File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
const util = require("util");
const { program, Option } = require("commander");
const WEBPACK_PACKAGE = process.env.WEBPACK_PACKAGE || "webpack";
const WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PACKAGE = process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PACKAGE || "webpack-dev-server";
class WebpackCLI {
constructor() {
this.colors = this.createColors();
this.logger = this.getLogger();
// Initialize program
this.program = program;
writeErr: this.logger.error,
outputError: (str, write) => write(`Error: ${this.capitalizeFirstLetter(str.replace(/^error:/, "").trim())}`),
isMultipleCompiler(compiler) {
return compiler.compilers;
isPromise(value) {
return typeof value.then === "function";
isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === "function";
capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string") {
return "";
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
toKebabCase(str) {
return str.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
createColors(useColor) {
const { createColors, isColorSupported } = require("colorette");
let shouldUseColor;
if (useColor) {
shouldUseColor = useColor;
else {
shouldUseColor = isColorSupported;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, createColors({ useColor: shouldUseColor })), { isColorSupported: shouldUseColor });
getLogger() {
return {
error: (val) => console.error(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.red(util.format(val))}`),
warn: (val) => console.warn(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.yellow(val)}`),
info: (val) => console.info(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.cyan(val)}`),
success: (val) => console.log(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.green(val)}`),
log: (val) => console.log(`[webpack-cli] ${val}`),
raw: (val) => console.log(val),
checkPackageExists(packageName) {
if (process.versions.pnp) {
return true;
let dir = __dirname;
do {
try {
if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, "node_modules", packageName)).isDirectory()) {
return true;
catch (_error) {
// Nothing
} while (dir !== (dir = path.dirname(dir)));
return false;
getAvailablePackageManagers() {
const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
const installers = ["npm", "yarn", "pnpm"];
const hasPackageManagerInstalled = (packageManager) => {
try {
sync(packageManager, ["--version"]);
return packageManager;
catch (err) {
return false;
const availableInstallers = installers.filter((installer) => hasPackageManagerInstalled(installer));
if (!availableInstallers.length) {
this.logger.error("No package manager found.");
return availableInstallers;
getDefaultPackageManager() {
const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
const hasLocalNpm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "package-lock.json"));
if (hasLocalNpm) {
return "npm";
const hasLocalYarn = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "yarn.lock"));
if (hasLocalYarn) {
return "yarn";
const hasLocalPnpm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "pnpm-lock.yaml"));
if (hasLocalPnpm) {
return "pnpm";
try {
// the sync function below will fail if npm is not installed,
// an error will be thrown
if (sync("npm", ["--version"])) {
return "npm";
catch (e) {
// Nothing
try {
// the sync function below will fail if yarn is not installed,
// an error will be thrown
if (sync("yarn", ["--version"])) {
return "yarn";
catch (e) {
// Nothing
try {
// the sync function below will fail if pnpm is not installed,
// an error will be thrown
if (sync("pnpm", ["--version"])) {
return "pnpm";
catch (e) {
this.logger.error("No package manager found.");
async doInstall(packageName, options = {}) {
const packageManager = this.getDefaultPackageManager();
if (!packageManager) {
this.logger.error("Can't find package manager");
if (options.preMessage) {
const prompt = ({ message, defaultResponse, stream }) => {
const readline = require("readline");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: stream,
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(`${message} `, (answer) => {
// Close the stream
const response = (answer || defaultResponse).toLowerCase();
// Resolve with the input response
if (response === "y" || response === "yes") {
else {
// yarn uses 'add' command, rest npm and pnpm both use 'install'
const commandArguments = [packageManager === "yarn" ? "add" : "install", "-D", packageName];
const commandToBeRun = `${packageManager} ${commandArguments.join(" ")}`;
let needInstall;
try {
needInstall = await prompt({
message: `[webpack-cli] Would you like to install '${this.colors.green(packageName)}' package? (That will run '${this.colors.green(commandToBeRun)}') (${this.colors.yellow("Y/n")})`,
defaultResponse: "Y",
stream: process.stderr,
catch (error) {
if (needInstall) {
const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
try {
sync(packageManager, commandArguments, { stdio: "inherit" });
catch (error) {
return packageName;
async tryRequireThenImport(module, handleError = true) {
let result;
try {
result = require(module);
catch (error) {
const dynamicImportLoader = require("./utils/dynamic-import-loader")();
if ((error.code === "ERR_REQUIRE_ESM" ||
pathToFileURL &&
dynamicImportLoader) {
const urlForConfig = pathToFileURL(module);
result = await dynamicImportLoader(urlForConfig);
result = result.default;
return result;
if (handleError) {
else {
throw error;
// For babel/typescript
if (result && typeof result === "object" && "default" in result) {
result = result.default || {};
return result || {};
loadJSONFile(pathToFile, handleError = true) {
let result;
try {
result = require(pathToFile);
catch (error) {
if (handleError) {
else {
throw error;
return result;
async makeCommand(commandOptions, options, action) {
const alreadyLoaded = this.program.commands.find((command) => command.name() === commandOptions.name.split(" ")[0] ||
if (alreadyLoaded) {
const command = this.program.command(commandOptions.name, {
noHelp: commandOptions.noHelp,
hidden: commandOptions.hidden,
isDefault: commandOptions.isDefault,
if (commandOptions.description) {
command.description(commandOptions.description, commandOptions.argsDescription);
if (commandOptions.usage) {
if (Array.isArray(commandOptions.alias)) {
else {
if (commandOptions.pkg) {
command.pkg = commandOptions.pkg;
else {
command.pkg = "webpack-cli";
const { forHelp } = this.program;
let allDependenciesInstalled = true;
if (commandOptions.dependencies && commandOptions.dependencies.length > 0) {
for (const dependency of commandOptions.dependencies) {
const isPkgExist = this.checkPackageExists(dependency);
if (isPkgExist) {
else if (!isPkgExist && forHelp) {
allDependenciesInstalled = false;
let skipInstallation = false;
// Allow to use `./path/to/webpack.js` outside `node_modules`
if (dependency === WEBPACK_PACKAGE && fs.existsSync(WEBPACK_PACKAGE)) {
skipInstallation = true;
// Allow to use `./path/to/webpack-dev-server.js` outside `node_modules`
if (dependency === WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PACKAGE && fs.existsSync(WEBPACK_PACKAGE)) {
skipInstallation = true;
if (skipInstallation) {
await this.doInstall(dependency, {
preMessage: () => {
this.logger.error(`For using '${this.colors.green(commandOptions.name.split(" ")[0])}' command you need to install: '${this.colors.green(dependency)}' package.`);
if (options) {
if (typeof options === "function") {
if (forHelp && !allDependenciesInstalled && commandOptions.dependencies) {
command.description(`${commandOptions.description} To see all available options you need to install ${commandOptions.dependencies
.map((dependency) => `'${dependency}'`)
.join(", ")}.`);
options = [];
else {
options = await options();
options.forEach((optionForCommand) => {
this.makeOption(command, optionForCommand);
return command;
makeOption(command, option) {
let mainOption;
let negativeOption;
if (option.configs) {
let needNegativeOption = false;
let negatedDescription;
const mainOptionType = new Set();
option.configs.forEach((config) => {
switch (config.type) {
case "reset":
case "boolean":
if (!needNegativeOption) {
needNegativeOption = true;
negatedDescription = config.negatedDescription;
case "number":
case "string":
case "path":
case "RegExp":
case "enum": {
let hasFalseEnum = false;
const enumTypes = (config.values || []).map((value) => {
switch (typeof value) {
case "string":
case "number":
case "boolean":
if (!hasFalseEnum && value === false) {
hasFalseEnum = true;
if (!needNegativeOption) {
needNegativeOption = hasFalseEnum;
negatedDescription = config.negatedDescription;
return enumTypes;
mainOption = {
flags: option.alias ? `-${option.alias}, --${option.name}` : `--${option.name}`,
description: option.description || "",
type: mainOptionType,
multiple: option.multiple,
defaultValue: option.defaultValue,
if (needNegativeOption) {
negativeOption = {
flags: `--no-${option.name}`,
description: negatedDescription || option.negatedDescription || `Negative '${option.name}' option.`,
else {
mainOption = {
flags: option.alias ? `-${option.alias}, --${option.name}` : `--${option.name}`,
// TODO `describe` used by `webpack-dev-server@3`
description: option.description || option.describe || "",
type: option.type
? new Set(Array.isArray(option.type) ? option.type : [option.type])
: new Set([Boolean]),
multiple: option.multiple,
defaultValue: option.defaultValue,
if (option.negative) {
negativeOption = {
flags: `--no-${option.name}`,
description: option.negatedDescription
? option.negatedDescription
: `Negative '${option.name}' option.`,
if (mainOption.type.size > 1 && mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
mainOption.flags = `${mainOption.flags} [value${mainOption.multiple ? "..." : ""}]`;
else if (mainOption.type.size > 0 && !mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
mainOption.flags = `${mainOption.flags} <value${mainOption.multiple ? "..." : ""}>`;
if (mainOption.type.size === 1) {
if (mainOption.type.has(Number)) {
let skipDefault = true;
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
.argParser((value, prev = []) => {
if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
prev = [];
skipDefault = false;
return mainOption.multiple
? [].concat(prev).concat(Number(value))
: Number(value);
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
else if (mainOption.type.has(String)) {
let skipDefault = true;
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
.argParser((value, prev = []) => {
if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
prev = [];
skipDefault = false;
return mainOption.multiple ? [].concat(prev).concat(value) : value;
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
else if (mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description).default(mainOption.defaultValue);
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
else {
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
else if (mainOption.type.size > 1) {
let skipDefault = true;
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description, mainOption.defaultValue)
.argParser((value, prev = []) => {
if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
prev = [];
skipDefault = false;
if (mainOption.type.has(Number)) {
const numberValue = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(numberValue)) {
return mainOption.multiple
? [].concat(prev).concat(numberValue)
: numberValue;
if (mainOption.type.has(String)) {
return mainOption.multiple ? [].concat(prev).concat(value) : value;
return value;
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
else if (mainOption.type.size === 0 && negativeOption) {
const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description);
// Hide stub option
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
if (negativeOption) {
const optionForCommand = new Option(negativeOption.flags, negativeOption.description);
optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
getBuiltInOptions() {
if (this.builtInOptionsCache) {
return this.builtInOptionsCache;
const minimumHelpFlags = [
const builtInFlags = [
// For configs
name: "config",
alias: "c",
configs: [
type: "string",
multiple: true,
description: "Provide path to a webpack configuration file e.g. ./webpack.config.js.",
name: "config-name",
configs: [
type: "string",
multiple: true,
description: "Name of the configuration to use.",
name: "merge",
alias: "m",
configs: [
type: "enum",
values: [true],
description: "Merge two or more configurations using 'webpack-merge'.",
// Complex configs
name: "env",
type: (value, previous = {}) => {
// This ensures we're only splitting by the first `=`
const [allKeys, val] = value.split(/=(.+)/, 2);
const splitKeys = allKeys.split(/\.(?!$)/);
let prevRef = previous;
splitKeys.forEach((someKey, index) => {
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack-cli/issues/3284
if (someKey.endsWith("=")) {
// remove '=' from key
someKey = someKey.slice(0, -1);
// @ts-expect-error we explicitly want to set it to undefined
prevRef[someKey] = undefined;
if (!prevRef[someKey]) {
prevRef[someKey] = {};
if (typeof prevRef[someKey] === "string") {
prevRef[someKey] = {};
if (index === splitKeys.length - 1) {
if (typeof val === "string") {
prevRef[someKey] = val;
else {
prevRef[someKey] = true;
prevRef = prevRef[someKey];
return previous;
multiple: true,
description: "Environment passed to the configuration when it is a function.",
name: "node-env",
configs: [
type: "string",
multiple: false,
description: "Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to the specified value.",
// Adding more plugins
name: "hot",
alias: "h",
configs: [
type: "string",
type: "boolean",
negative: true,
description: "Enables Hot Module Replacement",
negatedDescription: "Disables Hot Module Replacement.",
name: "analyze",
configs: [
type: "enum",
values: [true],
multiple: false,
description: "It invokes webpack-bundle-analyzer plugin to get bundle information.",
name: "progress",
configs: [
type: "string",
type: "enum",
values: [true],
description: "Print compilation progress during build.",
name: "prefetch",
configs: [
type: "string",
description: "Prefetch this request.",
// Output options
name: "json",
configs: [
type: "string",
type: "enum",
values: [true],
alias: "j",
description: "Prints result as JSON or store it in a file.",
// For webpack@4
name: "entry",
configs: [
type: "string",
multiple: true,
description: "The entry point(s) of your application e.g. ./src/main.js.",
name: "output-path",
alias: "o",
configs: [
type: "string",
description: "Output location of the file generated by webpack e.g. ./dist/.",
name: "target",
alias: "t",
configs: [
type: "string",
multiple: this.webpack.cli !== undefined,
description: "Sets the build target e.g. node.",
name: "devtool",
configs: [
type: "string",
type: "enum",
values: [false],
negative: true,
alias: "d",
description: "Determine source maps to use.",
negatedDescription: "Do not generate source maps.",
name: "mode",
configs: [
type: "string",
description: "Defines the mode to pass to webpack.",
name: "name",
configs: [
type: "string",
description: "Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.",
name: "stats",
configs: [
type: "string",
type: "boolean",
negative: true,
description: "It instructs webpack on how to treat the stats e.g. verbose.",
negatedDescription: "Disable stats output.",
name: "watch",
configs: [
type: "boolean",
negative: true,
alias: "w",
description: "Watch for files changes.",
negatedDescription: "Do not watch for file changes.",
name: "watch-options-stdin",
configs: [
type: "boolean",
negative: true,
description: "Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.",
negatedDescription: "Do not stop watching when stdin stream has ended.",
// Extract all the flags being exported from core.
// A list of cli flags generated by core can be found here https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/master/test/__snapshots__/Cli.test.js.snap
const coreFlags = this.webpack.cli
? Object.entries(this.webpack.cli.getArguments()).map(([flag, meta]) => {
const inBuiltIn = builtInFlags.find((builtInFlag) => builtInFlag.name === flag);
if (inBuiltIn) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, meta), {
// @ts-expect-error this might be overwritten
name: flag, group: "core" }), inBuiltIn), { configs: meta.configs || [] });
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, meta), { name: flag, group: "core" });
: [];
const options = []
.concat(builtInFlags.filter((builtInFlag) => !coreFlags.find((coreFlag) => builtInFlag.name === coreFlag.name)))
.map((option) => {
option.helpLevel = minimumHelpFlags.includes(option.name)
? "minimum"
: "verbose";
return option;
this.builtInOptionsCache = options;
return options;
async loadWebpack(handleError = true) {
return this.tryRequireThenImport(WEBPACK_PACKAGE, handleError);
async run(args, parseOptions) {
// Built-in internal commands
const buildCommandOptions = {
name: "build [entries...]",
alias: ["bundle", "b"],
description: "Run webpack (default command, can be omitted).",
usage: "[entries...] [options]",
dependencies: [WEBPACK_PACKAGE],
const watchCommandOptions = {
name: "watch [entries...]",
alias: "w",
description: "Run webpack and watch for files changes.",
usage: "[entries...] [options]",
dependencies: [WEBPACK_PACKAGE],
const versionCommandOptions = {
name: "version [commands...]",
alias: "v",
description: "Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.",
const helpCommandOptions = {
name: "help [command] [option]",
alias: "h",
description: "Display help for commands and options.",
// Built-in external commands
const externalBuiltInCommandsInfo = [
name: "serve [entries...]",
alias: ["server", "s"],
pkg: "@webpack-cli/serve",
name: "info",
alias: "i",
pkg: "@webpack-cli/info",
name: "init",
alias: ["create", "new", "c", "n"],
pkg: "@webpack-cli/generators",
name: "loader",
alias: "l",
pkg: "@webpack-cli/generators",
name: "plugin",
alias: "p",
pkg: "@webpack-cli/generators",
name: "migrate",
alias: "m",
pkg: "@webpack-cli/migrate",
name: "configtest [config-path]",
alias: "t",
pkg: "@webpack-cli/configtest",
const knownCommands = [
const getCommandName = (name) => name.split(" ")[0];
const isKnownCommand = (name) => knownCommands.find((command) => getCommandName(command.name) === name ||
(Array.isArray(command.alias) ? command.alias.includes(name) : command.alias === name));
const isCommand = (input, commandOptions) => {
const longName = getCommandName(commandOptions.name);
if (input === longName) {
return true;
if (commandOptions.alias) {
if (Array.isArray(commandOptions.alias)) {
return commandOptions.alias.includes(input);
else {
return commandOptions.alias === input;
return false;
const findCommandByName = (name) => this.program.commands.find((command) => name === command.name() || command.aliases().includes(name));
const isOption = (value) => value.startsWith("-");
const isGlobalOption = (value) => value === "--color" ||
value === "--no-color" ||
value === "-v" ||
value === "--version" ||
value === "-h" ||
value === "--help";
const loadCommandByName = async (commandName, allowToInstall = false) => {
const isBuildCommandUsed = isCommand(commandName, buildCommandOptions);
const isWatchCommandUsed = isCommand(commandName, watchCommandOptions);
if (isBuildCommandUsed || isWatchCommandUsed) {
await this.makeCommand(isBuildCommandUsed ? buildCommandOptions : watchCommandOptions, async () => {
this.webpack = await this.loadWebpack();
return isWatchCommandUsed
? this.getBuiltInOptions().filter((option) => option.name !== "watch")
: this.getBuiltInOptions();
}, async (entries, options) => {
if (entries.length > 0) {
options.entry = [...entries, ...(options.entry || [])];
await this.runWebpack(options, isWatchCommandUsed);
else if (isCommand(commandName, helpCommandOptions)) {
// Stub for the `help` command
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
this.makeCommand(helpCommandOptions, [], () => { });
else if (isCommand(commandName, versionCommandOptions)) {
// Stub for the `version` command
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
this.makeCommand(versionCommandOptions, [], () => { });
else {
const builtInExternalCommandInfo = externalBuiltInCommandsInfo.find((externalBuiltInCommandInfo) => getCommandName(externalBuiltInCommandInfo.name) === commandName ||
? externalBuiltInCommandInfo.alias.includes(commandName)
: externalBuiltInCommandInfo.alias === commandName));
let pkg;
if (builtInExternalCommandInfo) {
({ pkg } = builtInExternalCommandInfo);
else {
pkg = commandName;
if (pkg !== "webpack-cli" && !this.checkPackageExists(pkg)) {
if (!allowToInstall) {
pkg = await this.doInstall(pkg, {
preMessage: () => {
this.logger.error(`For using this command you need to install: '${this.colors.green(pkg)}' package.`);
let loadedCommand;
try {
loadedCommand = await this.tryRequireThenImport(pkg, false);
catch (error) {
// Ignore, command is not installed
let command;
try {
command = new loadedCommand();
await command.apply(this);
catch (error) {
this.logger.error(`Unable to load '${pkg}' command`);
// Register own exit
this.program.exitOverride(async (error) => {
if (error.exitCode === 0) {
if (error.code === "executeSubCommandAsync") {
if (error.code === "commander.help") {
if (error.code === "commander.unknownOption") {
let name = error.message.match(/'(.+)'/);
if (name) {
name = name[1].slice(2);
if (name.includes("=")) {
name = name.split("=")[0];
const { operands } = this.program.parseOptions(this.program.args);
const operand = typeof operands[0] !== "undefined"
? operands[0]
: getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
if (operand) {
const command = findCommandByName(operand);
if (!command) {
this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${operand}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
const levenshtein = require("fastest-levenshtein");
command.options.forEach((option) => {
var _a;
if (!option.hidden && levenshtein.distance(name, (_a = option.long) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.slice(2)) < 3) {
this.logger.error(`Did you mean '--${option.name()}'?`);
// Codes:
// - commander.unknownCommand
// - commander.missingArgument
// - commander.missingMandatoryOptionValue
// - commander.optionMissingArgument
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
// Default `--color` and `--no-color` options
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const cli = this;
this.program.option("--color", "Enable colors on console.");
this.program.on("option:color", function () {
// @ts-expect-error shadowing 'this' is intended
const { color } = this.opts();
cli.isColorSupportChanged = color;
cli.colors = cli.createColors(color);
this.program.option("--no-color", "Disable colors on console.");
this.program.on("option:no-color", function () {
// @ts-expect-error shadowing 'this' is intended
const { color } = this.opts();
cli.isColorSupportChanged = color;
cli.colors = cli.createColors(color);
// Make `-v, --version` options
// Make `version|v [commands...]` command
const outputVersion = async (options) => {
// Filter `bundle`, `watch`, `version` and `help` commands
const possibleCommandNames = options.filter((option) => !isCommand(option, buildCommandOptions) &&
!isCommand(option, watchCommandOptions) &&
!isCommand(option, versionCommandOptions) &&
!isCommand(option, helpCommandOptions));
possibleCommandNames.forEach((possibleCommandName) => {
if (!isOption(possibleCommandName)) {
this.logger.error(`Unknown option '${possibleCommandName}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
if (possibleCommandNames.length > 0) {
await Promise.all(possibleCommandNames.map((possibleCommand) => loadCommandByName(possibleCommand)));
for (const possibleCommandName of possibleCommandNames) {
const foundCommand = findCommandByName(possibleCommandName);
if (!foundCommand) {
this.logger.error(`Unknown command '${possibleCommandName}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
try {
const { name, version } = this.loadJSONFile(`${foundCommand.pkg}/package.json`);
this.logger.raw(`${name} ${version}`);
catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Error: External package '${foundCommand.pkg}' not found`);
let webpack;
try {
webpack = await this.loadWebpack(false);
catch (_error) {
// Nothing
this.logger.raw(`webpack: ${webpack ? webpack.version : "not installed"}`);
const pkgJSON = this.loadJSONFile("../package.json");
this.logger.raw(`webpack-cli: ${pkgJSON.version}`);
let devServer;
try {
devServer = await this.loadJSONFile("webpack-dev-server/package.json", false);
catch (_error) {
// Nothing
this.logger.raw(`webpack-dev-server ${devServer ? devServer.version : "not installed"}`);
this.program.option("-v, --version", "Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.");
const outputHelp = async (options, isVerbose, isHelpCommandSyntax, program) => {
const { bold } = this.colors;
const outputIncorrectUsageOfHelp = () => {
this.logger.error("Incorrect use of help");
this.logger.error("Please use: 'webpack help [command] [option]' | 'webpack [command] --help'");
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
const isGlobalHelp = options.length === 0;
const isCommandHelp = options.length === 1 && !isOption(options[0]);
if (isGlobalHelp || isCommandHelp) {
sortSubcommands: true,
// Support multiple aliases
commandUsage: (command) => {
let parentCmdNames = "";
for (let parentCmd = command.parent; parentCmd; parentCmd = parentCmd.parent) {
parentCmdNames = `${parentCmd.name()} ${parentCmdNames}`;
if (isGlobalHelp) {
return `${parentCmdNames}${command.usage()}\n${bold("Alternative usage to run commands:")} ${parentCmdNames}[command] [options]`;
return `${parentCmdNames}${command.name()}|${command
.join("|")} ${command.usage()}`;
// Support multiple aliases
subcommandTerm: (command) => {
const humanReadableArgumentName = (argument) => {
const nameOutput = argument.name + (argument.variadic === true ? "..." : "");
return argument.required ? "<" + nameOutput + ">" : "[" + nameOutput + "]";
const args = command._args
.map((arg) => humanReadableArgumentName(arg))
.join(" ");
return `${command.name()}|${command.aliases().join("|")}${args ? ` ${args}` : ""}${command.options.length > 0 ? " [options]" : ""}`;
visibleOptions: function visibleOptions(command) {
return command.options.filter((option) => {
if (option.hidden) {
return false;
switch (option.helpLevel) {
case "verbose":
return isVerbose;
case "minimum":
return true;
padWidth(command, helper) {
return Math.max(helper.longestArgumentTermLength(command, helper), helper.longestOptionTermLength(command, helper),
// For global options
helper.longestOptionTermLength(program, helper), helper.longestSubcommandTermLength(isGlobalHelp ? program : command, helper));
formatHelp: (command, helper) => {
const termWidth = helper.padWidth(command, helper);
const helpWidth = helper.helpWidth || process.env.WEBPACK_CLI_HELP_WIDTH || 80;
const itemIndentWidth = 2;
const itemSeparatorWidth = 2; // between term and description
const formatItem = (term, description) => {
if (description) {
const fullText = `${term.padEnd(termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth)}${description}`;
return helper.wrap(fullText, helpWidth - itemIndentWidth, termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth);
return term;
const formatList = (textArray) => textArray.join("\n").replace(/^/gm, " ".repeat(itemIndentWidth));
// Usage
let output = [`${bold("Usage:")} ${helper.commandUsage(command)}`, ""];
// Description
const commandDescription = isGlobalHelp
? "The build tool for modern web applications."
: helper.commandDescription(command);
if (commandDescription.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([commandDescription, ""]);
// Arguments
const argumentList = helper
.map((argument) => formatItem(argument.term, argument.description));
if (argumentList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([bold("Arguments:"), formatList(argumentList), ""]);
// Options
const optionList = helper
.map((option) => formatItem(helper.optionTerm(option), helper.optionDescription(option)));
if (optionList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([bold("Options:"), formatList(optionList), ""]);
// Global options
const globalOptionList = program.options.map((option) => formatItem(helper.optionTerm(option), helper.optionDescription(option)));
if (globalOptionList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([bold("Global options:"), formatList(globalOptionList), ""]);
// Commands
const commandList = helper
.visibleCommands(isGlobalHelp ? program : command)
.map((command) => formatItem(helper.subcommandTerm(command), helper.subcommandDescription(command)));
if (commandList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([bold("Commands:"), formatList(commandList), ""]);
return output.join("\n");
if (isGlobalHelp) {
await Promise.all(knownCommands.map((knownCommand) => {
return loadCommandByName(getCommandName(knownCommand.name));
const buildCommand = findCommandByName(getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name));
buildCommand && this.logger.raw(buildCommand.helpInformation());
else {
const name = options[0];
await loadCommandByName(name);
const command = findCommandByName(name);
if (!command) {
const builtInCommandUsed = externalBuiltInCommandsInfo.find((command) => command.name.includes(name) || name === command.alias);
if (typeof builtInCommandUsed !== "undefined") {
this.logger.error(`For using '${name}' command you need to install '${builtInCommandUsed.pkg}' package.`);
else {
this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${name}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options.");
else if (isHelpCommandSyntax) {
let isCommandSpecified = false;
let commandName = getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
let optionName = "";
if (options.length === 1) {
optionName = options[0];
else if (options.length === 2) {
isCommandSpecified = true;
commandName = options[0];
optionName = options[1];
if (isOption(commandName)) {
else {
await loadCommandByName(commandName);
const command = isGlobalOption(optionName) ? program : findCommandByName(commandName);
if (!command) {
this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${commandName}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
const option = command.options.find((option) => option.short === optionName || option.long === optionName);
if (!option) {
this.logger.error(`Unknown option '${optionName}'`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
const nameOutput = option.flags.replace(/^.+[[<]/, "").replace(/(\.\.\.)?[\]>].*$/, "") +
(option.variadic === true ? "..." : "");
const value = option.required
? "<" + nameOutput + ">"
: option.optional
? "[" + nameOutput + "]"
: "";
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Usage")}: webpack${isCommandSpecified ? ` ${commandName}` : ""} ${option.long}${value ? ` ${value}` : ""}`);
if (option.short) {
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Short:")} webpack${isCommandSpecified ? ` ${commandName}` : ""} ${option.short}${value ? ` ${value}` : ""}`);
if (option.description) {
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Description:")} ${option.description}`);
if (!option.negate && option.defaultValue) {
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Default value:")} ${JSON.stringify(option.defaultValue)}`);
const flag = this.getBuiltInOptions().find((flag) => option.long === `--${flag.name}`);
if (flag && flag.configs) {
const possibleValues = flag.configs.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
if (currentValue.values) {
return accumulator.concat(currentValue.values);
else {
return accumulator;
}, []);
if (possibleValues.length > 0) {
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Possible values:")} ${JSON.stringify(possibleValues.join(" | "))}`);
// TODO implement this after refactor cli arguments
// logger.raw('Documentation: https://webpack.js.org/option/name/');
else {
this.logger.raw("To see list of all supported commands and options run 'webpack --help=verbose'.\n");
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Webpack documentation:")} https://webpack.js.org/.`);
this.logger.raw(`${bold("CLI documentation:")} https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/.`);
this.logger.raw(`${bold("Made with ♥ by the webpack team")}.`);
this.program.option("-h, --help [verbose]", "Display help for commands and options.");
let isInternalActionCalled = false;
// Default action
this.program.action(async (options, program) => {
if (!isInternalActionCalled) {
isInternalActionCalled = true;
else {
this.logger.error("No commands found to run");
// Command and options
const { operands, unknown } = this.program.parseOptions(program.args);
const defaultCommandToRun = getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
const hasOperand = typeof operands[0] !== "undefined";
const operand = hasOperand ? operands[0] : defaultCommandToRun;
const isHelpOption = typeof options.help !== "undefined";
const isHelpCommandSyntax = isCommand(operand, helpCommandOptions);
if (isHelpOption || isHelpCommandSyntax) {
let isVerbose = false;
if (isHelpOption) {
if (typeof options.help === "string") {
if (options.help !== "verbose") {
this.logger.error("Unknown value for '--help' option, please use '--help=verbose'");
isVerbose = true;
this.program.forHelp = true;
const optionsForHelp = []
.concat(isHelpOption && hasOperand ? [operand] : [])
// Syntax `webpack help [command]`
// Syntax `webpack help [option]`
.concat(isHelpCommandSyntax && typeof options.color !== "undefined"
? [options.color ? "--color" : "--no-color"]
: [])
.concat(isHelpCommandSyntax && typeof options.version !== "undefined" ? ["--version"] : []);
await outputHelp(optionsForHelp, isVerbose, isHelpCommandSyntax, program);
const isVersionOption = typeof options.version !== "undefined";
const isVersionCommandSyntax = isCommand(operand, versionCommandOptions);
if (isVersionOption || isVersionCommandSyntax) {
const optionsForVersion = []
.concat(isVersionOption ? [operand] : [])
await outputVersion(optionsForVersion);
let commandToRun = operand;
let commandOperands = operands.slice(1);
if (isKnownCommand(commandToRun)) {
await loadCommandByName(commandToRun, true);
else {
const isEntrySyntax = fs.existsSync(operand);
if (isEntrySyntax) {
commandToRun = defaultCommandToRun;
commandOperands = operands;
await loadCommandByName(commandToRun);
else {
this.logger.error(`Unknown command or entry '${operand}'`);
const levenshtein = require("fastest-levenshtein");
const found = knownCommands.find((commandOptions) => levenshtein.distance(operand, getCommandName(commandOptions.name)) < 3);
if (found) {
this.logger.error(`Did you mean '${getCommandName(found.name)}' (alias '${Array.isArray(found.alias) ? found.alias.join(", ") : found.alias}')?`);
this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
await this.program.parseAsync([commandToRun, ...commandOperands, ...unknown], {
from: "user",
await this.program.parseAsync(args, parseOptions);
async loadConfig(options) {
const interpret = require("interpret");
const loadConfigByPath = async (configPath, argv = {}) => {
const ext = path.extname(configPath);
const interpreted = Object.keys(interpret.jsVariants).find((variant) => variant === ext);
if (interpreted) {
const rechoir = require("rechoir");
try {
rechoir.prepare(interpret.extensions, configPath);
catch (error) {
if (error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.failures) {
this.logger.error(`Unable load '${configPath}'`);
error.failures.forEach((failure) => {
this.logger.error("Please install one of them");
let options;
try {
options = await this.tryRequireThenImport(configPath, false);
// @ts-expect-error error type assertion
catch (error) {
this.logger.error(`Failed to load '${configPath}' config`);
if (this.isValidationError(error)) {
else {
if (Array.isArray(options)) {
// reassign the value to assert type
const optionsArray = options;
await Promise.all(optionsArray.map(async (_, i) => {
if (this.isPromise(optionsArray[i])) {
optionsArray[i] = await optionsArray[i];
// `Promise` may return `Function`
if (this.isFunction(optionsArray[i])) {
// when config is a function, pass the env from args to the config function
optionsArray[i] = await optionsArray[i](argv.env, argv);
options = optionsArray;
else {
if (this.isPromise(options)) {
options = await options;
// `Promise` may return `Function`
if (this.isFunction(options)) {
// when config is a function, pass the env from args to the config function
options = await options(argv.env, argv);
const isObject = (value) => typeof value === "object" && value !== null;
if (!isObject(options) && !Array.isArray(options)) {
this.logger.error(`Invalid configuration in '${configPath}'`);
return { options, path: configPath };
const config = {
options: {},
path: new WeakMap(),
if (options.config && options.config.length > 0) {
const loadedConfigs = await Promise.all(options.config.map((configPath) => loadConfigByPath(path.resolve(configPath), options.argv)));
config.options = [];
loadedConfigs.forEach((loadedConfig) => {
const isArray = Array.isArray(loadedConfig.options);
// TODO we should run webpack multiple times when the `--config` options have multiple values with `--merge`, need to solve for the next major release
if (config.options.length === 0) {
config.options = loadedConfig.options;
else {
if (!Array.isArray(config.options)) {
config.options = [config.options];
if (isArray) {
loadedConfig.options.forEach((item) => {
else {
if (isArray) {
loadedConfig.options.forEach((options) => {
config.path.set(options, loadedConfig.path);
else {
config.path.set(loadedConfig.options, loadedConfig.path);
config.options = config.options.length === 1 ? config.options[0] : config.options;
else {
// Order defines the priority, in decreasing order
const defaultConfigFiles = [
.map((filename) =>
// Since .cjs is not available on interpret side add it manually to default config extension list
[...Object.keys(interpret.extensions), ".cjs"].map((ext) => ({
path: path.resolve(filename + ext),
ext: ext,
module: interpret.extensions[ext],
.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator.concat(currentValue), []);
let foundDefaultConfigFile;
for (const defaultConfigFile of defaultConfigFiles) {
if (!fs.existsSync(defaultConfigFile.path)) {
foundDefaultConfigFile = defaultConfigFile;
if (foundDefaultConfigFile) {
const loadedConfig = await loadConfigByPath(foundDefaultConfigFile.path, options.argv);
config.options = loadedConfig.options;
if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
config.options.forEach((item) => {
config.path.set(item, loadedConfig.path);
else {
config.path.set(loadedConfig.options, loadedConfig.path);
if (options.configName) {
const notFoundConfigNames = [];
config.options = options.configName.map((configName) => {
let found;
if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
found = config.options.find((options) => options.name === configName);
else {
found = config.options.name === configName ? config.options : undefined;
if (!found) {
return found;
if (notFoundConfigNames.length > 0) {
.map((configName) => `Configuration with the name "${configName}" was not found.`)
.join(" "));
if (options.merge) {
const merge = await this.tryRequireThenImport("webpack-merge");
// we can only merge when there are multiple configurations
// either by passing multiple configs by flags or passing a
// single config exporting an array
if (!Array.isArray(config.options) || config.options.length <= 1) {
this.logger.error("At least two configurations are required for merge.");
const mergedConfigPaths = [];
config.options = config.options.reduce((accumulator, options) => {
const configPath = config.path.get(options);
const mergedOptions = merge(accumulator, options);
return mergedOptions;
}, {});
config.path.set(config.options, mergedConfigPaths);
return config;
async buildConfig(config, options) {
const runFunctionOnEachConfig = (options, fn) => {
if (Array.isArray(options)) {
for (let item of options) {
item = fn(item);
else {
options = fn(options);
return options;
if (options.analyze) {
if (!this.checkPackageExists("webpack-bundle-analyzer")) {
await this.doInstall("webpack-bundle-analyzer", {
preMessage: () => {
this.logger.error(`It looks like ${this.colors.yellow("webpack-bundle-analyzer")} is not installed.`);
this.logger.success(`${this.colors.yellow("webpack-bundle-analyzer")} was installed successfully.`);
if (typeof options.progress === "string" && options.progress !== "profile") {
this.logger.error(`'${options.progress}' is an invalid value for the --progress option. Only 'profile' is allowed.`);
if (typeof options.hot === "string" && options.hot !== "only") {
this.logger.error(`'${options.hot}' is an invalid value for the --hot option. Use 'only' instead.`);
const CLIPlugin = await this.tryRequireThenImport("./plugins/CLIPlugin");
const internalBuildConfig = (item) => {
// Output warnings
if (item.watch &&
options.argv &&
options.argv.env &&
(options.argv.env["WEBPACK_WATCH"] || options.argv.env["WEBPACK_SERVE"])) {
this.logger.warn(`No need to use the '${options.argv.env["WEBPACK_WATCH"] ? "watch" : "serve"}' command together with '{ watch: true }' configuration, it does not make sense.`);
if (options.argv.env["WEBPACK_SERVE"]) {
item.watch = false;
// Apply options
if (this.webpack.cli) {
const args = this.getBuiltInOptions()
.filter((flag) => flag.group === "core")
.reduce((accumulator, flag) => {
accumulator[flag.name] = flag;
return accumulator;
}, {});
const values = Object.keys(options).reduce((accumulator, name) => {
if (name === "argv") {
return accumulator;
const kebabName = this.toKebabCase(name);
if (args[kebabName]) {
accumulator[kebabName] = options[name];
return accumulator;
}, {});
const problems = this.webpack.cli.processArguments(args, item, values);
if (problems) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const groupBy = (xs, key) => {
return xs.reduce((rv, x) => {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
const problemsByPath = groupBy(problems, "path");
for (const path in problemsByPath) {
const problems = problemsByPath[path];
problems.forEach((problem) => {
this.logger.error(`${this.capitalizeFirstLetter(problem.type.replace(/-/g, " "))}${problem.value ? ` '${problem.value}'` : ""} for the '--${problem.argument}' option${problem.index ? ` by index '${problem.index}'` : ""}`);
if (problem.expected) {
this.logger.error(`Expected: '${problem.expected}'`);
const isFileSystemCacheOptions = (config) => {
return (Boolean(config.cache) && config.cache.type === "filesystem");
// Setup default cache options
if (isFileSystemCacheOptions(item)) {
const configPath = config.path.get(item);
if (configPath) {
if (!item.cache.buildDependencies) {
item.cache.buildDependencies = {};
if (!item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig) {
item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig = [];
if (Array.isArray(configPath)) {
configPath.forEach((oneOfConfigPath) => {
else {
// Setup legacy logic for webpack@4
// TODO respect `--entry-reset` in th next major release
// TODO drop in the next major release
if (options.entry) {
item.entry = options.entry;
if (options.outputPath) {
item.output = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item.output), { path: path.resolve(options.outputPath) });
if (options.target) {
item.target = options.target;
if (typeof options.devtool !== "undefined") {
item.devtool = options.devtool;
if (options.name) {
item.name = options.name;
if (typeof options.stats !== "undefined") {
item.stats = options.stats;
if (typeof options.watch !== "undefined") {
item.watch = options.watch;
if (typeof options.watchOptionsStdin !== "undefined") {
item.watchOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item.watchOptions), { stdin: options.watchOptionsStdin });
if (options.mode) {
item.mode = options.mode;
// Respect `process.env.NODE_ENV`
if (!item.mode &&
process.env &&
process.env.NODE_ENV &&
(process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ||
process.env.NODE_ENV === "none")) {
item.mode = process.env.NODE_ENV;
// Setup stats
// TODO remove after drop webpack@4
const statsForWebpack4 = this.webpack.Stats &&
if (statsForWebpack4) {
if (typeof item.stats === "undefined") {
item.stats = {};
else if (typeof item.stats === "boolean") {
item.stats = this.webpack.Stats.presetToOptions(item.stats);
else if (typeof item.stats === "string" &&
(item.stats === "none" ||
item.stats === "verbose" ||
item.stats === "detailed" ||
item.stats === "normal" ||
item.stats === "minimal" ||
item.stats === "errors-only" ||
item.stats === "errors-warnings")) {
item.stats = this.webpack.Stats.presetToOptions(item.stats);
else {
if (typeof item.stats === "undefined") {
item.stats = { preset: "normal" };
else if (typeof item.stats === "boolean") {
item.stats = item.stats ? { preset: "normal" } : { preset: "none" };
else if (typeof item.stats === "string") {
item.stats = { preset: item.stats };
let colors;
// From arguments
if (typeof this.isColorSupportChanged !== "undefined") {
colors = Boolean(this.isColorSupportChanged);
// From stats
else if (typeof item.stats.colors !== "undefined") {
colors = item.stats.colors;
// Default
else {
colors = Boolean(this.colors.isColorSupported);
// TODO remove after drop webpack v4
if (typeof item.stats === "object" && item.stats !== null) {
item.stats.colors = colors;
// Apply CLI plugin
if (!item.plugins) {
item.plugins = [];
item.plugins.unshift(new CLIPlugin({
configPath: config.path.get(item),
helpfulOutput: !options.json,
hot: options.hot,
progress: options.progress,
prefetch: options.prefetch,
analyze: options.analyze,
return options;
runFunctionOnEachConfig(config.options, internalBuildConfig);
return config;
isValidationError(error) {
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/master/lib/index.js#L267
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/v4.44.2/lib/webpack.js#L90
const ValidationError = this.webpack.ValidationError || this.webpack.WebpackOptionsValidationError;
return error instanceof ValidationError || error.name === "ValidationError";
async createCompiler(options, callback) {
if (typeof options.nodeEnv === "string") {
process.env.NODE_ENV = options.nodeEnv;
let config = await this.loadConfig(options);
config = await this.buildConfig(config, options);
let compiler;
try {
compiler = this.webpack(config.options, callback
? (error, stats) => {
if (error && this.isValidationError(error)) {
callback(error, stats);
: callback);
// @ts-expect-error error type assertion
catch (error) {
if (this.isValidationError(error)) {
else {
// TODO webpack@4 return Watching and MultiWatching instead Compiler and MultiCompiler, remove this after drop webpack@4
if (compiler && compiler.compiler) {
compiler = compiler.compiler;
return compiler;
needWatchStdin(compiler) {
if (this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)) {
return Boolean(compiler.compilers.some((compiler) => compiler.options.watchOptions && compiler.options.watchOptions.stdin));
return Boolean(compiler.options.watchOptions && compiler.options.watchOptions.stdin);
async runWebpack(options, isWatchCommand) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let compiler;
let createJsonStringifyStream;
if (options.json) {
const jsonExt = await this.tryRequireThenImport("@discoveryjs/json-ext");
createJsonStringifyStream = jsonExt.stringifyStream;
const callback = (error, stats) => {
if (error) {
if (stats && stats.hasErrors()) {
process.exitCode = 1;
if (!compiler || !stats) {
const statsOptions = this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)
? {
children: compiler.compilers.map((compiler) => compiler.options ? compiler.options.stats : undefined),
: compiler.options
? compiler.options.stats
: undefined;
// TODO webpack@4 doesn't support `{ children: [{ colors: true }, { colors: true }] }` for stats
const statsForWebpack4 = this.webpack.Stats &&
if (this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler) && statsForWebpack4) {
statsOptions.colors = statsOptions.children.some((child) => child.colors);
if (options.json && createJsonStringifyStream) {
const handleWriteError = (error) => {
if (options.json === true) {
.on("error", handleWriteError)
.on("error", handleWriteError)
.on("close", () => process.stdout.write("\n"));
else {
.on("error", handleWriteError)
.on("error", handleWriteError)
// Use stderr to logging
.on("close", () => {
process.stderr.write(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.green(`stats are successfully stored as json to ${options.json}`)}\n`);
else {
const printedStats = stats.toString(statsOptions);
// Avoid extra empty line when `stats: 'none'`
if (printedStats) {
const env = isWatchCommand || options.watch
? Object.assign({ WEBPACK_WATCH: true }, options.env) : Object.assign({ WEBPACK_BUNDLE: true, WEBPACK_BUILD: true }, options.env);
options.argv = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { env });
if (isWatchCommand) {
options.watch = true;
compiler = await this.createCompiler(options, callback);
if (!compiler) {
const isWatch = (compiler) => Boolean(this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)
? compiler.compilers.some((compiler) => compiler.options.watch)
: compiler.options.watch);
if (isWatch(compiler) && this.needWatchStdin(compiler)) {
process.stdin.on("end", () => {
module.exports = WebpackCLI;