최정임 최정임 2023-02-08
230208 최정임 admin branch 추가
client/resources/css/common.css (added)
+++ client/resources/css/common.css
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/* layout 공통 */
+/* grid */
+.main-grid {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 0.9fr 0.9fr 1.1fr 1.1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 1fr 0.1fr 0.1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.main-grid-admin {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 0.9fr 0.9fr 1.1fr 1.1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.5fr 0.1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.main-grid-government {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 0.5fr 1fr 0.5fr 1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.1fr 0.3fr 0.3fr 0.1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.main-grid-agency {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns:1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.1fr 0.3fr 0.3fr 0.1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.main-grid-hospital {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 0.5fr 1fr 0.5fr 1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.1fr 1fr 1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.main-grid-guardian {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 0.9fr 0.9fr 1.1fr 1.1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.5fr 0.1fr;
+  gap: 1rem;
+.statistics-grid {
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
+  gap: 2rem;
+.combine-left {
+  grid-column: 1/3;
+.combine-left-government {
+  grid-column: 1/6;
+.combine-right {
+  grid-column: 3/4;
+.combine-right-government {
+  grid-column: 3/5;
+.combine-top-government {
+  grid-row: 1/3;
+.combine-all-government {
+  grid-row: 1/2;
+.combine-middle-government {
+  grid-row: 2/4;
+.combine-bottom-government {
+  grid-row: 2/3;
+.combine-bottom-government2 {
+  grid-row: 2/5;
+/* flex */
+.flex {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  align-items: center;
+.flex-align-start {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  align-items: flex-start;
+.flex-align-column {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+.flex-center-column {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: center;
+.flex-start {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: flex-start;
+  align-items: center;
+.flex-center {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+.flex-end {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: flex-end;
+  align-items: center;
+.flex10 {
+  flex: 0 0 9.5%;
+.flex15 {
+  flex: 0 0 14.5%;
+.flex20 {
+  flex: 0 0 19.5%;
+.flex25 {
+  flex: 0 0 24.5%;
+.flex30 {
+  flex: 0 0 29.5%;
+.flex40 {
+  flex: 0 0 39.5%;
+.flex45 {
+  flex: 0 0 44.5%;
+.flex50 {
+  flex: 0 0 49.5%;
+.flex60 {
+  flex: 0 0 59.5%;
+.flex70 {
+  flex: 0 0 69.5%;
+.flex80 {
+  flex: 0 0 79.5%;
+.flex85 {
+  flex: 0 0 84.5%;
+.flex90 {
+  flex: 0 0 89.5%;
+.flex100 {
+  flex: 0 0 100%;
+/* width 공통 */
+.width100 {
+  width: 100%;
+.width90 {
+  max-width: 90%;
+  height: 100%;
+  margin: auto;
+.width80 {
+  max-width: 80%;
+  height: 100%;
+  margin: auto;
+/* box 공통 */
+.row {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+.content-box {
+  padding: 1.5rem;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
+/*체크박스 크기*/
+.checkCon {
+  width: 50%;
+/* button 공통 */
+.btn-wrap {
+  margin-top: 1rem;
+.btn-100 {
+  width: 100%;
+  border: 0;
+  color: #fff;
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: 800;
+  padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem;
+  padding: 1rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+.btn-large {
+  width: 150px;
+  border: 0;
+  color: #fff;
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: 800;
+  padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem;
+  padding: 1rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+.btn-small {
+  border: 0;
+  color: #fff;
+  font-size: 1.5rem;
+  font-weight: 800;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+  padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+.btn-small:last-child {
+  margin-right: 0;
+/* button color */
+.green-btn {
+  background: #7D9D9C;
+.beige-btn {
+  background: #e4dccf;
+.gray-btn {
+  background: #cccccc;
+/* margin */
+.margin-bottom {
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+.margin-bottom2 {
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+.margin-bottom5 {
+  margin-bottom: 5rem;
+.margin-bottom10 {
+  margin-bottom: 10rem;
+hr {
+  border-top: 1px solid #d1e4e3;
+  margin-top: 2rem
+}(No newline at end of file)
client/resources/css/layout.css (added)
+++ client/resources/css/layout.css
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+#App {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+#layout {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-areas:
+    "nav header"
+    "nav  main";
+  grid-template-columns: 250px 1fr;
+  grid-template-rows: 0.1fr 2.9fr;
+  grid-template-columns: 50px 1fr;
+header {
+  padding: 1rem;
+  background-color: white;
+  grid-area: header;
+.page-title span {
+  font-size: 1.8rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin-left: 1rem;
+  height: 100%;
+  background-color: #242d2e;
+  grid-area: nav;
+.logo {
+  padding: 2rem 1rem;
+  font-size: large;
+  text-align: center;
+  color: #ffffff;
+  font-weight: bold;
+/* 네비게이션 */
+.sidebar-item {
+  margin: 1rem 0;
+.sidebar-item>a {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  color: #ffffff;
+  margin: 0 3rem;
+/* mui icon */
+.MuiSvgIcon-root {
+  display: block;
+.sidebar-title {
+  margin: 0 3rem;
+.sidebar-title span {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  color: #e6e5e5;
+.sidebar-title .toggle {
+  transition: transform .3s;
+.sidebar-item.open .toggle {
+  transform: rotate(180deg);
+nav li{cursor: pointer;}
+nav .sidebar-item{padding: 1rem 0 0 0;}
+.sidebar-content{background: #7D9D9C;}
+.sidebar-content .sidebar-item{padding: 1rem 0;}
+.sidebar-content .sidebar-item:hover{
+  background: #d1e4e3;
+.sidebar-content {
+  display: none;
+  color: #ffffff;
+.sidebar-item.open>.sidebar-content {
+  height: auto;
+  display: block;
+.sidebar-content .sidebar-item a {
+  margin-left: 6rem;
+  color: #ffffff;
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+.sidebar-content .sidebar-item:hover a {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  border-top: 1px solid #4b4b4b;
+.bottom-section {
+  padding: 1rem 4rem;
+.info-id {
+  font-size: 1.5rem;
+  margin-right: 2rem;
+  color: #ffffff;
+#pages {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  padding: 2rem;
+  background-color: #e6e5e5;
+  grid-area: main;
+main {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+.content-wrap {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 90vh;
+  padding: 2em;
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+/* hierarchy menu */
+.hierarchy-menu {
+  background-color: #f8f8f8;
+  color: #333333;
+  height: 40vh;
+  overflow-y: auto;
+.hierarchy-menu a { 
+  color: #333333;
+  text-decoration: none;
+.hierarchy-menu a span{
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+/* List */
+.hierarchy-menu ul {
+  list-style: none;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 10px 0 0 0;
+  position: relative;
+.hierarchy-menu ul ul:before {
+  content: '';
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  bottom: 27px;
+  left: 6px;
+  border-left: 1px dashed #373E4B;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul {
+  padding: 15px 0 10px 25px;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul ul {
+  padding-left: 16px;
+/* List items */
+.hierarchy-menu ul li {
+  display: block;
+  position: relative;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul ul li:before {
+  content: '';
+  display: block;
+  height: 0px;
+  width: 20px;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #7A7F87;
+  position: absolute;
+  left: -10px;
+  top: 16px;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul ul li:after {
+  content: '';
+  display: block;
+  height: 43px;
+  width: 0;
+  border-left: 1px solid #7A7F87;
+  position: absolute;
+  left: -10px;
+  top: -27px;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul ul li.group-lvl:before {
+  width: 7px;
+.hierarchy-menu > ul ul li:first-child:after { 
+  height: 28px;
+  top: -12px;
+/* Links */
+.hierarchy-menu ul a {
+  display: block;
+  padding: 6px 18px;
+  height: 44px;
+  position: relative;
+  color: #333333;
+  transition: 100ms;
+.hierarchy-menu ul a:hover {
+  color: #7e9d9c;
+.hierarchy-menu ul a.active {
+  color: #333333;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.hierarchy-menu li.sub-nav > a:before {
+  position: absolute;
+  left: 4px;
+  top: 14px;
+  content: '';
+  width: 5px;
+  height: 5px;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;
+  border-right: 1px solid #333333;
+  -ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  transform: rotate(-45deg);
+.hierarchy-menu li.sub-nav.open > a:before {
+  -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  transform: rotate(45deg);
+.hierarchy-menu li.sub-nav.open > a {
+  color: #333333;
+.hierarchy-menu li.sub-nav > ul {
+  display: block;
+.hierarchy-menu li.sub-nav.open > ul {
+  display: block;
client/resources/css/main.css (added)
+++ client/resources/css/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+/* 공통 */
+.logo {
+  font-size: 2.4rem;
+  font-family: "KoPubDotumBold_0";
+header .page-title span {
+  font-family: "KoPubDotumBold_0";
+  font-size: 2.2rem;
+.page-title svg {
+  display: none;
+  background-color: transparent;
+/* 카테고리 */
+.category{font-size: 1.6rem;}
+.category-btn{padding: 0; border-radius: 0;}
+.category ul{list-style: disc;}
+.category > ul >li{list-style: circle; }
+.category > ul > li > ul > li{list-style: circle; border: 1px solid red; }
+/* -----------------------------------------------지자체 */
+.map {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(100% - 31px);
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+.statistics {
+  border: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  padding: 1rem;
+.statistics li {
+  width: 30%;
+  padding: 1rem;
+  text-align: center;
+  border-radius: 10px;
+  margin: 0.5rem;
+.statistics li:nth-child(1) {
+  border: 1px solid #18924e;
+.statistics li:nth-child(2) {
+  border: 1px solid #ec220c;
+.statistics li:nth-child(3) {
+  border: 1px solid #2132e3;
+.statistics li:nth-child(4) {
+  border: 1px solid #e3d621;
+.statistics li p:nth-of-type(1) {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+.statistics li p:nth-of-type(2) {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.statistics li p:nth-of-type(2)::after {
+  content: "명";
+.main-battery-title span::after {
+  content: " 님의";
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.combine-right-government h4::before {
+  content: "김복남 님의";
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.main-battery-title {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: 900;
+.main-battery-title p{padding-right: 1rem;}
+.map svg {
+  display: block;
+.temp p {
+  font-size: 3rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  color: rgb(103, 132, 220);
+  text-align: center;
+  padding-right: 1rem;
+.temp::after {
+  content: " 입니다.";
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: 500;
+.battery p {
+  font-size: 3rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  color: rgb(255, 121, 121);
+  text-align: center;
+  padding-right: 1rem;
+.battery::after {
+  content: " 남았습니다.";
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: 500;
+#chartdiv1 {
+  height: 22vh;
+/* ------------------------------------------------보호자 */
+/* ------------------------------------- main page --------------------------------- */
+/* 사용자 정보*/
+.user-img {
+  width: 150px;
+  height: 150px;
+  background-color: #d8d8d8;
+  margin: auto;
+  display: block;
+  text-align: center;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+.user-img {
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+.user-name {
+  font-size: 1.8rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.user-grade {
+  font-size: 1rem;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+  background-color: #fdb0b0;
+  margin-left: 0.5rem;
+.user-add {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
+  text-align: center;
+.user-add {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+/* 보호사 정보 */
+.caregiver-info p {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.caregiver-info span {
+  font-weight: normal;
+.caregiver-info p:nth-of-type(4) {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+/* 날씨 api */
+#temp {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+  text-align: center;
+#temp {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  text-align: center;
+.weather-img {
+  display: block;
+  margin: auto;
+/* ------------------------------------- login page --------------------------------- */
+/* login */
+.login-wrap {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  max-height: 100%;
+  background-color: #f8f8f8;
+.login-wrap h1 {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  text-align: center;
+  padding: 3rem;
+  font-size: 2.4rem;
+  background: #242d2e;
+  color: #ffffff;
+.login-form h3 {
+  font-size: 2rem;
+  text-align: center;
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+.container {
+  text-align: center;
+.login-form {
+  width: 500px;
+  padding: 5rem 3rem;
+  margin: auto;
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+  border-radius: 1rem;
+.login-form .login-inner {
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+.login-form .login-inner .content {
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+.login-form .login-inner .fa-solid {
+  font-size: 2rem;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+  color: #eee;
+.login-form .login-inner input {
+  outline: none;
+  border: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+  padding: 1.5rem;
+  background: #eee;
+.btn-bottom {
+  margin-top: 2rem;
+  border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+.join-login {
+  height: calc(100% - 92px);
+/* ------------------------------------- 회원가입 page --------------------------------- */
+.join-group {
+  width: 600px;
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+  border-radius: 1rem;
+.join-group h3 {
+  width: 100%;
+  font-size: 2rem;
+  padding: 3rem;
+  background: #f0ebe3;
+  border-radius: 1rem 1rem 0 0;
+.join-inner {
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  padding: 3rem;
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.join-inner-update {
+  width: 50%;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  padding: 3rem;
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.join-inner input {
+  padding: 1rem;
+  line-height: 2rem;
+.join-inner #id {
+  max-width: 65%;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+/* ------------------------------------- 상세페이지들 --------------------------------- */
+/* 등록창 */
+.insert-table td {
+  padding: 2rem;
+  text-align: left;
+/* 검색창 */
+.mobile-area-wrap {
+  display: none;
+.search-group {
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+  box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 1px rgba(209, 228, 227);
+.search-group .btn-box {
+  padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
+.detail-search table {
+  border-top: none;
+  border-bottom: none;
+.detail-search table th,
+.detail-search table td {
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+  text-align: left;
+  font-size: 1.5rem;
+.detail-search table th {
+  width: 14%;
+.detail-search table td {
+  border-top: none;
+.detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(2) select {
+  width: 24.4%;
+.detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) td {
+  width: 100%;
+.detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) th:nth-child(3) {
+  width: 23%;
+.detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) td input {
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+.area-wrap>div {
+  margin-top: 1rem;
+  width: 100%;
+.select-area {
+  width: 100%;
+  padding: 1rem;
+  background-color: #d1e4e3;
+.search-area {
+  padding: 2rem;
+.search-area details {
+  margin-top: 1rem;
+.search-area details summary {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.search-line {
+  margin-bottom: 5rem;
+.search-group #date {
+  width: 100%;
+.area-wrap {
+  margin-bottom: 5rem;
+.area {
+  position: relative;
+.area>li {
+  padding: 1rem;
+.area-list {
+  display: none;
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 8rem;
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+  border-radius: 0.3rem;
+  padding: 1rem;
+.area-list ul li {
+  width: 100%;
+input[type="checkbox"]#no8 {
+  display: none;
+#no8:checked~div.area-list {
+  display: block;
+.item {
+  display: inline-block;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  margin-top: 10px;
+  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
+  margin: 10px;
+.item::after {
+  display: inline-block;
+  content: "\00d7";
+  font-size: 14px;
+  margin-left: 5px;
+/* 노인등록 */
+.medicine {
+  height: 100px;
+.senior-insert label {
+  padding: 0 4rem 0 1rem;
+.senior-insert tr:nth-child(2) .gender {
+  padding: 2rem 1rem;
+#section {
+  width: 100%;
+/* 노인 상세 정보 */
+.senior-detail th {
+  text-align: left;
+  width: 15%;
+  border: 6px solid #ffffff;
+  background: #f0ebe3;
+  padding-left: 2rem;
+.senior-detail td {
+  text-align: left;
+.senior-detail td span {
+  padding-left: 1rem;
+/* 복약 상세페이지 */
+.day-list {
+  height: 700px;
+  padding: 3rem;
+  border: 10px solid #7d9d9c;
+  overflow-y: auto;
+.day-list ul li {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  padding: 1rem 0;
+  border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+.detail-graph {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 37%;
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+  padding: 2rem;
+  border: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+.medicine-detail-table .btn-wrap {
+  margin: 0;
+/* 복약 수정 페이지 */
+.medicine-detail th {
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+.modal-main table th {
+  text-align: center;
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div {
+  width: 50%;
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div input,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div input,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div input {
+  width: 20%;
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div label,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div label,
+.medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div label {
+  width: 50%;
+/* 방문관리 */
+.visit-content {
+  height: 45%;
+.visit-info {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  height: 90%;
+  padding: 2rem;
+  border-radius: 1rem;
+  background-color: #f8f8f8;
+.visit-info ul li div {
+  height: 100%;
+.visit-info ul li {
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  letter-spacing: 0.5rem;
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
+.visit-info ul li p {
+  padding: 1rem;
+  border: 1px solid #7d9d9c;
+  border-radius: 1rem;
+  height: 50%;
+/* 방문 수정*/
+.visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) input {
+  width: 2rem;
+.visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) label {
+  width: 10rem
+/* 방문 상세 */
+.visit-detail th {
+  width: 22%;
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+  }
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+  }
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+    content: "기저질환";
+  }
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+    content: "";
+  }
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+    content: "방문목적";
+  }
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+    content: "방문 상세 이유";
+  }
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+    font-weight: bold;
+    padding: 0.5rem;
+  }
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+    content: "사용자등록번호";
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+    content: "요양등급";
+  }
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+    content: "이름";
+  }
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+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
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+    content: "전화번호";
+  }
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+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  .senior-table td:nth-of-type(9):before {
+    content: "기저질환";
+  }
+  /* 복약 조회 테이블*/
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+    padding-left: 14rem;
+  }
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+  }
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+  }
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+    content: "전화번호";
+  }
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+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  .medicine-table td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "평균 복약률 ��";
+  }
+  /* 복약 상세페이지 테이블 */
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+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    content: "";
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+    content: "날짜";
+  }
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+    content: "복약상태 (아침)";
+  }
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+    content: "복약상태 (점심)";
+  }
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+    content: "복약상태 (저녁)";
+  }
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+    content: "필요 복용 횟수";
+  }
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+    content: "복약률";
+  }
+  .medicine-detail-table td:nth-of-type(8):before {
+    content: "수정 상세 사유";
+  }
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+    content: "수정자";
+  }
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+    content: "수정일시";
+  }
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+    padding: 1rem 1rem 0 1rem;
+  }
+  /* 댁내 온도 조회 테이블 */
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+    display: block;
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    display: none;
+    content: "";
+  }
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+    content: "이름";
+  }
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+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
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+    content: "전화번호";
+  }
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+    content: "주소";
+  }
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+    content: "최근 온도";
+  }
+  .temperature-table td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "상태";
+  }
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+    display: block;
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
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+    display: none;
+    content: "";
+  }
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+    content: "날짜";
+  }
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+    content: "02:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "10:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "14:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "23:00";
+  }
+  /* 방문 조회 테이블*/
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+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    content: "날짜";
+  }
+  .visit-table table td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "이름";
+  }
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+    content: "방문 목적";
+  }
+  .visit-table table td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "방문 상세 사유";
+  }
+  .visit-table table td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "보호사 연락처";
+  }
+  /* 장비 조회 테이블*/
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+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    content: "No";
+  }
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+    content: "장비명";
+  }
+  .equipment-table td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "시리얼 넘버";
+  }
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+    content: "기기 상태";
+  }
+  .equipment-table td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "구매일";
+  }
+  .equipment-table td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "배터리 잔량";
+  }
+  .equipment-table td:nth-of-type(8):before {
+    content: "대여가능 여부";
+  }
+  .equipment-table td:nth-of-type(9):before {
+    content: "관리";
+  }
+  /* 장비 상세 목록 테이블*/
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+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    content: "장비명";
+  }
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+    content: "시리얼 넘버";
+  }
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+    content: "사용자명";
+  }
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+    content: "사용자관리번호";
+  }
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+    content: "위치";
+  }
+  .equipment-detail td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "대여 기간";
+  }
+  /* 장비등록창 */
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+    padding: 0;
+  }
+  /* 내정보수정 */
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+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  /* 권한 관리 테이블 */
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+    display: block;
+  }
+  /* 사용자 관리 */
+  /* 보호자 */
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+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+    content: "사용자명";
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+    content: "사용자ID";
+  }
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+    content: "성별";
+  }
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+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
+  .protector-user td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  .protector-user td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "대상자 관리";
+  }
+  /* 보호사 */
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "사용자명";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "사용자ID";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "관리기관";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "성별";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  .caregiver-user td:nth-of-type(8):before {
+    content: "대상자 관리";
+  }
+  /* 병원 */
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "사용자명";
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "사용자ID";
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "관리기관";
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "성별";
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
+  .common-user td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  /* 관리자 */
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "사용자명";
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "사용자ID";
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "성별";
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "생년월일";
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "주소";
+  }
+  .management-user td:nth-of-type(7):before {
+    content: "관리";
+  }
+/* 테블릿 세로 (해상도 768px ~ 1023px)*/
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+  /* 메인 */
+  .content-box:nth-child(3)>div {
+    display: flex;
+  }
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+    font-size: 2rem;
+  }
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+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    padding-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .battery::after {
+    content: " 남았습니다.";
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    margin-left: 0;
+  }
+  .battery p {
+    font-size: 2rem;
+    padding-left: 0;
+    padding-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  /* 공통 */
+  /* 시니어 정보 상세 조회 */
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+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .senior-detail th {
+    display: block;
+    width: 34%;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td {
+    padding: 0;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td span {
+    text-align: center;
+  }
+  /* 검색창 */
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+    display: block;
+    margin-top: 1rem;
+  }
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+    width: 100%;
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+    width: 30%;
+    font-size: 1.6rem;
+  }
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+    width: 70%;
+  }
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+    display: none;
+  }
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+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+  .detail-search table th,
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+    display: block;
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+    width: 100%;
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+    display: none;
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+    border: 0;
+  }
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+    width: 50%;
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+  }
+  /* 복약 수정 페이지 */
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+    width: 100%;
+    display: block;
+  }
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+    padding: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
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+    border: 0;
+  }
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+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div input {
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div label {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+/* 모바일 가로, 테블릿 세로 (해상도 480px ~ 767px)*/
+@media all and (min-width:480px) and (max-width:767px) {
+  /* 권한관리 */
+  .authority-table-pc {
+    display: none;
+  }
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+    display: flex;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile thead tr:nth-child(1)>div {
+    font-size: 1.6rem;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile select {
+    margin: 1rem 0;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile thead {
+    display: inline-table;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
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+  .authority-table-mobile td {
+    display: revert;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tr {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tr:nth-child(2) th:nth-child(1) {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile td {
+    padding: 1rem;
+    width: 10%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tbody td input {
+    margin-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tbody td label {}
+  .authority-table-mobile th {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 사용자 관리 */
+  .tab-menu-mobile {
+    display: block;
+    padding: 1rem;
+    background-color: #ffffff;
+  }
+  .tab-menu {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  /* 공통 */
+  /* 보호자 메인 그리드 */
+  .pc {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .mobile {
+    display: block;
+  }
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+    gap: 0.5rem;
+  }
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+    padding: 0.5rem;
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+    font-size: 1.8rem;
+  }
+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .content-box:nth-child(7)>div {
+    justify-content: flex-start;
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+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .combine-left {
+    grid-column: 1;
+  }
+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .combine-bottom-government {
+    grid-column: 0;
+  }
+  /* button */
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+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  /* 로그인 */
+  .login-wrap h1 {
+    font-size: 1.8rem;
+    line-height: 1rem;
+  }
+  .login-wrap h3 {
+    margin: 20% 0 5% 0;
+    font-size: 2rem;
+    text-align: center;
+  }
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+    width: 80%;
+    margin: 1rem auto;
+  }
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+    width: 100%;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 2rem;
+  }
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+    margin-top: 5rem;
+  }
+  .container button {
+    width: 30%;
+  }
+  /* 검색창 */
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+    display: block;
+    margin-top: 1rem;
+  }
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+    width: 100%;
+    margin-top: 1rem;
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+    width: 30%;
+    font-size: 1.6rem;
+  }
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+    width: 70%;
+  }
+  .area-wrap {
+    display: none;
+  }
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+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+  .detail-search table th,
+  .detail-search table td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .detail-search table th {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .detail-search table td::before {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .detail-search table td {
+    padding: 0;
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .detail-search table tr {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) td {
+    width: 50%;
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  /* 시니어 정보 상세 조회 */
+  .senior-detail {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .senior-detail th {
+    display: block;
+    width: 34%;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td span {
+    text-align: center;
+  }
+  /* 시니어 등록창 */
+  .senior-insert th {
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+  }
+  /* 복약 수정 페이지 */
+  .medicine-revise tr {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div input {
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div label {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 복약 상세페이지 */
+  .medicine-detail-graph {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  /* 복약 수정 페이지 */
+  .modal-main table th {
+    width: 100%;
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .modal-main table td {
+    padding: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
+  /* 최근 일주일 댁내 온도(모달창) */
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "날짜";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "02:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "10:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "14:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "23:00";
+  }
+  /* 방문 관리 상세 페이지 */
+  /* 방문 수정 페이지 */
+  .visit-revise th {
+    width: 40%;
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+  }
+  .visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) td>div {
+    display: flex;
+    margin: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
+  /* 방문 등록 */
+  .user-list {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .insert {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .insert table tr:nth-child(6) td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .insert tr:nth-child(6) td>div {
+    display: flex;
+    margin: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
+  .insert tr:nth-child(6) td>div input {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 장비조회 */
+  /* 장비 상세 조회 */
+  /* 장비등록 */
+  .equipment-insert tr:nth-child(5) td {
+    width: 28%;
+  }
+  .equipment-insert tr:nth-child(6) td {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .equipment-insert tr:nth-child(5) td select {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .equipment-insert tr:nth-child(5) td input {
+    display: table;
+    width: 90%;
+  }
+  .equipment-insert tr:nth-child(6) td select {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  /* 내정보수정 */
+  .join-inner {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+/* 모바일 가로, 테블릿 세로 (해상도 ~ 479px)*/
+@media all and (max-width:479px) {
+  /* 권한관리 */
+  .authority-table-pc {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile thead tr:nth-child(1) {
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile thead tr:nth-child(1)>div {
+    font-size: 1.6rem;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile select {
+    margin: 1rem 0;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile thead {
+    display: inline-table;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tr,
+  .authority-table-mobile td {
+    display: revert;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tr {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tr:nth-child(2) th:nth-child(1) {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile td {
+    padding: 1rem;
+    width: 10%;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tbody td input {
+    margin-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .authority-table-mobile tbody td label {}
+  .authority-table-mobile th {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 사용자관리 */
+  .tab-menu-mobile {
+    display: block;
+    padding: 1rem;
+    background-color: #ffffff;
+  }
+  .tab-menu {
+    display: none;
+  }
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+    justify-content: space-between;
+  }
+  .search-management select {
+    width: 22%;
+  }
+  .search-management input {
+    width: 30%;
+    margin-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .search-management button {
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  /* 공통 */
+  table td {
+    border: none;
+    position: relative;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+    font-size: 1.2rem;
+    padding-left: 10rem;
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+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
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+  /* 보호자 메인 그리드 */
+  .pc {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .mobile {
+    display: block;
+  }
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+    gap: 0.5rem;
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+    padding: 0.5rem;
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+    font-size: 1.8rem;
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+    justify-content: flex-start;
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+    grid-template-rows: none;
+  }
+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .combine-right-government,
+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .combine-left {
+    grid-column: 1;
+  }
+  .mobile .main-grid-guardian .combine-bottom-government {
+    grid-column: 0;
+  }
+  /* button */
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+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  /* 로그인 */
+  .login-wrap h1 {
+    font-size: 1.8rem;
+    line-height: 1rem;
+  }
+  .login-wrap h3 {
+    margin: 20% 0 5% 0;
+    font-size: 2rem;
+    text-align: center;
+  }
+  .login-form .login-inner .content {
+    width: 80%;
+    margin: 1rem auto;
+  }
+  .container {
+    width: 100%;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 2rem;
+  }
+  .container .btn-wrap {
+    margin-top: 5rem;
+  }
+  .container button {
+    width: 30%;
+  }
+  /* 메인 */
+  .temp p {
+    font-size: 2rem;
+  }
+  .main-battery-title {
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    padding-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .battery::after {
+    content: " 남았습니다.";
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    margin-left: 0;
+  }
+  .battery p {
+    font-size: 2rem;
+    padding-left: 0;
+    padding-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  #chartdiv1 {
+    height: 25vh;
+  }
+  .statistics li p:nth-of-type(1),
+  .statistics li p:nth-of-type(2) {
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+  }
+  .weather-info {
+    width: 70%;
+    padding-right: 1rem;
+  }
+  .recent-visit {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .recent-visit td {
+    padding-left: 12rem;
+  }
+  .recent-visit td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    padding: 0.5rem;
+  }
+  .recent-visit td:nth-of-type(1)::before {
+    content: "";
+  }
+  .recent-visit td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "방문목적";
+  }
+  .recent-visit td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "방문 상세 이유";
+  }
+  /* 검색창 */
+  .mobile-area-wrap {
+    display: block;
+    margin-top: 1rem;
+  }
+  .mobile-area-wrap div {
+    width: 100%;
+    margin-top: 1rem;
+  }
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+    width: 30%;
+    font-size: 1.6rem;
+  }
+  .mobile-area-wrap div select {
+    width: 70%;
+  }
+  .area-wrap {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .search-area {
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
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+  .detail-search table th,
+  .detail-search table td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .detail-search table th {
+    width: 100%;
+    margin: 1rem 0;
+  }
+  .detail-search table td::before {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .detail-search table tr {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .detail-search table td {
+    padding: 0;
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) td {
+    width: 50%;
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  .detail-search tbody tr:nth-of-type(3) th:nth-child(3) {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  /* 시니어 정보 상세 조회 */
+  .senior-detail th,
+  .senior-detail td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .senior-detail th {
+    font-size: 1.2rem;
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td {
+    width: 100%;
+    font-size: 1.2rem;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td span {
+    width: 100%;
+    font-size: 1.2rem;
+    text-align: center;
+  }
+  /* 시니어 등록창 */
+  .senior-insert {
+    display: grid;
+  }
+  .senior-insert th {
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+    width: 50%;
+    padding: 1rem 10rem;
+  }
+  .senior-insert td {
+    display: list-item;
+    padding-top: 1rem;
+  }
+  .senior-insert select {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .senior-insert input {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .senior-insert tr:nth-child(2) .gender {
+    padding: 1rem 1rem;
+    display: flex;
+    flex: 0 0 25%;
+  }
+  .senior-insert tr:nth-child(2) .gender input {
+    width: 25%;
+  }
+  .senior-insert td::marker {
+    content: "";
+  }
+  /* 복약조회*/
+  /* 복약 상세페이지 */
+  .medicine-detail-graph {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  /* 복약 수정 페이지 */
+  .modal-main table th,
+  .modal-main table td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .modal-main table th {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .modal-main table td {
+    padding: 0.5rem 0 0 12rem;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr {
+    border: 0;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div input,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div input {
+    width: 20%;
+  }
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(3)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(4)>td div label,
+  .medicine-revise tr:nth-child(5)>td div label {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 댁내 온도 조회 */
+  /* 최근 일주일 댁내 온도(모달창) */
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(1) {
+    font-weight: 900;
+    padding: 1rem;
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(2):before {
+    content: "날짜";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(3):before {
+    content: "02:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(4):before {
+    content: "10:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(5):before {
+    content: "14:00";
+  }
+  .temperature-modal td:nth-of-type(6):before {
+    content: "23:00";
+  }
+  /* 방문 조회 */
+  /* 방문 관리 상세 페이지 */
+  .senior-detail tr:nth-of-type(6) td {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+  }
+  .senior-detail td {
+    padding: 0;
+  }
+  /* 방문 수정 페이지 */
+  .visit-revise th {
+    width: 40%;
+    font-size: 1.4rem;
+  }
+  .visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .visit-revise tr:nth-child(3) td>div {
+    display: flex;
+    margin: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
+  /* 방문 등록 */
+  .user-list {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .insert {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .insert table tr:nth-child(6) td {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  .insert tr:nth-child(6) td>div {
+    display: flex;
+    margin: 0.5rem 0;
+  }
+  .insert tr:nth-child(6) td>div input {
+    width: 50%;
+  }
+  /* 장비조회 */
+  /* 장비 상세 조회 */
+  /* 장비등록창 */
+  .equipment-modal tbody td {
+    padding: 0.5rem;
+  }
+}(No newline at end of file)
client/resources/files/font/KoPubDotumBold_0.ttf (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/font/KoPubDotumBold_0.ttf
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/font/SCDream5.otf (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/font/SCDream5.otf
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/01d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/01d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/01n.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/01n.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/02d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/02d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/03d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/03d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/03n.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/03n.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/04d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/04d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/04n.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/04n.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/09d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/09d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/10d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/10d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/10n.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/10n.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/11d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/11d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/13d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/13d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/50d.png (Binary) (added)
+++ client/resources/files/icon/weather_type/50d.png
Binary file is not shown
client/views/component/Button.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Button.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import React from 'react'
+export default function Button({btnName,className,onClick}) {
+  return (
+    <button className={className} onClick={onClick}>{btnName}</button>
+  )
client/views/component/ContentTitle.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/ContentTitle.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
+export default function ContentTitle({contentTitle}) {
+  return (
+    <ContentTitleStyled>{contentTitle}</ContentTitleStyled>
+  )
+const ContentTitleStyled = styled.p`
+  position: relative;
+  width: 100%;
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin-bottom: 4rem;
+  &::after {
+    content: "";
+    position: absolute;
+    left: 0;
+    bottom: -11px;
+    height: 1px;
+    width: 100%;
+    max-width: 100%;
+    background-color: #d1e4e3;
+  }  
+  &::before {
+    content: "";
+    position: absolute;
+    z-index: 10;
+    left: 0;
+    bottom: -15px;
+    height: 8px;
+    width: 1rem;
+    margin-right: 1rem;
+    background-color: #7D9D9C;
+  }
+`(No newline at end of file)
client/views/component/DetailSearch.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/DetailSearch.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+import { style } from "d3";
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+import Button from "./Button.jsx";
+const CATEGORY_LIST = [
+  { id: 0, data: "서울" },
+  { id: 1, data: "인천" },
+  { id: 2, data: "경기" },
+  { id: 3, data: "경북" },
+  { id: 4, data: "경남" },
+  { id: 5, data: "전북" },
+  { id: 6, data: "전남" },
+  { id: 7, data: "제주" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST1 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "광현리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "금구리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "내량리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "대북리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "대흥리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "동부리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "무성리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "사직리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "삽령리" },
+  { id: 9, data: "상곡리" },
+  { id: 10, data: "서부리" },
+  { id: 11, data: "수서리" },
+  { id: 12, data: "오곡리" },
+  { id: 13, data: "외량리" },
+  { id: 14, data: "용대리" },
+  { id: 15, data: "정리" },
+  { id: 15, data: "하곡리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST2 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "사리리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "보현리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "복성리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "위성리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "달산리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "송원리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "신계리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "도산리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "서경리" },
+  { id: 9, data: "평호리" },
+  { id: 10, data: "산법리" },
+  { id: 11, data: "내의리" },
+  { id: 12, data: "봉황리" },
+  { id: 13, data: "봉소리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST3 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "노행리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "오천리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "성리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "병수리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "불로리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "내리리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "중구리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "거매리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "장군리" },
+  { id: 9, data: "장기리" },
+  { id: 10, data: "금매리" },
+  { id: 11, data: "화계리" },
+  { id: 12, data: "마시리" },
+  { id: 13, data: "매곡리" },
+  { id: 14, data: "고곡리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST4 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "창평리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "가호리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "춘산리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "대율리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "동산리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "남산리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "명산리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "신화리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST5 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "나호리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "이화리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "두북리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "선곡리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "미성리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "모산리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "문덕리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "달산리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "봉산리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST6 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "읍내리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "수북리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "수서리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "이지리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "파전리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "신덕리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "지호리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "연계리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "매성리" },
+  { id: 9, data: "원산리" },
+  { id: 10, data: "금양리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST7 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "백학리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "삼산리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "봉림리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "무암리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "운산리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "화본리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "화전리" },
+const CATEGORY_LIST8 = [
+  { id: 0, data: "전체" },
+  { id: 0, data: "화수리" },
+  { id: 1, data: "화북리" },
+  { id: 2, data: "괴산리" },
+  { id: 3, data: "학성리" },
+  { id: 4, data: "장곡리" },
+  { id: 5, data: "인곡리" },
+  { id: 6, data: "양지리" },
+  { id: 7, data: "낙전리" },
+  { id: 8, data: "가암리" },
+  { id: 9, data: "석산리" },
+  { id: 10, data: "학암리" },
+const locations = [
+  {
+    id: "no1",
+    label: "군위읍",
+    list: CATEGORY_LIST1,
+  },
+  {
+    id: "no2",
+    label: "소보면",
+    list: CATEGORY_LIST2,
+  },
+export default function DetailSearch({}) {
+  const [checkedList, setCheckedList] = useState([]);
+  const [selectArea, setSelectArea] = React.useState();
+  const onCheckedElement = (checked, item) => {
+    if (checked) {
+      setCheckedList([...checkedList, item]);
+    } else if (!checked) {
+      setCheckedList(checkedList.filter((el) => el !== item));
+    }
+  };
+  const onRemove = (item) => {
+    setCheckedList(checkedList.filter((el) => el !== item));
+  };
+  const categories = locations.map((location) => (
+    <li>
+      <label htmlFor={location.id}>{location.label}</label>
+      <input type="radio" name="location" id={location.id} />
+      <div className="area-list flex">
+        <ul className="flex">
+          {location.list.map((item) => (
+            <li className="flex-start">
+              <input
+                type="checkbox"
+                className="checkCon"
+                id={item.id}
+                value={item.data}
+                onChange={(e) => {
+                  onCheckedElement(e.target.checked, e.target.value);
+                }}
+                checked={checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false}
+              />
+              <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+            </li>
+          ))}
+        </ul>
+      </div>
+    </li>
+  ));
+  return (
+    <div className="search-group">
+      <div className="search-area">
+        <div className="detail-search">
+          <table>
+            <tbody>
+              <tr>
+                <th>검색</th>
+                <td colSpan={3}>
+                  <div className="flex">
+                    <select name="" id="">
+                      <option value="">사용자관리번호</option>
+                      <option value="">사용자 이름</option>
+                      <option value="">관리기관명</option>
+                    </select>
+                    <input type="text" />
+                  </div>
+                </td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th>지역</th>
+                <td>
+                  <div className="flex-start">
+                    <select name="" id="">
+                      <option>전체</option>
+                      <option>군위읍</option>
+                      <option>소보면</option>
+                      <option>효령면</option>
+                      <option>부계면</option>
+                      <option>우보면</option>
+                      <option>의흥면</option>
+                      <option>산성면</option>
+                      <option>삼국유사면</option>
+                    </select>
+                  </div>
+                </td>
+              </tr>
+            </tbody>
+          </table>
+        </div>
+        {/* <hr />
+        <details>
+          <summary>지역별 상세 조회</summary>
+          <div className="mobile-area-wrap">
+            <div className="flex">
+              <label>지역 선택</label>
+              <select>
+                <option>전체</option>
+                <option>군위읍</option>
+                <option>소보면</option>
+                <option>효령면</option>
+                <option>부계면</option>
+                <option>우보면</option>
+                <option>의흥면</option>
+                <option>산성면</option>
+                <option>삼국유사면</option>
+              </select>
+            </div>
+            <div className="flex">
+              <label>세부 지역 선택</label>
+              <select>
+                <option>전체</option>
+                <option>군위읍</option>
+                <option>소보면</option>
+                <option>효령면</option>
+                <option>부계면</option>
+                <option>우보면</option>
+                <option>의흥면</option>
+                <option>산성면</option>
+                <option>삼국유사면</option>
+              </select>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div className="area-wrap">
+            <div>
+              <ul className="area flex">
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="all">전체</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="all" />
+                  <div className="area-list">
+                    <ul className="flex"></ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                {categories}
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no3">효령면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no3" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST3.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}> {item.data} </label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no4">부계면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no4" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST4.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no5">우보면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no5" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST5.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no6">의흥면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no6" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST6.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no7">산성면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no7" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST7.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <label htmlFor="no8">삼국유사면</label>
+                  <input type="checkbox" id="no8" />
+                  <div className="area-list flex">
+                    <ul className="flex-start">
+                      {CATEGORY_LIST8.map((item) => {
+                        return (
+                          <li className="flex">
+                            <input
+                              type="checkbox"
+                              className="checkCon"
+                              id={item.id}
+                              value={item.data}
+                              onChange={(e) => {
+                                onCheckedElement(
+                                  e.target.checked,
+                                  e.target.value
+                                );
+                              }}
+                              checked={
+                                checkedList.includes(item.data) ? true : false
+                              }
+                            />
+                            <label htmlFor={item.id}>{item.data}</label>
+                          </li>
+                        );
+                      })}
+                    </ul>
+                  </div>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </details> */}
+      </div>
+      <div className="select-area">
+        <div>
+          <p>{selectArea}</p>
+        </div>
+        <div>
+          <ul>
+            {checkedList.map((item) => {
+              return (
+                <Button
+                  className="item"
+                  btnName={item}
+                  onClick={() => onRemove(item)}
+                ></Button>
+              );
+            })}
+            <div className="btn-box flex-center">
+              <Button className={"btn-large gray-btn"} btnName={"초기화"} />
+              <Button className={"btn-large green-btn"} btnName={"조회"} />
+            </div>
+          </ul>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  );
client/views/component/Modal.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Modal.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import React from "react";
+import Button from "./Button.jsx";
+export default function Modal({ children, open, close,header }) {
+  return (
+    <div class={open ? "openModal modal" : "modal"}>
+      {open ? (
+        <div className="modal-inner">
+          <div className="modal-header flex">
+            {header}
+            <Button className={"close"} onClick={close} btnName={"X"} />
+          </div>
+          <div className="modal-main">{children}</div>
+        </div>
+      ) : null}
+    </div>
+  );
client/views/component/Search.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Search.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import React from "react";
+import Button from "./Button.jsx";
+export default function Search() {
+  return (
+    <div className="search-group search-area">
+      <div className="flex search-line">
+        <div className="flex-start flex50">
+          <label className="flex15" htmlFor="name">
+            이름검색
+          </label>
+          <input
+            type="text"
+            name="name"
+            placeholder="조회할려는 이름을 입력해주세요."
+            autocomplete="off"
+            id="name"
+          />
+        </div>
+        <div className="flex-start flex45">
+          <label className="flex15" htmlFor="birth">
+            생년월일
+          </label>
+          <div className="info flex85" id="info__birth">
+            <select className="box" id="birth-year">
+              <option disabled selected>
+                출생 연도
+              </option>
+            </select>
+            <select className="box" id="birth-month">
+              <option disabled selected>
+                월
+              </option>
+            </select>
+            <select className="box" id="birth-day">
+              <option disabled selected>
+                일
+              </option>
+            </select>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div className="btn-box flex-center">
+        <Button className={"btn-large gray-btn"} btnName={"초기화"} />
+        <Button className={"btn-large green-btn"} btnName={"조회"} />
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  );
client/views/component/SubTitle.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/SubTitle.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import styled from "styled-components";
+import React from "react";
+export default function Title({subtitle, explanation, className,color}) {
+  return (
+      <div className={className} color={color}>
+        <TitleStyle>{subtitle}</TitleStyle>
+        <Explanation>{explanation}</Explanation>
+      </div>
+  );
+const TitleStyle = styled.h4`
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  padding: 0.5rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+const Explanation = styled.p`
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+  padding: 0.5rem;
+  color: ${(color) => color ? color : "#eeeeee"};
+  border-left: 2px solid #cccccc;
client/views/component/Table.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Table.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import React from "react";
+// import styled from "styled-components";
+export default function Table({ head, contents, contentKey, onClick, className}) {
+  return (
+    <table className={className}>
+      <thead>
+        <tr>
+          {head.map((i) => {
+            return <th>{i}</th>;
+          })}
+        </tr>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody>
+        {contents.map((i, index) => {
+          return (
+            <tr key={index}>
+              {contentKey.map((kes) => {
+                return <td onClick={onClick}>{i[kes]}</td>;
+              })}
+            </tr>
+          );
+        })}
+      </tbody>
+    </table>
+  );
+// const TableStyled = styled.table`
+//   border-top: 2px solid #2d303f;
+//   border-bottom: 1px solid #e4dccf;
+//   /* &:hover {
+//     background-color: #e4dccf;
+//   } */
+// `;
+// const TrStyled = styled.tr`
+//   cursor: pointer;
+// `;
+// const ThStyled = styled.th`
+//   padding: 1rem 0;
+//   font-weight: bold;
+//   background-color: #f0ebe3;
+//   font-size: 1.4rem;
+//   text-align: center;
+// `;
+// const TdStyled = styled.td`
+//   padding: 1rem 0;
+//   border-top: 1px solid #ececec;
+//   text-align: center;
+//   font-size: 1.3rem;
+//   background-color: #ffffff;
+// `;
client/views/component/Tabletitle.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Tabletitle.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
+export default function TableTitle({tableTitle}) {
+  return (
+    <TableTitleStyled>{tableTitle}</TableTitleStyled>
+  )
+const TableTitleStyled = styled.p`
+  width: 100%;
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+  padding-bottom: 1rem;
+  text-align: center;
+  background-image:
+      linear-gradient(to right, #7D9D9C, #F0EBE3);
+  background-size: 13% 15%;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: center bottom;
+  &::before {
+    content: "김복남";
+    font-size: 1.8rem;
+  }  
+`(No newline at end of file)
client/views/component/Title.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/Title.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import styled from "styled-components";
+import React from "react";
+export default function Title({ title, explanation }) {
+  return (
+    <div className="margin-bottom">
+      <TitleStyle className="title">{title}</TitleStyle>
+      <Explanation>{explanation}</Explanation>
+    </div>
+  );
+const TitleStyle = styled.h4`
+  font-size: 1.6rem;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  padding: 0.5rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+const Explanation = styled.p`
+  font-size: 1.4rem;
+  padding: 0.5rem;
+  color: #cccccc;
+  border-left: 2px solid #cccccc;
client/views/component/ToggleButton.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/ToggleButton.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import * as React from "react";
+import ToggleButton from "@mui/material/ToggleButton";
+import ToggleButtonGroup from "@mui/material/ToggleButtonGroup";
+export default function ColorToggleButton({
+  btnName1,
+  btnName2,
+  className,
+}) {
+  const [alignment, setAlignment] = React.useState(btnName1);
+  const handleChange = (event, newAlignment) => {
+    setAlignment(newAlignment);
+  };
+  return (
+    <ToggleButtonGroup
+      color="primary"
+      value={alignment}
+      exclusive
+      onChange={handleChange}
+      aria-label="Platform"
+      className={className}
+    >
+      <ToggleButton value={btnName1}>{btnName1}</ToggleButton>
+      <ToggleButton value={btnName2}>{btnName2}</ToggleButton>
+    </ToggleButtonGroup>
+  );
client/views/component/chart/Chart.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Chart.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class Chart extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root5 = am5.Root.new("chart");
+    root5._logo.dispose();
+// Set themes
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+  am5themes_Animated.new(root5)
+// Create chart
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+let chart = root5.container.children.push(am5xy.XYChart.new(root5, {
+  panX: true,
+  panY: true,
+  wheelX: "panX",
+  wheelY: "zoomX",
+  pinchZoomX:true
+// Add cursor
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/cursor/
+let cursor = chart.set("cursor", am5xy.XYCursor.new(root5, {}));
+cursor.lineY.set("visible", false);
+// Create axes
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+let xRenderer = am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root5, { minGridDistance: 30 });
+  rotation: -90,
+  centerY: am5.p50,
+  centerX: am5.p100,
+  paddingRight: 15
+let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root5, {
+  maxDeviation: 0.3,
+  categoryField: "country",
+  renderer: xRenderer,
+  tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root5, {})
+let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root5, {
+  maxDeviation: 0.3,
+  renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root5, {})
+// Create series
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
+let series = chart.series.push(am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root5, {
+  name: "Series 1",
+  xAxis: xAxis,
+  yAxis: yAxis,
+  valueYField: "value",
+  sequencedInterpolation: true,
+  categoryXField: "country",
+  tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root5, {
+    labelText:"{valueY}"
+  })
+series.columns.template.setAll({ cornerRadiusTL: 5, cornerRadiusTR: 5 });
+series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
+  return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+series.columns.template.adapters.add("stroke", function(stroke, target) {
+  return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+// Set data
+let data = [{
+  country: "1주",
+  value: 80
+}, {
+  country: "2주",
+  value: 80
+}, {
+  country: "3주",
+  value: 70
+}, {
+  country: "4주",
+  value: 80
+// Make stuff animate on load
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+chart.appear(1000, 100);
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root5) {
+      this.root5.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="chart" style={{ width: "100%", height: "90%" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Chart;
client/views/component/chart/Chart1.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Chart1.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class Chart1 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root1 = am5.Root.new("chartdiv1");
+    root1._logo.dispose();
+    root1.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root1)]);
+    let chart = root1.container.children.push(
+      am5xy.XYChart.new(root1, {
+        panX: false,
+        panY: false,
+        wheelX: "panX",
+        wheelY: "zoomX",
+        layout: root1.verticalLayout,
+      })
+    );
+    // Define data
+    let data = [
+      {
+        date: "12/16",
+        moring: 1,
+        evening: 1,
+        night: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/17",
+        moring: 0,
+        evening: 1,
+        night: 0,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/18",
+        moring: 1,
+        evening: 0,
+        night: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/19",
+        moring: 1,
+        evening: 1,
+        night: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/20",
+        moring: 0,
+        evening: 0,
+        night: 0,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/21",
+        moring: 0,
+        evening: 0,
+        night: 0,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "12/22",
+        moring: 0,
+        evening: 0,
+        night: 0,
+      },
+    ];
+    // Create Y-axis
+    let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(
+      am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root1, {
+        categoryField: "date",
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root1, {}),
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root1, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create X-Axis
+    xAxis.data.setAll(data);
+    let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(
+      am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root1, {
+        min: 0,
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root1, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    let legend = chart.children.push(
+      am5.Legend.new(root1, {
+        centerX: am5.p50,
+        x: am5.p50,
+      })
+    );
+    function makeSeries(name, fieldName) {
+      let series = chart.series.push(
+        am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root1, {
+          name: name,
+          stacked: true,
+          xAxis: xAxis,
+          yAxis: yAxis,
+          valueYField: fieldName,
+          categoryXField: "date",
+        })
+      );
+      series.columns.template.setAll({
+        tooltipText: "{name}, {categoryX}: {valueY}",
+        tooltipY: am5.percent(10),
+      });
+      series.data.setAll(data);
+      series.appear();
+      series.bullets.push(function () {
+        return am5.Bullet.new(root1, {
+          sprite: am5.Label.new(root1, {
+            text: "{valueY}",
+            fill: root1.interfaceColors.get("alternativeText"),
+            centerY: am5.p50,
+            centerX: am5.p50,
+            populateText: true,
+          }),
+        });
+      });
+      legend.data.push(series);
+    }
+    makeSeries("아침", "moring");
+    makeSeries("점심", "evening");
+    makeSeries("저녁", "night");
+    // Make stuff animate on load
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+    chart.appear(1000, 100);
+    // Add cursor
+    chart.set("cursor", am5xy.XYCursor.new(root1, {}));
+    this.root1 = root1;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root1) {
+      this.root1.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <div id="chartdiv1" style={{ width: "100%", height:"17vh"}}></div>
+    );
+  }
+export default Chart1;
client/views/component/chart/Chart2.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Chart2.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class Chart2 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("Chart2");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    // Set themes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {
+        panX: true,
+        panY: true,
+        wheelX: "panX",
+        wheelY: "zoomX",
+        pinchZoomX: true,
+      })
+    );
+    chart.get("colors").set("step", 3);
+    // Add cursor
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/cursor/
+    let cursor = chart.set("cursor", am5xy.XYCursor.new(root, {}));
+    cursor.lineY.set("visible", false);
+    // Create axes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+    let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(
+      am5xy.DateAxis.new(root, {
+        maxDeviation: 0.3,
+        baseInterval: {
+          timeUnit: "day",
+          count: 1,
+        },
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, {}),
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(
+      am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
+        maxDeviation: 0.3,
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5xy.LineSeries.new(root, {
+        name: "Series 1",
+        xAxis: xAxis,
+        yAxis: yAxis,
+        valueYField: "value",
+        valueXField: "date",
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {
+          labelText: "{valueY}",
+        }),
+      })
+    );
+    series.strokes.template.setAll({
+      strokeWidth: 2,
+      strokeDasharray: [3, 3],
+    });
+    // Set data
+    let data = [
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 1).getTime(),
+        value: 0,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 2).getTime(),
+        value: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 3).getTime(),
+        value: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 4).getTime(),
+        value: 2,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 5).getTime(),
+        value: 3,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 6).getTime(),
+        value: 3,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 7).getTime(),
+        value: 7,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 8).getTime(),
+        value: 7,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 9).getTime(),
+        value: 8,
+      },
+      {
+        date: new Date(2022, 8, 10).getTime(),
+        value: 8,
+      },
+    ];
+    series.data.setAll(data);
+    // Make stuff animate on load
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+    series.appear(1000);
+    chart.appear(1000, 100);
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="Chart2" style={{ width: "100%", height: "15vh" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Chart2;
client/views/component/chart/Chart3.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Chart3.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class Chart3 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("chart3");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+// Set themes
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+  am5themes_Animated.new(root)
+// Create chart
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+let chart = root.container.children.push(am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {
+  panX: true,
+  panY: true,
+  wheelX: "panX",
+  wheelY: "zoomX",
+  pinchZoomX:true
+// Add cursor
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/cursor/
+let cursor = chart.set("cursor", am5xy.XYCursor.new(root, {}));
+cursor.lineY.set("visible", false);
+// Create axes
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+let xRenderer = am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, { minGridDistance: 30 });
+  rotation: -90,
+  centerY: am5.p50,
+  centerX: am5.p100,
+  paddingRight: 15
+let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root, {
+  maxDeviation: 0.3,
+  categoryField: "country",
+  renderer: xRenderer,
+  tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {})
+let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
+  maxDeviation: 0.3,
+  renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {})
+// Create series
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
+let series = chart.series.push(am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root, {
+  name: "Series 1",
+  xAxis: xAxis,
+  yAxis: yAxis,
+  valueYField: "value",
+  sequencedInterpolation: true,
+  categoryXField: "country",
+  tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {
+    labelText:"{valueY}"
+  })
+series.columns.template.setAll({ cornerRadiusTL: 5, cornerRadiusTR: 5 });
+series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
+  return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+series.columns.template.adapters.add("stroke", function(stroke, target) {
+  return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+// Set data
+let data = [{
+  country: "60대",
+  value: 80
+}, {
+  country: "70대",
+  value: 80
+}, {
+  country: "80대",
+  value: 70
+}, {
+  country: "90대",
+  value: 65
+// Make stuff animate on load
+// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+chart.appear(1000, 100);
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="chart3" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Chart3;
client/views/component/chart/ClusteredColumnChart.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/ClusteredColumnChart.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import React,{ Component }  from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+export default class ClusteredColumnChart extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("chartdiv");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    // Set themes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {
+        panX: false,
+        panY: false,
+        wheelX: "panX",
+        wheelY: "zoomX",
+        layout: root.verticalLayout,
+      })
+    );
+    // Add legend
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/legend-xy-series/
+    let legend = chart.children.push(
+      am5.Legend.new(root, {
+        centerX: am5.p50,
+        x: am5.p50,
+      })
+    );
+    let data = [
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.23",
+        lowest: 5,
+        highest: 18,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.24",
+        lowest: 18,
+        highest: 26,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.25",
+        lowest: 10,
+        highest: 29,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.26",
+        lowest: 18,
+        highest: 26,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.27",
+        lowest: 18,
+        highest: 26,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.28",
+        lowest: 18,
+        highest: 26,
+      },
+      {
+        date: "2022.12.29",
+        lowest: 18,
+        highest: 26,
+      },
+    ];
+    // Create axes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+    let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(
+      am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root, {
+        categoryField: "date",
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, {
+          cellStartLocation: 0.1,
+          cellEndLocation: 0.9,
+        }),
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    xAxis.data.setAll(data);
+    let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(
+      am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    // Add series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
+    function makeSeries(name, fieldName) {
+      let series = chart.series.push(
+        am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root, {
+          name: name,
+          xAxis: xAxis,
+          yAxis: yAxis,
+          valueYField: fieldName,
+          categoryXField: "date",
+        })
+      );
+      series.columns.template.setAll({
+        tooltipText: "{name}, {categoryX}:{valueY}",
+        width: am5.percent(90),
+        tooltipY: 0,
+      });
+      series.data.setAll(data);
+      // Make stuff animate on load
+      // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+      series.appear();
+      series.bullets.push(function () {
+        return am5.Bullet.new(root, {
+          locationY: 0,
+          sprite: am5.Label.new(root, {
+            text: "{valueY}",
+            fill: root.interfaceColors.get("alternativeText"),
+            centerY: 0,
+            centerX: am5.p50,
+            populateText: true,
+          }),
+        });
+      });
+      legend.data.push(series);
+    }
+    makeSeries("최저온도", "lowest");
+    makeSeries("최고온도", "highest");
+    // Make stuff animate on load
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+    chart.appear(1000, 100);
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="chartdiv" style={{ width: "100%", height: "22vh" }}></div>;
+  }
client/views/component/chart/Donut1.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Donut1.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+import * as am5percent from "@amcharts/amcharts5/percent";
+class Donut1 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("Donut1");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    // Set themes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5percent.PieChart.new(root, {
+        layout: root.verticalLayout,
+        innerRadius: am5.percent(50),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Series
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5percent.PieSeries.new(root, {
+        valueField: "value",
+        categoryField: "category",
+      })
+    );
+    // Set data
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Setting_data
+    series.data.setAll([
+      { value: 1, category: "1등급" },
+      { value: 2, category: "2등급" },
+      { value: 3, category: "3등급" },
+      { value: 3, category: "4등급" },
+      { value: 1, category: "5등급" },
+    ]);
+    // Create legend
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/legend-percent-series/
+    let legend = chart.children.push(
+      am5.Legend.new(root, {
+        centerX: am5.percent(50),
+        x: am5.percent(50),
+        marginTop: 15,
+        marginBottom: 15,
+      })
+    );
+    legend.data.setAll(series.dataItems);
+    // Play initial series animation
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/#Animation_of_series
+    series.appear(1000, 100);
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="Donut1" style={{ width: "100%", height: "250px" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Donut1;
client/views/component/chart/Donut2.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Donut2.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+import * as am5percent from "@amcharts/amcharts5/percent";
+class Donut2 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("Donut2");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5percent.PieChart.new(root, {
+        layout: root.verticalLayout,
+        innerRadius: am5.percent(50),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Series
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5percent.PieSeries.new(root, {
+        valueField: "value",
+        categoryField: "category",
+      })
+    );
+    // Set data
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Setting_data
+    series.data.setAll([
+      { value: 5, category: "미복용" },
+      { value: 53, category: "복용" },
+    ]);
+    series.ticks.template.set("forceHidden", true);
+    series.labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);
+    let label = series.children.push(
+      am5.Label.new(root, {
+        text: "90%",
+        fontSize: 30,
+        centerX: am5.percent(50),
+        centerY: am5.percent(50),
+      })
+    );
+    // Play initial series animation
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/#Animation_of_series
+    series.appear(1000, 100);
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="Donut2" style={{ width: "100%", height: "90%" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Donut2;
client/views/component/chart/Donut3.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Donut3.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+import * as am5percent from "@amcharts/amcharts5/percent";
+class Donut3 extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("Donut3");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5percent.PieChart.new(root, {
+        layout: root.verticalLayout,
+        innerRadius: am5.percent(50),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Series
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5percent.PieSeries.new(root, {
+        valueField: "value",
+        categoryField: "category",
+      })
+    );
+    // Set data
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/percent-charts/pie-chart/#Setting_data
+    series.data.setAll([
+      { value: 15, category: "미복약" },
+      { value: 53, category: "복약" },
+    ]);
+    series.ticks.template.set("forceHidden", true);
+    series.labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);
+    let label = series.children.push(
+      am5.Label.new(root, {
+        text: "15/53",
+        fontSize: 10,
+        centerX: am5.percent(50),
+        centerY: am5.percent(50),
+      })
+    );
+    // Play initial series animation
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/#Animation_of_series
+    series.appear(1000, 100);
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="Donut3" style={{ width: "100%", height: "105px" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default Donut3;
client/views/component/chart/LineColor.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/LineColor.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class LineColor extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    /* Chart code */
+    // Create root element
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/getting-started/#Root_element
+    let root = am5.Root.new("chartdiv");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    // Set themes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {
+        panX: true,
+        panY: true,
+        wheelX: "panX",
+        wheelY: "zoomX",
+        layout: root.verticalLayout,
+        pinchZoomX: true,
+      })
+    );
+    // Add cursor
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/cursor/
+    let cursor = chart.set(
+      "cursor",
+      am5xy.XYCursor.new(root, {
+        behavior: "none",
+      })
+    );
+    cursor.lineY.set("visible", false);
+    let colorSet = am5.ColorSet.new(root, {});
+    // The data
+    let data = [
+      {
+        year: "1분기",
+        value: 23.5,
+        strokeSettings: {
+          stroke: colorSet.getIndex(0),
+        },
+        fillSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(0),
+        },
+        bulletSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(0),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        year: "2분기",
+        value: 26,
+        fillSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(1),
+        },
+        bulletSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(1),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        year: "3분기",
+        value: 30,
+        fillSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(2),
+        },
+        bulletSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(2),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        year: "4분기",
+        value: 20,
+        fillSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(3),
+        },
+        bulletSettings: {
+          fill: colorSet.getIndex(3),
+        },
+      },
+    ];
+    // Create axes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+    let xRenderer = am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, {});
+    xRenderer.grid.template.set("location", 0.5);
+    xRenderer.labels.template.setAll({
+      location: 0.5,
+      multiLocation: 0.5,
+    });
+    let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(
+      am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root, {
+        categoryField: "year",
+        renderer: xRenderer,
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    xAxis.data.setAll(data);
+    let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(
+      am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
+        maxPrecision: 0,
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5xy.LineSeries.new(root, {
+        xAxis: xAxis,
+        yAxis: yAxis,
+        valueYField: "value",
+        categoryXField: "year",
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {
+          labelText: "{valueY}",
+          dy: -5,
+        }),
+      })
+    );
+    series.strokes.template.setAll({
+      templateField: "strokeSettings",
+      strokeWidth: 2,
+    });
+    series.fills.template.setAll({
+      visible: true,
+      fillOpacity: 0.5,
+      templateField: "fillSettings",
+    });
+    series.bullets.push(function () {
+      return am5.Bullet.new(root, {
+        sprite: am5.Circle.new(root, {
+          templateField: "bulletSettings",
+          radius: 5,
+        }),
+      });
+    });
+    series.data.setAll(data);
+    series.appear(1000);
+    // Add scrollbar
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/scrollbars/
+    chart.set(
+      "scrollbarX",
+      am5.Scrollbar.new(root, {
+        orientation: "horizontal",
+        marginBottom: 20,
+      })
+    );
+    // Make stuff animate on load
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+    chart.appear(1000, 100);
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="chartdiv" style={{ width: "100%", height: "90%" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default LineColor;
client/views/component/chart/Map.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/Map.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5map from "@amcharts/amcharts5/map";
+import am5geodata_usaLow from "../map";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+// import seniorjson from "../../component/senior.json";
+class Map extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("Map");
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // remove logo
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5map.MapChart.new(root, {
+        panX: "rotateX",
+        // projection: am5map.geoAlbersUsa(),
+      })
+    );
+    // Create polygon series
+    let polygonSeries = chart.series.push(
+      am5map.MapPolygonSeries.new(root, {
+        geoJSON: am5geodata_usaLow,
+      })
+    );
+    polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.setAll({
+      tooltipText: "{name}",
+    });
+    polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.states.create("hover", {
+      fill: am5.color(0x297373),
+    });
+    let zoomOut = root.tooltipContainer.children.push(
+      am5.Button.new(root, {
+        x: am5.p100,
+        y: 0,
+        centerX: am5.p100,
+        centerY: 0,
+        paddingTop: 18,
+        paddingBottom: 18,
+        paddingLeft: 12,
+        paddingRight: 12,
+        dx: -20,
+        dy: 20,
+        themeTags: ["zoom"],
+        icon: am5.Graphics.new(root, {
+          themeTags: ["button", "icon"],
+          strokeOpacity: 0.7,
+          draw: function (display) {
+            display.moveTo(0, 0);
+            display.lineTo(12, 0);
+          },
+        }),
+      })
+    );
+    zoomOut.get("background").setAll({
+      cornerRadiusBL: 40,
+      cornerRadiusBR: 40,
+      cornerRadiusTL: 40,
+      cornerRadiusTR: 40,
+    });
+    zoomOut.events.on("click", function () {
+      if (currentSeries) {
+        currentSeries.hide();
+      }
+      chart.goHome();
+      zoomOut.hide();
+      currentSeries = regionalSeries.US.series;
+      currentSeries.show();
+    });
+    zoomOut.hide();
+    // =================================
+    // Set up point series
+    // =================================
+    // Load senior data
+    am5.net
+      .load(
+        "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dbskfnd/e618b91a622b8efeb55ccc562c47864a/raw/23d9030fe1e6e42d6e43348d86b02f6aafa464e2/seniornumber.json"
+      )
+      .then(function (result) {
+        let seniors = am5.JSONParser.parse(result.response);
+        setupseniors(seniors);
+      });
+    let regionalSeries = {};
+    let currentSeries;
+    // Parses data and creats map point series for domestic and state-level
+    function setupseniors(data) {
+      console.log(data);
+      // Init country-level series
+      regionalSeries.US = {
+        markerData: [],
+        series: createSeries("seniors"),
+      };
+      // Set current series
+      currentSeries = regionalSeries.US.series;
+      // Process data
+      am5.array.each(data.query_results, function (senior) {
+        // Get senior data
+        senior = {
+          state: senior.MAIL_ST_PROV_C,
+          long: am5.type.toNumber(senior.LNGTD_I),
+          lat: am5.type.toNumber(senior.LATTD_I),
+          location: senior.co_loc_n,
+          city: senior.mail_city_n,
+          count: am5.type.toNumber(senior.count),
+        };
+        // Process state-level data
+        if (regionalSeries[senior.state] == undefined) {
+          let statePolygon = getPolygon("KR-" + senior.state);
+          if (statePolygon) {
+            let centroid = statePolygon.visualCentroid();
+            // Add state data
+            regionalSeries[senior.state] = {
+              target: senior.state,
+              type: "state",
+              name: statePolygon.dataItem.dataContext.name,
+              count: senior.count,
+              seniors: 1,
+              state: senior.state,
+              markerData: [],
+              geometry: {
+                type: "Point",
+                coordinates: [centroid.longitude, centroid.latitude],
+              },
+            };
+            regionalSeries.US.markerData.push(regionalSeries[senior.state]);
+          } else {
+            // State not found
+            return;
+          }
+        } else {
+          regionalSeries[senior.state].seniors++;
+          regionalSeries[senior.state].count += senior.count;
+        }
+        // Process city-level data
+        if (regionalSeries[senior.city] == undefined) {
+          regionalSeries[senior.city] = {
+            target: senior.city,
+            type: "city",
+            name: senior.city,
+            count: senior.count,
+            seniors: 1,
+            state: senior.state,
+            markerData: [],
+            geometry: {
+              type: "Point",
+              coordinates: [senior.long, senior.lat],
+            },
+          };
+          regionalSeries[senior.state].markerData.push(
+            regionalSeries[senior.city]
+          );
+        } else {
+          regionalSeries[senior.city].seniors++;
+          regionalSeries[senior.city].count += senior.count;
+        }
+        // Process individual senior
+        regionalSeries[senior.city].markerData.push({
+          name: senior.location,
+          count: senior.count,
+          seniors: 1,
+          state: senior.state,
+          geometry: {
+            type: "Point",
+            coordinates: [senior.long, senior.lat],
+          },
+        });
+      });
+      console.log(regionalSeries.US.markerData);
+      regionalSeries.US.series.data.setAll(regionalSeries.US.markerData);
+    }
+    // Finds polygon in series by its id
+    function getPolygon(id) {
+      let found;
+      polygonSeries.mapPolygons.each(function (polygon) {
+        if (polygon.dataItem.get("id") == id) {
+          found = polygon;
+        }
+      });
+      return found;
+    }
+    // Creates series with heat rules
+    function createSeries(heatfield) {
+      // Create point series
+      let pointSeries = chart.series.push(
+        am5map.MapPointSeries.new(root, {
+          valueField: heatfield,
+          calculateAggregates: true,
+        })
+      );
+      // Add senior bullet
+      let circleTemplate = am5.Template.new(root);
+      pointSeries.bullets.push(function () {
+        let container = am5.Container.new(root, {});
+        let circle = container.children.push(
+          am5.Circle.new(
+            root,
+            {
+              radius: 10,
+              fill: am5.color(0x000000),
+              fillOpacity: 0.7,
+              cursorOverStyle: "pointer",
+              tooltipText: "{name}:\n[bold]{seniors} seniors[/]",
+            },
+            circleTemplate
+          )
+        );
+        let label = container.children.push(
+          am5.Label.new(root, {
+            text: "{seniors}",
+            fill: am5.color(0xffffff),
+            populateText: true,
+            centerX: am5.p50,
+            centerY: am5.p50,
+            textAlign: "center",
+          })
+        );
+        // Set up drill-down
+        circle.events.on("click", function (ev) {
+          // Determine what we've clicked on
+          let data = ev.target.dataItem.dataContext;
+          // No id? Individual senior - nothing to drill down to further
+          if (!data.target) {
+            return;
+          }
+          // Create actual series if it hasn't been yet created
+          if (!regionalSeries[data.target].series) {
+            regionalSeries[data.target].series = createSeries("count");
+            regionalSeries[data.target].series.data.setAll(data.markerData);
+          }
+          // Hide current series
+          if (currentSeries) {
+            currentSeries.hide();
+          }
+          // Control zoom
+          if (data.type == "state") {
+            let statePolygon = getPolygon("KR-" + data.state);
+            polygonSeries.zoomToDataItem(statePolygon.dataItem);
+          } else if (data.type == "city") {
+            chart.zoomToGeoPoint(
+              {
+                latitude: data.geometry.coordinates[1],
+                longitude: data.geometry.coordinates[0],
+              },
+              64,
+              true
+            );
+          }
+          zoomOut.show();
+          // Show new targert series
+          currentSeries = regionalSeries[data.target].series;
+          currentSeries.show();
+        });
+        return am5.Bullet.new(root, {
+          sprite: container,
+        });
+      });
+      // Add heat rule for circles
+      pointSeries.set("heatRules", [
+        {
+          target: circleTemplate,
+          dataField: "value",
+          min: 10,
+          max: 30,
+          key: "radius",
+        },
+      ]);
+      // Set up drill-down
+      // TODO
+      return pointSeries;
+    }
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return (
+        <div
+          className="flex80"
+          id="Map"
+          style={{ width: "100%", height: "35vh", marginBottom: "1rem" }}
+        ></div>
+    );
+  }
+export default Map;
client/views/component/chart/RowChart.jsx (added)
+++ client/views/component/chart/RowChart.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";
+import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy";
+import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
+class RowChart extends Component {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    let root = am5.Root.new("RowChart");
+    root._logo.dispose();
+    root.setThemes([am5themes_Animated.new(root)]);
+    // Create chart
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
+    let chart = root.container.children.push(
+      am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {
+        panX: false,
+        panY: false,
+        wheelX: "none",
+        wheelY: "none",
+      })
+    );
+    // We don't want zoom-out button to appear while animating, so we hide it
+    chart.zoomOutButton.set("forceHidden", true);
+    // Create axes
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
+    let yRenderer = am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {
+      minGridDistance: 30,
+    });
+    let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(
+      am5xy.CategoryAxis.new(root, {
+        maxDeviation: 0,
+        categoryField: "network",
+        renderer: yRenderer,
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, { themeTags: ["axis"] }),
+      })
+    );
+    let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(
+      am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
+        maxDeviation: 0,
+        min: 0,
+        extraMax: 0.1,
+        renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, {}),
+      })
+    );
+    // Add series
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
+    let series = chart.series.push(
+      am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root, {
+        name: "Series 1",
+        xAxis: xAxis,
+        yAxis: yAxis,
+        valueXField: "value",
+        categoryYField: "network",
+        tooltip: am5.Tooltip.new(root, {
+          pointerOrientation: "left",
+          labelText: "{valueX}",
+        }),
+      })
+    );
+    // Rounded corners for columns
+    series.columns.template.setAll({
+      cornerRadiusTR: 5,
+      cornerRadiusBR: 5,
+    });
+    // Make each column to be of a different color
+    series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function (fill, target) {
+      return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+    });
+    series.columns.template.adapters.add("stroke", function (stroke, target) {
+      return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
+    });
+    // Set data
+    let data = [
+      {
+        network: "60대",
+        value: 80,
+      },
+      {
+        network: "70대",
+        value: 80,
+      },
+      {
+        network: "80대",
+        value: 70,
+      },
+      {
+        network: "90대",
+        value: 75,
+      },
+    ];
+    yAxis.data.setAll(data);
+    series.data.setAll(data);
+    sortCategoryAxis();
+    // Get series item by category
+    function getSeriesItem(category) {
+      for (var i = 0; i < series.dataItems.length; i++) {
+        let dataItem = series.dataItems[i];
+        if (dataItem.get("categoryY") == category) {
+          return dataItem;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    chart.set(
+      "cursor",
+      am5xy.XYCursor.new(root, {
+        behavior: "none",
+        xAxis: xAxis,
+        yAxis: yAxis,
+      })
+    );
+    // Axis sorting
+    function sortCategoryAxis() {
+      // Sort by value
+      series.dataItems.sort(function (x, y) {
+        return x.get("valueX") - y.get("valueX"); // descending
+        //return y.get("valueY") - x.get("valueX"); // ascending
+      });
+      // Go through each axis item
+      am5.array.each(yAxis.dataItems, function (dataItem) {
+        // get corresponding series item
+        let seriesDataItem = getSeriesItem(dataItem.get("category"));
+        if (seriesDataItem) {
+          // get index of series data item
+          let index = series.dataItems.indexOf(seriesDataItem);
+          // calculate delta position
+          let deltaPosition =
+            (index - dataItem.get("index", 0)) / series.dataItems.length;
+          // set index to be the same as series data item index
+          dataItem.set("index", index);
+          // set deltaPosition instanlty
+          dataItem.set("deltaPosition", -deltaPosition);
+          // animate delta position to 0
+          dataItem.animate({
+            key: "deltaPosition",
+            to: 0,
+            duration: 1000,
+            easing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic),
+          });
+        }
+      });
+      // Sort axis items by index.
+      // This changes the order instantly, but as deltaPosition is set,
+      // they keep in the same places and then animate to true positions.
+      yAxis.dataItems.sort(function (x, y) {
+        return x.get("index") - y.get("index");
+      });
+    }
+    // update data with random values each 1.5 sec
+    // setInterval(function () {
+    //   updateData();
+    // }, 1500);
+    // function updateData() {
+    //   am5.array.each(series.dataItems, function (dataItem) {
+    //     let value =
+    //       dataItem.get("valueX") +
+    //       Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000 - 500000000);
+    //     if (value < 0) {
+    //       value = 500000000;
+    //     }
+    //     // both valueY and workingValueY should be changed, we only animate workingValueY
+    //     dataItem.set("valueX", value);
+    //     dataItem.animate({
+    //       key: "valueXWorking",
+    //       to: value,
+    //       duration: 600,
+    //       easing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic),
+    //     });
+    //   });
+    //   sortCategoryAxis();
+    // }
+    // Make stuff animate on load
+    // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
+    series.appear(1000);
+    chart.appear(1000, 100);
+    this.root = root;
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    if (this.root) {
+      this.root.dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div id="RowChart" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}></div>;
+  }
+export default RowChart;
client/views/component/map.js (added)
+++ client/views/component/map.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4564 @@
+var rnsdnl = {
+  type: "FeatureCollection",
+  features: [
+    {
+      type: "Feature",
+      geometry: {
+        type: "MultiPolygon",
+        coordinates: [
+          [
+            [
+              [128.545531532405022, 36.291623830305831],
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+              [128.59023282637753, 36.277104170777726],
+              [128.590461582718291, 36.277077533379426],
+              [128.593148833167021, 36.277032020495646],
+              [128.593300279322648, 36.277068212372754],
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+              [128.593817140882521, 36.277379083744044],
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+              [128.597595974342113, 36.271764343103371],
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+              [128.597768113490929, 36.27133026859147],
+              [128.598411383228438, 36.270811394664342],
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+              [128.607069704715315, 36.271268292154694],
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+              [128.609637414455079, 36.271115579042252],
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+              [128.618053317287263, 36.267993874805939],
+              [128.619709638558078, 36.267901544133338],
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+              [128.632530920828685, 36.261988993668304],
+              [128.632669498185294, 36.261948170312365],
+              [128.636367070929481, 36.261180322720421],
+              [128.636969133749176, 36.260062835903959],
+              [128.638058328762696, 36.259068276849035],
+              [128.63820615222059, 36.258963907864789],
+              [128.63834470621984, 36.258878248338547],
+              [128.63903251932993, 36.258622130909281],
+              [128.639907461944688, 36.258300261059034],
+              [128.640312014279715, 36.258069184829523],
+              [128.640579877648207, 36.257903914171962],
+              [128.640652105697882, 36.257757362430581],
+              [128.640667267396083, 36.257572027812238],
+              [128.640410184982954, 36.254357946722727],
+              [128.640377721920458, 36.254157020283969],
+              [128.640017591084558, 36.252854844014642],
+              [128.638675529266209, 36.248161188489824],
+              [128.638340604590496, 36.247302794561634],
+              [128.638265581697141, 36.247142595605077],
+              [128.638242839571575, 36.247107217968292],
+              [128.638206262959699, 36.247075566262552],
+              [128.637801721300008, 36.246838671262694],
+              [128.637627629368609, 36.246761901738964],
+              [128.636443092151637, 36.246210729805682],
+              [128.635214638416329, 36.245633006881285],
+              [128.633113021895639, 36.24428640040685],
+              [128.633048925110501, 36.244243409014693],
+              [128.632863917346242, 36.244077372436976],
+              [128.632723074028661, 36.243910493656593],
+              [128.632666210268923, 36.243819126460934],
+              [128.631047481784748, 36.238775859586084],
+              [128.631047716234292, 36.238727558335661],
+              [128.631075535354, 36.238656914810655],
+              [128.631107877010209, 36.238616087265918],
+              [128.631156210950905, 36.238579106670876],
+              [128.631229690488993, 36.2385681572312],
+              [128.631420049661159, 36.238563145831186],
+              [128.631739890909955, 36.238560801927385],
+              [128.631884321644918, 36.238576123206926],
+              [128.632159365178694, 36.238612396097295],
+              [128.632485203603437, 36.238611515181184],
+              [128.632671060264101, 36.238595320677675],
+              [128.632783516232593, 36.238573395031942],
+              [128.633062114326208, 36.238493070307811],
+              [128.63335875798532, 36.238335924424739],
+              [128.633503727930048, 36.238237763518796],
+              [128.633738584199989, 36.238043221735573],
+              [128.634489033864554, 36.237353221798429],
+              [128.634535069812671, 36.237306854438671],
+              [128.634602070456538, 36.237204767243476],
+              [128.636574025009395, 36.233335980025423],
+              [128.636659764082026, 36.233148332069888],
+              [128.636673892654215, 36.233075914233751],
+              [128.63690019403586, 36.229759064115981],
+              [128.63610412145232, 36.226959183221346],
+              [128.636058604665266, 36.22689396954798],
+              [128.635934484666819, 36.226580875743281],
+              [128.635912053713241, 36.226476730333957],
+              [128.635903718402005, 36.226283214583383],
+              [128.635896103274092, 36.225961463517848],
+              [128.635890404447309, 36.224196212716834],
+              [128.632766225260383, 36.225764412235428],
+              [128.632189079565791, 36.225928909954014],
+              [128.628852711137938, 36.225559259353439],
+              [128.628728582643788, 36.225536248419758],
+              [128.627906740709278, 36.225279289286128],
+              [128.627739632792299, 36.225219097742134],
+              [128.625606933135941, 36.224328624039174],
+              [128.625500709607792, 36.224280987884399],
+              [128.619342068242105, 36.221161921193058],
+              [128.619268643841593, 36.221120594151238],
+              [128.619197935963314, 36.221069002317471],
+              [128.616210846876072, 36.218862693957703],
+              [128.615038194560668, 36.21775241833754],
+              [128.611791342722398, 36.214915134676339],
+              [128.606325764531618, 36.212170115683399],
+              [128.600632478437205, 36.208920442446342],
+              [128.600516124156115, 36.208862454487353],
+              [128.600351705286442, 36.208810539226853],
+              [128.60018965843588, 36.208770871512478],
+              [128.597602451928225, 36.208292570092745],
+              [128.59673805209593, 36.208168798724941],
+              [128.596373136093149, 36.208138822650568],
+              [128.595975070974561, 36.208153861387281],
+              [128.595800063037643, 36.208171835531985],
+              [128.595696057283902, 36.208198155533758],
+              [128.595607167651167, 36.208228682344249],
+              [128.595524631684299, 36.20827841805427],
+              [128.59544566629009, 36.208343945276297],
+              [128.592393007781226, 36.211478785498315],
+              [128.591206224046658, 36.212947448677603],
+              [128.589948485147943, 36.214359826728405],
+              [128.589586094439539, 36.21449823134197],
+              [128.588923014509561, 36.214750268407236],
+              [128.588494006696266, 36.21486802278487],
+              [128.588066506474917, 36.214955754179002],
+              [128.587772343204648, 36.214979418565719],
+              [128.587736923205199, 36.214966955297925],
+              [128.587696493121115, 36.214938061518232],
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+              [128.530820754518345, 36.212641126841312],
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+              [128.531217011649488, 36.218841959980431],
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+              [128.530785235349072, 36.219444038760976],
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+              [128.498049635519124, 36.303472689923893],
+              [128.498326937849612, 36.303558001924237],
+              [128.498546473343566, 36.303613744959748],
+              [128.499734496698522, 36.303876458561646],
+              [128.499806985679157, 36.303887453827635],
+              [128.499905878325649, 36.303894560875996],
+              [128.49997843093243, 36.303893525794138],
+              [128.501852732459213, 36.303853301135831],
+              [128.5018981064012, 36.303849459986594],
+              [128.506197147510193, 36.303421315729324],
+              [128.508649372275499, 36.302635359108358],
+              [128.510675256750034, 36.300733584674028],
+              [128.510801348517646, 36.300663831027521],
+              [128.510891778632953, 36.300639825558662],
+              [128.510964306502984, 36.300642992272394],
+              [128.513393902116491, 36.30115881194402],
+              [128.51355991503533, 36.30121687334357],
+              [128.513998302879941, 36.301426116848617],
+              [128.514361483839821, 36.301654159517135],
+              [128.514602447592239, 36.30182655436753],
+              [128.514762999672143, 36.301908927162536],
+              [128.514928883840184, 36.30198848233902],
+              [128.515056151011692, 36.302014813006267],
+              [128.515153400803285, 36.302028102122186],
+              [128.517570345161602, 36.302040539182265],
+              [128.517841329600714, 36.302010088192198],
+              [128.517945932385999, 36.30198041156445],
+              [128.518011591258869, 36.301951975196715],
+              [128.518154530129749, 36.301861207726816],
+              [128.518320042896903, 36.301711311853367],
+              [128.518462528560946, 36.301567077757753],
+              [128.518714000046742, 36.301254085081531],
+              [128.518790306583895, 36.301146109638687],
+              [128.518847645688254, 36.301033055342202],
+              [128.518967006737739, 36.300905923662214],
+              [128.519632233630148, 36.300272771199658],
+              [128.519775561047993, 36.300170907259897],
+              [128.519878505414397, 36.300122564798194],
+              [128.520002595643007, 36.300088661557346],
+              [128.520273691637101, 36.300038126706816],
+              [128.523417053828126, 36.299493572151853],
+              [128.523546473793601, 36.299494092302133],
+              [128.523725984418547, 36.299529754106594],
+              [128.523847842200098, 36.299588460565978],
+              [128.524335030318241, 36.299864095682459],
+              [128.524578805619456, 36.299972799958745],
+              [128.524661328004527, 36.299996413511266],
+              [128.524762008563982, 36.299991002444571],
+              [128.524816061757662, 36.299970829481772],
+              [128.525586936597449, 36.299450147915714],
+              [128.525778327934461, 36.299305335068574],
+              [128.525919670962821, 36.299116650522159],
+              [128.526420810942312, 36.298002644146777],
+              [128.528640819615475, 36.294775421735636],
+              [128.529263811306464, 36.293871838144113],
+              [128.529338075428598, 36.292274874610662],
+              [128.529166794311209, 36.28681388327346],
+              [128.528661798820622, 36.286275025707816],
+              [128.527960928233028, 36.285444093844362],
+              [128.527456522467475, 36.284808157839826],
+              [128.52722282759234, 36.282298337733856],
+              [128.527183867963799, 36.279410517714489],
+              [128.527489751474661, 36.279017645667061],
+              [128.529805585528948, 36.278901145476297],
+              [128.531953931223029, 36.2779883987807],
+              [128.532350177269763, 36.277730354771016],
+              [128.532691936252661, 36.277507780177316],
+              [128.534887205346365, 36.27435421039489],
+              [128.53553944761947, 36.273041056596504],
+              [128.534337033772999, 36.272841424751114],
+              [128.533996641549493, 36.272773440430818],
+              [128.533785746657401, 36.272667872407574],
+              [128.532698779149058, 36.271850475666284],
+              [128.53082334286043, 36.270436201788343],
+              [128.530759017153173, 36.270383565381437],
+              [128.530159494769947, 36.269563803150184],
+              [128.530124645434711, 36.269497005781986],
+              [128.530148553802775, 36.269430439712657],
+              [128.529687948858879, 36.267143370639864],
+              [128.526899774375408, 36.262383282489019],
+              [128.52655751785025, 36.260847379095047],
+              [128.525743680658536, 36.257597466467494],
+              [128.52475530980189, 36.254316916138109],
+              [128.523877265959015, 36.252307697904598],
+              [128.52381433693597, 36.252281938531112],
+              [128.523758570298241, 36.252249093234738],
+              [128.521283997109265, 36.249988401509469],
+              [128.521117022015005, 36.249823183208967],
+              [128.520967568053265, 36.249659725424145],
+              [128.520946783003382, 36.24963698996801],
+              [128.520891430762191, 36.249560471355927],
+              [128.520259366658905, 36.248618448359686],
+              [128.520235357523802, 36.2485417567393],
+              [128.520233898657068, 36.2484892947829],
+              [128.520266667839735, 36.245519779616373],
+              [128.520686230387696, 36.243826597118556],
+              [128.522184484646999, 36.24072235991369],
+              [128.521960998515311, 36.238626485199717],
+              [128.521546600115613, 36.237756002197386],
+              [128.521341220938183, 36.2373230551311],
+              [128.521263860870931, 36.237131792003865],
+              [128.521246704283897, 36.237080618812634],
+              [128.521240002134533, 36.237030942139825],
+              [128.521179911741967, 36.236580204364813],
+              [128.521180308376728, 36.236514958322601],
+              [128.521189567225036, 36.236438313600736],
+              [128.5212004669105, 36.236365990257816],
+              [128.521236028483486, 36.236279615428749],
+              [128.521287248683734, 36.236197543271537],
+              [128.521588886741768, 36.235769507652314],
+              [128.52162768751225, 36.235718578768996],
+              [128.522692885332589, 36.234464512067447],
+              [128.52274559913144, 36.234429309822175],
+              [128.522775065325078, 36.234414926663227],
+              [128.52474021879047, 36.23356764611043],
+              [128.527122337179406, 36.231449945950857],
+              [128.529137023198444, 36.229557851058544],
+              [128.532311733967873, 36.228411600200459],
+              [128.533810137177937, 36.227600915774723],
+              [128.534946630009244, 36.226952605537498],
+              [128.535022082627364, 36.226907486491228],
+              [128.53708643833329, 36.225068279781738],
+              [128.537183187043524, 36.224976366435286],
+              [128.53725023878971, 36.224885877024441],
+              [128.537283944827891, 36.224807981455712],
+              [128.537293098456729, 36.224745538858159],
+              [128.537240460899937, 36.223902828358469],
+              [128.536930935880434, 36.222154312202889],
+              [128.536917284699001, 36.2220918112071],
+              [128.536896574375504, 36.22204063131818],
+              [128.536854993022132, 36.221982483265258],
+              [128.536837558450003, 36.221958122125052],
+              [128.536705804609824, 36.22180098368981],
+              [128.536634405803085, 36.221743939522916],
+              [128.536514167792802, 36.22166966221085],
+              [128.536398897500135, 36.221621000697368],
+              [128.536210246265398, 36.221569183711082],
+              [128.535803814801, 36.221462880093327],
+              [128.535491016209306, 36.221396317711623],
+              [128.535215787155352, 36.221350092219382],
+              [128.535100274104991, 36.221345311944603],
+              [128.534960244232479, 36.221344786023096],
+              [128.534783299740639, 36.221381028394013],
+              [128.534544964118993, 36.221435445799727],
+              [128.534216530139304, 36.221493535399915],
+              [128.534064185640119, 36.221508640786283],
+              [128.533964418932925, 36.221508245337141],
+              [128.533815663955806, 36.221499112773877],
+              [128.532385121056763, 36.221243785167438],
+              [128.531357098480612, 36.221044287688322],
+              [128.531210287265566, 36.221006847332113],
+              [128.531135194474331, 36.220973930117289],
+              [128.531024668471701, 36.220912916799087],
+              [128.530982893359806, 36.220870232943604],
+              [128.530814868771103, 36.220587144794429],
+              [128.530722032180051, 36.220376340532688],
+              [128.530690939019479, 36.220293850032625],
+              [128.530624429522362, 36.22001548821251],
+              [128.530616836097124, 36.219835940810491],
+              [128.530622571241224, 36.219769264808534],
+              [128.530650943374809, 36.21969134753698],
+              [128.530748284663616, 36.219483648784426],
+              [128.530785235349072, 36.219444038760976],
+              [128.530957760111136, 36.219271604961946],
+              [128.531172103086419, 36.219023369800816],
+              [128.531186375980951, 36.218980884518139],
+              [128.531217011649488, 36.218841959980431],
+              [128.5314724987077, 36.217314276550312],
+              [128.531345923550447, 36.215679734865425],
+              [128.531325717025481, 36.215544131485728],
+              [128.530854953551653, 36.212778963706526],
+              [128.530837927161343, 36.212688058878406],
+              [128.530820754518345, 36.212641126841312],
+              [128.5307929706251, 36.212599926103557],
+              [128.530712873478592, 36.21253148313702],
+              [128.530134730590703, 36.212211002691994],
+              [128.529944581389969, 36.212117968329942],
+              [128.52988356807586, 36.212072306878234],
+              [128.529817537028947, 36.211995446467853],
+              [128.529679416800008, 36.211717338410637],
+              [128.52875894485922, 36.209558612709991],
+              [128.528734019879266, 36.20933851298043],
+              [128.528697839021675, 36.208975846480314],
+              [128.528569577000553, 36.207670679012935],
+              [128.526549122676954, 36.205104025013178],
+              [128.526425784286829, 36.204960243926259],
+              [128.526258651763811, 36.204813426917198],
+              [128.5260972176672, 36.204682735870108],
+              [128.525982220596006, 36.204612707314809],
+              [128.525861843858706, 36.204548437690761],
+              [128.525774541227321, 36.204514006028411],
+              [128.525549257399405, 36.204442189799991],
+              [128.524977260733607, 36.204130537750309],
+              [128.523542495665595, 36.203000061676761],
+              [128.523523037767291, 36.202962664459015],
+              [128.523497613679865, 36.202904792455762],
+              [128.523105589298297, 36.201908557974924],
+              [128.522966718968235, 36.201501597141117],
+              [128.522907472168214, 36.201201094958392],
+              [128.522872161370685, 36.200693507276419],
+              [128.522002133161863, 36.200794718867719],
+              [128.518223073216149, 36.200565750804699],
+              [128.518089516795982, 36.200551709007151],
+              [128.518022864607758, 36.200539816063696],
+              [128.516607797583816, 36.20008213320277],
+              [128.516569798055002, 36.20006071399628],
+              [128.516536541409863, 36.200025703731392],
+              [128.516060671139542, 36.199464768672279],
+              [128.516008725080326, 36.199377507892343],
+              [128.515847134681479, 36.198968159154262],
+              [128.515694706444265, 36.198553620778029],
+              [128.515671603086247, 36.198423848130247],
+              [128.515662621902209, 36.198330977504114],
+              [128.515670396726563, 36.198241258838948],
+              [128.515685420999404, 36.198131107874907],
+              [128.515717254597234, 36.197999659153687],
+              [128.51580435969754, 36.197794999369378],
+              [128.515852889099534, 36.197659754134932],
+              [128.515867726153942, 36.197580507980597],
+              [128.515870580088432, 36.197495442343566],
+              [128.515852287492152, 36.197361808227143],
+              [128.515738117310008, 36.19701682377783],
+              [128.515355554353192, 36.195987548217381],
+              [128.515051262003453, 36.195446595535749],
+              [128.51256534643403, 36.191202858921372],
+              [128.509965001797326, 36.188256235247643],
+              [128.509841756157783, 36.188126127802725],
+              [128.508209923892991, 36.186414097418115],
+              [128.508065322443343, 36.18626652331546],
+              [128.507984560309211, 36.186221666575435],
+              [128.506654273024679, 36.185555340171817],
+              [128.506492429847754, 36.185498514973304],
+              [128.506101110064662, 36.185377307867597],
+              [128.504347749131909, 36.184989355717768],
+              [128.503342365575804, 36.186534346719903],
+              [128.503318063419783, 36.186598143929444],
+              [128.503264544763084, 36.186762287639588],
+              [128.502899992319669, 36.188961208693179],
+              [128.502870006093616, 36.189166833349724],
+              [128.502874428047448, 36.189223008105891],
+              [128.503089846029496, 36.190159317669071],
+              [128.503465166918829, 36.191915945363078],
+              [128.503559349060907, 36.192439484327892],
+              [128.503609966751242, 36.192733752498128],
+              [128.50357161962566, 36.192768380594181],
+              [128.498332078117187, 36.195864301513957],
+              [128.498062936818826, 36.195807113260841],
+              [128.497739550989422, 36.195768437721753],
+              [128.496792678986139, 36.195702948745861],
+              [128.496638098021577, 36.195709308016028],
+              [128.496462962000294, 36.195725608930296],
+              [128.496400557538323, 36.195757476234256],
+              [128.496371232961621, 36.195780009620847],
+              [128.496166498500742, 36.195937369929517],
+              [128.494986355667749, 36.197358383312],
+              [128.494874000173894, 36.197505003456023],
+              [128.494716236228669, 36.197711523062765],
+              [128.494732567750191, 36.199220252888459],
+              [128.494735755716164, 36.199400223552381],
+              [128.494747230289533, 36.199506433955868],
+              [128.494769944201039, 36.199623421500426],
+              [128.494873565500995, 36.199933338533839],
+              [128.495067940602752, 36.200398012702244],
+              [128.495124039268461, 36.20115607750845],
+              [128.494834731693601, 36.203085357194823],
+              [128.494485890843862, 36.205278020555156],
+              [128.491989308986774, 36.210281177397881],
+              [128.488760468887506, 36.213379477935035],
+              [128.488672380137672, 36.21354284291472],
+              [128.488579669279829, 36.213780189690887],
+              [128.488462331085742, 36.214094796451569],
+              [128.488461792420225, 36.214178355693512],
+              [128.488515862616083, 36.216136121041139],
+              [128.488527327124444, 36.216214548806519],
+              [128.489125368662513, 36.217261611297189],
+              [128.489576089760675, 36.218690079980426],
+              [128.489571628675179, 36.218746283403242],
+              [128.489540222866538, 36.218837072010466],
+              [128.489137924412489, 36.219717400053746],
+              [128.486289041413926, 36.223907035643826],
+              [128.4862635245604, 36.223926213959579],
+              [128.485997995026565, 36.223929154260411],
+              [128.485786042059459, 36.223920621573484],
+              [128.485511232102567, 36.223902110757805],
+              [128.485266039302815, 36.22387212789873],
+              [128.485023048836354, 36.223830895267341],
+              [128.483140451857366, 36.223708554516875],
+              [128.481005866941388, 36.223904004314342],
+              [128.480819298632213, 36.223950656729919],
+              [128.48045804856099, 36.224068364812638],
+              [128.479550855710272, 36.224480895277239],
+              [128.479535399217554, 36.224515550049475],
+              [128.479485652894027, 36.224712590627085],
+              [128.479458017577088, 36.224912351271776],
+              [128.479457626152282, 36.224968763509324],
+              [128.479475662687349, 36.225171877153201],
+              [128.479502393048676, 36.225310519509613],
+              [128.479539170576032, 36.225402207757604],
+              [128.479591046990919, 36.225512894522375],
+              [128.479747105626757, 36.225748447009956],
+              [128.479833156238925, 36.225843008696991],
+              [128.479943143967887, 36.225948809153685],
+              [128.479984281671591, 36.225980381527449],
+              [128.480089806334576, 36.226059120505312],
+              [128.480323376156946, 36.226188551274468],
+              [128.480378965384148, 36.226219218073815],
+              [128.480527915830265, 36.226270557923463],
+              [128.480624489716519, 36.226303648278076],
+              [128.481028620527638, 36.226398630796098],
+              [128.481288248503944, 36.226480591919213],
+              [128.481882206333637, 36.22677886058468],
+              [128.482592805896303, 36.227202968058535],
+              [128.482803333941831, 36.227346544070869],
+              [128.483040452309041, 36.227547601201401],
+              [128.485731485225273, 36.230486827180243],
+              [128.485914688195777, 36.23078021352039],
+              [128.486038868642623, 36.231039602912745],
+              [128.486089532165721, 36.231219878598495],
+              [128.486066498096932, 36.231343571129798],
+              [128.485245996591175, 36.233371408038522],
+              [128.485212659293126, 36.234040872654987],
+              [128.485198090098294, 36.234073550975658],
+              [128.485182607278091, 36.234108267939369],
+              [128.485115925905433, 36.234113598680445],
+              [128.484827423347241, 36.234067334286571],
+              [128.483163562002346, 36.233705634053507],
+              [128.482441720226404, 36.233545816906002],
+              [128.481931300586098, 36.233459199978931],
+              [128.481272863152185, 36.233360678798604],
+              [128.480525379997573, 36.233289890617122],
+              [128.480073783246837, 36.233271048452927],
+              [128.479762513946383, 36.233309082653193],
+              [128.479480849147222, 36.233347247806719],
+              [128.47927304236012, 36.233413875455213],
+              [128.479064949475173, 36.233525503514244],
+              [128.47881201654539, 36.233698819413291],
+              [128.478470174438456, 36.233877403821573],
+              [128.478240165134537, 36.233943926389792],
+              [128.478069616934619, 36.233976931659456],
+              [128.477973539723138, 36.233948392462395],
+              [128.477260145773158, 36.23348461243998],
+              [128.477046505702447, 36.233314866742354],
+              [128.476766733445913, 36.233071684614416],
+              [128.476442889244197, 36.232772014399778],
+              [128.476170599419817, 36.232517619766455],
+              [128.476134061731329, 36.232444298892133],
+              [128.476112856660535, 36.232292272856824],
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+              [128.438243049405088, 36.225265282675316],
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+              [128.421515241589304, 36.268617909927301],
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+              [128.422282752537939, 36.269873893918096],
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+              [128.413928012084341, 36.291535072739933],
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+              [128.413302300000026, 36.292231380555947],
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+              [128.631753654327355, 36.216234011144707],
+              [128.631758558604133, 36.216161585366123],
+              [128.631961539665042, 36.215399346759845],
+              [128.632276079020585, 36.214302201060697],
+              [128.633397336068214, 36.210592307438709],
+              [128.633752372342457, 36.209648231333425],
+              [128.633866043446744, 36.209357495865746],
+              [128.633893735030199, 36.209311166365175],
+              [128.633923668925604, 36.209283320886556],
+              [128.633964997121751, 36.209264869332735],
+              [128.634063778471614, 36.209233553276675],
+              [128.634705861453597, 36.209068447606988],
+              [128.634850561129099, 36.209040949706626],
+              [128.636564113344832, 36.208814415462527],
+              [128.638104533875008, 36.208612713707417],
+              [128.639921643865961, 36.208090662462602],
+              [128.640285669290307, 36.207663066925342],
+              [128.640625016306871, 36.207233053271644],
+              [128.640823694025443, 36.206952300218816],
+              [128.640883771786349, 36.206824864458618],
+              [128.640939218802657, 36.206517901287746],
+              [128.640981989473886, 36.206210907488696],
+              [128.640990071432839, 36.205854698380243],
+              [128.640910108875232, 36.204574119018581],
+              [128.640600786305669, 36.2026777093673],
+              [128.6404786203166, 36.202254068901347],
+              [128.639867038450888, 36.201141086162849],
+              [128.639822838949243, 36.201063529255499],
+              [128.639780675692066, 36.201020157116091],
+              [128.639724655121569, 36.200962568502213],
+              [128.638609058259732, 36.200214525546954],
+              [128.637804372560964, 36.199733182442358],
+              [128.637721860275917, 36.199686462703703],
+              [128.63767734271579, 36.199678573979185],
+              [128.63759779829897, 36.199675758329981],
+              [128.637438391061607, 36.199737222083186],
+              [128.637011264263236, 36.199890790840755],
+              [128.636359768240538, 36.200076964266778],
+              [128.636105028358998, 36.200109722216418],
+              [128.635554224450516, 36.20016740232154],
+              [128.633754455193099, 36.200352590266569],
+              [128.633690827665646, 36.200349814159146],
+              [128.629987146707634, 36.199995912539762],
+              [128.629923561064516, 36.199982789193548],
+              [128.629186609312114, 36.199699167069632],
+              [128.626057259977529, 36.198267489845279],
+              [128.62600968771676, 36.198236371015902],
+              [128.625183427319541, 36.196815431881589],
+              [128.623725592959943, 36.194107463961764],
+              [128.62338646462868, 36.193310447199082],
+              [128.623309438003503, 36.192786255540227],
+              [128.623285611452388, 36.192501344289994],
+              [128.623244995194312, 36.192346357906381],
+              [128.623188240263545, 36.192237779562497],
+              [128.623036540769931, 36.192023097874689],
+              [128.622079306088807, 36.190790505189476],
+              [128.621921159069899, 36.190593860403951],
+              [128.621744040075356, 36.190373939443361],
+              [128.621602364579928, 36.19027227920553],
+              [128.621481622623349, 36.190235763413625],
+              [128.620569517217177, 36.190008309896363],
+              [128.62035011016718, 36.189979233669376],
+              [128.620273777570901, 36.189971240427454],
+              [128.620140047570374, 36.189991467973371],
+              [128.619856363563258, 36.190091219988162],
+              [128.619623831458227, 36.190144675253102],
+              [128.619464292324238, 36.190146767025155],
+              [128.619368906560766, 36.190133555851823],
+              [128.617879373524516, 36.189563564887059],
+              [128.617784200428474, 36.189506482811474],
+              [128.617575268581845, 36.189286423495766],
+              [128.613751311033582, 36.185156415310146],
+              [128.612762397235855, 36.183960248041764],
+              [128.612656905224611, 36.183827878425127],
+              [128.612572662897946, 36.183722171834837],
+              [128.612196393007707, 36.183248640998194],
+              [128.611323848956516, 36.181811062002112],
+              [128.611163147006351, 36.181495660452441],
+              [128.611022268677829, 36.181138008163842],
+              [128.611006887607346, 36.181032126413214],
+              [128.610995852075945, 36.180691403757436],
+              [128.610983988445156, 36.179884978516178],
+              [128.611058164880774, 36.173993847464502],
+              [128.611062233176398, 36.173815767444069],
+              [128.611086399968315, 36.173484712787662],
+              [128.611205657573947, 36.172283934477029],
+              [128.611248347957144, 36.172015665187303],
+              [128.611303531531121, 36.171793872082887],
+              [128.6113486124286, 36.171683037642552],
+              [128.611406286465524, 36.17160062829057],
+              [128.611451018934957, 36.171562058110936],
+              [128.61154347838206, 36.171521075874395],
+              [128.611760136827428, 36.171452095778662],
+              [128.612075516638498, 36.171360199475814],
+              [128.61238196206358, 36.171261876413794],
+              [128.612413894512088, 36.171238769526241],
+              [128.612445962204021, 36.17118723835847],
+              [128.612539706832592, 36.170885570789537],
+              [128.612543306265536, 36.170800407123963],
+              [128.61250037772308, 36.16994277581253],
+              [128.612485041533603, 36.169829171249461],
+              [128.612460075793649, 36.169731000880709],
+              [128.612387620008178, 36.169586233334051],
+              [128.611775668303636, 36.168720941580467],
+              [128.611684034716404, 36.16859674848223],
+              [128.611495560188928, 36.168396285471587],
+              [128.611245456271234, 36.168155423862466],
+              [128.610878634321722, 36.167715474602261],
+              [128.610669991861016, 36.167456688890688],
+              [128.610190931769921, 36.16682222415578],
+              [128.610061517199284, 36.166620488968192],
+              [128.610008084049014, 36.166491242496434],
+              [128.609958775796485, 36.166173621725513],
+              [128.60992612040107, 36.165738734886283],
+              [128.610034301900242, 36.165091238278222],
+              [128.610047273018125, 36.165042262065811],
+              [128.610079306846899, 36.164998482150438],
+              [128.613009524067962, 36.163527361899106],
+              [128.613175276764821, 36.163455621526147],
+              [128.614485190452228, 36.16304294598131],
+              [128.614647663099845, 36.162991843708724],
+              [128.614857744860842, 36.162961561099912],
+              [128.615325369634576, 36.162952747820896],
+              [128.616069945761495, 36.162895765224242],
+              [128.616225886402731, 36.162878212180175],
+              [128.616286434527609, 36.162855185461389],
+              [128.61635027300332, 36.162808921170679],
+              [128.61643016811027, 36.162734322081413],
+              [128.617463657839977, 36.161433758070913],
+              [128.617848495621075, 36.160787157363956],
+              [128.617900116866821, 36.16063761577044],
+              [128.618172927655678, 36.159492430684381],
+              [128.618453329831539, 36.1579982197714],
+              [128.619603413962636, 36.154636307523909],
+              [128.620441794036566, 36.153861496862731],
+              [128.620496176733809, 36.153794565000389],
+              [128.62207746646186, 36.1508624390042],
+              [128.623244482074455, 36.148380597932487],
+              [128.623384232460467, 36.148098206893692],
+              [128.626280167574265, 36.143606461277258],
+              [128.631555728114677, 36.140705292804128],
+              [128.631615822522463, 36.140686528702851],
+              [128.633310407320067, 36.140540191224744],
+              [128.633468820371093, 36.140533912127168],
+              [128.633725470580856, 36.140556352012389],
+              [128.634920264935715, 36.140685853148454],
+              [128.635748312770318, 36.140803433038442],
+              [128.635953267967068, 36.140829755314165],
+              [128.636233408691623, 36.140819791779897],
+              [128.636346830898447, 36.140806602779151],
+              [128.636502107451889, 36.140757004406865],
+              [128.636699276557295, 36.140662879765983],
+              [128.643176296128331, 36.137388655487264],
+              [128.64321335638877, 36.137304889615898],
+              [128.643361149178077, 36.137067132095851],
+              [128.643446706228019, 36.136952366901177],
+              [128.644412609991605, 36.135704860796444],
+              [128.644979403960633, 36.134973108657185],
+              [128.645029632566292, 36.134927242383256],
+              [128.645146531461023, 36.134881574330578],
+              [128.645363574296141, 36.134809151516045],
+              [128.645632217782833, 36.134757172493188],
+              [128.645965635729738, 36.134758168375079],
+              [128.646340650523086, 36.134776864071213],
+              [128.646620547632693, 36.134815603121041],
+              [128.646978580674897, 36.134901918229801],
+              [128.650502146881024, 36.134667897430631],
+              [128.654808995426492, 36.13272539743906],
+              [128.65485061666098, 36.132699581413547],
+              [128.66009685750177, 36.128836337586407],
+              [128.662423747929694, 36.125029811849529],
+              [128.664037250186084, 36.122953281522754],
+              [128.661688131147713, 36.121837918315926],
+              [128.660542184740365, 36.12125842084788],
+              [128.650533120891396, 36.115196668251066],
+              [128.650122675341862, 36.11480758257202],
+              [128.649738812182619, 36.114460583846672],
+              [128.64776533466744, 36.112974627799822],
+              [128.647598529841275, 36.112852394673169],
+              [128.647026450698974, 36.112457459254358],
+              [128.64541127693343, 36.111511483784668],
+              [128.645363022187297, 36.111523938110523],
+              [128.644776079383178, 36.111679387772988],
+              [128.644703582627699, 36.111703550771963],
+              [128.639097423226133, 36.109852654420315],
+              [128.638990840739325, 36.109807897500602],
+              [128.638744721750896, 36.109674393981734],
+              [128.638516205649211, 36.109528136492408],
+              [128.638533356235399, 36.109423911591065],
+              [128.638964546323905, 36.107707600408887],
+              [128.639328892349567, 36.106831082721293],
+              [128.639413291992327, 36.106704728479649],
+              [128.639524234334885, 36.106615889231477],
+              [128.639619867288303, 36.10652012666953],
+              [128.639656231754174, 36.106442785236588],
+              [128.639690152587491, 36.106324033023107],
+              [128.640071400164004, 36.104970897929228],
+              [128.640143456434402, 36.104672661641246],
+              [128.640207250067704, 36.104145194182983],
+              [128.640188386925786, 36.103907004530747],
+              [128.63998185175592, 36.102923853264272],
+              [128.639937445632171, 36.102873524503998],
+              [128.639838014131271, 36.102834216596428],
+              [128.639659764214031, 36.102786273530349],
+              [128.639450568025268, 36.102732652829452],
+              [128.639272191310539, 36.102690283608979],
+              [128.639097322391677, 36.102656333458476],
+              [128.638908566672001, 36.102627808812436],
+              [128.63871291188633, 36.102621729775166],
+              [128.63852411881652, 36.102623936929916],
+              [128.638475958574503, 36.102640488596485],
+              [128.638386512944436, 36.102673632927818],
+              [128.638255709837836, 36.102768048246723],
+              [128.638183244861921, 36.102829186594327],
+              [128.638062413165386, 36.102975303136127],
+              [128.638004535697092, 36.103084606463945],
+              [128.63780377810852, 36.10350942718047],
+              [128.637605527815793, 36.103953727310959],
+              [128.637558430765154, 36.104022666893229],
+              [128.637344789566384, 36.10429237033496],
+              [128.637155649766157, 36.104490623151044],
+              [128.636831808548891, 36.104775838384015],
+              [128.636422113967654, 36.10508870823319],
+              [128.636221229628973, 36.105197184548409],
+              [128.636062307483513, 36.105253197810057],
+              [128.635413679815258, 36.105386642921736],
+              [128.635104283635968, 36.105423798434899],
+              [128.634541531179622, 36.105438852907682],
+              [128.633971359255213, 36.105415165255145],
+              [128.633659832344222, 36.105368346715991],
+              [128.633539295814785, 36.105341319136336],
+              [128.633370330212358, 36.105287800335596],
+              [128.633201072450106, 36.105233957705813],
+              [128.633140926461977, 36.10520206722498],
+              [128.633111163011591, 36.105182495368737],
+              [128.633068617785625, 36.105104344347467],
+              [128.632793672604265, 36.103829461861572],
+              [128.633413028810594, 36.102676669302568],
+              [128.633567985469568, 36.102574673352024],
+              [128.633778319200985, 36.102382284685753],
+              [128.633950497084726, 36.102133183079317],
+              [128.634211959493285, 36.1017193352275],
+              [128.634620650230602, 36.100876875383307],
+              [128.634634965973703, 36.100831046029604],
+              [128.631529078040273, 36.095133070290636],
+              [128.631303609451066, 36.094859574066589],
+              [128.631234470389614, 36.094803045770988],
+              [128.631122283180019, 36.094742236801096],
+              [128.626932949326374, 36.093332864095935],
+              [128.626874139238424, 36.093324946464499],
+              [128.626812396021023, 36.093302120798015],
+              [128.626769783262148, 36.093272875734215],
+              [128.625492726388813, 36.092247628490838],
+              [128.625458705425928, 36.092209585379564],
+              [128.625445110566233, 36.092149432482181],
+              [128.625337575590663, 36.091320978231963],
+              [128.625332104811321, 36.09123416388249],
+              [128.625359154525398, 36.091172974726362],
+              [128.625504296688177, 36.09093703685614],
+              [128.625682982811298, 36.090627673445823],
+              [128.625719678862396, 36.090522635263326],
+              [128.625547761841403, 36.088991103257634],
+              [128.625513274263881, 36.088818337569293],
+              [128.624538839649773, 36.086517916158066],
+              [128.624485850200301, 36.086408064631605],
+              [128.6244177110826, 36.086306550124867],
+              [128.623973984361299, 36.085854466023214],
+              [128.62374698429312, 36.085657366371301],
+              [128.623471676038463, 36.085393174018492],
+              [128.623348074427383, 36.085236151585235],
+              [128.623324156764227, 36.085177412259583],
+              [128.623330664940084, 36.085093161151129],
+              [128.623575834145043, 36.08367380641149],
+              [128.623676583887487, 36.083105107155298],
+              [128.623846316014351, 36.082206592996428],
+              [128.623912830884905, 36.082017189123022],
+              [128.623975766770116, 36.081882304454211],
+              [128.624113428844169, 36.081628493258989],
+              [128.622666080973573, 36.079510232550646],
+              [128.622515262878949, 36.079335909414091],
+              [128.622468849270348, 36.079291685118527],
+              [128.622413920068567, 36.079262406775499],
+              [128.622304368378309, 36.07921206006931],
+              [128.620702937816702, 36.078679850392184],
+              [128.620515818869933, 36.078619885051189],
+              [128.620187348864533, 36.07856691499537],
+              [128.617415414115044, 36.078300403063359],
+              [128.617328588170636, 36.078302025801371],
+              [128.6172188568259, 36.07831284305562],
+              [128.617122826388254, 36.078332911105406],
+              [128.616885298535806, 36.078437673163101],
+              [128.615922998924589, 36.078800297993617],
+              [128.614914196887526, 36.078977277463345],
+              [128.614500413006965, 36.079027232413701],
+              [128.614437244578369, 36.079027022011381],
+              [128.614374135310385, 36.079013217759474],
+              [128.612244913389247, 36.078313578348734],
+              [128.612136277941289, 36.078257875807772],
+              [128.611434024328673, 36.077778309165559],
+              [128.611233555278886, 36.077638698275265],
+              [128.611182160963637, 36.0775676843732],
+              [128.611117256725123, 36.077470145569563],
+              [128.610823101247433, 36.076967580956136],
+              [128.610682723257554, 36.076733081355975],
+              [128.610574483509311, 36.076597721668051],
+              [128.610276748642065, 36.076327384269391],
+              [128.610143851263388, 36.076218541243044],
+              [128.60999159496177, 36.076162694443013],
+              [128.609852771305555, 36.076148999426657],
+              [128.60769050832107, 36.076113072629973],
+              [128.606349951130113, 36.076190212721158],
+              [128.604944249889627, 36.076483968758602],
+              [128.604573576985985, 36.076549160503809],
+              [128.604284689614843, 36.076574782099335],
+              [128.603887547345948, 36.076606557865404],
+              [128.603718666774, 36.076610417652446],
+              [128.603400254076433, 36.076571673760164],
+              [128.601359317800501, 36.076313361868841],
+              [128.597851596595831, 36.075766994115554],
+              [128.597569011179644, 36.075648795235466],
+              [128.59738692271236, 36.075566357919094],
+              [128.597306308977693, 36.0755048921609],
+              [128.597211020291837, 36.075402542802749],
+              [128.597164207956808, 36.075310366918046],
+              [128.59701053776422, 36.074904415533084],
+              [128.596913029362696, 36.074692294058458],
+              [128.596821426297936, 36.074588701676625],
+              [128.596751855380802, 36.07451871955886],
+              [128.595727097252791, 36.073739224514085],
+              [128.595119961594889, 36.073333065687955],
+              [128.594708044582291, 36.073086363393571],
+              [128.589567018069431, 36.07074998791952],
+              [128.589137302644133, 36.070602058379869],
+              [128.588981751341976, 36.070565290106174],
+              [128.588886461242453, 36.0705520847578],
+              [128.588781589683094, 36.070546585235405],
+              [128.588180954133378, 36.070562530450701],
+              [128.587432072274083, 36.070611879060692],
+              [128.587266914076395, 36.070608681380214],
+              [128.587123906824502, 36.070592687224575],
+              [128.586952503286966, 36.070550823990807],
+              [128.585441342038763, 36.070115532300271],
+              [128.584705241711248, 36.06988830535289],
+              [128.583060782111176, 36.069261283049904],
+              [128.582873681008664, 36.069188332950795],
+              [128.580251295037243, 36.068004076706913],
+              [128.580054821632842, 36.067897480209396],
+              [128.579953540338494, 36.067824849265847],
+              [128.579912489795021, 36.067778204116117],
+              [128.579884324201316, 36.067710969909093],
+              [128.579828679392563, 36.067406056550112],
+              [128.579617263124447, 36.066606587755501],
+              [128.579560637160682, 36.066505619242761],
+              [128.579475423511468, 36.066394302520429],
+              [128.578127535378286, 36.06494561505869],
+              [128.577938837790725, 36.064778327583902],
+              [128.577302428235242, 36.064355117821719],
+              [128.576477317333342, 36.063811114180687],
+              [128.570950376316631, 36.060904809516053],
+              [128.570647541129745, 36.060753126760673],
+              [128.570239981218151, 36.060589000434987],
+              [128.569965118058661, 36.060493844943309],
+              [128.569825717695352, 36.060454150437515],
+              [128.569715648156745, 36.060444911168517],
+              [128.569469759849085, 36.060473133582235],
+              [128.569394932792392, 36.060497997533083],
+              [128.5693278098299, 36.060533251435039],
+              [128.569252920676007, 36.06058742390686],
+              [128.569180384173507, 36.060679179341882],
+              [128.568497894006839, 36.061814775163349],
+              [128.568385976745105, 36.062021476373268],
+              [128.567361974094212, 36.064502839478507],
+              [128.567320298368486, 36.064631666893575],
+              [128.565520550051502, 36.068377662019003],
+              [128.565388906470503, 36.068437847718641],
+              [128.565296011668522, 36.068496071514836],
+              [128.565213231062529, 36.068571046038741],
+              [128.565130346362935, 36.068664914016168],
+              [128.563507396419226, 36.070560551034625],
+              [128.56345787489775, 36.070660758907771],
+              [128.563429111189549, 36.070744296195336],
+              [128.563410536876262, 36.070850912534638],
+              [128.563401929950203, 36.071001482252619],
+              [128.563403054498451, 36.071279691584685],
+              [128.56340945117671, 36.071506640593192],
+              [128.563442597690965, 36.072496187406657],
+              [128.563444836771708, 36.072552629801955],
+              [128.563454860409593, 36.072607090063698],
+              [128.564820560084542, 36.075891475619954],
+              [128.565874986607099, 36.078706546902907],
+              [128.566441580461685, 36.081132940044668],
+              [128.567024425767158, 36.084002330652112],
+              [128.568426229334534, 36.087263134864038],
+              [128.56868477815533, 36.088747090714591],
+              [128.568714464226957, 36.088963915000242],
+              [128.568740745495774, 36.089780332019991],
+              [128.568723876468624, 36.089879502292476],
+              [128.568696650216737, 36.089986091689902],
+              [128.56863821940857, 36.090150988313297],
+              [128.568565569647149, 36.09030086506197],
+              [128.567891355147765, 36.092062825306279],
+              [128.567250657808785, 36.094768169616529],
+              [128.567240018403623, 36.094846530871514],
+              [128.567256039169052, 36.094921577730091],
+              [128.567417736119495, 36.095341315866143],
+              [128.567538797666828, 36.09572196837798],
+              [128.567552739697391, 36.095810418744442],
+              [128.567544234473417, 36.095863740788253],
+              [128.567102904941123, 36.096679266076102],
+              [128.567024159205857, 36.096802362006777],
+              [128.565168348822027, 36.098680398543912],
+              [128.565116793866991, 36.098725271717434],
+              [128.565040594240116, 36.098748328709455],
+              [128.563525355211141, 36.102213165920588],
+              [128.563639333814677, 36.102407068722904],
+              [128.564233651336025, 36.103674803161773],
+              [128.564340415126139, 36.103928255015546],
+              [128.564510007866772, 36.104345397504368],
+              [128.56454414039149, 36.104480170567335],
+              [128.564552307464737, 36.104568799601829],
+              [128.564835633017708, 36.109862320380849],
+              [128.56482469963484, 36.110030806212713],
+              [128.564808072656888, 36.110106734796275],
+              [128.564417666630419, 36.111091297642375],
+              [128.564395286291926, 36.111121134283657],
+              [128.564355254703372, 36.111152360138469],
+              [128.564298873269223, 36.11118459309867],
+              [128.563676129472412, 36.111446995129228],
+              [128.56309854374453, 36.111676697707871],
+              [128.56309562487732, 36.111900078509272],
+              [128.563122892606543, 36.112129174869267],
+              [128.563156003380755, 36.11222654013001],
+              [128.563635862360087, 36.113518537592334],
+              [128.564282435067213, 36.114721397818805],
+              [128.564303294379471, 36.114756449665528],
+              [128.564314342212441, 36.114785861265396],
+              [128.564311628550001, 36.114814155528293],
+              [128.564265851183137, 36.114999628149228],
+              [128.563900947073023, 36.116108416489425],
+              [128.56205862004461, 36.119177458153452],
+              [128.561989416800401, 36.119277406655939],
+              [128.561966862313966, 36.119298590598731],
+              [128.561933121388989, 36.119313719872892],
+              [128.559953846668208, 36.120011354635089],
+              [128.559903924093135, 36.120022255916055],
+              [128.559849020162233, 36.120027206084146],
+              [128.55981414970725, 36.120025976601248],
+              [128.559758145245752, 36.120008569533816],
+              [128.55915318994002, 36.119699829253662],
+              [128.559081097320188, 36.119661075272568],
+              [128.559038947798655, 36.119628570969539],
+              [128.558992079096441, 36.119587204871905],
+              [128.558844564312579, 36.119430684541939],
+              [128.558784958603496, 36.119384929613219],
+              [128.558726467769077, 36.119356329011723],
+              [128.558627249140017, 36.119320728242144],
+              [128.558542502701272, 36.119301216205685],
+              [128.558437832304747, 36.119289660355484],
+              [128.558354291423313, 36.119290338996592],
+              [128.558316839244327, 36.119294261585743],
+              [128.558061108203333, 36.119419489276012],
+              [128.556438683250974, 36.120336028772833],
+              [128.556288572981629, 36.12042253805582],
+              [128.555013429044351, 36.121204159473677],
+              [128.554950829600756, 36.121254581598002],
+              [128.554923184686544, 36.121290891640392],
+              [128.55266694097071, 36.125022092500259],
+              [128.552629188734613, 36.125098895552178],
+              [128.552622660776763, 36.125133310181134],
+              [128.552625052389686, 36.125160625318145],
+              [128.552766408505363, 36.125738454697199],
+              [128.552955072694374, 36.126060434271132],
+              [128.552997967380236, 36.126157384401267],
+              [128.553288604173872, 36.127225604983252],
+              [128.553295378244997, 36.127342690010224],
+              [128.55329715656913, 36.127458149336235],
+              [128.553293113596425, 36.127504710964679],
+              [128.55326797570325, 36.127588976099808],
+              [128.553148495457691, 36.127971719376688],
+              [128.553086899780055, 36.128096929695154],
+              [128.553018948400933, 36.128209239094069],
+              [128.552859576345185, 36.12835760006012],
+              [128.550726320099386, 36.129861637125146],
+              [128.54864016429741, 36.1309817040515],
+              [128.548606380568032, 36.131022500992351],
+              [128.548601882492136, 36.131070240232717],
+              [128.548606149692688, 36.131206628435528],
+              [128.548608929813582, 36.131295475844986],
+              [128.548629033900198, 36.131469568834994],
+              [128.548657244705083, 36.13156719353821],
+              [128.548715495237531, 36.131676540121802],
+              [128.548794720231939, 36.131789486721424],
+              [128.550026903908815, 36.133021587350505],
+              [128.5516471876997, 36.135303120872074],
+              [128.552570498314253, 36.138467895471372],
+              [128.552566003575777, 36.138515644675309],
+              [128.552523261356129, 36.138648604264162],
+              [128.552455423575509, 36.138737013656794],
+              [128.55024343768622, 36.140101417362857],
+              [128.550041281165221, 36.140151838221058],
+              [128.549764828553435, 36.140214957118985],
+              [128.54960065036272, 36.140244982649541],
+              [128.549398805285193, 36.140261349029878],
+              [128.549091686827296, 36.140284069916454],
+              [128.548835676675253, 36.140326621371258],
+              [128.548599956496304, 36.140376906424301],
+              [128.548465021322585, 36.140444627729444],
+              [128.548359333911066, 36.140546600598306],
+              [128.548240677799384, 36.140699706098381],
+              [128.548168474147189, 36.140832465850458],
+              [128.548146749776151, 36.140958643463946],
+              [128.548162602151393, 36.14111910901898],
+              [128.54820797313846, 36.141286440967939],
+              [128.548307246801812, 36.141469695327281],
+              [128.549111442157198, 36.145476202519923],
+              [128.549135816864748, 36.14562301616192],
+              [128.549134559851154, 36.145841360557696],
+              [128.54911666907384, 36.146035776321526],
+              [128.549006148031509, 36.14624218877789],
+              [128.548764149650509, 36.146686921610872],
+              [128.548657807559238, 36.146898110385962],
+              [128.548457609745668, 36.147357966541556],
+              [128.548316174507136, 36.147799369375143],
+              [128.548328341908331, 36.147888090196517],
+              [128.548919777036929, 36.148783320683563],
+              [128.549449461618451, 36.149384706883758],
+              [128.549545548499509, 36.14948745273081],
+              [128.549683684675898, 36.149600545436677],
+              [128.549838634418222, 36.149706915746641],
+              [128.550006411516222, 36.149786044671785],
+              [128.550115371120654, 36.149834211513806],
+              [128.550186650861377, 36.14988225705364],
+              [128.550270060743713, 36.14998701930147],
+              [128.550348987994795, 36.150154479520587],
+              [128.550427463042922, 36.150403862543691],
+              [128.550464266441594, 36.15057460861491],
+              [128.550471792877175, 36.150735033911623],
+              [128.550416416687995, 36.150857669143612],
+              [128.550361416513056, 36.150915406563108],
+              [128.549991969186777, 36.151083618565629],
+              [128.547773672667603, 36.151991306956852],
+              [128.546183129305689, 36.152638733800231],
+              [128.546053197676883, 36.152661566845637],
+              [128.545701487165246, 36.152741987892185],
+              [128.545260119843306, 36.152854753884078],
+              [128.545150256722337, 36.152887034551931],
+              [128.544466297191292, 36.153329953751928],
+              [128.544401689930481, 36.153372283148805],
+              [128.542541564017341, 36.154744717145682],
+              [128.542495981414845, 36.154792902967841],
+              [128.540788349071136, 36.160362382985141],
+              [128.540467346287926, 36.161462003801894],
+              [128.54045985043399, 36.161521953608656],
+              [128.540483482965442, 36.16155686442282],
+              [128.543008838875608, 36.164692236593353],
+              [128.544360272109998, 36.166111268473749],
+              [128.544403044898871, 36.166134652306084],
+              [128.544457794401694, 36.166150340812877],
+              [128.544536425270877, 36.166156438789379],
+              [128.544667539803754, 36.166160797710525],
+              [128.544813010533346, 36.166153626031949],
+              [128.54496808041813, 36.1661387299837],
+              [128.545087548764911, 36.166092767887186],
+              [128.545161665111948, 36.166056287143086],
+              [128.54551223741737, 36.165799869307861],
+              [128.545636859775954, 36.165688155023872],
+              [128.545759489025727, 36.165506780172912],
+              [128.545848116591543, 36.165435543837866],
+              [128.547861353701819, 36.164382804188385],
+              [128.547937707617876, 36.164371478097699],
+              [128.548264524776243, 36.164339845892492],
+              [128.54848387167965, 36.164336781176985],
+              [128.550359715681481, 36.164504240902652],
+              [128.550933967703912, 36.16456056109741],
+              [128.553118273639058, 36.164899583454194],
+              [128.553220648355847, 36.164927022288936],
+              [128.553339529639061, 36.164983595473366],
+              [128.553408468107392, 36.165018668509447],
+              [128.55346400141994, 36.165073248509323],
+              [128.553491438139162, 36.165100224066322],
+              [128.55354593943585, 36.165162335413989],
+              [128.553600331812049, 36.165237983157617],
+              [128.553628618250684, 36.165296123158129],
+              [128.554064898177472, 36.167287415611533],
+              [128.554115175460993, 36.167636626627619],
+              [128.554236019731718, 36.16949000922051],
+              [128.554307254191144, 36.170793786945346],
+              [128.554143177415312, 36.172072307824685],
+              [128.554135604544513, 36.172145795340157],
+              [128.55414227026489, 36.172232865118062],
+              [128.554251274526877, 36.173125635973996],
+              [128.554292328424708, 36.173405237453672],
+              [128.55431807795793, 36.17349045148665],
+              [128.554353443723244, 36.173562158066552],
+              [128.554507267099183, 36.173767791648764],
+              [128.554559408734264, 36.173822152065171],
+              [128.554791542101555, 36.173986658566186],
+              [128.555147215213736, 36.17433617956155],
+              [128.556019787504653, 36.175304873630992],
+              [128.556159527488091, 36.175467877271451],
+              [128.556236964240753, 36.175569488757311],
+              [128.556329202978276, 36.175701378785661],
+              [128.55658885418805, 36.176168556219466],
+              [128.556619520230782, 36.176226722140619],
+              [128.557449718246289, 36.178045925806252],
+              [128.557629244906536, 36.178284677090708],
+              [128.557659427225587, 36.178321791974483],
+              [128.557694738872868, 36.178350694655052],
+              [128.55883199807792, 36.17911843391159],
+              [128.558867441212641, 36.179122674886337],
+              [128.558913178205842, 36.179100233549669],
+              [128.558982030388421, 36.179024426860636],
+              [128.559130118424036, 36.178823514710224],
+              [128.559416138658094, 36.17828674280134],
+              [128.559725103371704, 36.177696909131555],
+              [128.559745689276781, 36.177641497045293],
+              [128.559991614854937, 36.176689460558279],
+              [128.559991989510792, 36.176598160251146],
+              [128.559992445369943, 36.176518005624423],
+              [128.560028584224909, 36.176398901267774],
+              [128.560160223145459, 36.175967704791702],
+              [128.560180657893596, 36.175939009623306],
+              [128.561272024982969, 36.175432057882063],
+              [128.561340520391866, 36.175415857935775],
+              [128.563171986513737, 36.175039265208063],
+              [128.563613321926198, 36.17495454429956],
+              [128.567588563101651, 36.17447689342184],
+              [128.568315986315838, 36.174430193631117],
+              [128.568430046925016, 36.174424437314713],
+              [128.571438789203512, 36.174522702946035],
+              [128.57150085680604, 36.174537608486887],
+              [128.571599437538822, 36.174581132254872],
+              [128.57311734524373, 36.17566237762405],
+              [128.573160223880365, 36.175699530714709],
+              [128.573170190047222, 36.17573041397732],
+              [128.573170006150349, 36.17576536032611],
+              [128.573093091472572, 36.175927464181207],
+              [128.572974953921545, 36.176221010295485],
+              [128.572833403762701, 36.176660831191818],
+              [128.572786902963657, 36.176825122514302],
+              [128.572786543282547, 36.176890903298194],
+              [128.572801434082436, 36.176948516677577],
+              [128.573423974004157, 36.178307801922962],
+              [128.573464091990132, 36.178383989265356],
+              [128.573544515941506, 36.178503506355746],
+              [128.576542155873426, 36.182268585657695],
+              [128.577110557749108, 36.182912364459234],
+              [128.5778814090325, 36.183384118195207],
+              [128.578492820900266, 36.183719294634074],
+              [128.578755772019775, 36.183827109594375],
+              [128.57913769135277, 36.183962068097799],
+              [128.579888856450907, 36.184212632879152],
+              [128.581864851965662, 36.185038891494848],
+              [128.582016541952811, 36.18510315897052],
+              [128.582206030112502, 36.185210705339074],
+              [128.582992375101639, 36.185678609987519],
+              [128.5832625150816, 36.185866602923511],
+              [128.583638510474231, 36.186163929457692],
+              [128.583686399449419, 36.186211383586944],
+              [128.583691306197238, 36.186242231448333],
+              [128.583691080381698, 36.186285412553481],
+              [128.582198713067555, 36.187802595440928],
+              [128.5821580639834, 36.187820945512719],
+              [128.582107301735618, 36.187837228767883],
+              [128.581656057307782, 36.1878664759533],
+              [128.581486324851568, 36.187855598478301],
+              [128.5813672725792, 36.187846962954524],
+              [128.580943665108805, 36.187814708701254],
+              [128.580877756486075, 36.187814471790048],
+              [128.580844774644305, 36.187822587575688],
+              [128.580801605072764, 36.187840931100538],
+              [128.580735311418579, 36.187916760387189],
+              [128.579571131639483, 36.189346713835292],
+              [128.579540508369803, 36.189385655198834],
+              [128.579063869441939, 36.191822907308676],
+              [128.578923174772598, 36.192561431441334],
+              [128.578738287592557, 36.194949349674665],
+              [128.57874322991654, 36.194976156790062],
+              [128.578768236204894, 36.195039975115549],
+              [128.57880848353534, 36.195095619942578],
+              [128.579640300860348, 36.196708486181571],
+              [128.580391455283689, 36.199598426262973],
+              [128.580577450718266, 36.200862076987853],
+              [128.580668506578775, 36.201791595887109],
+              [128.581448332476043, 36.205078471069534],
+              [128.58227766887768, 36.208178864639642],
+              [128.582688998717856, 36.209389259482023],
+              [128.583031143768181, 36.21029334402381],
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+              [128.696729473338337, 36.13599645785677],
+              [128.696729618092462, 36.135957982518889],
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+              [128.696885166113645, 36.13558078542512],
+              [128.696929855135721, 36.135516014904503],
+              [128.696974506945537, 36.135463213232917],
+              [128.697025028001093, 36.135410350176691],
+              [128.697093388981443, 36.13537214228252],
+              [128.697173554104637, 36.135328986042524],
+              [128.697298173131088, 36.135281182479375],
+              [128.69733971958351, 36.135252456887407],
+              [128.697375425535284, 36.13521405963904],
+              [128.697405252606018, 36.135168438732379],
+              [128.697426243232229, 36.135113165315197],
+              [128.697447385381764, 36.134988216903643],
+              [128.697477995684807, 36.134742993039964],
+              [128.697419448201885, 36.133849261547383],
+              [128.697356126079285, 36.133441688303996],
+              [128.697297183569731, 36.133247734500479],
+              [128.695951446869856, 36.130669011735435],
+              [128.695478735267045, 36.130018152525771],
+              [128.695073350401628, 36.129471124912946],
+              [128.694748692174073, 36.129140824271893],
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+              [128.692789851721443, 36.127210081196388],
+              [128.692620841615451, 36.127080155623766],
+              [128.692436965719082, 36.126946110935862],
+              [128.692224861106808, 36.126812996943407],
+              [128.692070692483554, 36.126723570358372],
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+              [128.685802132478813, 36.120140035072367],
+              [128.68582281470168, 36.119966062942446],
+              [128.685818253618692, 36.119860791087888],
+              [128.68581351929268, 36.119792023366848],
+              [128.685582122657109, 36.119077479879259],
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+              [128.685462998055556, 36.118951718969349],
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+              [128.682068595257988, 36.116389065836756],
+              [128.682012107888454, 36.116486237105512],
+              [128.681827696008014, 36.116767732733258],
+              [128.681705054498394, 36.116906910946895],
+              [128.681647559257243, 36.116953262611723],
+              [128.68153674610133, 36.116999379293524],
+              [128.681441232833009, 36.117023991622993],
+              [128.675351482865238, 36.117393113186338],
+              [128.675157105998665, 36.11731515657106],
+              [128.674631219845708, 36.117115372435954],
+              [128.674528236696176, 36.117093378206263],
+              [128.673162093453868, 36.117479943035718],
+              [128.673062652501301, 36.117513746602874],
+              [128.672963289774799, 36.117556923311689],
+              [128.672763067023482, 36.117655584250066],
+              [128.67268330330964, 36.11776512975846],
+              [128.672492690337208, 36.118139870957776],
+              [128.672404147061059, 36.118329699497316],
+              [128.672383250835566, 36.118387669717343],
+              [128.672369965072477, 36.118457845932021],
+              [128.672383267020876, 36.118541961738551],
+              [128.672588356905294, 36.119250863698099],
+              [128.672725445988846, 36.12137719462369],
+              [128.672685870911835, 36.121408524884387],
+              [128.672608405936074, 36.121450314955105],
+              [128.669575596479888, 36.123617461729161],
+              [128.668734267308423, 36.124328254025677],
+              [128.668395020577037, 36.124908586666443],
+              [128.668342029248322, 36.124935921030492],
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+              [128.66825402504162, 36.124940729878233],
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+              [128.666148911048083, 36.124437121127727],
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+              [128.66532767442456, 36.123056237370548],
+              [128.665275232630222, 36.12303420870272],
+              [128.665170826355279, 36.123005073997582],
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+              [128.664037250186084, 36.122953281522754],
+              [128.662423747929694, 36.125029811849529],
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+              [128.65485061666098, 36.132699581413547],
+              [128.654808995426492, 36.13272539743906],
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+              [128.645632217782833, 36.134757172493188],
+              [128.645363574296141, 36.134809151516045],
+              [128.645146531461023, 36.134881574330578],
+              [128.645029632566292, 36.134927242383256],
+              [128.644979403960633, 36.134973108657185],
+              [128.644412609991605, 36.135704860796444],
+              [128.643446706228019, 36.136952366901177],
+              [128.643361149178077, 36.137067132095851],
+              [128.64321335638877, 36.137304889615898],
+              [128.643176296128331, 36.137388655487264],
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+              [128.616069945761495, 36.162895765224242],
+              [128.615325369634576, 36.162952747820896],
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+              [128.614647663099845, 36.162991843708724],
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+              [128.610047273018125, 36.165042262065811],
+              [128.610034301900242, 36.165091238278222],
+              [128.60992612040107, 36.165738734886283],
+              [128.609958775796485, 36.166173621725513],
+              [128.610008084049014, 36.166491242496434],
+              [128.610061517199284, 36.166620488968192],
+              [128.610190931769921, 36.16682222415578],
+              [128.610669991861016, 36.167456688890688],
+              [128.610878634321722, 36.167715474602261],
+              [128.611245456271234, 36.168155423862466],
+              [128.611495560188928, 36.168396285471587],
+              [128.611684034716404, 36.16859674848223],
+              [128.611775668303636, 36.168720941580467],
+              [128.612387620008178, 36.169586233334051],
+              [128.612460075793649, 36.169731000880709],
+              [128.612485041533603, 36.169829171249461],
+              [128.61250037772308, 36.16994277581253],
+              [128.612543306265536, 36.170800407123963],
+              [128.612539706832592, 36.170885570789537],
+              [128.612445962204021, 36.17118723835847],
+              [128.612413894512088, 36.171238769526241],
+              [128.61238196206358, 36.171261876413794],
+              [128.612075516638498, 36.171360199475814],
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+              [128.61154347838206, 36.171521075874395],
+              [128.611451018934957, 36.171562058110936],
+              [128.611406286465524, 36.17160062829057],
+              [128.6113486124286, 36.171683037642552],
+              [128.611303531531121, 36.171793872082887],
+              [128.611248347957144, 36.172015665187303],
+              [128.611205657573947, 36.172283934477029],
+              [128.611086399968315, 36.173484712787662],
+              [128.611062233176398, 36.173815767444069],
+              [128.611058164880774, 36.173993847464502],
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+              [128.611022268677829, 36.181138008163842],
+              [128.611163147006351, 36.181495660452441],
+              [128.611323848956516, 36.181811062002112],
+              [128.612196393007707, 36.183248640998194],
+              [128.612572662897946, 36.183722171834837],
+              [128.612656905224611, 36.183827878425127],
+              [128.612762397235855, 36.183960248041764],
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+              [128.617784200428474, 36.189506482811474],
+              [128.617879373524516, 36.189563564887059],
+              [128.619368906560766, 36.190133555851823],
+              [128.619464292324238, 36.190146767025155],
+              [128.619623831458227, 36.190144675253102],
+              [128.619856363563258, 36.190091219988162],
+              [128.620140047570374, 36.189991467973371],
+              [128.620273777570901, 36.189971240427454],
+              [128.62035011016718, 36.189979233669376],
+              [128.620569517217177, 36.190008309896363],
+              [128.621481622623349, 36.190235763413625],
+              [128.621602364579928, 36.19027227920553],
+              [128.621744040075356, 36.190373939443361],
+              [128.621921159069899, 36.190593860403951],
+              [128.622079306088807, 36.190790505189476],
+              [128.623036540769931, 36.192023097874689],
+              [128.623188240263545, 36.192237779562497],
+              [128.623244995194312, 36.192346357906381],
+              [128.623285611452388, 36.192501344289994],
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+              [128.62600968771676, 36.198236371015902],
+              [128.626057259977529, 36.198267489845279],
+              [128.629186609312114, 36.199699167069632],
+              [128.629923561064516, 36.199982789193548],
+              [128.629987146707634, 36.199995912539762],
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+              [128.633754455193099, 36.200352590266569],
+              [128.635554224450516, 36.20016740232154],
+              [128.636105028358998, 36.200109722216418],
+              [128.636359768240538, 36.200076964266778],
+              [128.637011264263236, 36.199890790840755],
+              [128.637438391061607, 36.199737222083186],
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+              [128.640981989473886, 36.206210907488696],
+              [128.640939218802657, 36.206517901287746],
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+              [128.640181931874082, 36.208336930593482],
+              [128.641458857423203, 36.209963383000975],
+              [128.641595370834125, 36.210192493619608],
+              [128.641836049815225, 36.210648145399304],
+              [128.642012714409759, 36.211045653599356],
+              [128.642078317281971, 36.211241148757139],
+              [128.642177452985294, 36.211569744273916],
+              [128.642306549574187, 36.211940237033922],
+              [128.642342951849798, 36.212001724852975],
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+              [128.652408107163808, 36.217117465393088],
+              [128.65274495456211, 36.217170533287593],
+              [128.653042718351401, 36.217264321961842],
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+              [128.655931620354835, 36.218754168368889],
+              [128.655946893105721, 36.218921554809519],
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+              [128.655925417240468, 36.219505734101944],
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+              [128.793498418120095, 36.178695604001533],
+              [128.793509378208825, 36.178471497761493],
+              [128.793185464773046, 36.176858521696971],
+              [128.792331392364048, 36.174058365423775],
+              [128.792267978017549, 36.173906673408922],
+              [128.792163634020199, 36.173725328459547],
+              [128.791968248472216, 36.173505026052773],
+              [128.791804593365299, 36.173353161605377],
+              [128.790267145374202, 36.17226917367649],
+              [128.790094156514073, 36.172198635126811],
+              [128.789387228223802, 36.170698202844406],
+              [128.789866489995887, 36.170405064199507],
+              [128.790313862230363, 36.170098942325147],
+              [128.790428167556485, 36.169951250040285],
+              [128.790469542325752, 36.169818198072562],
+              [128.790483731469095, 36.169616732315689],
+              [128.790488785385861, 36.169431858851077],
+              [128.790306595361869, 36.167667942984288],
+              [128.790270511530821, 36.167523682748516],
+              [128.788802315346913, 36.162725799529078],
+              [128.787873275553352, 36.160845972997166],
+              [128.78684890011229, 36.158864278315804],
+              [128.785565245447685, 36.156754566367972],
+              [128.785429117020726, 36.156552833151217],
+              [128.782804937269077, 36.153235369301576],
+              [128.782288757603595, 36.152674989446218],
+              [128.782171270097109, 36.152616454567131],
+              [128.782079774353889, 36.152610986755491],
+              [128.778838028342307, 36.153151672841211],
+              [128.77874225420166, 36.153184783802104],
+              [128.778623640342488, 36.153249285499442],
+              [128.77853664678554, 36.153400722091668],
+              [128.778476989374298, 36.153552209310327],
+              [128.778380750673051, 36.153755391577221],
+              [128.778271055214105, 36.153884604915632],
+              [128.778102008120612, 36.154058079025731],
+              [128.777955925589509, 36.154159512142201],
+              [128.777787190537765, 36.154222063428037],
+              [128.77695750589487, 36.154409122070831],
+              [128.776706835444031, 36.154443798544186],
+              [128.76779811417029, 36.153942125187449],
+              [128.76745135069342, 36.153911421125969],
+              [128.766984355554342, 36.153869222168289],
+              [128.766873422894719, 36.153846498002068],
+              [128.76633527972254, 36.153629635585503],
+              [128.766086081773693, 36.15344899967247],
+              [128.765878444267031, 36.15328721422172],
+              [128.765627411426152, 36.153038753146546],
+              [128.765566946441766, 36.152970465071029],
+              [128.765363524850102, 36.152640672224315],
+              [128.765345668386061, 36.15253746833816],
+              [128.765396371253701, 36.152294402692796],
+              [128.765574509898755, 36.151959462006175],
+              [128.765862157257232, 36.151462626102699],
+              [128.766220386614577, 36.151034193000491],
+              [128.76645741596451, 36.150754635062704],
+              [128.766535030863821, 36.150622150340787],
+              [128.766548899066265, 36.150537421826165],
+              [128.766535828727257, 36.150353180840085],
+              [128.766338978836956, 36.149746808785423],
+              [128.764911847931614, 36.146204782894664],
+              [128.764862211067367, 36.146094157967049],
+              [128.764699163041229, 36.145942768518225],
+              [128.763852810008899, 36.145334112935181],
+              [128.763299632817393, 36.145027201731864],
+              [128.762940796604312, 36.144397320518081],
+              [128.762623007319604, 36.139770937401643],
+              [128.762779198017967, 36.139181745592303],
+              [128.762971223316271, 36.137950809795143],
+              [128.762799285040188, 36.137967239093257],
+              [128.762378277861728, 36.138007474799849],
+              [128.76152864798263, 36.138131054515313],
+              [128.760773540563918, 36.138247111638599],
+              [128.760505412082921, 36.138305519258743],
+              [128.759764413249371, 36.138550896818849],
+              [128.754938400107193, 36.139159027235365],
+              [128.752610959675053, 36.139441657365964],
+              [128.749957937445174, 36.139679347403792],
+              [128.749043884303092, 36.139758483633521],
+              [128.748798128844669, 36.139761133178524],
+              [128.748435354313756, 36.139749841547847],
+              [128.748340003180544, 36.139742259504281],
+              [128.74831742578931, 36.139705361754167],
+              [128.748274988536053, 36.138773108744743],
+              [128.748254043599275, 36.137869195832216],
+              [128.74824730095915, 36.137577776144326],
+              [128.748261380240621, 36.13743410752226],
+              [128.748390223694088, 36.136907505354699],
+              [128.748541988537539, 36.136314606950783],
+              [128.748812422354177, 36.135403302325997],
+              [128.748949397440612, 36.135007746244817],
+              [128.74899107561734, 36.134757289088128],
+              [128.749260194288041, 36.132933721876618],
+              [128.749260371180981, 36.13287477309408],
+              [128.747102941208396, 36.129037127133842],
+              [128.746961414594949, 36.128866593639017],
+              [128.746776688385722, 36.128685957509809],
+              [128.740037936252349, 36.122818114946654],
+              [128.739879498348017, 36.122693135219045],
+              [128.739737032693995, 36.122581064570852],
+              [128.739662997089539, 36.122529341267992],
+              [128.739532084729632, 36.12247895658713],
+              [128.739071962332531, 36.12232319879714],
+              [128.738765212029705, 36.122236564037081],
+              [128.738664607998743, 36.122227695054299],
+              [128.73655094908878, 36.123759870666525],
+              [128.735242345892175, 36.124498371471965],
+              [128.733556889177663, 36.125478930036181],
+              [128.733480478685777, 36.125537335258841],
+              [128.732889341233545, 36.126043836986874],
+              [128.729946623534488, 36.128675038707982],
+              [128.72983483001218, 36.128781942070077],
+              [128.729720935281392, 36.128920646071819],
+              [128.728420163415308, 36.130754890257691],
+              [128.728397208732673, 36.130806744414123],
+              [128.728386861953169, 36.130845209829573],
+              [128.728382535808777, 36.130873668925702],
+              [128.727722689790312, 36.135275004892719],
+              [128.72764279854519, 36.135983255295052],
+              [128.72764686411702, 36.136028423460651],
+              [128.727901649357307, 36.137810959303458],
+              [128.72792416734103, 36.137854533692568],
+              [128.727957009518008, 36.137896421868646],
+              [128.728010467989179, 36.137956840125028],
+              [128.728160606694018, 36.138074414289072],
+              [128.728411639704376, 36.138279298638722],
+              [128.728444552272919, 36.13830785171907],
+              [128.728467103592976, 36.138339706027828],
+              [128.72848548412145, 36.138390041698919],
+              [128.728513984962007, 36.138500600786614],
+              [128.728553339697015, 36.138753565504921],
+              [128.728569315247796, 36.138916091682717],
+              [128.728573043172418, 36.13902830042386],
+              [128.728599588711631, 36.139994627718693],
+              [128.728597468267338, 36.140026426786825],
+              [128.72837005668444, 36.14252280100586],
+              [128.72538498302572, 36.145102307108296],
+              [128.72534363943879, 36.145135732623871],
+              [128.724838164574322, 36.145426737380369],
+              [128.724751386743208, 36.145456732890899],
+              [128.724656481155762, 36.145463182903974],
+              [128.724446003591368, 36.145472785351863],
+              [128.724218974329119, 36.145478940691561],
+              [128.724049828517906, 36.145455101205364],
+              [128.721442668224739, 36.147960165442584],
+              [128.721093269482253, 36.148972744047086],
+              [128.720534625164362, 36.150330722184883],
+              [128.72049066007196, 36.150412344894058],
+              [128.720443474910866, 36.15049398417996],
+              [128.72036590300857, 36.150589145660973],
+              [128.71979327751913, 36.151157101866296],
+              [128.719632404912375, 36.151550347946568],
+              [128.719520808786285, 36.151777542451299],
+              [128.719492073507723, 36.151825173344058],
+              [128.719439937616158, 36.151863160207583],
+              [128.719391263114062, 36.151865748309284],
+              [128.7188408916073, 36.151829020643646],
+              [128.717257434017654, 36.151607376144717],
+              [128.714644171487095, 36.151184333756582],
+              [128.713758605925079, 36.151013326396139],
+              [128.713564140136072, 36.150955638260733],
+              [128.713470433324858, 36.150903673832815],
+              [128.713379978160475, 36.15084082400643],
+              [128.713219573065516, 36.150647042620207],
+              [128.713126069504995, 36.15050785118332],
+              [128.713032454238743, 36.150431392355515],
+              [128.712931893761777, 36.150371228275986],
+              [128.712838160187886, 36.150324671766604],
+              [128.712714068188092, 36.15028625136172],
+              [128.712563194526695, 36.150250461286731],
+              [128.710731633630729, 36.149943695577377],
+              [128.710607457181453, 36.149929688521297],
+              [128.710479888485963, 36.149929365392836],
+              [128.710355744502749, 36.14993728607844],
+              [128.710251575302976, 36.149950625663614],
+              [128.707187993153923, 36.150402852644291],
+              [128.70645487496671, 36.153147869280154],
+              [128.706525202827208, 36.153640046810416],
+              [128.706232586468786, 36.154733171992],
+              [128.70486784599666, 36.156025439528783],
+              [128.704817223195732, 36.156051655481548],
+              [128.704752237608716, 36.156060278726414],
+              [128.703859861391805, 36.156177620425773],
+              [128.701530217878769, 36.156469972248772],
+              [128.701335261563941, 36.156487054926359],
+              [128.701140401431161, 36.15648071509009],
+              [128.70092398502311, 36.156453817650068],
+              [128.700639223491493, 36.15636522427873],
+              [128.699304053352705, 36.155946644921436],
+              [128.698426495843648, 36.1555157199452],
+              [128.697976862491572, 36.155133861810334],
+              [128.697796672838564, 36.155071898863859],
+              [128.697684871260606, 36.155054050360611],
+              [128.697565775416024, 36.155053764015079],
+              [128.697493534812736, 36.155071132922764],
+              [128.697171880829842, 36.155193328988801],
+              [128.696790646632678, 36.155357771333186],
+              [128.689859409079276, 36.159484423265361],
+              [128.687936638306638, 36.160952525361012],
+              [128.686358019086867, 36.163464662289542],
+              [128.686326621724675, 36.163582256322229],
+              [128.686232169295351, 36.163734306100629],
+              [128.686058116678652, 36.163935913413987],
+              [128.685978474476144, 36.163997202744234],
+              [128.682073884226924, 36.164945523356565],
+              [128.679326210195484, 36.165251950402876],
+              [128.678235419933884, 36.165445237263505],
+              [128.677830886249211, 36.165520277578658],
+              [128.676710196447459, 36.165738911261847],
+              [128.676522274732662, 36.165799893672229],
+              [128.676439044868914, 36.165852369049489],
+              [128.6763810611304, 36.165907860676171],
+              [128.676312099725408, 36.166001392120897],
+              [128.6762682445233, 36.166133067712529],
+              [128.676253352991921, 36.166244295524599],
+              [128.676263706770129, 36.166358545080413],
+              [128.677881623481142, 36.171737215288076],
+              [128.678960182414727, 36.174119669073697],
+              [128.679312375415577, 36.174498391443116],
+              [128.679634999232661, 36.174913766495223],
+              [128.679835895986258, 36.175218898507048],
+              [128.679828514404335, 36.175259870040783],
+              [128.678308915968358, 36.176495715603863],
+              [128.677972218412208, 36.176737890575829],
+              [128.677637729096233, 36.17692908145527],
+              [128.673338825272396, 36.180234700968981],
+              [128.673129668221037, 36.180419239014725],
+              [128.672980878298034, 36.18060627463894],
+              [128.672842683176526, 36.180851882813215],
+              [128.672809817067588, 36.180939638621538],
+              [128.672776546048993, 36.181126975506118],
+              [128.67277447639259, 36.181187907164762],
+              [128.672778679420674, 36.181229878124221],
+              [128.672786786745661, 36.181270506346507],
+              [128.672858701771389, 36.18133806942518],
+              [128.67293433156712, 36.181379262971554],
+              [128.672974837525658, 36.181390346773888],
+              [128.673461359379672, 36.181386564516252],
+              [128.677516847988215, 36.181100501583487],
+              [128.67767939770107, 36.181074571629864],
+              [128.677874574658915, 36.181016540414674],
+              [128.677983153700126, 36.18094946976872],
+              [128.678131741221506, 36.180809304879148],
+              [128.678382207748996, 36.180473188329962],
+              [128.678600037041576, 36.18017506756906],
+              [128.678800122746452, 36.179797828025087],
+              [128.679071286624293, 36.179470337391159],
+              [128.679332289564286, 36.179201627275312],
+              [128.679524330096172, 36.179029349023018],
+              [128.679698016812836, 36.178927321132143],
+              [128.679846273504182, 36.178863281708807],
+              [128.680005287833524, 36.178822709616931],
+              [128.682544189796175, 36.178592341843853],
+              [128.682713856755242, 36.178592801282981],
+              [128.682804022907561, 36.178613532168548],
+              [128.690950233869756, 36.181362756146171],
+              [128.691409479820095, 36.181791057465865],
+              [128.692578648623709, 36.185157854752667],
+              [128.692593221411869, 36.185212001001382],
+              [128.692617313885165, 36.185698547560847],
+              [128.692594854705504, 36.185901741969261],
+              [128.692183219359123, 36.187962289176255],
+              [128.69172239604822, 36.18864446224746],
+              [128.691583301146352, 36.188793183882169],
+              [128.691549356592731, 36.188869647716103],
+              [128.691557741039077, 36.188958625864316],
+              [128.691972130840696, 36.191371465706325],
+              [128.693864868620466, 36.193932117648146],
+              [128.694809286987066, 36.194621794336399],
+              [128.695565277302251, 36.194910527185712],
+              [128.695698822612798, 36.194961529944869],
+              [128.696832317091236, 36.195436346772283],
+              [128.697294764936032, 36.195984975762663],
+              [128.697166895161502, 36.196444247269461],
+              [128.696498795262414, 36.197635758013142],
+              [128.696938061105186, 36.200259564630734],
+              [128.696837794010946, 36.201944022614946],
+              [128.696681413246921, 36.2023875893316],
+              [128.696847015056903, 36.202255982378688],
+              [128.696996346150769, 36.20218198357523],
+              [128.699002005170598, 36.201275108199489],
+              [128.699132886410439, 36.20122337393299],
+              [128.703967444695792, 36.19943814090783],
+              [128.704900530918223, 36.199162026015316],
+              [128.708649596046854, 36.198580908457664],
+              [128.708720705990629, 36.198569910440398],
+              [128.708858288864775, 36.198568389181276],
+              [128.709071472870988, 36.198583785191943],
+              [128.709206667749783, 36.198608298729084],
+              [128.712123094153498, 36.199263487403705],
+              [128.713559331730096, 36.200003991926962],
+              [128.713699014545313, 36.200052677309458],
+              [128.713831896811882, 36.200082760484477],
+              [128.714159554409207, 36.200148616201368],
+              [128.714300556668832, 36.200168835169464],
+              [128.716320960717979, 36.20035999145977],
+              [128.716608853516675, 36.200386499152245],
+              [128.716906939208258, 36.200387194367657],
+              [128.717163816992667, 36.20037107393938],
+              [128.717409561904049, 36.200341885349125],
+              [128.717586208643638, 36.200310701993068],
+              [128.718949542613643, 36.200060999624135],
+              [128.718984101162761, 36.200016458700723],
+              [128.719329629977722, 36.198821834554927],
+              [128.719357639778281, 36.198686135438102],
+              [128.719392764576696, 36.198483527348387],
+              [128.719393251533177, 36.198345896358155],
+              [128.719379889472378, 36.198238001887695],
+              [128.719368667260056, 36.198171046266488],
+              [128.719361954100009, 36.198124527734336],
+              [128.719375829138784, 36.198087361668122],
+              [128.719405749736154, 36.198059535748754],
+              [128.719442520692553, 36.198037305962913],
+              [128.721222380650346, 36.198028996979012],
+              [128.721298040806602, 36.198029177788356],
+              [128.721394267967469, 36.198048000862059],
+              [128.724652655957897, 36.199170767385148],
+              [128.72477460001943, 36.199215026360129],
+              [128.724843205880603, 36.199246813436744],
+              [128.72503077321366, 36.199373692023784],
+              [128.725364673598591, 36.199625535609613],
+              [128.725782067471926, 36.199978581138815],
+              [128.726184310402573, 36.200340261718658],
+              [128.726230012054316, 36.200368304329274],
+              [128.727543167858926, 36.200818396598379],
+              [128.727582611426755, 36.200829628578965],
+              [128.727639443557592, 36.200820500269657],
+              [128.727701554954308, 36.200770441917044],
+              [128.72848993781966, 36.199864196923059],
+              [128.729481442001997, 36.198731596473564],
+              [128.729614837012093, 36.198610970010492],
+              [128.729740360561891, 36.198515184011491],
+              [128.729836851499016, 36.198457704421472],
+              [128.729891916288636, 36.198448562566988],
+              [128.72998127846455, 36.198458045700512],
+              [128.732240414745576, 36.198905278654998],
+              [128.732389290205873, 36.198940941598615],
+              [128.732554088875588, 36.199032507398748],
+              [128.732835309269177, 36.199252580732356],
+              [128.733520478181873, 36.199800048872774],
+              [128.735095490627174, 36.20065006335264],
+              [128.735152739819227, 36.200653883539751],
+              [128.735184898950251, 36.200646571305583],
+              [128.740564648795555, 36.199170379161835],
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+              [128.68290225364467, 36.105808950918622],
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+              [128.6814538244559, 36.10532348021794],
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+              [128.697426243232229, 36.135113165315197],
+              [128.697405252606018, 36.135168438732379],
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+              [128.696729473338337, 36.13599645785677],
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+              [128.851691977420757, 36.132669572900305],
+              [128.851839652354386, 36.132588589613135],
+              [128.851940452660216, 36.132521305284186],
+              [128.851988893484361, 36.132460097586922],
+              [128.852053570762536, 36.132322282132669],
+              [128.852162774069512, 36.132074212937965],
+              [128.852594400917411, 36.130956637785758],
+              [128.852675611749675, 36.130595173863348],
+              [128.853020345574066, 36.128884054268454],
+              [128.853073366726903, 36.128525621969501],
+              [128.853073599684564, 36.128403058014008],
+              [128.852973668416695, 36.127746790415991],
+              [128.851221152567263, 36.123047766740406],
+              [128.851569383801689, 36.121959724975447],
+              [128.851605322728716, 36.121802792177554],
+              [128.851610692908537, 36.121649959069977],
+              [128.851570516348033, 36.12136693340311],
+              [128.851509844613759, 36.121147923629088],
+              [128.851246124777362, 36.120631227254471],
+              [128.851038167893506, 36.120232325784691],
+              [128.850748942859013, 36.119740398781239],
+              [128.850632224726951, 36.119552291946938],
+              [128.850271871655565, 36.118998296949457],
+              [128.850170302677668, 36.118874245268657],
+              [128.849077626214893, 36.117968175182845],
+              [128.848943824183323, 36.117857697825691],
+              [128.848715023262287, 36.117729329690661],
+              [128.848399712728593, 36.117576112443032],
+              [128.848221707715823, 36.117501520230476],
+              [128.84801311813348, 36.117439285340843],
+              [128.84787182350621, 36.117431339328363],
+              [128.847485954122533, 36.117415399800215],
+              [128.846950384966618, 36.117404457335425],
+              [128.846624940976284, 36.117404036377359],
+              [128.846263211511513, 36.117367662164462],
+              [128.845997901723962, 36.117313449025794],
+              [128.845472111161712, 36.117153725456284],
+              [128.845342724461318, 36.117071453727974],
+              [128.845153557137536, 36.116860871960768],
+              [128.844732859318071, 36.116295997099598],
+              [128.843939129169399, 36.115025184602047],
+              [128.843832127420683, 36.114814715417118],
+              [128.839207995162553, 36.11325662025726],
+              [128.838694743220344, 36.113166144558136],
+              [128.838198885868621, 36.113073128418307],
+              [128.837968521957066, 36.112976326484379],
+              [128.837824883938509, 36.112880211600888],
+              [128.837664222442868, 36.112644010267033],
+              [128.837577736313278, 36.112454072208955],
+              [128.836931303946187, 36.11017793372266],
+              [128.836883167317808, 36.109916165354768],
+              [128.836910071717796, 36.108371985541105],
+              [128.836890510223554, 36.107905100252999],
+              [128.836841976971016, 36.107694685771406],
+              [128.836300749353683, 36.106644792499843],
+              [128.836244100232307, 36.10653953388514],
+              [128.835911778374566, 36.106072230278123],
+              [128.835684823296049, 36.105825655876927],
+              [128.835314135586685, 36.105578882024965],
+              [128.835064835980063, 36.105437439031405],
+              [128.834783877841204, 36.10533445208511],
+              [128.834517076898408, 36.105262263479922],
+              [128.834059211308045, 36.105153887334403],
+              [128.833738633287709, 36.105117523872288],
+              [128.833007360480991, 36.105062628212693],
+              [128.832527245927906, 36.105026047869977],
+              [128.832263568143219, 36.104969225262266],
+              [128.83215324402201, 36.104853646120638],
+              [128.831865053446535, 36.104440231417492],
+              [128.831650936771922, 36.104114154248741],
+              [128.831517181120034, 36.103870277810309],
+              [128.830846623174892, 36.102619185353511],
+              [128.830288317884765, 36.102738542969668],
+              [128.830149071473102, 36.102763455192765],
+              [128.829849461082318, 36.102737926065828],
+              [128.829657403625959, 36.10269248548434],
+              [128.829414043505835, 36.10258540921815],
+              [128.829074226210196, 36.102387148960233],
+              [128.828936222638561, 36.102285473891314],
+              [128.828793411011731, 36.102169916534869],
+              [128.828650611792995, 36.102054345341713],
+              [128.82847108138904, 36.101936372200001],
+              [128.827615043082744, 36.101406994620874],
+              [128.827477851845174, 36.101372269868925],
+              [128.824709075701492, 36.100949721993935],
+              [128.822261945425254, 36.100539123815651],
+              [128.82215407033226, 36.100498507972134],
+              [128.822037954041406, 36.100420773342854],
+              [128.818822502815749, 36.098164828520446],
+              [128.818540748100276, 36.097887914746558],
+              [128.818503968855396, 36.097846567166002],
+              [128.818300497193377, 36.097617816048484],
+              [128.818209490807476, 36.097472696785445],
+              [128.818068950438487, 36.09718926160987],
+              [128.817998705565941, 36.096965303319621],
+              [128.816893106147802, 36.093249676942072],
+              [128.816364759258875, 36.092278959758211],
+              [128.813500305555834, 36.091719139077057],
+              [128.813375908049267, 36.091648141442924],
+              [128.811518761228228, 36.089911884737198],
+              [128.811151480187817, 36.089514479117696],
+              [128.810882291221645, 36.08921058991195],
+              [128.8107706437643, 36.089018231402214],
+              [128.810650592274214, 36.088869690556713],
+              [128.810476362284987, 36.088798596626326],
+              [128.803107608587311, 36.086204754623225],
+              [128.801139185985363, 36.085680001980521],
+              [128.798466496846004, 36.084970346504505],
+              [128.798383462701622, 36.084970193299448],
+              [128.798333619119461, 36.084973491998205],
+              [128.79826279261971, 36.085064415818898],
+              [128.798137667985117, 36.085283358109834],
+              [128.797937421760793, 36.085643766707442],
+              [128.797752456474115, 36.085954385848765],
+              [128.797647430585613, 36.086072563629017],
+              [128.797583260348063, 36.086125960828852],
+              [128.797504717673263, 36.086187982412163],
+              [128.79739909770953, 36.086247413199089],
+              [128.797259548271086, 36.086325177427334],
+              [128.797031385707584, 36.086436419994378],
+              [128.796651817685273, 36.086589513402586],
+              [128.796135309480917, 36.086782853729829],
+              [128.795789985776565, 36.086896715309422],
+              [128.795637338601097, 36.086934677000258],
+              [128.795486635472571, 36.08695277253684],
+              [128.795371731949757, 36.086957160154952],
+              [128.791022704036266, 36.086726936173754],
+              [128.787854034468495, 36.088939364501982],
+              [128.787591534393698, 36.089204951651631],
+              [128.787285202268663, 36.089503460830727],
+              [128.78721347383177, 36.089564485695703],
+              [128.787105882706612, 36.089651463506918],
+              [128.785091370421441, 36.09095963444836],
+              [128.784826662242466, 36.091111428972575],
+              [128.779557083972009, 36.093838879116419],
+              [128.776807496508383, 36.09482826624221],
+              [128.775141329399275, 36.095014383051534],
+              [128.773642824689773, 36.094822301849341],
+              [128.772521072485773, 36.09490125933884],
+              [128.770643487938514, 36.095240142042108],
+              [128.769369460610164, 36.097016504953714],
+              [128.769195595665366, 36.097291798787566],
+              [128.769085140303048, 36.097630531704134],
+              [128.769021240380027, 36.097854694143201],
+              [128.768869802213572, 36.098421848656095],
+              [128.768624868624613, 36.099310959866074],
+              [128.768544643736419, 36.099429705372543],
+              [128.768441167685353, 36.099529466860389],
+              [128.767406484778519, 36.099978290075768],
+              [128.766515466193681, 36.100265395323682],
+              [128.765730995559437, 36.100460897190409],
+              [128.764945097748637, 36.100599843679078],
+              [128.764809834866526, 36.100594413956507],
+              [128.764636805350904, 36.100580565960037],
+              [128.764477272494048, 36.100509989187415],
+              [128.75841395189255, 36.096807323261039],
+              [128.758312689818979, 36.096723363340956],
+              [128.758211450159166, 36.096639402195223],
+              [128.757919642871002, 36.096295620958166],
+              [128.757433493942671, 36.095618088610891],
+              [128.75729763576652, 36.095428663160831],
+              [128.757241396361081, 36.095317738856636],
+              [128.757191682178956, 36.09517147886158],
+              [128.757133432955811, 36.09488701357585],
+              [128.757055110505547, 36.094386944702421],
+              [128.756992433775991, 36.094205767053332],
+              [128.756846743071918, 36.093964993003894],
+              [128.756082677583976, 36.093151883693892],
+              [128.755770778196023, 36.092859417866769],
+              [128.755554957641806, 36.092694141461863],
+              [128.755412105924535, 36.092615472123178],
+              [128.753903381879383, 36.091789478575784],
+              [128.753787047999737, 36.091740597034899],
+              [128.753727132794779, 36.091745874891984],
+              [128.753633824428789, 36.091788932070273],
+              [128.752141610416857, 36.092780700440827],
+              [128.752078204537895, 36.09283458572984],
+              [128.752061398066701, 36.092888597066256],
+              [128.751556575585852, 36.09910928725278],
+              [128.751605514263645, 36.10145676649924],
+              [128.751962728076734, 36.101991364332619],
+              [128.752035350840771, 36.102177968572001],
+              [128.752034969744358, 36.102299562267348],
+              [128.752021344737187, 36.1023968047786],
+              [128.75180470391976, 36.103305695463071],
+              [128.751764204661896, 36.103432564772881],
+              [128.751723813367363, 36.103530116655506],
+              [128.751663497541415, 36.103588580666006],
+              [128.751587189771726, 36.103627489329483],
+              [128.75147488880674, 36.10364352393637],
+              [128.751326531371518, 36.103643196670539],
+              [128.75092727308612, 36.1036126499056],
+              [128.750774758473995, 36.103661150715496],
+              [128.750630216734606, 36.103729206652197],
+              [128.748711164461355, 36.105341468139756],
+              [128.746928045231726, 36.10685235622929],
+              [128.746851292821873, 36.106923647059631],
+              [128.745091223457734, 36.109150137541725],
+              [128.7448396257507, 36.10994797089635],
+              [128.744700952135787, 36.110278685600534],
+              [128.744551895263498, 36.110519079123819],
+              [128.742186775367287, 36.114071771302321],
+              [128.741947581974387, 36.114393632817311],
+              [128.740131171513241, 36.116805182265267],
+              [128.739452452814049, 36.117126064868309],
+              [128.739356942869989, 36.117190286950532],
+              [128.739303828948977, 36.11726325943873],
+              [128.739229173593088, 36.117435053108856],
+              [128.739180884266034, 36.117624009210175],
+              [128.739117067979038, 36.118013206523891],
+              [128.738571807335632, 36.121509778837456],
+              [128.738664607998743, 36.122227695054299],
+              [128.738765212029705, 36.122236564037081],
+              [128.739071962332531, 36.12232319879714],
+              [128.739532084729632, 36.12247895658713],
+              [128.739662997089539, 36.122529341267992],
+              [128.739737032693995, 36.122581064570852],
+              [128.739879498348017, 36.122693135219045],
+              [128.740037936252349, 36.122818114946654],
+              [128.746776688385722, 36.128685957509809],
+              [128.746961414594949, 36.128866593639017],
+              [128.747102941208396, 36.129037127133842],
+              [128.749260371180981, 36.13287477309408],
+              [128.749260194288041, 36.132933721876618],
+              [128.74899107561734, 36.134757289088128],
+              [128.748949397440612, 36.135007746244817],
+              [128.748812422354177, 36.135403302325997],
+              [128.748541988537539, 36.136314606950783],
+              [128.748390223694088, 36.136907505354699],
+              [128.748261380240621, 36.13743410752226],
+              [128.74824730095915, 36.137577776144326],
+              [128.748254043599275, 36.137869195832216],
+              [128.748274988536053, 36.138773108744743],
+              [128.74831742578931, 36.139705361754167],
+              [128.748340003180544, 36.139742259504281],
+              [128.748435354313756, 36.139749841547847],
+              [128.748798128844669, 36.139761133178524],
+              [128.749043884303092, 36.139758483633521],
+              [128.749957937445174, 36.139679347403792],
+              [128.752610959675053, 36.139441657365964],
+              [128.754938400107193, 36.139159027235365],
+              [128.759764413249371, 36.138550896818849],
+              [128.760505412082921, 36.138305519258743],
+              [128.760773540563918, 36.138247111638599],
+              [128.76152864798263, 36.138131054515313],
+              [128.762378277861728, 36.138007474799849],
+              [128.762799285040188, 36.137967239093257],
+              [128.762971223316271, 36.137950809795143],
+              [128.762779198017967, 36.139181745592303],
+              [128.762623007319604, 36.139770937401643],
+              [128.762940796604312, 36.144397320518081],
+              [128.763299632817393, 36.145027201731864],
+              [128.763852810008899, 36.145334112935181],
+              [128.764699163041229, 36.145942768518225],
+              [128.764862211067367, 36.146094157967049],
+              [128.764911847931614, 36.146204782894664],
+              [128.766338978836956, 36.149746808785423],
+              [128.766535828727257, 36.150353180840085],
+              [128.766548899066265, 36.150537421826165],
+              [128.766535030863821, 36.150622150340787],
+              [128.76645741596451, 36.150754635062704],
+              [128.766220386614577, 36.151034193000491],
+              [128.765862157257232, 36.151462626102699],
+              [128.765574509898755, 36.151959462006175],
+              [128.765396371253701, 36.152294402692796],
+              [128.765345668386061, 36.15253746833816],
+              [128.765363524850102, 36.152640672224315],
+              [128.765566946441766, 36.152970465071029],
+              [128.765627411426152, 36.153038753146546],
+              [128.765878444267031, 36.15328721422172],
+              [128.766086081773693, 36.15344899967247],
+              [128.76633527972254, 36.153629635585503],
+              [128.766873422894719, 36.153846498002068],
+              [128.766984355554342, 36.153869222168289],
+              [128.76745135069342, 36.153911421125969],
+              [128.76779811417029, 36.153942125187449],
+              [128.776706835444031, 36.154443798544186],
+              [128.77695750589487, 36.154409122070831],
+              [128.777787190537765, 36.154222063428037],
+              [128.777955925589509, 36.154159512142201],
+              [128.778102008120612, 36.154058079025731],
+              [128.778271055214105, 36.153884604915632],
+              [128.778380750673051, 36.153755391577221],
+              [128.778476989374298, 36.153552209310327],
+              [128.77853664678554, 36.153400722091668],
+              [128.778623640342488, 36.153249285499442],
+              [128.77874225420166, 36.153184783802104],
+              [128.778838028342307, 36.153151672841211],
+              [128.782079774353889, 36.152610986755491],
+              [128.782171270097109, 36.152616454567131],
+              [128.782288757603595, 36.152674989446218],
+              [128.782804937269077, 36.153235369301576],
+              [128.785429117020726, 36.156552833151217],
+              [128.785565245447685, 36.156754566367972],
+              [128.78684890011229, 36.158864278315804],
+              [128.787873275553352, 36.160845972997166],
+              [128.788802315346913, 36.162725799529078],
+              [128.790270511530821, 36.167523682748516],
+              [128.790306595361869, 36.167667942984288],
+              [128.790488785385861, 36.169431858851077],
+              [128.790483731469095, 36.169616732315689],
+              [128.790469542325752, 36.169818198072562],
+              [128.790428167556485, 36.169951250040285],
+              [128.790313862230363, 36.170098942325147],
+              [128.789866489995887, 36.170405064199507],
+              [128.789387228223802, 36.170698202844406],
+              [128.790094156514073, 36.172198635126811],
+              [128.790267145374202, 36.17226917367649],
+              [128.791804593365299, 36.173353161605377],
+              [128.791968248472216, 36.173505026052773],
+              [128.792163634020199, 36.173725328459547],
+              [128.792267978017549, 36.173906673408922],
+              [128.792331392364048, 36.174058365423775],
+              [128.793185464773046, 36.176858521696971],
+              [128.793509378208825, 36.178471497761493],
+              [128.793498418120095, 36.178695604001533],
+              [128.793053744000844, 36.18106436090342],
+              [128.792921382329837, 36.181716175615364],
+              [128.792418948320943, 36.18383938518523],
+              [128.792363245524086, 36.183993388897356],
+              [128.792280425392391, 36.184182525495778],
+              [128.792169291950415, 36.184392429866989],
+              [128.791373790522925, 36.186246187372113],
+              [128.790578454124187, 36.188418879745328],
+              [128.789710653041055, 36.192810234296338],
+              [128.789685836885184, 36.193037107054458],
+              [128.78967517632006, 36.193161786982117],
+              [128.78970431575334, 36.193884672499273],
+              [128.789717888110943, 36.193982748676135],
+              [128.789786774369702, 36.19407251735992],
+              [128.79049329495183, 36.194863119370403],
+              [128.790651439874665, 36.194680904917973],
+              [128.790735672432959, 36.194600321460463],
+              [128.790816713616437, 36.194555083031766],
+              [128.791012898326926, 36.194494860138221],
+              [128.791403575820311, 36.194379734243974],
+              [128.79166512522005, 36.194309568238047],
+              [128.791876825250256, 36.194269548473265],
+              [128.795973435559574, 36.193799575834781],
+              [128.799676309884859, 36.19682872544314],
+              [128.801340679798273, 36.198520747242149],
+              [128.803000305186146, 36.200610051946612],
+              [128.803075928212706, 36.200767376551063],
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+              [128.81410073288643, 36.21096938559613],
+              [128.817965202940854, 36.213222117456709],
+              [128.818627051680181, 36.213643033963862],
+              [128.820036373194768, 36.214594353452519],
+              [128.822592637326608, 36.215834382661768],
+              [128.824595326350448, 36.216427942653823],
+              [128.830037398873998, 36.217639568713864],
+              [128.83021203671413, 36.217658176691565],
+              [128.830309085733603, 36.217653061736414],
+              [128.830433337171286, 36.217621693105791],
+              [128.83076685322618, 36.217475340836913],
+              [128.831310834013266, 36.217219199539606],
+              [128.831609400129707, 36.217076682909564],
+              [128.831800452470532, 36.216985192030251],
+              [128.831887926645123, 36.216919786320219],
+              [128.831969048146419, 36.216799316289368],
+              [128.832173613610223, 36.216440438323907],
+              [128.832338132030827, 36.216172154704211],
+              [128.832471115724957, 36.216007174630207],
+              [128.832594298199297, 36.215889373842543],
+              [128.832688212919635, 36.215834462159386],
+              [128.832830661685591, 36.215771734772943],
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+              [128.861579893987795, 36.20668052594192],
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+              [128.862004967068771, 36.206676804517116],
+              [128.863878058709076, 36.206276327935647],
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+              [128.864999922786296, 36.205884604761998],
+              [128.86515566119931, 36.205754517935148],
+              [128.865425746190141, 36.205448096511368],
+              [128.86581525178687, 36.205024129873394],
+              [128.865924302955477, 36.204910818789692],
+              [128.866059266186426, 36.204801712020029],
+              [128.86844224424263, 36.203741886704364],
+              [128.868661642940708, 36.203675841782363],
+              [128.869024544585102, 36.20364262761251],
+              [128.869480747058361, 36.20360952376992],
+              [128.870082060098355, 36.203597573463554],
+              [128.870310095093487, 36.203631441916954],
+              [128.870543258397845, 36.203686319805456],
+              [128.870662462268257, 36.203699078058889],
+              [128.870714348698328, 36.203669706530931],
+              [128.871589425026997, 36.202508805228909],
+              [128.871861035456618, 36.20213743064221],
+              [128.872216398917573, 36.20164293574102],
+              [128.872744643987488, 36.20088137053876],
+              [128.872933530930339, 36.200547872675912],
+              [128.873062619890931, 36.200117436992649],
+              [128.873147298911647, 36.199747955328554],
+              [128.878431467521267, 36.198745281675066],
+              [128.878539667480453, 36.198803152905612],
+              [128.879050928121529, 36.198973485574427],
+              [128.879176279284422, 36.198999004417253],
+              [128.879909950842716, 36.199095626595515],
+              [128.880531229207122, 36.199077767725392],
+              [128.88245824659819, 36.198999530925917],
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+      },
+      properties: {
+        name: "삼국유사면",
+        id: "KR-tkarnrdbtkaus",
+        TYPE: "Province",
+        CNTRY: "South Korea",
+      },
+      id: "KR-tkarnrdbtkaus",
+    },
+  ],
+export default rnsdnl;
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