File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const util = require("util");
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStatic} EntryStatic */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStaticNormalized} EntryStaticNormalized */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryName} LibraryName */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryOptions} LibraryOptions */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OptimizationRuntimeChunk} OptimizationRuntimeChunk */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized} OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} OutputNormalized */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptions} WebpackOptions */
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptionsNormalized */
const handledDeprecatedNoEmitOnErrors = util.deprecate(
(noEmitOnErrors, emitOnErrors) => {
if (emitOnErrors !== undefined && !noEmitOnErrors === !emitOnErrors) {
throw new Error(
"Conflicting use of 'optimization.noEmitOnErrors' and 'optimization.emitOnErrors'. Remove deprecated 'optimization.noEmitOnErrors' from config."
return !noEmitOnErrors;
"optimization.noEmitOnErrors is deprecated in favor of optimization.emitOnErrors",
* @template T
* @template R
* @param {T|undefined} value value or not
* @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler
* @returns {R} result value
const nestedConfig = (value, fn) =>
value === undefined ? fn(/** @type {T} */ ({})) : fn(value);
* @template T
* @param {T|undefined} value value or not
* @returns {T} result value
const cloneObject = value => {
return /** @type {T} */ ({ ...value });
* @template T
* @template R
* @param {T|undefined} value value or not
* @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler
* @returns {R|undefined} result value
const optionalNestedConfig = (value, fn) =>
value === undefined ? undefined : fn(value);
* @template T
* @template R
* @param {T[]|undefined} value array or not
* @param {function(T[]): R[]} fn nested handler
* @returns {R[]|undefined} cloned value
const nestedArray = (value, fn) => (Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : fn([]));
* @template T
* @template R
* @param {T[]|undefined} value array or not
* @param {function(T[]): R[]} fn nested handler
* @returns {R[]|undefined} cloned value
const optionalNestedArray = (value, fn) =>
Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : undefined;
* @template T
* @template R
* @param {Record<string, T>|undefined} value value or not
* @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler
* @param {Record<string, function(T): R>=} customKeys custom nested handler for some keys
* @returns {Record<string, R>} result value
const keyedNestedConfig = (value, fn, customKeys) => {
const result =
value === undefined
? {}
: Object.keys(value).reduce(
(obj, key) => (
(obj[key] = (
customKeys && key in customKeys ? customKeys[key] : fn
/** @type {Record<string, R>} */ ({})
if (customKeys) {
for (const key of Object.keys(customKeys)) {
if (!(key in result)) {
result[key] = customKeys[key](/** @type {T} */ ({}));
return result;
* @param {WebpackOptions} config input config
* @returns {WebpackOptionsNormalized} normalized options
const getNormalizedWebpackOptions = config => {
return {
amd: config.amd,
bail: config.bail,
cache: optionalNestedConfig(config.cache, cache => {
if (cache === false) return false;
if (cache === true) {
return {
type: "memory",
maxGenerations: undefined
switch (cache.type) {
case "filesystem":
return {
type: "filesystem",
allowCollectingMemory: cache.allowCollectingMemory,
maxMemoryGenerations: cache.maxMemoryGenerations,
maxAge: cache.maxAge,
profile: cache.profile,
buildDependencies: cloneObject(cache.buildDependencies),
cacheDirectory: cache.cacheDirectory,
cacheLocation: cache.cacheLocation,
hashAlgorithm: cache.hashAlgorithm,
compression: cache.compression,
idleTimeout: cache.idleTimeout,
idleTimeoutForInitialStore: cache.idleTimeoutForInitialStore,
idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges: cache.idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges,
name: cache.name,
store: cache.store,
version: cache.version
case undefined:
case "memory":
return {
type: "memory",
maxGenerations: cache.maxGenerations
// @ts-expect-error Property 'type' does not exist on type 'never'. ts(2339)
throw new Error(`Not implemented cache.type ${cache.type}`);
context: config.context,
dependencies: config.dependencies,
devServer: optionalNestedConfig(config.devServer, devServer => ({
devtool: config.devtool,
config.entry === undefined
? { main: {} }
: typeof config.entry === "function"
? (
fn => () =>
: getNormalizedEntryStatic(config.entry),
experiments: nestedConfig(config.experiments, experiments => ({
buildHttp: optionalNestedConfig(experiments.buildHttp, options =>
Array.isArray(options) ? { allowedUris: options } : options
lazyCompilation: optionalNestedConfig(
options =>
options === true ? {} : options === false ? undefined : options
css: optionalNestedConfig(experiments.css, options =>
options === true ? {} : options === false ? undefined : options
externals: config.externals,
externalsPresets: cloneObject(config.externalsPresets),
externalsType: config.externalsType,
ignoreWarnings: config.ignoreWarnings
? config.ignoreWarnings.map(ignore => {
if (typeof ignore === "function") return ignore;
const i = ignore instanceof RegExp ? { message: ignore } : ignore;
return (warning, { requestShortener }) => {
if (!i.message && !i.module && !i.file) return false;
if (i.message && !i.message.test(warning.message)) {
return false;
if (
i.module &&
(!warning.module ||
) {
return false;
if (i.file && (!warning.file || !i.file.test(warning.file))) {
return false;
return true;
: undefined,
infrastructureLogging: cloneObject(config.infrastructureLogging),
loader: cloneObject(config.loader),
mode: config.mode,
module: nestedConfig(config.module, module => ({
noParse: module.noParse,
unsafeCache: module.unsafeCache,
parser: keyedNestedConfig(module.parser, cloneObject, {
javascript: parserOptions => ({
unknownContextRequest: module.unknownContextRequest,
unknownContextRegExp: module.unknownContextRegExp,
unknownContextRecursive: module.unknownContextRecursive,
unknownContextCritical: module.unknownContextCritical,
exprContextRequest: module.exprContextRequest,
exprContextRegExp: module.exprContextRegExp,
exprContextRecursive: module.exprContextRecursive,
exprContextCritical: module.exprContextCritical,
wrappedContextRegExp: module.wrappedContextRegExp,
wrappedContextRecursive: module.wrappedContextRecursive,
wrappedContextCritical: module.wrappedContextCritical,
// TODO webpack 6 remove
strictExportPresence: module.strictExportPresence,
strictThisContextOnImports: module.strictThisContextOnImports,
generator: cloneObject(module.generator),
defaultRules: optionalNestedArray(module.defaultRules, r => [...r]),
rules: nestedArray(module.rules, r => [...r])
name: config.name,
node: nestedConfig(
node =>
node && {
optimization: nestedConfig(config.optimization, optimization => {
return {
runtimeChunk: getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk(
splitChunks: nestedConfig(
splitChunks =>
splitChunks && {
defaultSizeTypes: splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes
? [...splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes]
: ["..."],
cacheGroups: cloneObject(splitChunks.cacheGroups)
optimization.noEmitOnErrors !== undefined
? handledDeprecatedNoEmitOnErrors(
: optimization.emitOnErrors
output: nestedConfig(config.output, output => {
const { library } = output;
const libraryAsName = /** @type {LibraryName} */ (library);
const libraryBase =
typeof library === "object" &&
library &&
!Array.isArray(library) &&
"type" in library
? library
: libraryAsName || output.libraryTarget
? /** @type {LibraryOptions} */ ({
name: libraryAsName
: undefined;
/** @type {OutputNormalized} */
const result = {
assetModuleFilename: output.assetModuleFilename,
asyncChunks: output.asyncChunks,
charset: output.charset,
chunkFilename: output.chunkFilename,
chunkFormat: output.chunkFormat,
chunkLoading: output.chunkLoading,
chunkLoadingGlobal: output.chunkLoadingGlobal,
chunkLoadTimeout: output.chunkLoadTimeout,
cssFilename: output.cssFilename,
cssChunkFilename: output.cssChunkFilename,
clean: output.clean,
compareBeforeEmit: output.compareBeforeEmit,
crossOriginLoading: output.crossOriginLoading,
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate,
devtoolNamespace: output.devtoolNamespace,
environment: cloneObject(output.environment),
enabledChunkLoadingTypes: output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes
? [...output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes]
: ["..."],
enabledLibraryTypes: output.enabledLibraryTypes
? [...output.enabledLibraryTypes]
: ["..."],
enabledWasmLoadingTypes: output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes
? [...output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes]
: ["..."],
filename: output.filename,
globalObject: output.globalObject,
hashDigest: output.hashDigest,
hashDigestLength: output.hashDigestLength,
hashFunction: output.hashFunction,
hashSalt: output.hashSalt,
hotUpdateChunkFilename: output.hotUpdateChunkFilename,
hotUpdateGlobal: output.hotUpdateGlobal,
hotUpdateMainFilename: output.hotUpdateMainFilename,
iife: output.iife,
importFunctionName: output.importFunctionName,
importMetaName: output.importMetaName,
scriptType: output.scriptType,
library: libraryBase && {
output.libraryTarget !== undefined
? output.libraryTarget
: libraryBase.type,
output.auxiliaryComment !== undefined
? output.auxiliaryComment
: libraryBase.auxiliaryComment,
output.libraryExport !== undefined
? output.libraryExport
: libraryBase.export,
name: libraryBase.name,
output.umdNamedDefine !== undefined
? output.umdNamedDefine
: libraryBase.umdNamedDefine
module: output.module,
path: output.path,
pathinfo: output.pathinfo,
publicPath: output.publicPath,
sourceMapFilename: output.sourceMapFilename,
sourcePrefix: output.sourcePrefix,
strictModuleExceptionHandling: output.strictModuleExceptionHandling,
trustedTypes: optionalNestedConfig(
trustedTypes => {
if (trustedTypes === true) return {};
if (typeof trustedTypes === "string")
return { policyName: trustedTypes };
return { ...trustedTypes };
uniqueName: output.uniqueName,
wasmLoading: output.wasmLoading,
webassemblyModuleFilename: output.webassemblyModuleFilename,
workerChunkLoading: output.workerChunkLoading,
workerWasmLoading: output.workerWasmLoading
return result;
parallelism: config.parallelism,
performance: optionalNestedConfig(config.performance, performance => {
if (performance === false) return false;
return {
plugins: nestedArray(config.plugins, p => [...p]),
profile: config.profile,
config.recordsInputPath !== undefined
? config.recordsInputPath
: config.recordsPath,
config.recordsOutputPath !== undefined
? config.recordsOutputPath
: config.recordsPath,
resolve: nestedConfig(config.resolve, resolve => ({
byDependency: keyedNestedConfig(resolve.byDependency, cloneObject)
resolveLoader: cloneObject(config.resolveLoader),
snapshot: nestedConfig(config.snapshot, snapshot => ({
resolveBuildDependencies: optionalNestedConfig(
resolveBuildDependencies => ({
timestamp: resolveBuildDependencies.timestamp,
hash: resolveBuildDependencies.hash
buildDependencies: optionalNestedConfig(
buildDependencies => ({
timestamp: buildDependencies.timestamp,
hash: buildDependencies.hash
resolve: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.resolve, resolve => ({
timestamp: resolve.timestamp,
hash: resolve.hash
module: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.module, module => ({
timestamp: module.timestamp,
hash: module.hash
immutablePaths: optionalNestedArray(snapshot.immutablePaths, p => [...p]),
managedPaths: optionalNestedArray(snapshot.managedPaths, p => [...p])
stats: nestedConfig(config.stats, stats => {
if (stats === false) {
return {
preset: "none"
if (stats === true) {
return {
preset: "normal"
if (typeof stats === "string") {
return {
preset: stats
return {
target: config.target,
watch: config.watch,
watchOptions: cloneObject(config.watchOptions)
* @param {EntryStatic} entry static entry options
* @returns {EntryStaticNormalized} normalized static entry options
const getNormalizedEntryStatic = entry => {
if (typeof entry === "string") {
return {
main: {
import: [entry]
if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
return {
main: {
import: entry
/** @type {EntryStaticNormalized} */
const result = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(entry)) {
const value = entry[key];
if (typeof value === "string") {
result[key] = {
import: [value]
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
result[key] = {
import: value
} else {
result[key] = {
value.import &&
(Array.isArray(value.import) ? value.import : [value.import]),
filename: value.filename,
layer: value.layer,
runtime: value.runtime,
baseUri: value.baseUri,
publicPath: value.publicPath,
chunkLoading: value.chunkLoading,
asyncChunks: value.asyncChunks,
wasmLoading: value.wasmLoading,
value.dependOn &&
(Array.isArray(value.dependOn) ? value.dependOn : [value.dependOn]),
library: value.library
return result;
* @param {OptimizationRuntimeChunk=} runtimeChunk runtimeChunk option
* @returns {OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized=} normalized runtimeChunk option
const getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk = runtimeChunk => {
if (runtimeChunk === undefined) return undefined;
if (runtimeChunk === false) return false;
if (runtimeChunk === "single") {
return {
name: () => "runtime"
if (runtimeChunk === true || runtimeChunk === "multiple") {
return {
name: entrypoint => `runtime~${entrypoint.name}`
const { name } = runtimeChunk;
return {
name: typeof name === "function" ? name : () => name
exports.getNormalizedWebpackOptions = getNormalizedWebpackOptions;