, rows are pulled // from the buffer and potentially concatenated with rows from a call to // getRows(). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function getRows(numRows) { let rowsNeeded; nodbUtil.checkArgCount(arguments, 0, 1); if (arguments.length == 0) { numRows = 0; } else { nodbUtil.assert(Number.isInteger(numRows), 'NJS-005', 1); nodbUtil.assert(numRows >= 0, 'NJS-005', 1); } if (this._convertedToStream) { throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-042')); } this._processingStarted = true; if (numRows == 0) { let requestedRows = this._rowCache; const fetchArraySize = this._fetchArraySize; while (true) { // eslint-disable-line let rows = await this._getRows(fetchArraySize, false, false); if (rows) requestedRows = requestedRows.concat(rows); if (rows.length < fetchArraySize) break; } return requestedRows; } if (this._rowCache.length === 0) { return await this._getRows(numRows, false, false); } rowsNeeded = numRows - this._rowCache.length; if (rowsNeeded <= 0) { return this._rowCache.splice(0, numRows); } else { const rows = await this._getRows(rowsNeeded, false, false); const requestedRows = this._rowCache.concat(rows); this._rowCache = []; return requestedRows; } } class ResultSet { constructor() { this._rowCache = []; this._processingStarted = false; this._convertedToStream = false; this._allowGetRowCall = false; this._isActive = false; } _extend(oracledb) { this._oracledb = oracledb; this.close = nodbUtil.callbackify(nodbUtil.preventConcurrent(nodbUtil.serialize(close), 'NJS-017')); this.getRow = nodbUtil.callbackify(nodbUtil.preventConcurrent(nodbUtil.serialize(getRow), 'NJS-017')); this.getRows = nodbUtil.callbackify(nodbUtil.preventConcurrent(nodbUtil.serialize(getRows), 'NJS-017')); } _getConnection() { let connection = this._parentObj; while (!(connection instanceof this._oracledb.Connection)) connection = connection._parentObj; return connection; } async _getAllRows(executeOpts, metaDataObj, isNested) { // assign result set metadata to the object; this is either a top-level // result object that is returned to the user or a metadata object for a // nested cursor or empty (for implicit results which don't provide // metadata to the caller) if (metaDataObj && !metaDataObj.metaData) { metaDataObj.metaData = this.metaData; } // determine value of maxRows to use let maxRows = this._oracledb.maxRows; if (executeOpts && executeOpts.maxRows !== undefined) { maxRows = executeOpts.maxRows; } // determine value of outFormat to use let outFormat = this._oracledb.outFormat; if (executeOpts && executeOpts.outFormat !== undefined) { outFormat = executeOpts.outFormat; } // determine the nested cursor indices to use, allowing for both // OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY and OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT formats const nestedCursorMetaDataObjs = []; const nestedCursorIndices = this._nestedCursorIndices; for (let i = 0; i < nestedCursorIndices.length; i++) { nestedCursorMetaDataObjs[i] = metaDataObj.metaData[nestedCursorIndices[i]]; if (outFormat == this._oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT) { nestedCursorIndices[i] = nestedCursorMetaDataObjs[i].name; } } // process all rows; transform nested cursors into arrays of rows by // fetching them let rowsFetched = []; let fetchArraySize = this._fetchArraySize; let closeOnFetch = false; const closeOnAllRowsFetched = !isNested && nestedCursorIndices.length === 0; while (true) { // eslint-disable-line if (maxRows > 0 && fetchArraySize >= maxRows) { fetchArraySize = maxRows; closeOnFetch = closeOnAllRowsFetched; } const rows = await this._getRows(fetchArraySize, closeOnFetch, closeOnAllRowsFetched); if (nestedCursorIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { const row = rows[i]; for (let j = 0; j < nestedCursorIndices.length; j++) { const val = row[nestedCursorIndices[j]]; if (val) { row[nestedCursorIndices[j]] = await val._getAllRows(executeOpts, nestedCursorMetaDataObjs[j], true); } } } } if (rows) { rowsFetched = rowsFetched.concat(rows); } if (rows.length == maxRows || rows.length < fetchArraySize) { break; } if (maxRows > 0) { maxRows -= rows.length; } } // if the cursor was not automatically closed (in order to ensure that // nested cursors could be fetched), close it now that all rows have been // fetched if (!closeOnAllRowsFetched) { await this._close(); } return rowsFetched; } _getDbObjectClassJS(schema, name) { return this._connection._getDbObjectClassJS(schema, name); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { const resultSet = this; return { async next() { const row = await resultSet.getRow(); return {value: row, done: row === undefined}; }, return() { return {done: true}; } }; } toQueryStream() { nodbUtil.checkArgCount(arguments, 0, 0); if (this._processingStarted) { throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-041')); } if (this._convertedToStream) { throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-043')); } this._convertedToStream = true; return new QueryStream(this); } } module.exports = ResultSet;