File name
Commit message
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File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = createPlugin;
var _pluginSyntaxJsx = require("@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx");
var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils");
var _core = require("@babel/core");
var _helperModuleImports = require("@babel/helper-module-imports");
var _helperAnnotateAsPure = require("@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure");
const DEFAULT = {
importSource: "react",
runtime: "automatic",
pragma: "React.createElement",
pragmaFrag: "React.Fragment"
const JSX_SOURCE_ANNOTATION_REGEX = /^\s*\*?\s*@jsxImportSource\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/m;
const JSX_RUNTIME_ANNOTATION_REGEX = /^\s*\*?\s*@jsxRuntime\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/m;
const JSX_ANNOTATION_REGEX = /^\s*\*?\s*@jsx\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/m;
const JSX_FRAG_ANNOTATION_REGEX = /^\s*\*?\s*@jsxFrag\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/m;
const get = (pass, name) => pass.get(`@babel/plugin-react-jsx/${name}`);
const set = (pass, name, v) => pass.set(`@babel/plugin-react-jsx/${name}`, v);
function hasProto(node) {
return node.properties.some(value => _core.types.isObjectProperty(value, {
computed: false,
shorthand: false
}) && (_core.types.isIdentifier(value.key, {
name: "__proto__"
}) || _core.types.isStringLiteral(value.key, {
value: "__proto__"
function createPlugin({
}) {
return (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((_, options) => {
const {
throwIfNamespace = true,
runtime: RUNTIME_DEFAULT = development ? "automatic" : "classic",
importSource: IMPORT_SOURCE_DEFAULT = DEFAULT.importSource,
pragma: PRAGMA_DEFAULT = DEFAULT.pragma,
pragmaFrag: PRAGMA_FRAG_DEFAULT = DEFAULT.pragmaFrag
} = options;
var {
useSpread = false,
useBuiltIns = false
} = options;
if (RUNTIME_DEFAULT === "classic") {
if (typeof useSpread !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("transform-react-jsx currently only accepts a boolean option for " + "useSpread (defaults to false)");
if (typeof useBuiltIns !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("transform-react-jsx currently only accepts a boolean option for " + "useBuiltIns (defaults to false)");
if (useSpread && useBuiltIns) {
throw new Error("transform-react-jsx currently only accepts useBuiltIns or useSpread " + "but not both");
const injectMetaPropertiesVisitor = {
JSXOpeningElement(path, state) {
const attributes = [];
if (isThisAllowed(path.scope)) {
attributes.push(_core.types.jsxAttribute(_core.types.jsxIdentifier("__self"), _core.types.jsxExpressionContainer(_core.types.thisExpression())));
attributes.push(_core.types.jsxAttribute(_core.types.jsxIdentifier("__source"), _core.types.jsxExpressionContainer(makeSource(path, state))));
path.pushContainer("attributes", attributes);
return {
inherits: _pluginSyntaxJsx.default,
visitor: {
JSXNamespacedName(path) {
if (throwIfNamespace) {
throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Namespace tags are not supported by default. React's JSX doesn't support namespace tags. \
You can set \`throwIfNamespace: false\` to bypass this warning.`);
JSXSpreadChild(path) {
throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Spread children are not supported in React.");
Program: {
enter(path, state) {
const {
} = state;
let runtime = RUNTIME_DEFAULT;
let pragma = PRAGMA_DEFAULT;
let pragmaFrag = PRAGMA_FRAG_DEFAULT;
let sourceSet = !!options.importSource;
let pragmaSet = !!options.pragma;
let pragmaFragSet = !!options.pragmaFrag;
if (file.ast.comments) {
for (const comment of file.ast.comments) {
const sourceMatches = JSX_SOURCE_ANNOTATION_REGEX.exec(comment.value);
if (sourceMatches) {
source = sourceMatches[1];
sourceSet = true;
const runtimeMatches = JSX_RUNTIME_ANNOTATION_REGEX.exec(comment.value);
if (runtimeMatches) {
runtime = runtimeMatches[1];
const jsxMatches = JSX_ANNOTATION_REGEX.exec(comment.value);
if (jsxMatches) {
pragma = jsxMatches[1];
pragmaSet = true;
const jsxFragMatches = JSX_FRAG_ANNOTATION_REGEX.exec(comment.value);
if (jsxFragMatches) {
pragmaFrag = jsxFragMatches[1];
pragmaFragSet = true;
set(state, "runtime", runtime);
if (runtime === "classic") {
if (sourceSet) {
throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`importSource cannot be set when runtime is classic.`);
const createElement = toMemberExpression(pragma);
const fragment = toMemberExpression(pragmaFrag);
set(state, "id/createElement", () => _core.types.cloneNode(createElement));
set(state, "id/fragment", () => _core.types.cloneNode(fragment));
set(state, "defaultPure", pragma === DEFAULT.pragma);
} else if (runtime === "automatic") {
if (pragmaSet || pragmaFragSet) {
throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`pragma and pragmaFrag cannot be set when runtime is automatic.`);
const define = (name, id) => set(state, name, createImportLazily(state, path, id, source));
define("id/jsx", development ? "jsxDEV" : "jsx");
define("id/jsxs", development ? "jsxDEV" : "jsxs");
define("id/createElement", "createElement");
define("id/fragment", "Fragment");
set(state, "defaultPure", source === DEFAULT.importSource);
} else {
throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Runtime must be either "classic" or "automatic".`);
if (development) {
path.traverse(injectMetaPropertiesVisitor, state);
JSXElement: {
exit(path, file) {
let callExpr;
if (get(file, "runtime") === "classic" || shouldUseCreateElement(path)) {
callExpr = buildCreateElementCall(path, file);
} else {
callExpr = buildJSXElementCall(path, file);
path.replaceWith(_core.types.inherits(callExpr, path.node));
JSXFragment: {
exit(path, file) {
let callExpr;
if (get(file, "runtime") === "classic") {
callExpr = buildCreateElementFragmentCall(path, file);
} else {
callExpr = buildJSXFragmentCall(path, file);
path.replaceWith(_core.types.inherits(callExpr, path.node));
JSXAttribute(path) {
if (_core.types.isJSXElement(path.node.value)) {
path.node.value = _core.types.jsxExpressionContainer(path.node.value);
function isDerivedClass(classPath) {
return classPath.node.superClass !== null;
function isThisAllowed(scope) {
do {
const {
} = scope;
if (path.isFunctionParent() && !path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
if (!path.isMethod()) {
return true;
if (path.node.kind !== "constructor") {
return true;
return !isDerivedClass(path.parentPath.parentPath);
if (path.isTSModuleBlock()) {
return false;
} while (scope = scope.parent);
return true;
function call(pass, name, args) {
const node = _core.types.callExpression(get(pass, `id/${name}`)(), args);
if (PURE_ANNOTATION != null ? PURE_ANNOTATION : get(pass, "defaultPure")) (0, _helperAnnotateAsPure.default)(node);
return node;
function shouldUseCreateElement(path) {
const openingPath = path.get("openingElement");
const attributes = openingPath.node.attributes;
let seenPropsSpread = false;
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
const attr = attributes[i];
if (seenPropsSpread && _core.types.isJSXAttribute(attr) && attr.name.name === "key") {
return true;
} else if (_core.types.isJSXSpreadAttribute(attr)) {
seenPropsSpread = true;
return false;
function convertJSXIdentifier(node, parent) {
if (_core.types.isJSXIdentifier(node)) {
if (node.name === "this" && _core.types.isReferenced(node, parent)) {
return _core.types.thisExpression();
} else if (_core.types.isValidIdentifier(node.name, false)) {
node.type = "Identifier";
return node;
} else {
return _core.types.stringLiteral(node.name);
} else if (_core.types.isJSXMemberExpression(node)) {
return _core.types.memberExpression(convertJSXIdentifier(node.object, node), convertJSXIdentifier(node.property, node));
} else if (_core.types.isJSXNamespacedName(node)) {
return _core.types.stringLiteral(`${node.namespace.name}:${node.name.name}`);
return node;
function convertAttributeValue(node) {
if (_core.types.isJSXExpressionContainer(node)) {
return node.expression;
} else {
return node;
function accumulateAttribute(array, attribute) {
if (_core.types.isJSXSpreadAttribute(attribute.node)) {
const arg = attribute.node.argument;
if (_core.types.isObjectExpression(arg) && !hasProto(arg)) {
} else {
return array;
const value = convertAttributeValue(attribute.node.name.name !== "key" ? attribute.node.value || _core.types.booleanLiteral(true) : attribute.node.value);
if (attribute.node.name.name === "key" && value === null) {
throw attribute.buildCodeFrameError('Please provide an explicit key value. Using "key" as a shorthand for "key={true}" is not allowed.');
if (_core.types.isStringLiteral(value) && !_core.types.isJSXExpressionContainer(attribute.node.value)) {
var _value$extra;
value.value = value.value.replace(/\n\s+/g, " ");
(_value$extra = value.extra) == null ? true : delete _value$extra.raw;
if (_core.types.isJSXNamespacedName(attribute.node.name)) {
attribute.node.name = _core.types.stringLiteral(attribute.node.name.namespace.name + ":" + attribute.node.name.name.name);
} else if (_core.types.isValidIdentifier(attribute.node.name.name, false)) {
attribute.node.name.type = "Identifier";
} else {
attribute.node.name = _core.types.stringLiteral(attribute.node.name.name);
array.push(_core.types.inherits(_core.types.objectProperty(attribute.node.name, value), attribute.node));
return array;
function buildChildrenProperty(children) {
let childrenNode;
if (children.length === 1) {
childrenNode = children[0];
} else if (children.length > 1) {
childrenNode = _core.types.arrayExpression(children);
} else {
return undefined;
return _core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("children"), childrenNode);
function buildJSXElementCall(path, file) {
const openingPath = path.get("openingElement");
const args = [getTag(openingPath)];
const attribsArray = [];
const extracted = Object.create(null);
for (const attr of openingPath.get("attributes")) {
if (attr.isJSXAttribute() && _core.types.isJSXIdentifier(attr.node.name)) {
const {
} = attr.node.name;
switch (name) {
case "__source":
case "__self":
if (extracted[name]) throw sourceSelfError(path, name);
case "key":
const keyValue = convertAttributeValue(attr.node.value);
if (keyValue === null) {
throw attr.buildCodeFrameError('Please provide an explicit key value. Using "key" as a shorthand for "key={true}" is not allowed.');
extracted[name] = keyValue;
} else {
const children = _core.types.react.buildChildren(path.node);
let attribs;
if (attribsArray.length || children.length) {
attribs = buildJSXOpeningElementAttributes(attribsArray, children);
} else {
attribs = _core.types.objectExpression([]);
if (development) {
var _extracted$key, _extracted$__source, _extracted$__self;
args.push((_extracted$key = extracted.key) != null ? _extracted$key : path.scope.buildUndefinedNode(), _core.types.booleanLiteral(children.length > 1), (_extracted$__source = extracted.__source) != null ? _extracted$__source : path.scope.buildUndefinedNode(), (_extracted$__self = extracted.__self) != null ? _extracted$__self : path.scope.buildUndefinedNode());
} else if (extracted.key !== undefined) {
return call(file, children.length > 1 ? "jsxs" : "jsx", args);
function buildJSXOpeningElementAttributes(attribs, children) {
const props = attribs.reduce(accumulateAttribute, []);
if ((children == null ? void 0 : children.length) > 0) {
return _core.types.objectExpression(props);
function buildJSXFragmentCall(path, file) {
const args = [get(file, "id/fragment")()];
const children = _core.types.react.buildChildren(path.node);
args.push(_core.types.objectExpression(children.length > 0 ? [buildChildrenProperty(children)] : []));
if (development) {
args.push(path.scope.buildUndefinedNode(), _core.types.booleanLiteral(children.length > 1));
return call(file, children.length > 1 ? "jsxs" : "jsx", args);
function buildCreateElementFragmentCall(path, file) {
if (filter && !filter(path.node, file)) return;
return call(file, "createElement", [get(file, "id/fragment")(), _core.types.nullLiteral(), ..._core.types.react.buildChildren(path.node)]);
function buildCreateElementCall(path, file) {
const openingPath = path.get("openingElement");
return call(file, "createElement", [getTag(openingPath), buildCreateElementOpeningElementAttributes(file, path, openingPath.get("attributes")), ..._core.types.react.buildChildren(path.node)]);
function getTag(openingPath) {
const tagExpr = convertJSXIdentifier(openingPath.node.name, openingPath.node);
let tagName;
if (_core.types.isIdentifier(tagExpr)) {
tagName = tagExpr.name;
} else if (_core.types.isStringLiteral(tagExpr)) {
tagName = tagExpr.value;
if (_core.types.react.isCompatTag(tagName)) {
return _core.types.stringLiteral(tagName);
} else {
return tagExpr;
function buildCreateElementOpeningElementAttributes(file, path, attribs) {
const runtime = get(file, "runtime");
if (runtime !== "automatic") {
const objs = [];
const props = attribs.reduce(accumulateAttribute, []);
if (!useSpread) {
let start = 0;
props.forEach((prop, i) => {
if (_core.types.isSpreadElement(prop)) {
if (i > start) {
objs.push(_core.types.objectExpression(props.slice(start, i)));
start = i + 1;
if (props.length > start) {
} else if (props.length) {
if (!objs.length) {
return _core.types.nullLiteral();
if (objs.length === 1) {
if (!(_core.types.isSpreadElement(props[0]) && _core.types.isObjectExpression(props[0].argument))) {
return objs[0];
if (!_core.types.isObjectExpression(objs[0])) {
const helper = useBuiltIns ? _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.identifier("Object"), _core.types.identifier("assign")) : file.addHelper("extends");
return _core.types.callExpression(helper, objs);
const props = [];
const found = Object.create(null);
for (const attr of attribs) {
const name = _core.types.isJSXAttribute(attr) && _core.types.isJSXIdentifier(attr.name) && attr.name.name;
if (runtime === "automatic" && (name === "__source" || name === "__self")) {
if (found[name]) throw sourceSelfError(path, name);
found[name] = true;
accumulateAttribute(props, attr);
return props.length === 1 && _core.types.isSpreadElement(props[0]) && !_core.types.isObjectExpression(props[0].argument) ? props[0].argument : props.length > 0 ? _core.types.objectExpression(props) : _core.types.nullLiteral();
function getSource(source, importName) {
switch (importName) {
case "Fragment":
return `${source}/${development ? "jsx-dev-runtime" : "jsx-runtime"}`;
case "jsxDEV":
return `${source}/jsx-dev-runtime`;
case "jsx":
case "jsxs":
return `${source}/jsx-runtime`;
case "createElement":
return source;
function createImportLazily(pass, path, importName, source) {
return () => {
const actualSource = getSource(source, importName);
if ((0, _helperModuleImports.isModule)(path)) {
let reference = get(pass, `imports/${importName}`);
if (reference) return _core.types.cloneNode(reference);
reference = (0, _helperModuleImports.addNamed)(path, importName, actualSource, {
importedInterop: "uncompiled",
importPosition: "after"
set(pass, `imports/${importName}`, reference);
return reference;
} else {
let reference = get(pass, `requires/${actualSource}`);
if (reference) {
reference = _core.types.cloneNode(reference);
} else {
reference = (0, _helperModuleImports.addNamespace)(path, actualSource, {
importedInterop: "uncompiled"
set(pass, `requires/${actualSource}`, reference);
return _core.types.memberExpression(reference, _core.types.identifier(importName));
function toMemberExpression(id) {
return id.split(".").map(name => _core.types.identifier(name)).reduce((object, property) => _core.types.memberExpression(object, property));
function makeSource(path, state) {
const location = path.node.loc;
if (!location) {
return path.scope.buildUndefinedNode();
if (!state.fileNameIdentifier) {
const {
filename = ""
} = state;
const fileNameIdentifier = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("_jsxFileName");
const scope = path.hub.getScope();
if (scope) {
id: fileNameIdentifier,
init: _core.types.stringLiteral(filename)
state.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier;
return makeTrace(_core.types.cloneNode(state.fileNameIdentifier), location.start.line, location.start.column);
function makeTrace(fileNameIdentifier, lineNumber, column0Based) {
const fileLineLiteral = lineNumber != null ? _core.types.numericLiteral(lineNumber) : _core.types.nullLiteral();
const fileColumnLiteral = column0Based != null ? _core.types.numericLiteral(column0Based + 1) : _core.types.nullLiteral();
const fileNameProperty = _core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("fileName"), fileNameIdentifier);
const lineNumberProperty = _core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("lineNumber"), fileLineLiteral);
const columnNumberProperty = _core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("columnNumber"), fileColumnLiteral);
return _core.types.objectExpression([fileNameProperty, lineNumberProperty, columnNumberProperty]);
function sourceSelfError(path, name) {
const pluginName = `transform-react-jsx-${name.slice(2)}`;
return path.buildCodeFrameError(`Duplicate ${name} prop found. You are most likely using the deprecated ${pluginName} Babel plugin. Both __source and __self are automatically set when using the automatic runtime. Please remove transform-react-jsx-source and transform-react-jsx-self from your Babel config.`);
//# sourceMappingURL=create-plugin.js.map