declare const _default: { _decimalSeparator: string; _thousandSeparator: string; _percentPrefix: null; _percentSuffix: string; _big_number_suffix_3: string; _big_number_suffix_6: string; _big_number_suffix_9: string; _big_number_suffix_12: string; _big_number_suffix_15: string; _big_number_suffix_18: string; _big_number_suffix_21: string; _big_number_suffix_24: string; _small_number_suffix_3: string; _small_number_suffix_6: string; _small_number_suffix_9: string; _small_number_suffix_12: string; _small_number_suffix_15: string; _small_number_suffix_18: string; _small_number_suffix_21: string; _small_number_suffix_24: string; _byte_suffix_B: string; _byte_suffix_KB: string; _byte_suffix_MB: string; _byte_suffix_GB: string; _byte_suffix_TB: string; _byte_suffix_PB: string; _date_millisecond: string; _date_millisecond_full: string; _date_second: string; _date_second_full: string; _date_minute: string; _date_minute_full: string; _date_hour: string; _date_hour_full: string; _date_day: string; _date_day_full: string; _date_week: string; _date_week_full: string; _date_month: string; _date_month_full: string; _date_year: string; _duration_millisecond: string; _duration_millisecond_second: string; _duration_millisecond_minute: string; _duration_millisecond_hour: string; _duration_millisecond_day: string; _duration_millisecond_week: string; _duration_millisecond_month: string; _duration_millisecond_year: string; _duration_second: string; _duration_second_minute: string; _duration_second_hour: string; _duration_second_day: string; _duration_second_week: string; _duration_second_month: string; _duration_second_year: string; _duration_minute: string; _duration_minute_hour: string; _duration_minute_day: string; _duration_minute_week: string; _duration_minute_month: string; _duration_minute_year: string; _duration_hour: string; _duration_hour_day: string; _duration_hour_week: string; _duration_hour_month: string; _duration_hour_year: string; _duration_day: string; _duration_day_week: string; _duration_day_month: string; _duration_day_year: string; _duration_week: string; _duration_week_month: string; _duration_week_year: string; _duration_month: string; _duration_month_year: string; _duration_year: string; _era_ad: string; _era_bc: string; A: string; P: string; AM: string; PM: string; "A.M.": string; "P.M.": string; January: string; February: string; March: string; April: string; May: string; June: string; July: string; August: string; September: string; October: string; November: string; December: string; Jan: string; Feb: string; Mar: string; Apr: string; "May(short)": string; Jun: string; Jul: string; Aug: string; Sep: string; Oct: string; Nov: string; Dec: string; Sunday: string; Monday: string; Tuesday: string; Wednesday: string; Thursday: string; Friday: string; Saturday: string; Sun: string; Mon: string; Tue: string; Wed: string; Thu: string; Fri: string; Sat: string; _dateOrd: (day: number) => string; "Zoom Out": string; Play: string; Stop: string; Legend: string; "Press ENTER to toggle": string; Loading: string; Home: string; Chart: string; "Serial chart": string; "X/Y chart": string; "Pie chart": string; "Gauge chart": string; "Radar chart": string; "Sankey diagram": string; "Flow diagram": string; "Chord diagram": string; "TreeMap chart": string; "Sliced chart": string; Series: string; "Candlestick Series": string; "OHLC Series": string; "Column Series": string; "Line Series": string; "Pie Slice Series": string; "Funnel Series": string; "Pyramid Series": string; "X/Y Series": string; Map: string; "Press ENTER to zoom in": string; "Press ENTER to zoom out": string; "Use arrow keys to zoom in and out": string; "Use plus and minus keys on your keyboard to zoom in and out": string; Export: string; Image: string; Data: string; Print: string; "Press ENTER to open": string; "Press ENTER to print.": string; "Press ENTER to export as %1.": string; "(Press ESC to close this message)": string; "Image Export Complete": string; "Export operation took longer than expected. Something might have gone wrong.": string; "Saved from": string; PNG: string; JPG: string; GIF: string; SVG: string; PDF: string; JSON: string; CSV: string; XLSX: string; HTML: string; "Use TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection": string; "Use left and right arrows to move selection": string; "Use left and right arrows to move left selection": string; "Use left and right arrows to move right selection": string; "Use TAB select grip buttons or up and down arrows to change selection": string; "Use up and down arrows to move selection": string; "Use up and down arrows to move lower selection": string; "Use up and down arrows to move upper selection": string; "From %1 to %2": string; "From %1": string; "To %1": string; "No parser available for file: %1": string; "Error parsing file: %1": string; "Unable to load file: %1": string; "Invalid date": string; }; /** * amCharts 5 locale * * Locale: zh_Hans * Language: Simplified Chinese * Author: Bjorn Svensson * * Follow instructions in [on this page]( to make corrections or add new translations. * * --- * Edit but leave the header section above this line. You can remove any * subsequent comment sections. * --- * * Use this file as a template to create translations. Leave the key part in * English intact. Fill the value with a translation. * * Empty string means no translation, so default "International English" * will be used. * * If you need the translation to literally be an empty string, use `null` * instead. * * IMPORTANT: * When translating make good effort to keep the translation length * at least the same chartcount as the English, especially for short prompts. * * Having significantly longer prompts may distort the actual charts. * * NOTE: * Some prompts - like months or weekdays - come in two versions: full and * shortened. * * If there's no official shortened version of these in your language, and it * would not be possible to invent such short versions that don't seem weird * to native speakers of that language, fill those with the same as full * version. * * PLACEHOLDERS: * Some prompts have placeholders like "%1". Those will be replaced by actual * values during translation and should be retained in the translated prompts. * * Placeholder positions may be changed to better suit structure of the * sentence. * * For example "From %1 to %2", when actually used will replace "%1" with an * actual value representing range start, and "%2" will be replaced by end * value. * * E.g. in a Scrollbar for Value axis "From %1 to %2" will become * "From 100 to 200". You may translate "From" and "to", as well as re-arrange * the order of the prompt itself, but make sure the "%1" and "%2" remain, in * places where they will make sense. * * Save the file as language_LOCALE, i.e. `en_GB.ts`, `fr_FR.ts`, etc. */ export default _default; //#