<template> <v-jstree :data="fileTree" show-checkbox multiple allow-batch whole-row @item-click="itemClick"></v-jstree> </template> <script> import VJstree from 'vue-jstree' export default { data() { return { fileTree: [ { "text": "Same but with checkboxes", "children": [ { "text": "initially selected", "selected": true }, { "text": "custom icon", "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-danger" }, { "text": "initially open", "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-state-default", "opened": true, "children": [ { "text": "Another node" } ] }, { "text": "custom icon", "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-warning" }, { "text": "disabled node", "icon": "fa fa-check icon-state-success", "disabled": true } ] }, { "text": "Same but with checkboxes", "opened": true, "children": [ { "text": "initially selected", "selected": true }, { "text": "custom icon", "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-danger" }, { "text": "initially open", "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-state-default", "opened": true, "children": [ { "text": "Another node" } ] }, { "text": "custom icon", "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-warning" }, { "text": "disabled node", "icon": "fa fa-check icon-state-success", "disabled": true } ] }, { "text": "And wholerow selection" } ] } }, methods: { itemClick: function (node) { console.log(node.model.text + ' clicked !') } }, watch: { }, computed: { }, components: { 'VJstree': VJstree }, mounted() { } } </script>