
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return _sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }
import { isAnonymous, isInstruction } from "@webassemblyjs/ast";
import Long from "@xtuc/long";
var compact = false;
var space = " ";
var quote = function quote(str) {
return "\"".concat(str, "\"");
function indent(nb) {
return Array(nb).fill(space + space).join("");
} // TODO(sven): allow arbitrary ast nodes
export function print(n) {
if (n.type === "Program") {
return printProgram(n, 0);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported node in print of type: " + String(n.type));
function printProgram(n, depth) {
return n.body.reduce(function (acc, child) {
if (child.type === "Module") {
acc += printModule(child, depth + 1);
if (child.type === "Func") {
acc += printFunc(child, depth + 1);
if (child.type === "BlockComment") {
acc += printBlockComment(child);
if (child.type === "LeadingComment") {
acc += printLeadingComment(child);
if (compact === false) {
acc += "\n";
return acc;
}, "");
function printTypeInstruction(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
if (n.id != null) {
out += printIndex(n.id);
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "func";
n.functype.params.forEach(function (param) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "param";
out += space;
out += printFuncParam(param);
out += ")";
n.functype.results.forEach(function (result) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += result;
out += ")";
out += ")"; // func
out += ")";
return out;
function printModule(n, depth) {
var out = "(";
out += "module";
if (typeof n.id === "string") {
out += space;
out += n.id;
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
} else {
out += space;
n.fields.forEach(function (field) {
if (compact === false) {
out += indent(depth);
switch (field.type) {
case "Func":
out += printFunc(field, depth + 1);
case "TypeInstruction":
out += printTypeInstruction(field);
case "Table":
out += printTable(field);
case "Global":
out += printGlobal(field, depth + 1);
case "ModuleExport":
out += printModuleExport(field);
case "ModuleImport":
out += printModuleImport(field);
case "Memory":
out += printMemory(field);
case "BlockComment":
out += printBlockComment(field);
case "LeadingComment":
out += printLeadingComment(field);
case "Start":
out += printStart(field);
case "Elem":
out += printElem(field, depth);
case "Data":
out += printData(field, depth);
throw new Error("Unsupported node in printModule: " + String(field.type));
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += ")";
return out;
function printData(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "data";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.memoryIndex);
out += space;
out += printInstruction(n.offset, depth);
out += space;
out += '"';
n.init.values.forEach(function (byte) {
// Avoid non-displayable characters
if (byte <= 31 || byte == 34 || byte == 92 || byte >= 127) {
out += "\\";
out += ("00" + byte.toString(16)).substr(-2);
} else if (byte > 255) {
throw new Error("Unsupported byte in data segment: " + byte);
} else {
out += String.fromCharCode(byte);
out += '"';
out += ")";
return out;
function printElem(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "elem";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.table);
var _n$offset = _slicedToArray(n.offset, 1),
firstOffset = _n$offset[0];
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "offset";
out += space;
out += printInstruction(firstOffset, depth);
out += ")";
n.funcs.forEach(function (func) {
out += space;
out += printIndex(func);
out += ")";
return out;
function printStart(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "start";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.index);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLeadingComment(n) {
// Don't print leading comments in compact mode
if (compact === true) {
return "";
var out = "";
out += ";;";
out += n.value;
out += "\n";
return out;
function printBlockComment(n) {
// Don't print block comments in compact mode
if (compact === true) {
return "";
var out = "";
out += "(;";
out += n.value;
out += ";)";
out += "\n";
return out;
function printSignature(n) {
var out = "";
n.params.forEach(function (param) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "param";
out += space;
out += printFuncParam(param);
out += ")";
n.results.forEach(function (result) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += result;
out += ")";
return out;
function printModuleImportDescr(n) {
var out = "";
if (n.type === "FuncImportDescr") {
out += "(";
out += "func";
if (isAnonymous(n.id) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.id);
out += printSignature(n.signature);
out += ")";
if (n.type === "GlobalType") {
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
out += printGlobalType(n);
out += ")";
if (n.type === "Table") {
out += printTable(n);
return out;
function printModuleImport(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "import";
out += space;
out += quote(n.module);
out += space;
out += quote(n.name);
out += space;
out += printModuleImportDescr(n.descr);
out += ")";
return out;
function printGlobalType(n) {
var out = "";
if (n.mutability === "var") {
out += "(";
out += "mut";
out += space;
out += n.valtype;
out += ")";
} else {
out += n.valtype;
return out;
function printGlobal(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
if (n.name != null && isAnonymous(n.name) === false) {
out += printIdentifier(n.name);
out += space;
out += printGlobalType(n.globalType);
out += space;
n.init.forEach(function (i) {
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printTable(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "table";
out += space;
if (n.name != null && isAnonymous(n.name) === false) {
out += printIdentifier(n.name);
out += space;
out += printLimit(n.limits);
out += space;
out += n.elementType;
out += ")";
return out;
function printFuncParam(n) {
var out = "";
if (typeof n.id === "string") {
out += "$" + n.id;
out += space;
out += n.valtype;
return out;
function printFunc(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "func";
if (n.name != null) {
if (n.name.type === "Identifier" && isAnonymous(n.name) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.name);
if (n.signature.type === "Signature") {
out += printSignature(n.signature);
} else {
var index = n.signature;
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
out += printIndex(index);
out += ")";
if (n.body.length > 0) {
// func is empty since we ignore the default end instruction
if (n.body.length === 1 && n.body[0].id === "end") {
out += ")";
return out;
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
n.body.forEach(function (i) {
if (i.id !== "end") {
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1) + ")";
} else {
out += ")";
return out;
function printInstruction(n, depth) {
switch (n.type) {
case "Instr":
// $FlowIgnore
return printGenericInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "BlockInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printBlockInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "IfInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printIfInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "CallInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printCallInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "CallIndirectInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printCallIndirectIntruction(n, depth + 1);
case "LoopInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printLoopInstruction(n, depth + 1);
throw new Error("Unsupported instruction: " + JSON.stringify(n.type));
function printCallIndirectIntruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "call_indirect";
if (n.signature.type === "Signature") {
out += printSignature(n.signature);
} else if (n.signature.type === "Identifier") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.signature);
out += ")";
} else {
throw new Error("CallIndirectInstruction: unsupported signature " + JSON.stringify(n.signature.type));
out += space;
if (n.intrs != null) {
// $FlowIgnore
n.intrs.forEach(function (i, index) {
// $FlowIgnore
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1); // $FlowIgnore
if (index !== n.intrs.length - 1) {
out += space;
out += ")";
return out;
function printLoopInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "loop";
if (n.label != null && isAnonymous(n.label) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.label);
if (typeof n.resulttype === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.resulttype;
out += ")";
if (n.instr.length > 0) {
n.instr.forEach(function (e) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(e, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printCallInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "call";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.index);
if (_typeof(n.instrArgs) === "object") {
// $FlowIgnore
n.instrArgs.forEach(function (arg) {
out += space;
out += printFuncInstructionArg(arg, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printIfInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "if";
if (n.testLabel != null && isAnonymous(n.testLabel) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.testLabel);
if (typeof n.result === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.result;
out += ")";
if (n.test.length > 0) {
out += space;
n.test.forEach(function (i) {
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (n.consequent.length > 0) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "then";
n.consequent.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += ")";
} else {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "then";
out += ")";
if (n.alternate.length > 0) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "else";
n.alternate.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += ")";
} else {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "else";
out += ")";
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printBlockInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "block";
if (n.label != null && isAnonymous(n.label) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.label);
if (typeof n.result === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.result;
out += ")";
if (n.instr.length > 0) {
n.instr.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
} else {
out += ")";
return out;
function printGenericInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
if (typeof n.object === "string") {
out += n.object;
out += ".";
out += n.id;
n.args.forEach(function (arg) {
out += space;
out += printFuncInstructionArg(arg, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLongNumberLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
var _n$value = n.value,
low = _n$value.low,
high = _n$value.high;
var v = new Long(low, high);
return v.toString();
function printFloatLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
return String(n.value);
function printFuncInstructionArg(n, depth) {
var out = "";
if (n.type === "NumberLiteral") {
out += printNumberLiteral(n);
if (n.type === "LongNumberLiteral") {
out += printLongNumberLiteral(n);
if (n.type === "Identifier" && isAnonymous(n) === false) {
out += printIdentifier(n);
if (n.type === "ValtypeLiteral") {
out += n.name;
if (n.type === "FloatLiteral") {
out += printFloatLiteral(n);
if (isInstruction(n)) {
out += printInstruction(n, depth + 1);
return out;
function printNumberLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
return String(n.value);
function printModuleExport(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "export";
out += space;
out += quote(n.name);
if (n.descr.exportType === "Func") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "func";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.descr.id);
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Global") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.descr.id);
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Memory" || n.descr.exportType === "Mem") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "memory";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.descr.id);
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Table") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "table";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.descr.id);
out += ")";
} else {
throw new Error("printModuleExport: unknown type: " + n.descr.exportType);
out += ")";
return out;
function printIdentifier(n) {
return "$" + n.value;
function printIndex(n) {
if (n.type === "Identifier") {
return printIdentifier(n);
} else if (n.type === "NumberLiteral") {
return printNumberLiteral(n);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported index: " + n.type);
function printMemory(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "memory";
if (n.id != null) {
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.id);
out += space;
out += printLimit(n.limits);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLimit(n) {
var out = "";
out += n.min + "";
if (n.max != null) {
out += space;
out += String(n.max);
if (n.shared === true) {
out += ' shared';
return out;