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Commit message
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File name
Commit message
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Commit message
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MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const t = require("@webassemblyjs/ast");
const { moduleContextFromModuleAST } = require("@webassemblyjs/ast");
const { decode } = require("@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser");
const Parser = require("../Parser");
const StaticExportsDependency = require("../dependencies/StaticExportsDependency");
const WebAssemblyExportImportedDependency = require("../dependencies/WebAssemblyExportImportedDependency");
const WebAssemblyImportDependency = require("../dependencies/WebAssemblyImportDependency");
/** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */
/** @typedef {import("../Parser").ParserState} ParserState */
/** @typedef {import("../Parser").PreparsedAst} PreparsedAst */
const JS_COMPAT_TYPES = new Set(["i32", "f32", "f64"]);
* @param {t.Signature} signature the func signature
* @returns {null | string} the type incompatible with js types
const getJsIncompatibleType = signature => {
for (const param of signature.params) {
if (!JS_COMPAT_TYPES.has(param.valtype)) {
return `${param.valtype} as parameter`;
for (const type of signature.results) {
if (!JS_COMPAT_TYPES.has(type)) return `${type} as result`;
return null;
* TODO why are there two different Signature types?
* @param {t.FuncSignature} signature the func signature
* @returns {null | string} the type incompatible with js types
const getJsIncompatibleTypeOfFuncSignature = signature => {
for (const param of signature.args) {
if (!JS_COMPAT_TYPES.has(param)) {
return `${param} as parameter`;
for (const type of signature.result) {
if (!JS_COMPAT_TYPES.has(type)) return `${type} as result`;
return null;
const decoderOpts = {
ignoreCodeSection: true,
ignoreDataSection: true,
// this will avoid having to lookup with identifiers in the ModuleContext
ignoreCustomNameSection: true
class WebAssemblyParser extends Parser {
constructor(options) {
this.hooks = Object.freeze({});
this.options = options;
* @param {string | Buffer | PreparsedAst} source the source to parse
* @param {ParserState} state the parser state
* @returns {ParserState} the parser state
parse(source, state) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(source)) {
throw new Error("WebAssemblyParser input must be a Buffer");
// flag it as ESM
state.module.buildInfo.strict = true;
state.module.buildMeta.exportsType = "namespace";
// parse it
const program = decode(source, decoderOpts);
const module = program.body[0];
const moduleContext = moduleContextFromModuleAST(module);
// extract imports and exports
const exports = [];
let jsIncompatibleExports = (state.module.buildMeta.jsIncompatibleExports =
const importedGlobals = [];
t.traverse(module, {
ModuleExport({ node }) {
const descriptor = node.descr;
if (descriptor.exportType === "Func") {
const funcIdx = descriptor.id.value;
/** @type {t.FuncSignature} */
const funcSignature = moduleContext.getFunction(funcIdx);
const incompatibleType =
if (incompatibleType) {
if (jsIncompatibleExports === undefined) {
jsIncompatibleExports =
state.module.buildMeta.jsIncompatibleExports = {};
jsIncompatibleExports[node.name] = incompatibleType;
if (node.descr && node.descr.exportType === "Global") {
const refNode = importedGlobals[node.descr.id.value];
if (refNode) {
const dep = new WebAssemblyExportImportedDependency(
Global({ node }) {
const init = node.init[0];
let importNode = null;
if (init.id === "get_global") {
const globalIdx = init.args[0].value;
if (globalIdx < importedGlobals.length) {
importNode = importedGlobals[globalIdx];
ModuleImport({ node }) {
/** @type {false | string} */
let onlyDirectImport = false;
if (t.isMemory(node.descr) === true) {
onlyDirectImport = "Memory";
} else if (t.isTable(node.descr) === true) {
onlyDirectImport = "Table";
} else if (t.isFuncImportDescr(node.descr) === true) {
const incompatibleType = getJsIncompatibleType(node.descr.signature);
if (incompatibleType) {
onlyDirectImport = `Non-JS-compatible Func Signature (${incompatibleType})`;
} else if (t.isGlobalType(node.descr) === true) {
const type = node.descr.valtype;
if (!JS_COMPAT_TYPES.has(type)) {
onlyDirectImport = `Non-JS-compatible Global Type (${type})`;
const dep = new WebAssemblyImportDependency(
if (t.isGlobalType(node.descr)) {
state.module.addDependency(new StaticExportsDependency(exports, false));
return state;
module.exports = WebAssemblyParser;