var tape = require("tape"), utils = require('../build/utils'); vertex = require("../build/Vertex"); face = require("../build/face"); tape("Face(...) should set the expected defaults", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2), normal = f.normal, he0 = f.edges[0], he1 = f.edges[1], he2 = f.edges[2]; test.deepEqual(f.verts, [v0,v1,v2]); test.equal(f.marked, false); test.equal(normal.x, -0.8571428571428571); test.equal(normal.y, -0.42857142857142855); test.equal(normal.z, -0.2857142857142857); test.equal(he0.orig, v0); test.equal(he0.dest, v1); test.equal(he0.prev, he2); test.equal(, he1); test.equal(he1.orig, v1); test.equal(he1.dest, v2); test.equal(he1.prev, he0); test.equal(, he2); test.equal(he2.orig, v2); test.equal(he2.dest, v0); test.equal(he2.prev, he1); test.equal(, he0); test.end(); }); tape("Face(...) should handle orient", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), v3 = new vertex.Vertex(-0.8571428571428571, -0.42857142857142855, -0.2857142857142857), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2, v3), normal = f.normal, he0 = f.edges[0], he1 = f.edges[1], he2 = f.edges[2]; test.deepEqual(f.verts, [v0,v2,v1]); test.equal(normal.x, 0.8571428571428571); test.equal(normal.y, 0.42857142857142855); test.equal(normal.z, 0.2857142857142857); test.equal(he0.orig, v0); test.equal(he0.dest, v2); test.equal(he0.prev, he2); test.equal(, he1); test.equal(he1.orig, v2); test.equal(he1.dest, v1); test.equal(he1.prev, he0); test.equal(, he2); test.equal(he2.orig, v1); test.equal(he2.dest, v0); test.equal(he2.prev, he1); test.equal(, he0); test.end(); }); tape("Face.getDualPoint() should return the expected Point2D", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2), dualPoint = f.getDualPoint(); test.equal(dualPoint.x, -1.5); test.equal(dualPoint.y, -0.75); test.end(); }); tape("Face.createEdges(...) should compute the expected HEdges", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2); f.createEdges(); var he0 = f.edges[0], he1 = f.edges[1], he2 = f.edges[2]; test.equal(he0.orig, v0); test.equal(he0.dest, v1); test.equal(he0.prev, he2); test.equal(, he1); test.equal(he1.orig, v1); test.equal(he1.dest, v2); test.equal(he1.prev, he0); test.equal(, he2); test.equal(he2.orig, v2); test.equal(he2.dest, v0); test.equal(he2.prev, he1); test.equal(, he0); test.end(); }); tape("Face.orient(...) should computes the expected HEdges", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), v3 = new vertex.Vertex(-0.8571428571428571, -0.42857142857142855, -0.2857142857142857), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2); f.orient(v3); var he0 = f.edges[0], he1 = f.edges[1], he2 = f.edges[2]; test.deepEqual(f.verts, [v0,v2,v1]); test.equal(he0.orig, v0); test.equal(he0.dest, v2); test.equal(he0.prev, he2); test.equal(, he1); test.equal(he1.orig, v2); test.equal(he1.dest, v1); test.equal(he1.prev, he0); test.equal(, he2); test.equal(he2.orig, v1); test.equal(he2.dest, v0); test.equal(he2.prev, he1); test.equal(, he0); test.end(); }); tape("Face.getEdge(...) should return expected HEdge", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), v3 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 2, 3), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2), he0 = f.edges[0], he1 = f.edges[1], he2 = f.edges[2]; test.equal(f.getEdge(v0,v1), he0); test.equal(f.getEdge(v1,v0), he0); test.equal(f.getEdge(v0,v3), null); test.end(); }); tape(" should find and link twins", function(test) { var v00 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v01 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v02 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), f0 = new face.Face(v00, v01, v02), h00 = f0.edges[0], v10 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v11 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v12 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), f1 = new face.Face(v10, v11, v12), h10 = f1.edges[0];, v10, v11); test.equal(h00.twin, h10); test.equal(h10.twin, h00); test.end(); }); tape("Face.conflict(...) should detect conflict", function(test) { var v0 = new vertex.Vertex(1, 0, 0), v1 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 2, 0), v2 = new vertex.Vertex(0, 0, 3), v3 = new vertex.Vertex(2, 0, 0), v4 = new vertex.Vertex(-2, 0, 0), v5 = new vertex.Vertex(1-utils.epsilon, 0, 0), v6 = new vertex.Vertex(1-2*utils.epsilon, 0, 0), f = new face.Face(v0, v1, v2); test.notOk(f.conflict(v0)); test.notOk(f.conflict(v3)); test.ok(f.conflict(v4)); test.notOk(f.conflict(v5)); test.ok(f.conflict(v6)); test.end(); });