#### 2.5.1 * 30/09/2020 * Correct initial `sqrt` estimate. #### 2.5.0 * 16/10/2018 * Add default export to *decimal.d.ts*. * Add `Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')` to *decimal.mjs*. #### 2.4.1 * 24/05/2018 * Add `browser` field to *package.json*. #### 2.4.0 * 22/05/2018 * Amend *.mjs* exports. * Remove extension from `main` field in *package.json*. #### 2.3.1 * 13/11/2017 * Add constructor properties to typings. * Amend `LN10` section of *doc/API.html*. #### 2.3.0 * 26/09/2017 * Add *bignumber.mjs*. #### 2.2.5 * 08/09/2017 * #5 Fix import. #### 2.2.4 * 15/08/2017 * Add TypeScript type declaration file, *decimal.d.ts* * Correct `toPositive` and `toNegative` examples #### 2.2.3 * 04/05/2017 * Fix *README* badge #### 2.2.2 05/04/2017 * `Decimal.default` to `Decimal['default']` IE8 issue #### 2.2.1 10/03/2017 * Remove `tonum` from documentation #### 2.2.0 10/01/2017 * Add `exponent` method #### 2.0.2 12/12/2016 * npm publish #### 2.0.1 12/12/2016 * Filename-casing issue #### 2.0.0 11/12/2016 * Make `LN10` configurable at runtime * Reduce `LN10` default precision * Remove `ceil`, `floor`, `min`, `max` and `truncated` * Rename `divToInt` to `idiv`, `toSD` to `tosd`, `toDP` to `todp`, `isInt` to `isint`, `isNeg` to `isneg`, `isPos` to `ispos` and `round` to `toInteger` * Rename some test files * Add `set` as alias to `config` * Support ES6 import shims * Add to README #### 1.0.4 28/02/2016 * Add to README #### 1.0.3 25/02/2016 * Add to README #### 1.0.2 25/02/2016 * Correct url * Amend .travis.yml as Node.js v0.6 doesn't include `process.hrtime` which is used in testing. #### 1.0.0 24/02/2016 * Initial release