# unicode-properties Provides fast access to unicode character properties. Uses [unicode-trie](https://github.com/devongovett/unicode-trie) to compress the properties for all code points into just 9.5KB. Currently, unicode-properties supports Unicode version 12. ## Usage npm install unicode-properties ```javascript var unicode = require('unicode-properties'); unicode.getCategory('2'.charCodeAt()) //=> 'Nd' unicode.getNumericValue('2'.charCodeAt()) //=> 2 ``` ## API ### getCategory(codePoint) Returns the unicode [general category](http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/index.htm) for the given code point. ### getScript(codePoint) Returns the [script](http://unicode.org/standard/supported.html) for the given code point. ### getCombiningClass(codePoint) Returns the [canonical combining class](http://unicode.org/glossary/#combining_class) for the given code point. ### getEastAsianWidth(codePoint) Returns the [East Asian width](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/tr11-28.html) for the given code point. ### getNumericValue(codePoint) Returns the numeric value for the given code point, or null if there is no numeric value for that code point. ### isAlphabetic(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is an alphabetic character. ### isDigit(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is a digit. ### isPunctuation(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is a punctuation character. ### isLowerCase(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is lower case. ### isUpperCase(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is upper case. ### isTitleCase(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is title case. ### isWhiteSpace(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is whitespace: specifically, whether the category is one of Zs, Zl, or Zp. ### isBaseForm(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is a base form. A code point of base form does not graphically combine with preceding characters. ### isMark(codePoint) Returns whether the code point is a mark character (e.g. accent). ## License MIT