// A Javascript implementaion of the "xorshift7" algorithm by
// François Panneton and Pierre L'ecuyer:
// "On the Xorgshift Random Number Generators"
// http://saluc.engr.uconn.edu/refs/crypto/rng/panneton05onthexorshift.pdf

(function(global, module, define) {

function XorGen(seed) {
  var me = this;

  // Set up generator function.
  me.next = function() {
    // Update xor generator.
    var X = me.x, i = me.i, t, v, w;
    t = X[i]; t ^= (t >>> 7); v = t ^ (t << 24);
    t = X[(i + 1) & 7]; v ^= t ^ (t >>> 10);
    t = X[(i + 3) & 7]; v ^= t ^ (t >>> 3);
    t = X[(i + 4) & 7]; v ^= t ^ (t << 7);
    t = X[(i + 7) & 7]; t = t ^ (t << 13); v ^= t ^ (t << 9);
    X[i] = v;
    me.i = (i + 1) & 7;
    return v;

  function init(me, seed) {
    var j, w, X = [];

    if (seed === (seed | 0)) {
      // Seed state array using a 32-bit integer.
      w = X[0] = seed;
    } else {
      // Seed state using a string.
      seed = '' + seed;
      for (j = 0; j < seed.length; ++j) {
        X[j & 7] = (X[j & 7] << 15) ^
            (seed.charCodeAt(j) + X[(j + 1) & 7] << 13);
    // Enforce an array length of 8, not all zeroes.
    while (X.length < 8) X.push(0);
    for (j = 0; j < 8 && X[j] === 0; ++j);
    if (j == 8) w = X[7] = -1; else w = X[j];

    me.x = X;
    me.i = 0;

    // Discard an initial 256 values.
    for (j = 256; j > 0; --j) {

  init(me, seed);

function copy(f, t) {
  t.x = f.x.slice();
  t.i = f.i;
  return t;

function impl(seed, opts) {
  if (seed == null) seed = +(new Date);
  var xg = new XorGen(seed),
      state = opts && opts.state,
      prng = function() { return (xg.next() >>> 0) / 0x100000000; };
  prng.double = function() {
    do {
      var top = xg.next() >>> 11,
          bot = (xg.next() >>> 0) / 0x100000000,
          result = (top + bot) / (1 << 21);
    } while (result === 0);
    return result;
  prng.int32 = xg.next;
  prng.quick = prng;
  if (state) {
    if (state.x) copy(state, xg);
    prng.state = function() { return copy(xg, {}); }
  return prng;

if (module && module.exports) {
  module.exports = impl;
} else if (define && define.amd) {
  define(function() { return impl; });
} else {
  this.xorshift7 = impl;

  (typeof module) == 'object' && module,    // present in node.js
  (typeof define) == 'function' && define   // present with an AMD loader