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var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), initializers.push(initializer);
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
decoratorFinishedRef = {
v: !1
0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), 0 === kind ? isPrivate ? (get = desc.get, set = desc.set) : (get = function get() {
return this[name];
}, set = function set(v) {
this[name] = v;
}) : 2 === kind ? get = function get() {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (get = function get() {
return desc.get.call(this);
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (set = function set(v) {
desc.set.call(this, v);
})), ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set
} : get ? {
get: get
} : {
set: set
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
function assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : init.push(newInit));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) {
value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return originalInitializer.call(instance, _init3);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (ret.push(function (instance, args) {
return value.get.call(instance, args);
}), ret.push(function (instance, args) {
return value.set.call(instance, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? ret.push(value) : ret.push(function (instance, args) {
return value.call(instance, args);
}) : Object.defineProperty(base, name, desc));
function applyMemberDecs(ret, Class, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, existingProtoNonFields = new Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (Array.isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers);
pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers);
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && ret.push(function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
return instance;
function applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name = targetClass.name, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
ret.push(newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
function applyDecs2203(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
var ret = [];
return applyMemberDecs(ret, targetClass, memberDecs), applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, classDecs), ret;
module.exports = applyDecs2203, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;