File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.VueLoaderPlugin = void 0;
const path = require("path");
const qs = require("querystring");
const loaderUtils = require("loader-utils");
const hash = require("hash-sum");
const compiler_sfc_1 = require("vue/compiler-sfc");
const select_1 = require("./select");
const hotReload_1 = require("./hotReload");
const cssModules_1 = require("./cssModules");
const formatError_1 = require("./formatError");
const plugin_1 = require("./plugin");
exports.VueLoaderPlugin = plugin_1.default;
const resolveScript_1 = require("./resolveScript");
const descriptorCache_1 = require("./descriptorCache");
let errorEmitted = false;
const exportHelperPath = JSON.stringify(require.resolve('./exportHelper'));
function loader(source) {
var _a;
const loaderContext = this;
// check if plugin is installed
if (!errorEmitted &&
!loaderContext['thread-loader'] &&
!loaderContext[plugin_1.default.NS]) {
loaderContext.emitError(new Error(`vue-loader was used without the corresponding plugin. ` +
`Make sure to include VueLoaderPlugin in your webpack config.`));
errorEmitted = true;
const stringifyRequest = (r) => loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(loaderContext, r);
const { mode, target, sourceMap, rootContext, resourcePath, resourceQuery = '', } = loaderContext;
const rawQuery = resourceQuery.slice(1);
const incomingQuery = qs.parse(rawQuery);
const options = (loaderUtils.getOptions(loaderContext) ||
const isServer = (_a = options.isServerBuild) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : target === 'node';
const isProduction = mode === 'production' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const filename = resourcePath.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
const { descriptor, errors } = (0, compiler_sfc_1.parse)(source, {
const asCustomElement = typeof options.customElement === 'boolean'
? options.customElement
: (options.customElement || /\.ce\.vue$/).test(filename);
// cache descriptor
(0, descriptorCache_1.setDescriptor)(filename, descriptor);
if (errors.length) {
errors.forEach((err) => {
(0, formatError_1.formatError)(err, source, resourcePath);
return ``;
// module id for scoped CSS & hot-reload
const rawShortFilePath = path
.relative(rootContext || process.cwd(), filename)
.replace(/^(\.\.[\/\\])+/, '');
const shortFilePath = rawShortFilePath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const id = hash(isProduction
? shortFilePath + '\n' + source.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
: shortFilePath);
// if the query has a type field, this is a language block request
// e.g. foo.vue?type=template&id=xxxxx
// and we will return early
if (incomingQuery.type) {
return (0, select_1.selectBlock)(descriptor, id, options, loaderContext, incomingQuery, !!options.appendExtension);
// feature information
const hasScoped = descriptor.styles.some((s) => s.scoped);
const needsHotReload = !isServer &&
!isProduction &&
!!(descriptor.script || descriptor.scriptSetup || descriptor.template) &&
options.hotReload !== false;
// extra properties to attach to the script object
// we need to do this in a tree-shaking friendly manner
const propsToAttach = [];
// script
let scriptImport = `const script = {}`;
let isTS = false;
const { script, scriptSetup } = descriptor;
if (script || scriptSetup) {
const lang = (script === null || script === void 0 ? void 0 : script.lang) || (scriptSetup === null || scriptSetup === void 0 ? void 0 : scriptSetup.lang);
isTS = !!(lang && /tsx?/.test(lang));
const src = (script && !scriptSetup && script.src) || resourcePath;
const attrsQuery = attrsToQuery((scriptSetup || script).attrs, 'js');
const query = `?vue&type=script${attrsQuery}${resourceQuery}`;
const scriptRequest = stringifyRequest(src + query);
scriptImport =
`import script from ${scriptRequest}\n` +
// support named exports
`export * from ${scriptRequest}`;
// template
let templateImport = ``;
let templateRequest;
const renderFnName = isServer ? `ssrRender` : `render`;
const useInlineTemplate = (0, resolveScript_1.canInlineTemplate)(descriptor, isProduction);
if (descriptor.template && !useInlineTemplate) {
const src = descriptor.template.src || resourcePath;
const idQuery = `&id=${id}`;
const scopedQuery = hasScoped ? `&scoped=true` : ``;
const attrsQuery = attrsToQuery(descriptor.template.attrs);
const tsQuery = options.enableTsInTemplate !== false && isTS ? `&ts=true` : ``;
const query = `?vue&type=template${idQuery}${scopedQuery}${tsQuery}${attrsQuery}${resourceQuery}`;
templateRequest = stringifyRequest(src + query);
templateImport = `import { ${renderFnName} } from ${templateRequest}`;
propsToAttach.push([renderFnName, renderFnName]);
// styles
let stylesCode = ``;
let hasCSSModules = false;
const nonWhitespaceRE = /\S+/;
if (descriptor.styles.length) {
.filter((style) => style.src || nonWhitespaceRE.test(style.content))
.forEach((style, i) => {
const src = style.src || resourcePath;
const attrsQuery = attrsToQuery(style.attrs, 'css');
// make sure to only pass id when necessary so that we don't inject
// duplicate tags when multiple components import the same css file
const idQuery = !style.src || style.scoped ? `&id=${id}` : ``;
const inlineQuery = asCustomElement ? `&inline` : ``;
const query = `?vue&type=style&index=${i}${idQuery}${inlineQuery}${attrsQuery}${resourceQuery}`;
const styleRequest = stringifyRequest(src + query);
if (style.module) {
if (asCustomElement) {
loaderContext.emitError(`<style module> is not supported in custom element mode.`);
if (!hasCSSModules) {
stylesCode += `\nconst cssModules = {}`;
propsToAttach.push([`__cssModules`, `cssModules`]);
hasCSSModules = true;
stylesCode += (0, cssModules_1.genCSSModulesCode)(id, i, styleRequest, style.module, needsHotReload);
else {
if (asCustomElement) {
stylesCode += `\nimport _style_${i} from ${styleRequest}`;
else {
stylesCode += `\nimport ${styleRequest}`;
// TODO SSR critical CSS collection
if (asCustomElement) {
`[${descriptor.styles.map((_, i) => `_style_${i}`)}]`,
let code = [templateImport, scriptImport, stylesCode]
// attach scope Id for runtime use
if (hasScoped) {
propsToAttach.push([`__scopeId`, `"data-v-${id}"`]);
// Expose filename. This is used by the devtools and Vue runtime warnings.
if (!isProduction) {
// Expose the file's full path in development, so that it can be opened
// from the devtools.
JSON.stringify(rawShortFilePath.replace(/\\/g, '/')),
else if (options.exposeFilename) {
// Libraries can opt-in to expose their components' filenames in production builds.
// For security reasons, only expose the file's basename in production.
propsToAttach.push([`__file`, JSON.stringify(path.basename(resourcePath))]);
// custom blocks
if (descriptor.customBlocks && descriptor.customBlocks.length) {
code += `\n/* custom blocks */\n`;
code +=
.map((block, i) => {
const src = block.attrs.src || resourcePath;
const attrsQuery = attrsToQuery(block.attrs);
const blockTypeQuery = `&blockType=${qs.escape(block.type)}`;
const issuerQuery = block.attrs.src
? `&issuerPath=${qs.escape(resourcePath)}`
: '';
const query = `?vue&type=custom&index=${i}${blockTypeQuery}${issuerQuery}${attrsQuery}${resourceQuery}`;
return (`import block${i} from ${stringifyRequest(src + query)}\n` +
`if (typeof block${i} === 'function') block${i}(script)`);
.join(`\n`) + `\n`;
// finalize
if (!propsToAttach.length) {
code += `\n\nconst __exports__ = script;`;
else {
code += `\n\nimport exportComponent from ${exportHelperPath}`;
code += `\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [${propsToAttach
.map(([key, val]) => `['${key}',${val}]`)
if (needsHotReload) {
code += (0, hotReload_1.genHotReloadCode)(id, templateRequest);
code += `\n\nexport default __exports__`;
return code;
exports.default = loader;
// these are built-in query parameters so should be ignored
// if the user happen to add them as attrs
const ignoreList = ['id', 'index', 'src', 'type'];
function attrsToQuery(attrs, langFallback) {
let query = ``;
for (const name in attrs) {
const value = attrs[name];
if (!ignoreList.includes(name)) {
query += `&${qs.escape(name)}=${value ? qs.escape(String(value)) : ``}`;
if (langFallback && !(`lang` in attrs)) {
query += `&lang=${langFallback}`;
return query;