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(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-voronoi-map')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-voronoi-map'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3VoronoiMap) { 'use strict';
function voronoiTreemap() {
//begin: constants
var DEFAULT_PRNG = Math.random;
//end: constants
/////// Inputs ///////
var clip = [
[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[1, 1],
[1, 0],
]; // clipping polygon
var extent = [
[0, 0],
[1, 1],
]; // extent of the clipping polygon
var size = [1, 1]; // [width, height] of the clipping polygon
var convergenceRatio = DEFAULT_CONVERGENCE_RATIO; // targeted allowed error ratio; default 0.01 stops computation when cell areas error <= 1% clipping polygon's area
var maxIterationCount = DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATION_COUNT; // maximum allowed iteration; stops computation even if convergence is not reached; use a large amount for a sole converge-based computation stop
var minWeightRatio = DEFAULT_MIN_WEIGHT_RATIO; // used to compute the minimum allowed weight; default 0.01 means 1% of max weight; handle near-zero weights, and leaves enought space for cell hovering
var prng = DEFAULT_PRNG; // pseudorandom number generator
//begin: internals
var unrelevantButNeedeData = [
weight: 1,
weight: 1,
var _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation = d3VoronoiMap.voronoiMapSimulation(unrelevantButNeedeData).stop();
//end: internals
///////// API /////////
function _voronoiTreemap(rootNode) {
recurse(clip, rootNode);
_voronoiTreemap.convergenceRatio = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return convergenceRatio;
convergenceRatio = _;
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.maxIterationCount = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return maxIterationCount;
maxIterationCount = _;
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.minWeightRatio = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return minWeightRatio;
minWeightRatio = _;
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.clip = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return clip;
//begin: use voronoiMap.clip() to handle clip/extent/size computation and borderline input (non-counterclockwise, non-convex, ...)
//end: use voronoiMap.clip() to handle clip/extent/size computation
clip = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.clip();
extent = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.extent();
size = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.size();
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.extent = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return extent;
//begin: use voronoiMap.extent() to handle clip/extent/size computation
//end: use voronoiMap.clip() to handle clip/extent/size computation
clip = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.clip();
extent = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.extent();
size = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.size();
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.size = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return size;
//begin: use voronoiMap.size() to handle clip/extent/size computation
//end: use voronoiMap.clip() to handle clip/extent/size computation
clip = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.clip();
extent = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.extent();
size = _convenientReusableVoronoiMapSimulation.size();
return _voronoiTreemap;
_voronoiTreemap.prng = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return prng;
prng = _;
return _voronoiTreemap;
/////// Private ///////
function recurse(clippingPolygon, node) {
var simulation;
//assign polygon to node
node.polygon = clippingPolygon;
if (node.height != 0) {
//compute one-level Voronoi map of children
simulation = d3VoronoiMap.voronoiMapSimulation(node.children)
.weight(function (d) {
return d.value;
var state = simulation.state(); // retrieve the Voronoï map simulation's state
//begin: manually launch each iteration until the Voronoï map simulation ends
while (!state.ended) {
state = simulation.state();
//end: manually launch each iteration until the Voronoï map simulation ends
//begin: recurse on children
state.polygons.forEach(function (cp) {
recurse(cp, cp.site.originalObject.data.originalData);
//end: recurse on children
return _voronoiTreemap;
exports.voronoiTreemap = voronoiTreemap;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });