jichoi / lms_front star
이은진 이은진 2024-08-12
240812 이은진 학습교재검색, 학습일정조회, 학습일정생성
--- client/views/pages/main/MyPlan.vue
+++ client/views/pages/main/MyPlan.vue
@@ -1,28 +1,44 @@
-    <div class="myplan">
-        <div class="title-box flex justify-between mb40">
-            <p class="title">오늘 공부할 내용을 확인해봅시다.</p>
-            <!-- <select name="" id="">
-                <option value="">A반</option>
-            </select> -->
-        </div>
-        <div class="wrap" style="border-radius: 0; min-height: 197px;">
-           <p class="title1"> 오늘 학습할 내용이 없습니다.</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="yellow-box mt30">
-            <div class="title-box flex justify-between align-center">
-                <div >
-                    <p class="title">오늘 공부를 계획해봅시다.</p>
-                    <p class="title1 mt20"> 스스로 학습 일정을 바꿔볼까요?</p>
+    <div class="main">
+        <div class="myplan">
+            <div class="title-box flex justify-between mb40">
+                <p class="title">오늘 공부할 내용을 확인해봅시다.</p>
+            </div>
+            <div class="wrap" style="border-radius: 0; min-height: 197px;">
+                <p class="title1"> 오늘 학습할 내용이 없습니다.</p>
+            </div>
+            <div class="yellow-box mt30">
+                <div class="title-box flex justify-between align-center">
+                    <div>
+                        <p class="title">오늘 공부를 계획해봅시다.</p>
+                        <p class="title1 mt20"> 스스로 학습 일정을 바꿔볼까요?</p>
+                    </div>
+                    <button type="button" title="바로가기" class="yellow-btn" @click="goToPage('MyPlan2')">
+                        바로가기
+                    </button>
-                <button type="button" title="바로가기" class="yellow-btn" @click="goToPage('MyPlan2')">
-                    바로가기
-                </button>
+            </div>
+            <div class="wrap mt30">
+                <p class="title1 mb20"> AI 맞춤형 학습 코스는 어떨까요?</p>
+                <div class="imgGroup flex justify-between">
+                    <div class="text-lf">
+                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
+                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="text-lf">
+                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
+                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="text-lf">
+                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
+                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
--- client/views/pages/main/MyPlan2.vue
+++ client/views/pages/main/MyPlan2.vue
@@ -2,19 +2,13 @@
     <div class=" main">
         <div class="myplan">
             <div class="title-box flex justify-between mb40">
-            <p class="title">오늘 공부를 계획해봅시다.</p>
-            <!-- <select name="" id="">
-                <option value="">A반</option>
-            </select> -->
-        </div>
+                <p class="title">오늘 공부를 계획해봅시다.</p>
+            </div>
             <div class="wrap">
                 <p class="title1"> 학습 교재를 선택합시다.</p>
                 <div class="search-wrap flex justify-end mb20 mt20">
-                    <!-- <select name="" id="" class="mr10 data-wrap">
-                       <option value="">전체</option>
-                   </select> -->
-                    <input class="data-wrap" type="text" placeholder="검색하세요.">
-                    <button type="button" title="위원회 검색">
+                    <input class="data-wrap" type="text" placeholder="검색하세요." v-model="keyword">
+                    <button type="button" title="위원회 검색" @click="searchBook">
                         <img src="../../../resources/img/look_t.png" alt="">
@@ -26,93 +20,53 @@
                             <col style="width: 70%;">
                             <col style="width: 15%;">
-                        <tr>
-                            <td><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr10"></td>
+                        <tr v-for="(book, index) in books" :key="index">
+                            <td><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr10" v-model="book.isSelected"></td>
                             <td><img src="../../../resources/img/img214_19s.png" alt=""></td>
                             <td class="text-lf">
-                                <p class="title1">the best</p>
-                                <p class="title2">wirte a</p>
+                                <p class="title1">{{ book.book_nm }}</p>
+                                <p class="title2">grade 3</p>
-                            <td> <button type="button" title="확인" class="new-btn" @click="buttonSearch">
-                                    시간입력
-                                </button></td>
-                        </tr>
-                        <tr>
-                            <td><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr10"></td>
-                            <td><img src="../../../resources/img/img214_19s.png" alt=""></td>
-                            <td class="text-lf">
-                                <p class="title1">the best</p>
-                                <p class="title2">wirte a</p>
-                            </td>
-                            <td> <button type="button" title="확인" class="new-btn" @click="buttonSearch">
+                            <td> <button type="button" title="확인" class="new-btn"
+                                    @click="buttonSearch(book.book_nm, book.book_id)">
                     <div class="flex justify-end">
-                        <button type="button" title="선택하기" class="yellow-btn mt30">
+                        <button type="button" title="선택하기" class="yellow-btn mt30" @click="checkSchedule">
-            <div class="wrap mt30">
-                <p class="title1 mb20"> AI 맞춤형 학습 코스는 어떨까요?</p>
-                <div class="imgGroup flex justify-between">
-                    <div class="text-lf">
-                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
-                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="text-lf">
-                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
-                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="text-lf">
-                        <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_22s.png" alt="">
-                        <p class="title2 mt10">추천 학습 단원</p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
             <div class="wrap mt30">
                 <p class="title1 mb20">학습일정을 확인해봅시다. </p>
-                <div class="flex-column" style="gap: 20px;">
+                <div class="flex-column" style="gap: 20px;" v-for="(book, index) in DataArray" :key="index">
                     <div class=" flex justify-between align-center " style="gap: 70px;">
                         <div><img src="../../../resources/img/img217_22s.png" alt=""></div>
-                        <div class="wrap cs-pt" :class="{ 'cs-pt-clicked': isClicked }" @click="toggleClicked" style="width: 100%;">
+                        <div class="wrap cs-pt" :class="{ 'cs-pt-clicked': isClicked }" style="width: 100%;">
                             <div class="text-lf flex justify-between align-center ">
-                               <div>
+                                <div>
                                     <div class="flex align-center mb10" style="gap: 10px;">
-                                        <p class="title2"><em class="gray-bd">1교시</em></p>
-                                        <p class="title1">9:00</p>
-                                        <p class="title1">~</p>
-                                        <p class="title1">10:00</p>
+                                        <p class="title2"><em class="gray-bd">{{ book.scheduleUnit }}교시</em></p>
+                                        <p class="title1">{{ book.scheduleTime }}</p>
-                                    <div class="title-box  mb10"> <span class="title">the best</span></div>
+                                    <div class="title-box  mb10"> <span class="title">{{ book.bookNm }}</span></div>
                                     <p class="title2">wirte a</p>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class=""> <img src="../../../resources/img/img214_19s.png" alt=""></div>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class=""> <img src="../../../resources/img/img214_19s.png" alt=""></div>
                 <div class="flex justify-end">
-                        <button type="button" title="선택하기" class="yellow-btn mt30">
-                            선택하기
-                        </button>
-                    </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- <div class="yellow-box mt30">
-                <div class="title-box flex justify-between align-center">
-                    <div>
-                        <p class="title">학습 일정 변경</p>
-                        <p class="title1 mt20"> 스스로 학습 일정을 바꿔볼까요?</p>
-                    </div>
-                    <button type="button" title="바로가기" class="yellow-btn" @click="goToPage('MyPlan2')">
-                    바로가기
-                </button>
+                    <button type="button" title="저장하기" class="yellow-btn mt30" @click="insertSchedule">
+                        저장하기
+                    </button>
-            </div> -->
+            </div>
             <div class="popup-wrap" v-show="searchOpen">
                 <div class="popup-box ">
                     <div class="flex mb10  justify-between">
@@ -121,74 +75,25 @@
                             <svg-icon type="mdi" :path="mdiWindowClose" class="close-btn"></svg-icon>
-                    <article class=" mb20 flex-column " style="gap: 20px;">
-                        <div class="flex justify-between bg-gray">
-                            <div class="flex align-center">
-                                <div><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr20"></div>
-                                <div class="text-lf">
-                                    <p class="title1">2교시</p>
+                    <article class="mb20 flex-column" style="gap: 20px;">
+                        <div v-for="(item, index) in timeList" :key="item.value" class="flex justify-between bg-gray">
+                            <div class="flex items-center">
+                                <div>
+                                    <input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr20" v-model="checkedItems"
+                                        :value="item" />
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="text-lg">
+                                    <p class="title1">{{ item.label }}</p>
-                            <div>
-                                <div class="flex align-center " style="gap: 10px;"><img
-                                        src="../../../resources/img/img215_20s.png" alt="">
-                                    <p class="title1">9:00</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">~</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">10:00</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="flex justify-between bg-gray">
-                            <div class="flex align-center">
-                                <div><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr20"></div>
-                                <div class="text-lf">
-                                    <p class="title1">2교시</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                            <div>
-                                <div class="flex align-center " style="gap: 10px;"><img
-                                        src="../../../resources/img/img215_20s.png" alt="">
-                                    <p class="title1">9:00</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">~</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">10:00</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="flex justify-between bg-gray">
-                            <div class="flex align-center">
-                                <div><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr20"></div>
-                                <div class="text-lf">
-                                    <p class="title1">2교시</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                            <div>
-                                <div class="flex align-center " style="gap: 10px;"><img
-                                        src="../../../resources/img/img215_20s.png" alt="">
-                                    <p class="title1">9:00</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">~</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">10:00</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="flex justify-between bg-gray">
-                            <div class="flex align-center">
-                                <div><input type="checkbox" class="ui-checkbox mr20"></div>
-                                <div class="text-lf">
-                                    <p class="title1">2교시</p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                            <div>
-                                <div class="flex align-center " style="gap: 10px;"><img
-                                        src="../../../resources/img/img215_20s.png" alt="">
-                                    <p class="title1">9:00</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">~</p>
-                                    <p class="title1">10:00</p>
-                                </div>
+                            <div class="flex align-center" style="gap: 10px;">
+                                <img src="../../../resources/img/img215_20s.png" alt="" />
+                                <p class="title1">{{ item.time }}</p>
                     <div class="flex justify-center mt20">
-                        <button type="button" title="선택" class="new-btn">
+                        <button type="button" title="선택" class="new-btn" @click="timePick">
@@ -200,9 +105,9 @@
+import axios from "axios";
 import SvgIcon from '@jamescoyle/vue-icon';
 import { mdiMagnify, mdiWindowClose } from '@mdi/js';
 export default {
     data() {
@@ -212,12 +117,28 @@
             mdiWindowClose: mdiWindowClose,
             showModal: false,
             searchOpen: false,
+            books: [],
+            timeList: [
+                { label: "1교시", time: "08:00 ~ 09:00", value: "1" },
+                { label: "2교시", time: "09:00 ~ 10:00", value: "2" },
+                { label: "3교시", time: "10:00 ~ 11:00", value: "3" },
+                { label: "4교시", time: "11:00 ~ 12:00", value: "4" },
+                { label: "5교시", time: "13:00 ~ 14:00", value: "5" },
+                { label: "6교시", time: "14:00 ~ 15:00", value: "6" },
+            ],
+            checkedItems: [],
+            newDataArray: [],
+            DataArray: [],
+            nowName: "",
+            nowID: "",
+            keyword: "",
+            unitList: []
     methods: {
         toggleClicked() {
-      this.isClicked = !this.isClicked;
-    },
+            this.isClicked = !this.isClicked;
+        },
         goToPage(page) {
             this.$router.push({ name: page });
@@ -238,32 +159,130 @@
         closeModal() {
             this.showModal = false;
-        buttonSearch() {
+        buttonSearch(book_nm, book_id) {
+            this.nowID = book_id
+            this.nowName = book_nm
             this.searchOpen = true;
         closeBtn() {
             this.searchOpen = false;
+        timePick() {
+            const selectedBooks = this.books.filter(book => book.isSelected);
+            if (selectedBooks.length <= 0) {
+                alert('교재를 선택해 주세요.');
+            } else {
+                if (this.checkedItems.length === 1) {
+                    if (this.unitList.find(item => item === this.checkedItems[0])) {
+                        alert('이미 지정된 시간입니다.');
+                    } else {
+                        this.addToNewDataArray(this.checkedItems[0]);
+                        this.searchOpen = false;
+                        this.nowID = ""
+                        this.nowName = ""
+                        this.unitList.push(this.checkedItems[0])
+                        this.checkedItems = []
+                    }
+                } else if (this.checkedItems.length > 1) {
+                    alert('시간은 하나만 선택할 수 있습니다.');
+                } else if (this.checkedItems.length <= 0) {
+                    alert('시간을 선택해 주세요.');
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        addToNewDataArray(selectedTime) {
+            if (!this.newDataArray) {
+                this.newDataArray = [];
+            }
+            const newEntry = {
+                bookNm: this.nowName,
+                scheduleTime: selectedTime.time,
+                scheduleUnit: selectedTime.value,
+                bookId: this.nowID,
+                stdId: "2"
+            };
+            this.newDataArray.push(newEntry);
+        },
+        async insertSchedule() {
+            this.newDataArray = this.DataArray.map(item => ({
+                scheduleUnit: item.scheduleUnit,
+                bookId: item.bookId,
+                stdId: item.stdId
+            }));
+            try {
+                for (let data of this.newDataArray) {
+                    await axios.post('/schedule/insertSchedule.json', data);
+                }
+                alert('학습 일정이 등록됐어요!');
+                this.goToPage('MyPlan')
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.error('데이터 제출 중 오류 발생:', error);
+                alert('데이터 제출 중 오류가 발생했습니다.');
+            }
+        }, checkSchedule() {
+            const sortedArray = this.newDataArray.slice().sort((a, b) => {
+                return a.scheduleUnit - b.scheduleUnit;
+            });
+            this.DataArray = sortedArray;
+        },
+        fetchBooks() {
+            axios({
+                url: "/book/findAll.json",
+                method: "post",
+                headers: {
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
+                },
+            })
+                .then(response => {
+                    this.books = response.data.map(book => ({
+                        ...book,
+                        isSelected: false
+                    }));
+                })
+                .catch(error => {
+                    console.error("fetchBooks - error: ", error);
+                    alert("교재 목록을 불러오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.");
+                });
+        },
+        searchBook() {
+            this.books = ""
+            axios.post("/book/search.json", { book_nm: this.keyword }, {
+                headers: {
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
+                }
+            })
+                .then(response => {
+                    this.books = response.data.list.map(book => ({
+                        ...book,
+                        isSelected: false
+                    }));
+                })
+                .catch(error => {
+                    console.error("fetchUnits - error:", error);
+                    alert("단원 목록을 불러오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.");
+                });
+        }
     watch: {
+        // Watchers for reactivity (if needed)
     computed: {
+        // Computed properties (if needed)
     components: {
     mounted() {
         console.log('Main2 mounted');
+        this.fetchBooks();
 <style scoped>
 .popup-box {
     width: 750px;
(No newline at end of file)
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